Beauty and the Beast

A/n: I don't own the 39 clues

"Very well mum, I'll take good care of her". He snapped the phone shut with a sense of finality.

Walking down the passage, he reached the basement.

"Time to interrogate the hostage" he sighed.

He mustered a serious face and walked in.

"Amy, sit down."Ian said

A girl with auburn hair and pale skin was brought in. Her blindfold was removed and her emerald eyes scanned the room. She saw a boy with caramel coloured skin and amber eyes. It was her old enemy.

"Ian" she spat.

"Not what you were expecting love?" he said in his silky voice.

"What do you want?" she growled; he was testing her patience.

"You know exactly what I want Amy –the clues of course" he said calmly.

"Now we can do this two ways – the easy way or" he clicked his pocket knife and brought it to her neck "the hard way".

"You can forget about the clues Ian you're never going to get them". she spat vehemently

"You see that's what I thought you would say, but then again I always have this" he stroked the knife.

She backed up against the wall, panic instantly surrounding her. She tried to control her breathing and spoke again

"Where are we?" she asked

"Somewhere where no one will ever find you". Ian growled

"Please Ian, I don't have any clues please don't do this". Amy whimpered

"Hmm my sources tell me otherwise and I'm going to find them"Ian said and with that he grabbed her arm and cut her with the knife. She yelped in pain, her blood dripping on the ground.

He then grabbed her other arm and plunged a syringe into it. "Sleep Amy" he said. Amy saw Ian smirking confidently before fading into the black.

A/n: Okay so read and review!