"There you are!" you exclaimed happily as you pushed the door to the classroom open. All the others had either gone home or attended several activity classes. Alone in the room was a red-haired boy sitting and playing Shogi with himself.
Upon hearing the sound of your voice, he looked up. A rare smile litt up his face although you couldn't decided whether it was creepy or nice. While his different colored eyes seemed to pierce you, in a split second you decided to push away your fear and approach him. There was always a certain kind of fear when you tried to get close to the boy whom you had fallen in love with. But every time it took you some time to overcome that fear.
Akashi was usually very gentle with you. But you also knew he had a very different self apart from the nice one he always puts on when you encounter him.
"Hello _-san. What brings you here?" a piece of shogi was playing in his palm.
"I err was looking for the scissors, you borrowed from me the last time" you managed to utter, nervously looking down at your toes.
"Of course." A look of confusion nestled in his eyes, as he tried to remember where he put them.
"Ah yes, I must have put them into my desk somewhere..." he mumbled to himself, frantically searching the desk. Finally he found the red scissors. With an apologetic look he handed you the scissors.
"Thank you, for helping me out that day." he smiled but you couldn't read what was going on behind those oddly coloured eyes.
"Yeah of course, no problem." Somehow your eyes barely heard what your mouth was saying. You must have stared for quite a while, when Akashi suddenly interrupted your staring.
"Is something wrong, _-san?"
His words cut like a blade through the silence. And before you couldn't even answer, he had crossed the room in the blink of an eye.
"I. asked. you. if. something. is. wrong" he suddenly whispered into your ear from behind, his breath causing the little hair on your neck to stand up. Despite the fear that was shivering down your spine, you felt strangely aroused.
But you miraculously managed to get a grip of yourself.
"No, I'm good. Th-aah" A little moan escaped your lips.
/Holy crap, did I just make that sound? Oh my God, it's so embarrassing. He couldn't have not heard that./
He had started to unbutton your blouse without even taking off your blazer.
"W-What a-are you doing?," your voice was shaking though you didn't want him to stop.
"What do you think?" he said, barely more than a whisper while he continued to lift your hair to shower your neck with kisses. Akashi was surprisingly gentle.
In the same moment earsplitting thunder started to break down, shortly followed by heavy rainfall. The windows were tilted, causing a chilly breeze.
Since the lights weren't on in the first place the classroom now had turned quite dark. Unimpressed by the sudden downfall his hands continued their way up your back loosening something with a click, which you identified as your bra. His hands were dangerously near your chest. But you didn't care anymore as you turned around to surprise him with a passionate kiss.
His eyes widened as he paused for a moment, taken aback by the sudden interest of yours. A moment later he returned your kiss while lifting you up some student's desk. Luckily the soothing rain swallowed any blissful noise that escaped the classroom.
Actually I didn't really know what to write when it comes to Akashi, but I think I got this one ;DD In case of doubt result to smut haha. Again, reviews are very very appreciated and I read every one of them several times! xoxo ;A;/) I love you guys!