Disclaimer: I do not own any Kung Fu Panda Characters

The True Story

Chapter 1: Tragic Beginning

Long ago a red panda named Shifu found an abandoned baby boy snow leopard and raised him as his son. His name was Tai-Lung and at an early age he had a gift for Kung Fu. So, Shifu trained his son till he went to his Master Oogway a wise old turtle and asked to give his son the title of Dragon Warrior. When Oogway refused Tai-Lung became angry and ordered Master Oogway to give him the title but Oogway saw a darkness in the boy's heart and again refused. Tai-Lung attacked Oogway and was defeated locked away forever. Yes, that is the story that was told but no one knows the true story. This is what really happened and this story tells you what made Tai-Lung turn against his father and Master. And it was something more precious than a silly title.

One bright day a young four year old female snow leopard was playing with her brother. The girl's fur was white as snow and she had dark gray eyes. Her name was Jia and she loved her little brother dearly. She pushed a ball to him and he giggled trying to sit up and roll it to her. "Here brother let me help you," she said sweetly. She picked him up and laid on her back raising him high in the air. "Now you can fly my brother," the girl said laughing. The little boy had darker gray fur than his sister but his eyes were red. Yet to her, his eyes were adorable.

"Jia, sweetie time to come in it is dinner time," called their mother. She was a pretty leopard with gray eyes but her fur was lighter.

"Coming mother," said Jia and she carried her brother on her shoulders. They lived in a small village and it was a nice place to live. Soon their father a muscular handsome snow leopard with red eyes and dark gray fur had come home from working as a wood carver.

"Jetta, kids I am home," he called in a deep voice.

"Hello honey," Jetta called kissing her husband.

"Daddy you are home," Jia said hugging her father.

"How is my princess and my little man," said their father kissing both of them on the head. They sat down to dinner when just then they heard screams. "Stay here," their father said looking outside. To his horror gorilla bandits were busting up shops and burning places to the ground. "Quickly we have to leave!" their father shouted. Not bothering to pack Jetta grabbed her son and held onto Jia's paw. They ran outside along with other fleeing villagers. Jia watched in horror as the shops she went too were now on fire. Gorillas ran towards villagers knocking them down and stealing what valuables they had.

"Jia come on quickly!" her mother shouted pulling her closer. Their father was behind them keeping the bandits away. Just then a black gorilla with soulless eyes stopped them.

"Going somewhere?" he asked in a cruel tone. Jia's mother began to cry and she held her son closer. Her father jumped in front of them and said, "Keep going I will hold him off". Her mother didn't want to leave her husband but dragged Jia and her son away. Jia looked back once to see her father and he mouthed to her three words "I love you". Then he turned to fight the gorilla. She saw the gorilla grabbed her dad by the neck and broke it. Tears streamed down her face as the sky darkened.

Thunder and lightning raged in the sky as rain began to pour down on the destroyed village. "Run Jia, keep running," her mother told her. Jia did till she no longer felt her mother's paw. Turning back around her mother had fallen and in her back was a dagger.

"Mother, no!" Jia yelled rushing to her mother's side. Tears stung her face as her brother's cries got louder.

"Take your brother and run Jia, keep running and don't look back," her mother cried. She kissed her son and placed him in Jia's arms. "I love you baby and your brother now run baby run," her mom said her voice fading. Jia took her brother and ran deeper into the woods. Her heart was breaking as the rain poured down harder and harder. Soon her heart was beating that she fell to the ground. Yet, she held her brother close so he wouldn't fall.

"Hush now my brother, I am here for you. It will be alright you are safe," she whispered. Her gentle voice soothed him but she knew they had to keep moving. Holding him closer to keep him warm they wandered deeper into the woods. Jia cried for the loss of her parents but she still had her brother and he needed her. The woods led them to another village. Everyone was sound asleep for it was late at night. Jia was too scared to ask for help especially at night but she saw a huge building and it looked like a palace of some kind. A light was seen through the darkness and Jia had to reach whoever was inside.

She walked up to the steps and began to climb. Her brother and stopped crying but was still scared. "Don't worry my brother we are almost there," she huffed. Her heart was beating faster but she had to reach the top. Finally with her last bit of strength she made it to the top of the stairs and saw a rope that held a bell. Reaching for it she rang it and fell to the ground. Her brother pressed against her chest trying to shelter him from the rain.

The doors opened and Jai saw a small creature the same size as her with huge ears. He had gray fur and a tail wearing a red robe and to his right was a huge green turtle wearing a blue robe too holding a staff. "Oh dear me, what happened to you two?" asked the gray creature.

"Please help us," Jia pleaded.

"Hush, now dear, no need to be frightened. I am Master Oogway and this is my apprentice Master Shifu. Welcome to the Jade Palace," said the old turtle as he helped Jia to her feet. "Please tell us your names," Oogway said.

"My name is Jia and this is my little brother Tai-Lung," she said.

"Come dear girl let us get you out of the rain," Shifu said helping Oogway lead the children inside. "Where are your parents Jia?" he asked. Tears stung Jia's face as the memory flooded back to her.

"They are dead killed by bandits; my brother is the only family I have left. We have no home or any family," she whimpered. Shifu and Oogway exchanged saddened looks and both made a decision.

"You have a home now. You and Tai-Lung can live here at the Jade Palace with us," Shifu said. Jia smiled as did Tai-Lung and for once her heart was filled with hope.

Author's note: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please review. A special thanks to Kungfupandafanatic for coming up with the bandit idea and Jia's name.