A/N: This is the last chapter/epilogue *cries*. I don't want this story to end; it's been so fun to write, and while it may seem like a pretty bad story at times, it was partially off of a dream I had a while ago, and I just added bits and pieces here and there and it turned into this! Over 10,000 words of redeeming what I thought wasn't exactly the best villain and turning him into a pretty decent spy :P. This is my pride and joy right now, and I can't wait to continue it in a sequel, if I can. Miles and Estella will be in my next story, but only for part of it… so I hope you guys like this!

Christine317- You'll find out here!

RushandStreak (I'm going to respond to both of yours here, so…)- Thanks for the amazing compliments *blushes*. I love the A113 meme in the Disney movies, so I made sure it was in here at least once. And yes, you will find out here what happened afterwards and if Finn and Miles are okay.

Finn had given out on the ambulance after being moved; they had resorted to a life-support system, which made him just capable of surviving the ride. He was rushed to the emergency room at CHROME when they arrived, barely even alive. The doctors were silent as they examined him, shocked at the amount of damage that had occurred in less than a second, and how he could have survived as long as he did. Practically every part in his engine had to be replaced, along with his missile-launching mechanism and one of his guns. Someone had already called in the parts, but it would still be a while before they were delivered, and CHROME only had a few parts on hand. The doctors replaced what they could, but it wasn't enough. They were forced the leave Finn on life support for almost two weeks until the extra parts were collected and delivered because of the sheer number of them he needed.

Periodically (almost constantly, but she would never admit it), Holley checked on him, peaking into his room, being greeted with the same dismal sight of a car on his last tire. Each time, it made her tank sink. He was the one that opened her up to working in the field, and had caused her to love every minute of it. She could never imagine working with anyone else besides him.

Miles drove into the building a couple days after the mission was over, admittedly because he forgot that he was using a backup engine and he ended up needing a jump start that morning—he had strained his batteries too much. He saw Holley checking on Finn, then quietly closing the door and almost trying to sneak away, she ran into him by accident.

"Hello, how are you?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Holley," he said quietly, "He'll be fine, I promise."

"How are any of your promises even worth anything?" Holley said. She had always been bitter to him since he was forced into the agency, which was unlike her, but seemed almost justified to Miles. After all, he did try to kill her at one point.

"If there's one time in your life that you ever trust me, it should be now. Finn McMissile will live to see another mission."


"Call it a theory of mine," he said almost cryptically, "but cars were made to survive almost anything life could face them with."

"I hope you're right," Holley said, still not really believing him, and she drove out of the room.

When she left, Miles took a turn checking on Finn. He wasn't sure himself that what he said was true. When they had taken all of the broken parts out of him, Finn was a shell of himself, clinging to life with a large support system that almost encompassed him. Miles knew that he wanted him dead at first, but he had helped to give him a second chance; that was something he considered equal to saving his life. "You have to make it through this. Don't give up yet," he told him, though he probably couldn't hear it over the whir of the machines keeping him alive, if he was even awake. Suddenly, Miles's secondary engine died, meaning that he had run out of battery power. A doctor patrolling the hallways saw that he was stuck and placed him in the room next to Finn.

He heard the life support system through the wall while he was waiting; it made him shiver slightly out of doubt and worry. It didn't take long for a doctor to enter the room and essentially tell him what he already knew: he was functioning on his backup engine for too long, so he had dead batteries on top of the original broken piston. The batteries were a relatively quick fix, but the broken piston was another matter; the entire assembly would have to be replaced. He was stuck in the hospital for another day while the parts were being ordered, but they were delivered relatively quickly. Miles almost hoped that there would be some delay in the parts getting there, as if Finn's would get there faster if there was. The piston assembly was replaced the next morning, and he was released, feeling as if it never even happened.

Estella was much quieter than her normal self in the days that followed. She couldn't bear to visit Finn, but she desperately wanted to at the same time to make sure he was still alright. She had been moping for three days before Miles finally told her that he would go with her if she wanted to. "I'd love that," she smiled sadly, "Thank you."

They both made it to the hospital, but Estella stopped outside, "I don't know if I can do this," she said uncertainly.

"You don't have to!" Finn called out from the hospital doorway, making her eyes light up.

"You're alright!" she raced over to him, embracing him, and he returning the favor.

"Welcome back, Finn," Miles said happily as he made his way down the ramp, "Everyone was worried that you weren't going to make it."

"Nonsense!" Finn said with a lot more pep than normal, "I could never leave my friends. It would hurt me a lot more than it would hurt all of you."

"You consider me… a friend?"

"Of course," Finn said happily, "Why wouldn't I?"

"But… what about Big Bentley and the bomb and everything that happened before?"

"Everyone has their faults," Finn said, "which means it doesn't matter what happens at first. It's the second chance that truly determines character, which is why all cars deserve one. And," he said with a smile, "After this mission, I can honestly say that I'm honored to be friends with you. I look forward to working together in the future," he said, and then drove off to find Holley, leaving him and Estella in front of the hospital.

"How could he forgive me after all I've done?" Miles asked her.

"Finn is probably the kindest car I've ever met," Estella said, "He doesn't care much about the past, probably because it haunts him. He's lost so many friends, I doubt he wants to lose any more for any reason at all, so he makes as many as possible."

Miles was quiet for a minute, unsure of what to say, "Did you listen to the lie detector questions I was asked when I first came here?"

"There's a reason why I was the one to rehabilitate you. Why?"

"I was thinking about the last question about if I would participate in the Allinol scandal again if I could. The issue is that my answer hasn't changed. I would still have wanted to participate in it, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet anyone here."

"That's not an issue," Estella said with a smile, "That's a change of heart. I was given a similar question at first when I had to take that test. At first, I said no, but then I realized that if I hadn't been in the black market, I wouldn't have met anyone that make up my life now."

They were both silent for a minute, watching the sun set into the horizon and the sky turn dark blue, the last glints of light shining off of the two cars. They turned to go back to the main station, when Miles remembered something he wanted to ask Estella, "There's a Disney movie coming out in theatres soon. Would you like to go?"

Estella blushed slightly, smiling, "I can't wait."

A/N: That's all, folks! Keep an eye out for Industrial Revolution II in the archive soon! Thanks for all of the reviews on this story and the favs/follows :D
