A/N: Hey there. Umm. . . I have a few excuses like I had a con among other things, but it doesn't really matter so enjoy the fic!


"Armin, I thought you said this was a café!"

"It is a café."

"A normal café Armin, normal."

Eren tried to stress to Armin the importance of normal. He pinched the bridge of his nose, as he looked up at the overly colorful sign.

"What's wrong with it? It's cute."

Armin was acting as if nothing was wrong, when something was clearly wrong. Eren could be overreacting but he just wanted a normal job at a normal café, not this...

"Just come inside, the manager is waiting," Armin grabbed his best friends arm and pulled him inside.

Jingle, jingle.

"Okaerinasai goshujin-sama," a blonde girl bowed at the door to them.

"It's okay Krista, it's just us," Armin said, smiling at his coworker. She looked to Armin and then to Eren.

"Oh, is this the friend you got the interview for?"

Armin nodded, "Yeah, this is Eren, Eren this is Krista."

Eren gave a smile and waved, "Hey."

Wait... He looked at the blonde girl more closely, narrowing his eyes. Krista nervously giggled under his intense gaze.

"I have to wear that!" He pointed at Krista's outfit, perplexed.

Armin sighed, shaking his head, and sending an apologetic look to Krista.

"Not if you don't go to the managers room now, he hates tardiness."

Armin continued to tug his friend past Krista and to the back of the café. They reached a door with a plate on it that read, "Manager," in silver writing.

"Now knock before you enter, be very polite, and be sure to call him sir."

Eren nodded, feeling the nerves start to build; it's been so long since he's had a job. He doesn't really remember how to socialize properly with strangers, though he did get some practice the other day at the bakery, thanks to Levi. Damn it, he can't start thinking about Levi or he'll start to miss him and want to go home to him.
Eren shuck his head to clear those thoughts.

"Alright, thanks Armin."
He gave his friend a hug before he turned to leave, and Eren tentatively knocked on the door.


Levi laid back in the couch, enjoying his day off. He had just finished placing his order for the, "Swivel Sucker 2000," and was very pleased with himself. Eren had left not to long ago; Armin called him about his interview being today. Eren made them breakfast and the eggs where in the shape of hearts, Levi didn't even know he owned those cutouts. After they ate Eren left, but not without a long goodbye kiss.
Levi wished him luck by telling the brunette to break a leg. Eren then said that they weren't doing a play so if he actually did break a leg, he'd hold the raven solely responsible.

Levi rolled his eyes.

Eren stuck out his tongue.

Then Levi slammed the door shut.

Eren proceeded to pout outside the door as he walked away.

So here we are now. And for some reason Levi was bored. He didn't know why he was bored, usually on day offs, he'd watch shows on Netflix, or clean, usually both. But there was nothing to clean and he wasn't in the mood for Netflix.

He checked his phone and as usual, there was a... ten texts from Hanji.

'Good morning.'

'How are you and Eren?'

'Oh, Eren said he's going to a job interview. Poor Levi must be so bored without his Eren around.'

'Why don't I come over and keep you company?'

'Yes I asked Eren for his number when you weren't around.'

Levi didn't even bother to read the rest, instead he just sent, 'fine.'
Within five seconds he received a reply, 'I'll be there in 10.'

He sighed, and laid back on the couch, closing his eyes. He never realized how tired he was until his vision went dark...


"How did it go?!"

Eren had just emerged from the manager's office, and as soon as he was in view Armin ran to him. Eren noticed that the blonde had gotten up from a table with Erwin. He raised an eyebrow and Erwin waved to him from his seat. Armin grabbed the brunettes arm and dragged him over to the table.

"I was just telling Erwin about your interview."

Does Erwin come here often? Now that Eren thought about it, he never really took the time to ask about Armin's relationship status. He was too engulfed in his own relationship, to even notice a development in his best friends.

"Does Levi know that you'll be working in a place like this? I'd imagine he'd get pretty jealous," Erwin chuckled.

Would he really?

"I actually didn't tell him where I was applying, I didn't even know myself until this freak dragged me here," Eren proceeded to rub Armin's head, successfully messing up his hair.

"Hey!" Armin whined, removing the offending hand from his once perfect hair. "Speaking of, how did it go?"

"Well..." Eren looked off into the distance, trying his best to recall what the man just said to him. "He told me to come back tomorrow with my measurements."

"Eren, that's great!" Armin cheered. "That means he's going to have a uniform made for you," Armin said, excited by the thought of working with his best friend.
Eren nodded, but wasn't really showing his joy at the possible opportunity. He had something else on his mind. He looked at Erwin.

"Do you always come here?"

Armin looked at Eren, wondering what he was getting at.

"Well it's only my third time here, Armin told me about a week ago that this is where he works. So occasionally on my off time I come over. I bet when Levi finds out, this will be his new favorite place as well."

Eren could feel his cheeks warm at the hinting tone Erwin's voice dropped to. The older man smirked and cast his gaze to Armin, sending a silent message.

"Speaking of Levi, you should get him to take your measurements," Armin suggested, elbowing his friend in the side.
Eren's mouth opened and his brows stuck together. He couldn't do that, It'd be embarrassing.

"No, Armin can't you just do it?"

"I refuse, you have a boyfriend for a reason, use him."
Then for some reason, Armin and Erwin began to laugh. Their eyes were watering and they were laughing at his pain.


Hanji unlocked the door to Levi's condo, quietly letting herself in. She wanted to sneak up on Levi and surprise him. She's had a key to Levi's place since she stole his and made a copy. At first Levi was pissed, but he eventually stopped caring.

Hanji quietly walked inside and looked around. Then she spotted the raven passed out on the couch. She walked over and smiled, looking down on him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. In fact it was such a rare sight that she wanted to share it with someone else who might enjoy it. She snaked out here phone and took a quick picture of the sleeping angel, sending it to a certain brunette in her contacts. She snickered to herself and sat down next to him, turning on the TV.

About fifteen minutes later, Levi started to stir. He blinked a few times, and the sound of the TV slowly brought him to full consciousness. He sat up and felt a warm body next to him, he got a little happy thinking it was Eren, so he scooted closer to the figure and turned to give his lover a smooch. But that's when he noticed that his lover had longer hair than before.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Hanji felt Levi moving on the couch and noticed he was a lot closer than he usually would be.
When Levi saw it was Hanji, he instantly fell off the couch.

"Levi are you okay?" She asked, noticing the shock and disappointment on the ravens face. "Oh! Did you think I was Eren!" She began to laugh.
Levi sent her a menacing glare, "Shut up, shitty-glasses. When did you get here? How long was I out?"

"When I came you were asleep and that was about twenty minutes ago. So you were probably sleeping for a half-hour."
Levi nodded, and got back on the couch. He did feel a bit better after his nap. His gaze cast to the TV and he wrinkled his nose. Hanji was watching some gross autopsy.

"Get that shit off my TV."

Hanji sighed with an, "okay," as she grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

"Sooo..." Hanji started, looking at her long time friend. "Eren?"

Levi raised an eyebrow, turning to look at her. "What about him?"

"He's a keeper isn't he?" Her grin took over her face.

"I don't know..." Levi trailed off. He looked to the ground as he continued. "He could be gone by tomorrow, I really don't know."

"But you don't want him to leave," she said it as more of a fact than a question, but Levi knew the truth.

"If I could chain him up I would... He's a shitty-brat but I never said those were bad things."

"Awww! So cute, Levi's in love!" She placed her hands on her cheeks and made kissy faces at the shorter man.
Levi then grabbed a couch cushion and whacked the mad women over the head with it.

"Ouch," Hanji said rubbing her head. "That hurt."

"Who said anything about that, shitty-glasses."

Then Hanji also grabbed a cushion and hit Levi over the head with it. She started to laugh maniacally. And so the pillow fight began.

"Levi? Hanji?"

The sound of Eren's voice brought Levi to the present and he looked at the young man as he tentatively walked into the living room.
Eren had just come back from the café and was surprised to walk in on Hanji and Levi, hitting each other with couch cushions. As Eren's presence was acknowledged, their pillow fight immediately stopped.

"Oh please don't mind me, continue," Eren was grinning at them, holding back laughter.

"Get over here, you little shit."

Eren shuck his head, "I think it's safer over here."

Levi growled, and got up from the couch, making his way over to the teen.

"I've waited hours for you."

"But it's only been two hours."

"Two hours, too many."

He grabbed Eren by the collar of his shirt, and pulled him down to face him.

"I missed you," he whispered. And locked their lips together. Eren's eyes widened, he honestly wasn't expecting a kiss. But he soon eased into it, his eyes fluttering close. Levi wrapped an arm around his waist, while his other hand continued to grip Eren's collar, keeping him there. Eren's knees were getting week, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could go without oxygen, so he reluctantly pulled away.

He was dramatically gasping for breath, and Levi rolled his eyes. Then Hanji started to giggle. Eren looked over and blushed, realizing that she was there the whole time.

"Eren, how did your interview go?" She asked, shit-eating grin on her face.

"Yeah how did it go, and what's the name of the café?" Levi questioned, watching Eren tense. The brunette decided that it'd be safer over by Hanji, so he went to sit next to her. But Levi followed behind, sitting on Eren's other side.

"Well, it went good. The manager asked me to bring my measurements tomorrow."
Measurements... Levi's eyes instantly narrowed.

"Why the hell does he need your measurements, a café job shouldn't need that?"

Eren smiled nervously, "It's for my uniform."

"Your uniform should consist of a t-shirt and apron, you don't need measurements for that. Eren where the fuck are you working?"

Eren's eyes looked around the room, trying his best not to meet Levi's. Hanji broke out into laughter, she had texted Erwin while Levi was asleep, so she already knew and was anticipating Levi's reaction.

"Glasses, do you know something I don't?" Hanji covered her mouth with both hands, trying her best to restrict her laughter. She looked at Eren, sending a silent message.

"I'm working at a... at a... " Hanji patted the brunettes knee, encouraging him to complete his sentence.

"A maid-café..." Eren instantly grabbed a cushion to cover his face, and Hanji let out her laughter at the sight of Levi's expression.

Levi let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. A maid-café wasn't that bad, in fact Levi was imagining worse things. So it was a sigh of relief, but Levi still wasn't thrilled about it.

"Hanji, can you leave us?" Eren felt chills go down his spine at the tone Levi's voice dropped to.
Hanji nodded, patting Eren on the head before she got up and left, locking the door behind her.
Now that Hanji was out-of-the-way, Levi grabbed the cushion that Eren held to his face and dropped it to the ground. Levi pushed Eren onto his back, straddling his hips.

"So you want to prance around in some slutty little skirt, showing off what belongs to me?"

Levi looked down at the brunette, his entire face was red and he wanted so badly to laugh, but he had to stay in character.

"The outfit isn't that revealing, and you'll be the first to see me in it anyway."

"That's not the point. I don't want anyone else seeing you in it." Levi's hand began to draw lazy circles all over the brunettes chest. "What's the name of this place anyway?" Levi asked, looking into those large green eyes.

"Umm..." Eren was trying to remember what that bright sign said. "Colossal maid café."

Levi nodded, he'd passed by that place a few times, but he'd never bothered to go inside. It always looked a little too hetero for him. "Do a lot of guys work there?"

"From what I've seen, it's a pretty even mix of both sexes, but they all wear the same outfit. I remember the manager saying that they don't discriminate."
Levi hummed, he leaned down and pushed the hair away from Eren's face to place a quick kiss to his forehead. He then got off the couch and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Strip," was his one word command, and Eren look at him confused.


"You need your measurements taken right?"

"Yeah, but why do I need to strip for that?"

Sometimes Eren asked way too many questions, so Levi would give him, "the look." And Eren knew not to ever question it.

"I'm going to get my tape measure, when I come back I expect to see you nude," Levi smirked and walked off to his bedroom.

Eren lazily got up from the couch and began to strip off his shirt, then his pants, his boxers. When he was completely bare Levi walked back in, eyeing him.

"Lovely," he walked over to Eren and started to place butterfly kisses down his neck. Eren fidgeted, and bit his bottom lip.

"Levi... this isn't measuring me."

"We'll get to that."

Levi stopped his kisses to pull out his tape measure and wrapped it firmly around Eren's chest. Then he quickly typed the number down on his phone, and placed it on the arm of the couch.

Then Levi slowly slid his hands down Eren's torso, to rest firmly on his waist. Levi's hands were mere inches away from Eren's cock and Eren felt his member twitch with anticipation.

"I really didn't need to be naked for this," Eren whined, feeling his body heat up.

"Oh yes, you really did." Levi proceeded to wrap the tape measure around Eren's thin waist, and type down the number. He continued to do this to every other part that needed measuring and even some parts that didn't. By the end of it Eren was half hard and slightly pissed.

"You fucking tease," Eren breathed, collapsing on the couch.

"Get your horny ass off my couch."

"You're the reason why my ass is horny!"
Levi grinned, carding his fingers through Eren's disheveled hair. Eren unconsciously moved into the touch, letting out a purr.

"I can make it better," his tone dropped to a seductive one, giving Eren shivers.

"I'd rather take a cold shower," Eren lied.

Levi raised an eyebrow, "How about a bubble bath?"

"Huh?" Eren hasn't had a bubble bath in years, the sound of it made him feel ten again.

"Yeah, I have a jacuzzi tub and it's a shame I never use it..."


"I swear if you fucking splash me one more time, you'll find out what your anus taste like."

Somehow the two, ended up in Levi's over sized bathtub. The water was filled till nearly the top, and a pile of bubbles rested on the water's surface. The scent of vanilla filled the air. Eren had caught Levi in a sneak attack three times now and Levi was getting pissed. Why Eren felt the need to get him wet, Levi would never know. They've probably been in the bath for ten minutes now and have yet to get any cleaning done.

Eren giggled at Levi, feeling accomplished. "Wouldn't you like to know," Eren cooed.

Levi rolled his eyes and tossed the body scrubber at Eren's face. "Get washing."

"I'm too lazy, I'd rather just sit in the tub for about an hour, enjoying the water. Before I finally start to get pruned and decide it's time to wash up."

Levi stared at Eren for a minute, not sure what response to give.

Eren lifted one foot out of the warm water, erupting through the bubbly surface. He wiggled his toes and shuck his foot, left to right.

"But you can scrub my feet for me!" Eren smiled, and let out a precious little giggle. His smile was so pretty that Levi almost couldn't be mad at him, almost.

Eren's cute little ankle was grabbed and he was pulled under water. When his ankle was released Eren resurfaced, coughing and gasping for breath.
Levi chuckled, holding a hand over his mouth.

"Fucking warn me," Eren breathed out, trying to get the rest of the water out of his nose.

"I'm sorry princess, did I get water up your inflated ego?"

Once Eren was done with his over dramatic coughing fit he replied, "A simple, no would have been fine. But I did splash you in the face a lot, so I accept my punishment."

Levi hummed. He picked up the body scrubber that was floating next to him and handed it to the brunette. "To make-up for it, you can scrub my back."
Eren accepted it and Levi turned around so that Eren could begin.

"You know," Eren began as he started to rub Levi's back, leaving a layer of foam over his skin. "I kinda liked that princess comment."

Levi smirked, "You like it when I call you princess?"

Eren felt a light blush, but preferred to blame it on the hot water they were sitting in.


"There's no reason to be embarrassed princess," Levi turned around, feeling that his back was done. He cupped Eren's face in his warm hands and brushed away the hair that clung to his forehead.

"Daddy's little princess..."

Levi let it hang in the air, to see the brunettes reaction. Eren looked a bit confused, "Da-daddy?" He let the word play on his tongue, to see if he liked the taste.
Eren smiled and looked down at the bubbles surrounding them.

"You are such a pervert, now you're into daddy kink?"

"I have a lot of kinks okay? And you're going to have to deal with them, if you want. But if you don't like it then I won't push it."

Levi's hands had long since left Eren's face and was now intertwining their fingers under water. He continued to look at Eren, who's gaze was still on the bubbles.

"I don't mind, it's just I've never done anything like this before. But I'm willing to try... daddy?" Eren finally met Levi's gaze and Levi grinned at the daddy comment.
The raven unlocked their fingers and splashed some water on Eren's face.


Levi erupted into laughter, and Eren could only stare. He's never heard such genuine laughter from Levi before and it made his heart flutter. Eren couldn't help the giggle that escaped his lips because Levi's laugh was infectious.

Once they both caught their breath Eren handed Levi the body scrubber. Levi raised a perfect eyebrow at him.

"Daddy, won't you wash me?" Eren pouted and Levi felt regret pool inside him. There was no way he could say no to that. Eren tried to keep an innocent face but he felt triumphant, watching the inner battle that was going on inside of Levi.
Levi finally took the scrubber from Eren, not sure if he had won or lost. By the brats smug face he figured it was the latter. So he regrettably washed Eren, from head to toe.


After their bath Eren felt refreshed. For the past, however many hours had gone since then, he had worked on his English project that was due after the break. He figured it was better to get it out-of-the-way now, so he wouldn't have to do it last-minute like usual. Last minute work usually got him a C. And usually he's okay with that but lately his grades haven't been the best so he was going for a B.

Levi let him work in his office which made Eren feel really professional for some reason. Levi would come in every half-hour or so, to check in on him, give him pointers and bring him cookies. Eren was just about finished when he heard the usual knock on the door and Levi entered.

"Its getting pretty late and you must be tired from working. So you want to go out to eat? Maybe Italian, or Japanese?"

Eren wanted to make dinner, but Levi was right, he couldn't see himself cooking anything tonight. So he nodded. "I'll have whatever you're in the mood for."

"How's the project coming?" Levi walked over to Eren, peering at his work.

"I'll be done in about five minutes."

"Good," Levi leaned down to peck Eren's cheek. "I'll go change," Eren nodded and Levi left the room.

Eren finished up his project and left it neatly on the desk. He went to Levi's room and saw the man seated on the bed, dressed and waiting. Waiting for him.

"Quit your grinning and get changed, we don't have all night."
Eren didn't even realize he was smiling, he brushed it off and walked over to the drawers that held his clothing. He shifted through them, pulling out a pair of short blue shorts.

"No." Eren turned to look at Levi giving him a questioning look. "We are going to dinner not bowling with your blonde friend."

Eren exhaled, and put the offending fabric back. He continued to shift through his clothing, pulling out a pair of tight-fitting dark jeans. He didn't hear any remarks so he continued to look for an appropriate top. He pulled out a violet colored button up and socks to match.
With no objection from Levi he laid the items of clothing on the bed next to the raven. He then began his striping process. Even though Levi was right there Eren didn't feel like being seductive. He just lazily took off his shirt and pants, tossing them on the bed. Levi cringed, but said nothing.

Levi silently watched him dress, and Eren wasn't sure what was going through his head. He didn't really want to ask so he just kept quiet and walked over to the closest, he pulled out his pair of violet converse. He slipped his feet into them and quickly tied the laces.

"All done," he announced, standing fully dressed in front of Levi.

Levi stood up and walked over to the vanity, picking up a comb. "Mind if I do your hair?"

Eren was a little surprised but nodded, "sure."
Levi gently ran the comb through the thick mess, attempting to tame it. "I give up," Levi said tossing the comb on the bed.


"Yeah, your hair is so thick no wonder nothing ever gets to that brain of yours," Levi patted Eren on the head. He grinned at the teens pouting face. Then laid a kiss on his plush lips. "Lets go before it gets any later. Eating late at night is how you gain weight," Levi took Eren's hand, and lead him out of the room.

A/N: I cringed more than necessary while writing this. So tell me what you think?