I have a couple things to say before you start reading, a: This is a 2p! Character fic, and I'm not sure I got all the names right. Probably not. Ah well. B: I wrote this on my kindle, which is mentally handicapped, and I can't always do the right thing on it, so all spelling errors and the like are on account of that. And c: Canada and America are still France and England's colonies in this. I wasn't sure if that was still true of the 2p! Universe or not, so it is in this fic.

Enjoy this twisted little fic.

X) X) X)

The chilly winter morning made James shiver in his red sweater. The young boy was out hunting for the first time and he honestly had no idea what Jean expected him to come home with. James was at the park, scanning the crowds of people milling with their children. He noticed a family all together, laughing and smiling, and he was hit withe a pang of jealousy. Yes, Jean and Oliver provided for him, but there was no love for them in that house. James walked slowly to the deserted swings that were swaying in the breeze. Sitting and pushing himself slightly, he calculated correctly when he figured that the bully would foment after him. This child was an abandoned orphan that went after anyone the relieve himself of his sadness. James figured that no one would miss this child. As the bully approached James, the small Blonde boy put on the charms that he learner from Jean. James smiled and said sweetly, "Do you want to play with me?"

The bully was obviously stunned. Had no one ever asked the child to play before? Apparently not. "Sure. I'm Fiorello, but you can call me Fio." The boy said.

James got off the swing. "Lets go play hide and seek in the woods.

Fio looked scared, "The woods? Why?"

James shrugged, "Better hiding places."

Fio still looked a bit cautious hut agreed anyway.

"I'm James." He said over his shoulder, leading the other boy into the dark and silent woods. "You count. I'll hide. Don't worry though, I won't go far." James set out to hide. 'Good thing Jean taught me how to be silent in the woods' James thought to himself, settling himself in a spot that he could easily leap out of. He waited until he heard Fio blundering by, he crept up behind the auburn -haired boy and untied the cord Jean told him to always wear around his wrist. James threw the cord around the bully's neck, and was overcome with a strange bloodlust. Fio struggled, and tried to rip the cord off his neck, but James' hold was too strong. The other boys struggles slowly ceased, and after he twitched one last time, James loosed the cord. Breathing hard, and strangely elated, James took off running towards his house. He burst in, and ran to Jean's study, where he found him polishing one of his many guns. The older blonde looked up at the panting boy. "Done already?"

James nodded and Jean got up and told James to bring him to the body. James was still riding off of his post -kill high, and quickly led Jean to where Fio's body still lay. Jean paced around the corpse a few times and nodded approvingly to James. "Ollie's cooking Italian tonight, boy."