Only You Two
Some days Haruka hated the journalists with their cameras, the flashing lights, the cleverly disguised questions designed to make him reveal more of himself than he truly wanted to. Some days, he didn't feel beautiful or glamorous even.
It was not one of those days.
Haruka felt like he had been vibrating all day leading up to this very moment that he and his band mates were awarded one of the most prestigious awards one could earn. Pure bliss and ecstasy was running through his body and he could feel the perfect atmosphere clinging to every pore of his body. It seemed that the planets had aligned themselves for him this night, making sure that everything around him was simply perfect.
Winning every award, capturing the attention of anybody that meant anything, glowing with the knowledge that he looked fantastic. He simply felt fucking royal.
In addition to everything else, before they'd left, Makoto and Rin were barely able to take their hands off of him, running them all over him making him hot and bothered in just the right places. Haruka had to make them both a promise that they'd be able to spend the night together so he shooed away his lovers because they were making everybody late. Secretly, Haruka had been ecstatic because he wanted to end up in Makoto's bed alongside of Rin.
In fact, Haruka sometimes found himself thinking how lucky he was to end up with both of them. Rin and Makoto had been dating before Haruka came into the picture and when Haruka had just about had enough of those sexy noises they made at night, he decided to just join in their fun. In the beginning it was awkward because Haruka didn't really know how to divide his attention but they managed and now they were perfectly happy together. However, to the outside world, only Makoto and Rin formed a couple so it was hard to see them clinging to each other in public. Whenever Haruka felt a bit left out, either Makoto or Rin would look at him with a look that made him shiver with want and lust.
Throughout the evening, it had been Rin who was the only glitch in Haruka's perfect universe. His lover had been fine, right up until they'd arrived in the thick of things and then Haruka noticed that Rin started to get moody and clingy. Haruka wasn't used to Rin being clingy and he wasn't sure how he would handle Rin's mood swings.
Haruka didn't mind the fact that Rin didn't seem to want to leave his side all night. However, Rin's moods started swinging back and forth like a pendulum of uncertainty and fear. One minute, Rin looked as though someone had run over his cat and the next his was bouncing on his feet and melting Haruka's insides with his shark-toothed grin. Every once in a while, Haruka's eyes flew open in a daze when Rin subtly touched him in places that weren't meant to be touched in public. Haruka would always look at Makoto for some kind of help but the olive-haired male pretended that Rin was acting just like usual.
Mikoshiba had been there of course, making Haruka smile with his courting act, pretending to sweep Haruka off his feet. The public loved it when they openly flirted with each other and to be honest, Haruka got a kick out of it. One part of him did it because he absolutely wanted to hide his relationship with Makoto and Rin and another side of him just loved the attention.
By the time they had finished celebrating, Haruka's feet felt like they were going to drop off and his jaw hurt a little from smiling so much. Haruka always put up walls around him when he was in public, he tried to keep his usual stoic demeanour to himself because that's what their manager had told him to do. It was hard in the beginning but after a little while, he was used to the fact that people dared to approach him because he seemed so friendly and warm.
The raven-haired male was relieved to be shoved into the black limo that would drive them back to the hotel. Haruka buzzed with excitement because Rin was sitting on his right and Makoto had dutifully taken his position on his left.
"It's so hard to believe we won everything," Nagisa grinned as he held a champagne flute out towards Rei, who was trying to fill the glass without spilling a drop of the delicious and sparkling drink.
"You should have more faith in us," Makoto teased poking his tongue out at the blonde. Nagisa simply laughed and Haruka smiled a small smile, trying to catch Rin's eye.
The redhead had turned away from Haruka though, silently staring out of the window and tuning out on everyone or perhaps he was just ignoring everybody. Makoto flashed Haruka a questioning look and Haruka just shrugged, trying to hide his worry. In fact, Haruka found it rather daunting that even Makoto wasn't able to dissect what had been on Rin's mind. Haruka could feel his belly twist uncomfortably because he had never seen Rin behave this way. Sure, Rin was moody from time to time but honestly, who wasn't? They had a hectic life and they hardly had any time to take a break. It was hard for Haruka to realise that Rin had shut him out and in the back of his mind, Haruka wondered whether he had done something wrong.
Haruka could only hope that whatever it was, Rin would be over it by the time they got to the hotel. The raven-haired male was still high on the night and he wanted to end it by celebrating with the two men that he loved more than anything in the world. Haruka knew the perfect way to celebrate and he couldn't wait to hear those sexy moans and gasps but it seemed that the evening was going to end up rather anti-climactic.
Haruka's mind decided that as soon as the three of them got to Makoto's room, Haruka was going strip Rin down and work his delicious lips and tongue on the redhead while he was being thoroughly fucked by the olive-haired male.
They both knew how to cheer Rin up and when Haruka glanced towards the redhead again, he could feel something twitch in his pants as he imagined them being in full control, making Rin forget what it was that was bothering him in the first place. Haruka squirmed a bit in his seat, thinking about it, wishing that Rin would look at him so that Haruka could tell him with his eyes what he wanted to do. However, Rin never looked at him but Haruka found that he couldn't stop looking at the redhead. He knew that he should probably stop staring at Rin but he simply couldn't. The longer he started, the stronger the urge to reach between Rin's legs and grip him there became…
Haruka blushed a little when he realised he'd been staring at Rin's groin for quite some time and he quickly looked up to see if the others had noticed. Nagisa and Rei were busy cooing over the awards in their lap but when Haruka's eyes met Makoto's, Haruka felt his entire body blush. Those emerald gems regarded him with so much lust that Haruka found it hard to not throw himself around Makoto and kiss him senseless. Once again, Haruka was stuck between his two boyfriends and he couldn't wait to get them both naked.
Haruka smiled at Nagisa's silly antics and he wished that Rin would finally relax and pay them some attention. Haruka discreetly smoothed his hand over Rin's knee, pressing himself a little closer to Rin's side. The redhead finally turned to face him and Haruka lowered his eyelids coyly and gave him a look that he knew the redhead would recognise. Rin just gave him a tiny smile and returned to gazing out of the window of the limousine.
Haruka wrinkled his nose in disdain, he honestly felt a bit rejected. Normally, when Haruka looked at Rin like that, the redhead would give him the patented grin and lick his tongue over his bottom lip when no one was looking, to let Haruka know that he was up for it too, which he always was. Haruka's heart felt heavy in his chest and he felt his own mood of pure bliss start to plummet, he didn't want this perfect night to be ruined because Rin was feeling pissed.
By the time they reached the hotel, they were all much quieter as the idea of sleeping in the softest of beds became more and more appealing. They'd had a wonderful yet very exhausting day. Nagisa and Rei shared some small chatter as they all took the elevator to reach their rooms. Haruka kept quiet as he continued watching the redhead with an uneasy expression. Makoto stood next to the raven-haired male and he seemed equally surprised by the sour mood that Rin was radiating. It wasn't often that even Makoto didn't know what to do with his boyfriend.
"Hey," Makoto said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'm not ready to go to bed yet." Makoto placed his chin down on Rin's shoulder.
"Can Haru come and hang out with us?" Makoto asked softly and he made sure that Nagisa and Rei understood that he wanted to be alone with Rin and Haruka.
"Sure, whatever," Rin shrugged, staring straight ahead, watching the numbers rise as they rode the elevator.
Makoto straightened up again and looked at the floor, ignoring the troubled looks from Rei and Nagisa as they got quiet. It was obvious to everyone that something was up and it was Makoto's job to try and sort the redhead out. After all, they'd been boyfriends for almost two years now. Nagisa and Rei were well aware of the fact that Haruka was also a part of the relationship but it was never discussed openly.
Nobody said another word until they reached the floor and said their good nights before disappearing into their rooms. Haruka gingerly followed Makoto and Rin into their room. Rin walked right in and strode across the room towards the balcony as Haruka closed the door behind him and flipped on the light switch. He stepped out onto the balcony where Rin stood.
"So what's up?" Haruka asked softly, afraid that if he spoke up a little more, he would receive a snarky comment.
Rin turned around to face him and before Haruka realised what happened, he was pinned against the cool glass of the sliding door. Haruka opened his mouth to ask what he was doing but before he could, Rin had his lips against Haruka's, prying them apart with his tongue as his body pressed flush against Haruka's. Rin kissed the raven-haired male so hard that the latter could hardly breathe. Haruka's lungs felt like they were going to explode but all he could do was moan into Rin's mouth and kiss him back with desperation and want. Perhaps the night would not wind up being so anti-climactic after all.
Rin finally released Haruka's lips, panting as he looked into those shimmering sapphire gems. "So, are you going to let him fuck you?" Rin asked with a serious tone and Haruka blinked a few times, hardly recognizing the words that Rin had just uttered.
"Excuse me?" Haruka asked as his gaze flitted to those pink and slightly swollen lips that he desperately wanted to feel on his own again.
"Are you going to let him fuck you?" Rin asked again, sounding irritated and impatient. Rin licked Haruka's lips once. "Or have you already?"
"What the fuck are you even talking about?" Haruka grumbled, closing his eyes and pulling Rin's head closer to him so that he could run his tongue up the side of Rin's neck.
Rin yanked his head back, eyes dark and dangerous. "Mikoshiba, is he fucking you?" Rin had Haruka pinned down and he watched the raven-haired male like a hawk, ready to pounce when needed.
"The fuck, no!" Haruka shook his head, "I'd never let him, I swear."
Rin kissed Haruka again, dragging his teeth along Haruka's bottom lip.
"Then why were you flirting with him?" Rin growled into Haruka's ear.
Haruka furrowed his brows, confusion splayed across his beautiful face. Yeah, he'd joked around with the boy as he always did but Haruka didn't think that should be called flirting. It was all harmless and all Haruka wanted to do is make sure no one found out what kind of relationship he had with Makoto and Rin. It's not something that everyone would accept that easily and Haruka would never want to destroy the reputation of the band.
Rin was waiting for a response and Haruka just stood there, trying to figure out what exactly sparked Rin to behave this way. Suddenly, it finally clicked. Rin was…jealous.
"We were just playing around." Haruka muttered as he lowered his gaze. He kind of wanted Makoto to back him up but the olive-haired male was currently taking a shower so it seemed that Haruka had to fix this mess by himself.
"Fuck it Haruka, Mikoshiba isn't playing around," Rin said, rubbing himself roughly against Haruka's groin. "He wants you, they all do. It drives me fucking crazy. You and Makoto drive me fucking crazy." Rin growled lowly and Haruka's eyes widened.
Haruka would've never figured that Rin could be this jealous. Sure, he was possessive but he had never behaved like this before. It was kind of hot that Rin was so possessive of the two of them. Haruka never figured out who 'they' were and he didn't even bother to ask.
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to see you and Makoto on that stage every single time and I'm not allowed to touch you?" Rin bit out as he ground his hips against Haruka's again. A small gasp escaped from Haruka's lips as he could feel Rin's erection press against his own.
"You both are so fucking sexy that it drives me up the wall when I look at the two of you," Rin continued and Haruka listened to the redhead with short and panting breaths. Haruka never knew that it was this hard on Rin. Sure, Haruka sometimes felt the need to be touchy and feely when he was pouring his heart and soul into their songs but usually Haruka didn't have that much trouble with waiting until night came.
Haruka moaned into Rin's mouth as his lips were devoured again, and he pushed his hips forward. Rin's words had made him hotter than anything had in a long time. The only thing he really wanted was right here in front of him, rubbing against him and making it known that he wanted the exact same thing.
"So… I'm not allowed to flirt?" Haruka asked while flicking out his tongue to lick at his own bottom lip, teasing Rin as much as possible.
Rin growled, pressing his palm right between Haruka's legs. "Of course not."
Haruka worried at his lip to stop from crying out as he pushed into Rin's hand. "But you flirt with Makoto all the time," Haruka panted.
"Yeah I flirt with my boyfriend, you flirt with some random dude that isn't even worth a glance," Rin replied, his eyes glinting dangerously.
"So I'm only allowed to flirt with you or Makoto?" Haruka teased but as soon as Rin pressed his palm down again, Haruka felt himself start to unravel. Rin was trying to claim him and Haruka wanted nothing more.
"You got that fucking right," Rin said simply, holding Haruka's chin with his free hand and kissing him hard and slow, his delicious tongue sweeping around the insides of Haruka's mouth.
Haruka surrendered to the kiss immediately, clinging to Rin's shirt with shaking hands.
"So, shall we get inside and flirt with our boyfriend?" Haruka said softly, running his hands through Rin's cherry-red hair. Haruka kissed Rin again, a bit more forceful and harder this time, inviting Rin back into his mouth. Haruka was so hard that he was actually hurting and he wanted nothing more than to go back inside. He needed to be with his lovers, he wanted to feel his entire body sing with want and pleasure.
"We should stop," Haruka gasped against the redhead's lips. "Anyone could see us." Haruka panted heavily, not really wanting to stop kissing Rin but he needed to.
"A part of me wants them to see," Rin panted harshly, biting down on Haruka's neck. "I want everybody to know who you really get on your knees for."
To be honest, Haruka would have been down on his knees that very moment if it wasn't for the fact that Rin was holding him up.
"You know, Mikoshiba did try to kiss me," Haruka whispered, enjoying all the attention he was receiving. Right now he was Rin's whole world and he couldn't get enough of that feeling.
"I'll fucking rip his tongue out," Rin swore, yanking hard on the front of Haruka's jeans to get them undone.
Haruka cried out as Rin's hand worked its way into his boxers and wrapped around his cock. Rin jerked his hand a few times before leading Haruka back inside, still clamping his hand around Haruka's erection. When they both stumbled in, their gaze flitted towards Makoto.
The olive-haired male stood in the centre of the bedroom, a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. His hair was still dripping a little and tiny droplets of water clung to his broad shoulders and naked torso. Rin gulped loudly as his eyes darted over that delicious body, stopping at Makoto's right hipbone. Rin loved the tattoo that Makoto had there, it was a black star with several smaller stars surrounding it. Some of the small stars were hidden beneath the towel and only Rin and Haruka knew just how far down the stars reached. Haruka licked his lips as he took in the sight of his other boyfriend, seemingly unfazed by the fact that Rin had his hand shoved down Haruka's pants. Neither Rin nor Haruka could form any kind of words as they were being devoured by those sparkling and blazing emerald gems.
"I see you two made up," Makoto said with a calm voice, keeping his gaze steady on the two boys who had tinged cheeks from being looked at like that.
Haruka opened his mouth to reply but his reply came out a shuddering moan as Rin ran his tongue up the column of his neck. The redhead continued laving his tongue against Haruka's neck and Makoto simply kept his gaze unreadable. Haruka was torn between the two of them but when Rin squeezed around his erection, Haruka couldn't help but cry out.
"Rin, come here," Makoto demanded but the redhead didn't comply. It was the first time that Rin ever ignored a request that was made by Makoto. Haruka gasped as he watched Makoto slightly tilt his head as if he didn't quite understand why Rin wasn't doing what he was supposed to do.
"Make me," Rin teased as he bit down on Haruka's neck.
Haruka's breath stuttered as he watched Makoto leisurely come closer, a powerful stride across the room. When Makoto stood in front of the pair, Haruka couldn't control the heaving of his chest. Rin still had his hand clamped around his erection and the way Makoto was looking at Rin was making him feel dizzy.
"Make you huh," Makoto muttered and Rin smirked at the olive-haired male. Ready for the competition of dominance to begin. Makoto roughly grabbed Rin by his collar and he smashed his lips against Rin's, leaving nothing to Haruka's imagination. Haruka could clearly see Makoto's tongue sliding around Rin's and the sight of the two boys making out was enough to make Haruka moan ever so slightly. When Rin squeezed down again, Haruka cried out once more, his senses on overload. Just before Makoto pulled away, he bit down on Rin's lower lip, making a tiny cut that started bleeding in an instant. Rin didn't seem to mind one bit, in fact, it made him feel hotter than ever before. If there was one thing he loved, it was Makoto dominating him.
"Is that the best you can do?" Rin teased and Makoto shook his head a little while smiling deviously at the redhead. Haruka had never seen them interact this way and he held his breath as Rin was being dragged towards the bed. Haruka was glad that his body got a moment to cool down but the way Makoto and Rin were going at in on the bed wasn't exactly helping him cool down… on the contrary.
Rin was pinned down by the olive-haired male and when Makoto yanked on Rin's shirt, some of the buttons popped off and ricocheted against the wall. Haruka wanted to pout because he loved seeing Rin in that shirt, it made the redhead so irresistibly gorgeous. Makoto's tongue ruthlessly swirled around in Rin's mouth and the redhead moaned loudly. Makoto bit down on Rin's neck, bruising bits of skin here and there. Rin arched his back and leaned into Makoto's insistent tongue that was toying with the nipple ring in his right nipple.
"Fuck, Mako," Rin growled as Makoto slowed down his teasing just a bit. The olive-haired male sat back a little, admiring the love-bites that were splayed over the column of Rin's neck. They'd be a pain to cover with make-up tomorrow but Makoto couldn't bring himself to care. Makoto quickly made work of the rest of Rin's clothing and the redhead was splayed across the bed, looking gloriously naked. Haruka's fingers nervously twitched but he knew better than to disturb Makoto and Rin when they were behaving like this. He would patiently wait his turn to join them…
Rin scowled into the mattress as Makoto flipped him over until the redhead rested on his belly.
"Don't make me regret coming over," Rin snarled as he teased Makoto by wiggling his behind. Makoto grunted and lifted Rin a little until the redhead's ass was poised up high into the air. Rin expected to feel one of Makoto's fingers at his entrance but he moaned loudly when he felt something entirely different. Something warm and wet tickled his skin and Rin gasped when Makoto teased him with his tongue.
"Oh fuck," Rin moaned as Makoto slid his tongue into the redhead. Rin's head hung between his shoulders as he dropped his spine and shuddered, pushing back against Makoto's tongue.
Makoto was trusting his tongue in and out quickly and Rin was ready to explode. Makoto didn't usually fuck him with his mouth, the only time he used his tongue was to gently lick and tease. Makoto finally pulled his mouth away and Rin panted in relief. He slumped back against the bed, he slowly turned his head a little to gaze at the forgotten boy that stood where he had left him earlier. Haruka's entire face was flushed because he had never seen Makoto do something like that.
"So, are you coming over or do I have to make you come here as well?" Makoto said huskily and Haruka was ready to faint. His whole body shook with anticipation and need as he walked towards the bed. Haruka kept his eyes on the redhead, afraid that if he were to face Makoto, he'd finally faint. Makoto looked so incredibly hot while tonguing Rin's behind and Haruka's whole body burned just from watching. When Haruka reached the bed, he was tugged down by Makoto's hand and in an instant, Makoto was on top of him, pinning him down.
"Look at me," Makoto demanded and Haruka's eyes fluttered open, only to drown in those blazing emerald gems. Makoto was radiating dominance and Haruka didn't even dare to make a move. Makoto's deft hands took off Haruka's clothes at an excruciating slow pace, driving Haruka wild with desire. When Haruka was naked as well, it dawned on him that Makoto still had his towel wrapped around his waist. Haruka wanted to reach out and take it off but the glint in Makoto's eyes made him think twice about that. Makoto grabbed both of Haruka's legs and he swung them over his shoulders lifting Haruka up a little. Haruka gasped when Makoto ran his hands over his torso, shuddering at the burning sensation that Makoto's hands left on his hot skin.
A loud cry bounced off the wall as Rin took Haruka's weeping erection into his mouth, laving his tongue in all the right places. Rin hollowed his cheeks to apply more pressure as he bobbed his head up and down. Haruka's eyes fluttered closed only to fly open when he felt something wet against his entrance. Haruka couldn't believe that Makoto was using his tongue to tease him there.
"Aagghn, Mak-oto," Haruka panted as he clawed at the sheets of the bed, ready to rip them to shreds. His whole body was singing with pleasure and this was not what he had first envisioned, this was even better. When Makoto's tongue slipped in Haruka, the raven-haired male saw stars. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs as a blazing hot fire surged through his veins.
The teasing continued until Haruka was a moaning and panting mess. Just when Haruka was about to shout that he couldn't hold himself in longer, both Makoto and Rin stopped, leaving him bereft of all touch. Haruka tried to desperately catch his breath but when Rin settled between his legs, Haruka's heart started beating even faster. The redhead looked down at the raven-haired male and with a wicked grin, he slipped a finger into the boy with the shimmering sapphire gems. Rin continued preparing the raven-haired male and just when he was about to slip his cock inside the shivering boy, Rin turned his head to gaze at Makoto who sat behind him. With a cocky smirk on his face and with crimson eyes that held a song of passion in them he said huskily: "Fuck me."
Rin was ruthlessly shoved forward and Haruka cried out when the redhead slipped his cock in. Rin could hear Makoto reach for the bottle of lube to slick up his fingers. The redhead rolled his hips and the tip of his length grazed over Haruka's prostate. Haruka shuddered and a loud moan rolled off his lips as Rin continued brushing over that special spot. The redhead hissed when Makoto prepared him with a fast pace, not giving a damn about a thorough and careful preparation. He wanted the redhead ever since Rin turned down his initial request. It made Makoto burn with a passion to own the redhead and own him he would.
Haruka eyes rolled as Rin shoved into him as deep as possible. When Haruka opened his eyes, he could see Rin's face contort with pleasure as Makoto thrust into him, deeply and roughly. Rin's own thrusts became more violent and rough as he was left at the mercy of Makoto. The olive-haired male was in charge and he panted in Rin's ear, making the redhead swoon with desire. Makoto would sometimes slow down, extending their passionate love-making as long as possible.
Haruka keened when his orgasm hit him like a freight-train, the translucent and sticky substance coated his own belly and another moan was drawn from him as Rin came inside of him, chanting Haruka's name like a mantra. Rin slumped against Haruka, their stomachs sliding against each other, smearing Haruka's cum all over them both. Makoto trusted a few more times before the loudest moan of the entire night bounced off the wall as he found his release.
Makoto flopped onto his back and Rin soon crawled on top of him, his head resting on Makoto's shoulder. Makoto threw his arm around Haruka so that the raven-haired male could curl up beside him. It always ended up like this, no matter how many times Makoto dominated the both of them, Makoto would always be the one to pull them close, pressing them against himself.
"So why were you so upset before?" Makoto asked gently as he pressed a soft kiss on Rin's forehead.
"Well, Haruka flirted with Mikoshiba," Rin said with a loud sigh, not really wanting to rehash those stinging feelings he'd felt earlier tonight.
Makoto snorted and Haruka huffed in disdain.
"I wasn't flirting, I was… never mind," Haruka scoffed as he turned around to face Makoto and Rin, keeping his face pressed against Makoto's torso.
"I'll still fucking rip his tongue out," Rin growled and Makoto chuckled a little. It was just like Rin to get so possessive but Makoto wouldn't want him any other way.
"I was just teasing," Haruka huffed and Rin smirked at the raven-haired male.
"You better be," Rin poked his tongue out and Makoto simply rolled his eyes while a small smile curled his lips.
"You know I only want you two."
A/N: Well, this sort of just happened… I can only hope that you enjoyed reading!
I might add a few more chapters since I still have some nice ideas rolling around in my mind. So let me know if you want more of this!
And if you don't, well this functions as a one-shot just fine then :)
Thanks for reading!
Lots of love!