Chapter 3
Word Count: 11,803
Matthew patted Alfred's hair after he was laid in bed. The police had questioned them and asked to get a report from Ludwig, who had seen it all and was an officer of the law. They would trust his and Yao's word above everybody, but it would help that their stories matched.
At least they were all allowed to go home. The story was that Alfred had been kidnapped by a terrorist group he had been trying to investigate on his own. He was caught and tortured for information, but he didn't give any. But they were still able to get in.
Anybody who saw the large, obviously fresh cuts across both Alfred's shoulder blades wouldn't question it. And apparently the tapes for recording had all been burned, the camera's all broken before anything happened.
Matthew sighed, moving blond hair out of his twin's face and taking the glasses off, putting them down on the end table. When Alfred had been able to move... He had acted so terrified, tears coming to his eyes as he said things, obviously hysterical. The police couldn't get much out of him.
But Matthew remembered when he first tried to reach for him, Alfred had winced and fear shown so clearly it cut into Matthew. He had calmed down, and one of the ambulance attendant offered a sedative, which Arthur accepted for Alfred, who clearly wasn't in his right state of mind.
It had calmed him, but Matthew could tell that Alfred was having a fitful sleep, eyebrows furrowed and breathing a bit more then somebody should have been in a sedated sleep. A hand was placed on his shoulder and Matthew turned to look up at Arthur, who looked almost as tired as he felt. "It'll be alright now, but try and get some sleep." Matthew nodded wordlessly, watching as he left.
Francis woke up on the car ride over apparently, he was confused as to what happened, but still denied most of what had occurred. Matthew didn't think that would change, and he was jealous, after everything... He wished he could pretend the last year hadn't ever happened.
Arthur squeezed his shoulder gently and started for the door. Matthew hesitated only a moment before pulling off his glasses and placing them on the end table next to Alfred's before curling up next to his twin, wrapping his arms around the other and closing his eyes.
"Hey Mattie, you want to do something?" Alfred asked, making Matthew look up from what he was doing.
Giving a soft smile, he nodded. It had been about two weeks and Alfred seemed to be doing alright. Ludwig had visited a couple times, but he seemed to be thinking Alfred was okay. "Yeah, that sounds good. Give me a second."
"Awesome! Okay, I'll go get ready then." Alfred smiled, going down the stairs enthusiastically. Matthew finished registering for his classes quickly, already knowing the classes he wanted to take and what time slot for the Spring term coming up. Closing the laptop, he pulled on his shoes before walking downstairs.
He paused when he saw Alfred standing in the hallway. He had that look on his face that he had been having since he woke up. Alfred's blue eyes were unfocused and distant, small frown on his lips and eyebrows crinkled in the making of sorrow. Matthew always wondered what he was thinking of, but didn't dare ask. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. It was probably the trauma, and that would pass with time.
Matthew walked up to the other, "Hey Alfred." The other looked over.
Alfred smile returned and his eyes lost the distant look, the younger blond even standing a bit straighter. "Hey Mattie! Come on, let's go and get some ice cream!"
"Wait a minute you two," Arthur's voice said, making them both look over. "Matthew, did you register for your classes?"
"Yes." Matthew nodded. He remembered the conversation they had a few days ago. Matthew had been thinking about skipping the spring term considering all that had happened. But Arthur had told him that was a bad idea. By the time term started, Alfred should be doing better and he needed to stand on his own two feet again. Not getting used to having them always around and indulging him at every turn, basically.
"Alright. Don't stay out too long."
"What, us? Never!" Alfred smirked, giving a thumbs up. Arthur rolled his eyes, but didn't get any chance to say anything else as Alfred grabbed Matthew, steering them both out the door. He chattered about a new game that he wanted and Matthew smiled, it was really almost like nothing had changed.
However, as they walked, it happened again. Alfred became quiet and distant as they walked. It reminded Matthew a lot of when people would walk beside him and forget he was there, and for a horrifying moment he thought Alfred may have forgotten him, "Ah... Alfred?"
The other blinked and looked towards him, but smiled, "Ah sorry Mattie, where was I?"
"You've been drifting off a lot lately... Is there... Something bothering you?" Matthew whispered quietly.
"Huh? Who me? Nah, I'm fine."
Matthew frowned, wondering if he should push it, but decided to let it drop. If Alfred wanted to say something, he'd blurt it out when he was ready. "Okay. You should sign up for classes soon."
"Yeah! That sounds awesome! We could go to college together!" Alfred grinned, Matthew gave a slight smile in return, glad the others easy-going cheerful attitude was back to normal.
School started and Matthew once again found himself busy with work and school. Alfred didn't seem to mind much, thankfully. Sometimes he would hang out and talk to Matthew while the younger was doing homework, though Matthew would usually shoo him away, since he was more of a distraction then company during such times. But Alfred was even looking into the classes that would be provided in the fall, much to Arthur's approval.
However, by the time summer rolled around Matthew had signed up for his classes, but Alfred hadn't. And so, more arguments arose from that. Matthew was kind of glad at times like this, he could seemingly disappear. "You were talking about going to college! Alfred this is important!" Arthur yelled.
"Why? It's a ton of money and just a waste!" Alfred yelled back.
"Your education is important! It's your own fault that you've been slacking off instead of getting a job!"
Alfred's face turned a bit more red, whether in anger or embarrassment was hard to tell. Matthew curled his legs up on the chair he was sitting in. The movement went unnoticed, but he didn't have the courage to try sneaking out of the room.
"Don't tell me it's because of what happened in the winter either." Arthur growled as Alfred opened his mouth to make some excuse or another. "It's been months now and you need to learn how to act like a responsible adult!"
"That's not what this is about!" Alfred snapped.
"Oh? Then what is it?" Alfred opened his mouth, but closed it, seeming to think about it. He opened his mouth, but he had taken too long thinking. "No, no, you know what? No more excuses Alfred, I don't care what this is about but you had best get over it."
"Get over it?"
"You heard me!"
"But I-"
"No, I said no excuses! Now go, you're grounded."
"What? You can't ground me! I'm nineteen!"
"You're still living here, in my house, so yes, I can." Alfred stood there tensely, glaring, "Go on!" Arthur said. Alfred turned and stomped up the stairs. A door slammed powerfully, "And don't slam doors!" Arthur yelled loudly before growling and walking into the kitchen.
Matthew waited a moment before heading upstairs to lock himself in his own room, leaning against the closed door behind him with a soft sigh. Yeah, things were basically back to normal.
It was only a week after their fight that Alfred tried getting them all to go to the fair with him, but Matthew had made plans on buying some school supplies. Arthur said he had a business trip to attend to soon and needed to get ready for it, adding on that going to the fair was a bigger waste of money then school.
Luckily an argument didn't ensue, but Alfred went out, where he went, Matthew wasn't quite sure.
"Alfred... What's all this?" Matthew asked as he walked into the others room.
Alfred looked up from where he was sitting, boxes everywhere, some packed half full with stuff, some empty, but most sealed off with a word indicating what was inside written on it. His room was quite bare. "Ah... What's it look like? I'm packing all my stuff up."
"Does Arthur know about this?"
Alfred snorted, looking away, "No. Don't tell him either, I'll have to tell him eventually."
Arthur was gone for the rest of the week anyway. "When you've already moved out? I know you Al, you keep things like this to yourself until the worse possible time imaginable."
"I don't always do it on purpose." Alfred smiled, putting some of his comic books in a box. His smile faded until it was gone and he sat down silently for a bit before clearing his throat, "Ah, hey Mattie-"
Matthew's phone rang and he looked at the caller ID, though many didn't have his number anyway. Sighing, he answered, "Hey Arthur." Alfred fell silent, making a face. He could probably hear the yelling over the phone too. "Yeah... Well... Okay... H-Hand the phone over to him, yeah, I'll talk to him." Matthew smiled softly at Alfred, "I have to help Francis and Arthur, they're fighting again. But we'll talk about this later."
"Y-Yeah, okay." Alfred smiled.
Matthew gave a soft smile back and walked out of the others room to deal with his older brother's relationship drama.
Arthur had been back a few days, when suddenly he had sat everybody down. He was furious, pacing the floor in front of the couch. Francis was being spared from whatever interrogation process this was, but he had remembered Matthew, so it was obviously serious.
Matthew didn't remember doing anything wrong, so it had to be Alfred. Well, he felt bad for the other because Arthur looked ready to do something drastic. He stopped, looking at the both of them. "Did anybody come over to visit while I was gone?" Matthew shook his head in the negative. "Alfred?"
"No." Alfred said tensely, obviously expecting to get yelled at already.
"Then which one of you did it? I know it wasn't Francis, he was with me the entire time."
They both remained quiet, Matthew because he didn't know what 'it' was and was too scared to ask. That would draw attention to himself. Alfred didn't ask either.
This didn't please Arthur, "I said. Who did it?"
"D-Did what?" He looked ready to yell at them anyway.
"What? Broke into my supplies in the basement!" Arthur snapped. Matthew winced slightly, but shook his head in the negative. He certainly didn't do it. Arthur's head turned to Alfred, who just crossed his arms over his chest, glaring back. "Alfred?"
"What?" Alfred snapped. "I didn't think you'd notice!"
Matthew inhaled, sending a prayer out for his brother just as Arthur started yelling, "Didn't think I would notice? I have told you since you both were small to never mess with those things! Do you know what you took? Of course you do, it was specific! How could you even think for a second of doing a spell like that!" Alfred opened his mouth. "No! Don't you even! You're lucky I'm not calling Ludwig to lock you up, the thought crossed my mind! I'm still considering it. The only reason you aren't in jail by now is because I want to know, what the hell were you thinking?"
"No, you didn't think, did you? There is nothing to excuse this."
"I-I don't understand..." Matthew muttered, "A-Alfred can't go to jail."
They both looked at him, Arthur still looked furious, as did Alfred, but there was a gleam of guilt when Alfred looked at him. "Your brother took specific ingredients. The only thing I can think of them being used is in a demon summoning."
Matthew's eyes widened and he turned to stare at Alfred, who looked away. No... There was no way Alfred would do that, not after... Everything. "Alfred? Why... Why would you do that?" Matthew asked quietly.
"Why indeed! I thought you, of all people would have learned your lesson. The demon killed people, and you decide to let another loose on the world? Is that it? Why would you steal from me to summon a demon! What idiotic reasoning was going through your head?"
"I'm not an idiot!" Alfred snapped.
"You could have fooled me with a stunt like this! I can't think of any sane reason that you would even think-"
"Because I miss the demon, okay?"
"Miss him? Alfred, he's a demon, and whatever deal you made-"
"You don't get it!" Alfred snapped, standing up, eyebrows furrowed, "He was inside me for a year. I could feel him! And now he's gone and I just feel so empty! A-And I know it doesn't make sense, and I know I'm not alone because I have you and Mattie... But I still feel... I couldn't stand it anymore! So yeah, I summoned him, but it didn't fucking work, so can we just... Can we just drop it? I won't try it again."
"I wish I could believe that." Arthur huffed, "But you've already done it once. Demons lie Alfred, and this one is a more dark and evil being that I had thought could be summoned. It is best you forget about it. In the meantime, I will be buying a lock for the door. And I want you out of the house."
"Fine... Can I at least have a couple months until I find a place?"
"Fine. But don't you dare go near the basement again." Arthur warned. Alfred only gave a short nod.
Matthew wanted to protest, for Alfred's sake, but then again the younger was planning on moving out, maybe this way was better, then he didn't have to tell Arthur his plan to move out and still got what he wanted. He would have to ask Alfred about the demon thing, without Arthur yelling at them, but for now he remained silent.
"Arthur, I-" Alfred started, sounding a lot less angry and hostile, maybe even apologetic.
He should have known better, Arthur didn't do well with apologies, especially so soon after the fight. "Save it. I don't want to hear it. In fact, I don't even want to see you."
Alfred's face hardened, but Matthew could tell that hurt the other. Arthur didn't always say what he meant when he was angry. "Fine." Alfred muttered as he left.
Arthur had been true to his word, the day after the fight a lock was put on the door leading to the basement, and Arthur would always leave the house before Alfred woke up and came home late. Alfred sighed, running his hand through his hair. How could he be such an idiot? He didn't regret trying to summon Ivan, he really did miss the other to the point it was painful to think about.
He was just upset the spell didn't work. Right in the fine print it said wait six to twelve months. What a joke. Matthew wasn't talking to him either, just drifting around him and giving him looks. Alfred did feel bad in ways. Alfred looked at the fridge, there was a new note there.
I ordered something, and it should be delivered today. You may have to sign for it.
I'll be back late tonight,
Alfred huffed. Matthew was petrified of even moving in front of strangers, he couldn't sign for anything, Arthur knew this, but he seemed to be going out of his way to make sure any note was addressed to Matthew, not to him.
He was really breaking up the family it seemed. Going to sit on the couch, he turned on the television. Almost all his stuff was packed up, so all he had was the TV and the game console down here.
He'd sign for the package, it didn't really matter who did it, and then Matthew wouldn't have to go through trying to talk to somebody new. He watched the cartoon in front of him idly, watching as the station changed shows as the hours past. Matthew came down to fix himself breakfast, but other than a small greeting, they didn't talk.
Matthew even took his food upstairs. Alfred ran his hand through his hair once again with a sigh. What was he going to do? There was a knock at the door and Alfred got up, going to answer the door and sign for the package yelling, "I got it!" Loud enough so that Matthew didn't have to worry about it.
He opened the door. There was somebody outside of course, but there was no delivery truck parked on the street behind them and no package or clipboard in their hand. Alfred looked them up and down. There was something... Familiar about the male, though Alfred was positive that he hadn't seen them before.
They were tall, standing about a head taller than Alfred, light hair that shined like platinum in the sunlight, though it looked like he didn't get much sun either, his skin very pale which only made the vivid violet eyes stand out all the more. He was broad and wore a long tan coat, pinkish scarf wrapped around his neck even though it was summer, his hands had gloves on as his fingers played with the end of his scarf almost nervously.
"Can I help you?" Alfred asked, raising an eyebrow and leaning a bit against the door.
The other had this smile that seemed to be more habit than something derived from true emotion, but one of the corners twitched up a bit, "It is nice to be able to see you in that body. It suits you much better."
Alfred blinked, because if that wasn't one hell of a thing to say to a stranger. But Alfred suddenly knew why this man seemed familiar. He felt his eyes widen and he stood up straight, staring at the man, "Ivan?"
"Of course, you did call, yes?" He seemed to have an accent. But at the moment Alfred didn't care about that, he grinned widely and threw himself at the other, wrapping his arms around Ivan in a hug, clinging tightly.
"Oh my god! Ivan, you're really here!" He felt a rumbling laugh vibrate through the other. Alfred realized that he could feel the other breathing even. It was strange that the other had a body that was separate from his own, that he could touch and feel. Moving back, he wasn't allowed far since Ivan wrapped his arms around his waist.
Alfred looked up at the other, moving his hand to trace the others facial structure. Ivan's smile pulled up once more and he tilted his head into Alfred's hand, eyes closing. "What happened to you anyway?" Alfred questioned.
"It is harder to get out of hell then you may think. After you performed the spell, I had to convince some higher ups that since I had already used you as a vassal and made a contract that the waiting period could be wavered."
Alfred smiled, "Glad I could help then."
"You did at that. I am sorry it took so long." Ivan opened his eyes, looking at him. "What about you?"
"Ah... Actually, I had a question. Well okay, more than one."
"Go ahead."
"Who... Who's body is that?"
Ivan chuckled, "My own. If summoned properly we can come through with our own body. Your brother is just an idiot apparently. Even an amauture can do better with spells."
"He's bad at cooking too." Alfred smirked.
Ivan smiled back, "I recall." There was a pause before Ivan moved forward and pushed his lips against Alfred's own. Alfred moved his hand resting on the other's cheek back to wrap around his neck, opening his mouth without hesitation, he felt Ivan's tongue move into his mouth. Alfred moved his, entangling it with the invading tongue.
Ivan moved forward, pushing them past the threshold of the door. Alfred whined a bit at being blindly moved backwards, nearly making him stumble if it wasn't for his arms around the others neck to bring them as close as physically possible at the moment. It didn't feel close enough, not after sharing a body for so long where their very souls could touch.
Still, to feel Ivan alive and in the flesh, it was something alright. Hands moved to the hem of his jeans, pulling his hips against Ivan's own. Alfred let out a low groan, digging his nails into Ivan's neck.
Then there was a loud, startled squeak, which certainly hadn't come from either of them. Alfred pulled back from Ivan to see Matthew on the stairs, looking thoroughly embarrassed. Alfred felt his own face darken, and pushed away from Ivan, who luckily let him go. "Ah... Mattie... Hey." Alfred said, standing a step away from Ivan as if that would erase what Mattie just saw. He cleared his throat, trying to casually wipe off any extra saliva around his mouth. "Yeah um... T-This is an old school... Friend of mine."
"Pleased to meet you. My name is Ivan. You must be Matvie. I have heard lots about you." Ivan smiled, wrapping his arms around Alfred from behind. Should have known he couldn't get a couple steps away even. Still, he didn't fight the embrace.
Poor Mattie just gave a nod and a small wave before walking backwards up the stairs. Alfred gave a small smile. He couldn't believe he had almost forgot Mattie was in the house, the other seemed confined to his room and well... Alfred had just been thinking about Ivan. A door closed and the silence was broken.
Ivan hummed, resting his chin on Alfred's shoulder, "I am glad he didn't recognize me." Ivan muttered, kissing Alfred's shoulder lightly. "Forgive me, I was not thinking of your health. I was just so excited to feel you. Hm... I have waited awhile to be able to do this."
Alfred smiled, leaning back into the embrace and baring his neck to the touch. "Yeah." His smile faded quickly though, "Hey Ivan? Is there a place that I can... Stay for a couple months?"
"Why do you ask, have you not told them?"
"No... I keep trying, but I either get told off before I can or... I dunno, it doesn't seem right to say it at that time... And-"
"Shh." Ivan kissed Alfred's cheek. "I know."
"But... Arthur said I had to leave."
"Why?" Ivan snarled and Alfred grabbed the demon's arms that were wrapped around him, to keep him in place.
"Don't, Ivan, he doesn't know. He just... When I tried summoning you... Well... He found out. Guess he thinks I'm a danger or something." Alfred closed his eyes, leaning his head back against Ivan's chest. He didn't have to look to sense the others displeasure and anger.
"Is your stuff packed?"
"Most of it, yeah."
"Whenever you wish to leave then." Alfred opened his eyes, looking up at Ivan a moment. He felt bad because he should be spending time with his family, not be looking to Ivan. But... He wasn't wanted anymore either. If they thought that he would put his own desires above their very health, lives and wellbeing, they clearly didn't know him that well.
He couldn't be angry though, he wish he could. He just felt... Sad. That Matthew was avoiding him, that Arthur was throwing him out. Mattie hadn't even seemed to care. Perhaps... Things would be better once he left. They could be happy. Matthew could study without distraction, Arthur wouldn't have to worry about him running around screwing things up and being a slacker.
Alfred didn't even feel bitter. Why should he? It was the truth. "Alfred." He focused on Ivan, whose voice turned soft as he moved to wrap his arms around Alfred so they were facing each other. Alfred buried his head in the others shoulder, gripping onto the coat. Ivan's hand ran through his hair. "Please do not be sad."
"I'm fine."
"Please do not lie, Alfred. Our connection is still strong, you know... You do not have to explain, but please do not lie."
"I-I will be fine." Alfred muttered, looking up at Ivan and leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to Ivan's lips. "I've got you now." Ivan smiled. "Hey Ivan... A-After you left, I thought that... Everything was, y'know, better."
"No. I am sorry. My power over such things are limited, I could only create a bit of time where it was better."
"That's okay." Alfred muttered, looking away, "I just... I got hopeful."
"I am sorry. I never meant to cause you such pain."
"I know." Alfred took a deep, shuddering breath and pulled back, glad Ivan let him slip out of the embrace. He rubbed his eyes, glad that none of the tears he felt coming had gotten loose. He put on a smile, "Okay, I've got an empty bag to put the rest of my clothes and shampoo and stuff in, everything else is packed though." Ivan nodded, "I'm ah... Going to say goodbye to Mattie."
"Alright, if you need me, just call."
Alfred smiled a bit more naturally, "Thanks Ivan."
"Of course." Ivan kissed Alfred's cheek before vanishing. Alfred sighed, mentally preparing himself. He would miss Mattie, and Arthur. Heck, he'd even miss Francis, flirt that he was. Smiling, Alfred walked up the stairs, turning and knocking on his brother's door.
"Hey Mattie, it's me, can I come in?"
There was a pause before a small, "Y-Yeah." Was barely heard.
Alfred pushed the door open, closing it behind him before going and flopping down on the bed, Matthew in his computer chair as usual, head bent in some school book - classes hadn't even started! "So... You meet Ivan."
"I-I didn't know that you were dating anybody."
"Yeah, he asked me to keep it a secret. If it ever got around, his father would kill him. Anti-gay, y'know? Sorry, we just... We haven't really been able to touch each other much."
"I-It's okay."
Alfred smiled, licking his lips. "Listen, Mattie... I'm going to be living with Ivan from now on."
"What?" Matthew asked, looking up from his book, "What do you mean? I-I don't even know him!"
"I know. I'll come visit when I can. But it's probably for the best. I mean... You heard Arthur, and I mean you're mad at me too."
"No I'm not!" Alfred stared for a moment, "W-Well maybe a little..." Matthew took a breath, seeming to steady himself the same way Alfred had to do himself not a couple minutes ago. He gave a small nod, "Yeah... Okay, I'm happy you found a place Alfred. And you'll visit? Or at least call?"
"You bet." Guess Mattie wanted him out of the picture too, but the other was always bad with words in his own way. "It probably won't take Ivan long to get everything loaded up."
"You're leaving today? Isn't that a bit soon?"
"Can't think of a better time myself. Just seems like I'm getting in the way here and we can't have that." Alfred winked before standing up. Matthew's eyes followed him, but he didn't protest. "Ah... Say bye to Artie for me... Or not, whatever." He gave a small wave and walked out of the room, once more closing the door behind him. He leaned against it, looking up at the ceiling.
It was better this way. A good transition at least. Alfred walked down the stairs, seeing Ivan standing in the doorway. Alfred smiled, walking over to him. Ivan smiled back, "Are you ready?"
"That was fast." Alfred said.
"Yes, it took a lot of energy, but do not worry, now I can regenerate it on my own."
"Good." Alfred sighed, pulling on his bomber jacket and zipping it up before slipping his hand into Ivan's, "Yeah... I'm ready."
Ivan's smile relaxed into something a bit more natural and he nodded, not saying anything as he led his way out of the house. Alfred paused once outside to look back but after a couple seconds he followed Ivan.
Arthur spent more time at home like he used to once Alfred was gone, but Matthew noticed he was more irritable after that, and he didn't touch the empty room after he had gone up to see if Alfred was truly gone. Matthew suspected that Arthur hadn't believed that Alfred would actually be able or willing to leave. An empty threat.
Matthew had to wonder if he even was going to force Alfred out. But he didn't say that Alfred wanted to go before their fight, just in case. He didn't mention Ivan either. However, Matthew was worried. While Alfred would usually pick up his phone he hadn't been answering the last few days. He hadn't sent any texts or even called him the last three weeks unless Matthew did so first.
It wasn't like Alfred at all to be so distant from him. Matthew looked at the phone in his hand, wondering if he should try again. What if Alfred was avoiding him for some reason? There was a knock at the door. It was a weekend, so thankfully Arthur was home and he came out of the study not too long after the sound.
Matthew ignored that, unlocking his phone and opening his contacts. Of course Alfred was the first name in there since it was sorted alphabetically. The door was opened and Arthur said, "Hello, can I help you?" Matthew put his phone away, he would call after Arthur closed the door, just in case Alfred answered. He wanted to be able to talk and make sure Alfred was doing alright if a stranger was present.
"Hello, I am Ivan. And you are Arthur, yes?" Matthew paused, looking towards the door. He had only met Ivan once, so he was still practically a stranger. But maybe he could work up the courage to ask Ivan how Alfred was... though that seemed unlikely. It didn't look like Alfred was with him at the moment either.
Arthur crossed his arms over his chest, suspicion clear. "That I am, and who are you?"
"Ah... Ivan." Ivan said very slowly, looking almost confused, "You are a terrible listener."
Arthur fumed, and the only reason he was probably not telling Ivan to leave was because he believed in being polite to strangers. "What are you doing here and how do you know me?"
"I have been living with your younger brother, Alfred."
"Oh. What does he want? He made a good job of cleaning up his stuff, if it's money he's after you can tell him to forget it! Especially if he doesn't have the nerve to come here himself."
Ivan's seemingly polite smile twitched up, forming a much more unpleasant grin that would have made Matthew heading up to hide in his room if he hadn't been scared to move and draw attention to himself. Perhaps if he sat still nobody would notice him. "Funny you should mention money-"
"Like I said, forget it. And I don't want to see any of his friends come around here again either!" Arthur said, starting to close the door. A gloved hand caught it and Ivan pushed it open again, sick smile still in place.
Matthew wondered if he should call the police, the other seemed like a threat at this point. "You misunderstand. He is in the hospital."
There was a long silence until Matthew choked out a weak and quiet, "W-What?" It went unnoticed.
Arthur's eyes had widened at the words but they narrowed shortly after, "Whatever mess he's gotten himself into is his own problem. He isn't going to learn anything if he can't clean up his own mess."
Ivan's smile was completely gone now, but Matthew was sure he was going to murder Arthur, especially when he grabbed his brother's shirt hem, making Matthew reach for his phone. Ivan brought Arthur off the ground with just one hand, bringing him up to his eye level.
Arthur flailed, eyes burning with anger and hand clawing into Ivan's glove, legs starting to kick, but Ivan didn't seem to notice any of these things. "He is dying." Arthur froze solid and Matthew felt something cold inside of him at those words, freezing him from the inside out.
His stomach tightened at the words and he swore his heart stopped for a moment. There was nothing either of them could say. Ivan's smile was back, but he still looked ready to murder. But Matthew couldn't find it in him to really be as scared as he had been a moment ago.
"What?" Arthur whispered.
Ivan dropped him, except it seemed to be accompanied with a shove that made Arthur stumble against the wall, nearly losing his footing. "Is it really any wonder he couldn't tell you himself?" Ivan said with too much sweetness in his voice. "It is the closest hospital to here. Just ask for his name at the front desk. You will be allowed in to see him if you state your relation." Ivan said, turning and obviously going to leave.
"You're lying." Arthur said, pushing himself away from the wall.
The taller turned his head to stare coldly at Arthur, though his smile was still there, making it a scary contrast. "I would not. If it were up to me you would not hear about it until the funereal." He said before turning and stalking off.
Another silence filled the house. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't be. Alfred couldn't be dying because he... he was Alfred. "Come on, get your jacket." Matthew looked up, seeing Arthur already following his own advice. Matthew hesitated only a moment to absorb the command before standing and pulling on his coat and shoes.
The drive to the hospital was strange, it felt like no time passed, but at the same time, it was painfully slow. Still, when they got there Arthur spoke and asked where Alfred was. They didn't even ask their relation, just said what number he was staying in.
Arthur was off there immediately, Matthew hurrying to keep up with the others brisk pace. They both stopped when they got to the room. The door was already open. It had only a single bed, familiar blond laying seemingly asleep in the bed. He honestly looked sick from where they stood. Ivan was already there, not even looking at them, instead sitting beside Alfred, holding the hand whose arm was attached to an IV.
"Stay with him." Arthur muttered, "I'm going to find a doctor." Matthew didn't even have the heart to protest being stuck in a room with Ivan. Arthur went off, probably to go yell and argue until he found out what was and how to fix it, that was his way.
Matthew took a step into the room. As soon as he crossed the barrier of the door, Ivan's eyes flicked up from Alfred to Matthew. His stare made Mathew stop from the intensity. But he felt so numb that even his anxiety seemed dulled in comparison to normal. He took slow steps and sat himself on the opposite side of Ivan, glad a chair was situated there.
He lightly took Alfred's other hand. It was only then that Ivan's attention reverted back to Alfred. "I am the least angry with you," Ivan said, "But never underestimate that for indifference."
Matthew could only nod wordlessly, looking Alfred over. Alfred had blankets pulled up over him as he slept, though it didn't seem very peaceful from the look on his face. He didn't look healthy at all. Was it some sort of virus? Matthew glanced up at Ivan who was focused on Alfred's hand, playing with the fingers idly.
He should ask what was wrong with Alfred, but he didn't know if he could... No, he could, he had to find out what had happened. He needed to know. Swallowing thickly, Matthew opened his mouth, "No." Matthew's mouth closed again, mostly in shock. Ivan hadn't even looked up. "I do not care what you feel like you have to say."
That actually cut deep. Especially with how much it took to work up the courage to ask such a simple question. Ivan looked up at him, "It does not feel good to be told to shut up, does it?" Ivan hummed, smiling a bit, "Especially when it is important and you have to work up the courage to say it."
Matthew couldn't help but frown. Alfred must have told Ivan about him, and the fact that he had trouble talking, even if it was important. It was just for Alfred's sake... he could speak more. If Ivan knew, then he was being purposely cruel. Matthew himself found a sudden distaste for the other. Even if he could forgive the other for not wanting to listen to him - not many did - to play on anothers problem for no reason, especially at such a time was beyond wrong.
Heavy and swift footsteps came into the room, and Arthur seemed even more angry than when he had left. "They'll be sending the doctor here when they can." He said to Matthew before he turned to Ivan, "And you," He growled. "What are you doing here? Get out."
"Nyet, I do not believe I will. I have more right to be here then you do."
Matthew sunk into his chair as best he could as Arthur's rage obviously doubled, lip curling back and thick eyebrows drawn together, "How dare you?" He said coldly. "I am his family."
"Oh yes, the same family who would ignore him being in a hospital!"
"I didn't know he was dying!" Arthur yelled. Matthew shook his head, looking away and curling in on himself. Alfred wasn't going to die. He couldn't. Ivan was just lying, he'd already proven he could be cruel, he was just saying such extreme things to get them to pay for the hospital bill. That was all this was.
"That should not matter!" Ivan hissed, "Now stop yelling."
"I'll yell all the bloody hell I want! Be sure that I will make the doctors change the visitors to family only."
"Shut up." Ivan hissed, "It took him hours to fall asleep, if you wake him up I will personally make sure you suffer." It was then Matthew realized how quiet Ivan had been so far. He never spoke above a whisper.
"And I will get a restraining order against you if you do not leave this instant! Once the doctor comes through here he will obviously have you thrown out!"
"Hardly." Ivan scoffed, "They are not in the habit of throwing out lovers, despite it being a more uncommon sexuality."
"His WHAT?"
"Keep it down." Ivan growled once more.
"You are not to touch Alfred ever again, you understand me?"
"That is funny. I would like to see you try."
"Leave now!" Arthur yelled.
"No." Ivan said coldly.
"Ivan?" A weak voice stopped the argument. If looks could kill Arthur would have died very painfully at that second as Ivan glared into the other. His facial expression turned back to his neutral one, small smile in place, eyes not promising murder and general posture less threatening as he turned to look at Alfred, who was blinking groggily.
"Da, I am still here."
"Oh... That's good." Alfred said slowly, eyes closing shut a bit. Matthew scooted a bit closer, making Alfred turn his head and give a smile, "Hey Mattie, you're here. Hey ah... the pudding here tastes really good."
"Jello. They gave you jello, Alfred." Ivan said gently.
"Oh yeah." Alfred laughed a bit, looking over at Mattie, "It was Jello. All wiggly and green." Alfred snickered a moment before stopping, smirking at Matthew, "Dude, they gave me so many drugs. It's like... so... so... I don't even know. M'still in pain though..." Alfred squinted his eyes, though there didn't seem any reason behind it.
Matthew felt a bit sad seeing his brother like this, but there was some level of amusement, though to feel amused by the other being doped up just seemed wong. Alfred looked around, eyes landing on Arthur, he smiled. "Oh heeeey, Artie, you're here too, I didn't know if you would come, but I'm glad... and hm... you're both here and that's... that's great and ah..." Alfred's eyes started drifting shut, even though it seemed like he was in the middle of saying something.
Ivan let out a soft, almost relieved sigh as Alfred's breathing quickly evened out. Arthur slammed his hands down on the end of the table, "Alfred!" Alfred startled awake again, hissing and eyes glazing over. "Don't you fall asleep yet, not until you tell me what's wrong!"
It seemed that Ivan was more displeased then he let on because a moment later, he was up out of his chair, hand once more in Arthur's collar, lifting him in the air, though this time his lips were pulled back in a snarl and he drew his other hand back, intent to hurt Arthur clear.
Alfred let out a small whimper. Ivan seemed to stop at that. There was a pause where Ivan just stared at Arthur before shoving him away again. Arthur stumbled, this time falling to the floor from the force. But before he even landed, Ivan was already back in the chair beside Alfred, hand entangled with the blond's.
"Bastard." Arthur muttered, standing up, though he seemed to know better than to try and pick a fight with Ivan now. "Now Alfred," Ivan glared at him warningly, "How did you get here?"
"Um... Ivan brought me." Alfred said slowly, looking up at the light above him, "Light's really good... except when it's in Death Note. Kiku, he showed me that-" Alfred snorted, "L is funny sometimes."
"I meant why are you here, you idiot! You can't really be dying, especially if you can talk about nonsense like that."
"You are very lucky I cannot murder you in front of Alfred." Ivan growled.
"No, Ivan, don't do that... you promised you wouldn't and- haha, your face is so like... your face." Alfred smiled a bit, moving the hand Ivan was holding to pat the others cheek.
"I will take that as a compliment." Ivan said softly, moving his hand to take Alfred's hand again, holding it to his cheek a moment before laying the hand back down on the bed.
"Uh-huh." Alfred muttered, turning suddenly to his other side, "Your face is nice too Mattie, I haven't forgotten you." Matthew smiled, nodding his head in thanks, not sure what to do.
"Alfred! Don't ignore me!" Arthur snapped.
"Huh? Oh... right... ah... what was it you were saying? I forgot."
"Stop bothering him." Ivan growled.
"I asked what is wrong with you?"
"The drugs make everything... … shiny. So my thoughts are all... they're kind of... um... there's a lot of them... and they're everywhere."
"They administered him a large dose of morphine before you two showed up." Ivan shook his head. "Do not expect to get a coherent answer. Now let him sleep and just wait for the doctor to come and answer your questions. He has only slept two hours in the last twenty-four hours."
"Then you tell us." Arthur snarled.
"Nyet. I have already told you two he was dying, in accordance to Alfred's wish that you know before he was gone. That does not mean I am about to divulge more."
"You bastard! He's my little brother, and you have no right-"
"Alfred does. He is nineteen now, he can make his own choices."
"And he told you to tell us-"
"That he was dying." Ivan nodded, "Yes, while he was on his deathbed. However, Alfred has been trying to tell the both of you for over a year. He was just afraid you would think he was just wanting attention, lie or not. And every time you shooed him away he lost a bit of courage to say anything. After all, clearly you do not care about him if you were not willing to listen when he was so desperately trying to seek help."
Over a year? No that wasn't possible, Alfred had never tried telling either him or Arthur anything like that! Matthew would have noticed something. And Alfred hadn't been dying, he would have noticed something by now!
"You don't know what you're talking about! You don't know our family!"
"Ah? I do not? These are Alfred's thoughts, not mine. He thinks himself to be of no real importance to you or anybody. I think this world does not deserve him. Believe me, my reaction is much more wrathful then his."
"We do listen to Alfred. He goes on about more topics than I could ever list and we can't shut him up!"
"Hm... yes. I have noticed. Alfred talks about things and craves attention, negative or positive, it does not seem to matter most of the time. Matvie avoids attention and nearly blends into the background. Both signs of abuse."
"WHAT? Did you just accuse me of abusing them? You don't know anything!"
"Ah? Really? Because I am quite intellectual and a child of neglect will seek out either negative and positive attention. Hm... that sounds like what I said in the last sentence. Adding how much you were around... And you took Matvie to work with you since you could bring one single child and Matvie was always behaved and so much smarter than Alfred. That was not nice."
"I don't know what Alfred has been telling you, but it's clear you don't have the full story. Alfred could fend for himself at home! He insisted that he could."
"He wanted praise, as any boasting child does."
"Everybody's so mad." Alfred muttered, eyes half-closed in sleep.
Arthur shot a glare at Ivan who was petting Alfred's hair in a soothing fashion, which didn't sit right with Matthew at all. "Alfred... What is wrong with you, why are you here? And don't tell me because this bastard brought you! I want to know why you're in this bed! What do you have?"
"What do I have... um... I ate all my jello but there's more food... somewhere... in a cafe I think."
"No, Alfred, why are you here?"
"Because Ivan brought-"
"No! Damn it Alfred! Just, answer the question. What do you have?"
"I-I didn't bring anything-"
"NO! Would you just stop?"
"I don't understand what you're asking... I thought I answered..." Alfred said, looking upset and eyes glazing with almost seemed like tears.
"Would you stop?" Ivan snapped, glaring at Arthur, but he lowered his voice so it sounded more kind, though his face was anything but, "Alfred has less than a week left. It would be best if he didn't have all this stress around him." Alfred didn't seem to notice Ivan was angry with the current tone, then again his eyes were unfocused and he didn't have his glasses, so perhaps he couldn't see the anger in Ivan. Still, he seemed to relax a bit at the calm tone.
"Not until he tells me what is wrong!"
"He is drugged, he cannot comprehend some questions! Why do you think it is illegal to drive or do legal paperwork while on a prescription? He obviously does not understand what you are asking right now, so stop yelling!"
"Well when does the dosage run off?"
"If I have my say, never. They don't have to worry about him getting addicted after all."
"You're keeping him drugged?" Arthur snarled, moving closer, hostility clear. A glare from Ivan seemed to remind him that the other could knock him out with one punch in all likelihood.
"I am keeping him out of pain. You have not seen him without the morphine and it will only get worse before it is his time to go. I would even go as far as to wish him a quick death at this point. It is that bad."
"Liar." Arthur growled. Ivan just sighed. "What does he have?"
"Oh, asking the liar, are you?"
"Just tell me what he has!"
"... Alfred?" Ivan said after a pause.
"Hm?" Alfred said, opening his eyes a bit.
"You can sleep soon, I promise you. Artie and Matvie wish to know why you are dying."
"Oh... That... There's a... um... thingy... ah... cancer?"
"Close." Ivan said patiently, "A tumor."
"Oh yeah, that thing. It's in my head, right?"
Ivan nodded, "In your brain, yes. That is part of your head." Alfred smiled, relaxing back into his pillow, seeming pleased over such a novel accomplishment.
"Now I know you're making this up! I've hardly heard of any lasting this long!" Arthur snarled.
"That is because it disappeared to the point the doctors couldn't track it just a few months ago... Alfred was so excited that it might have been gone for good." Ivan said, eyes becoming distant and almost hollow. "But the doctors found it coming back again. I couldn't imagine the heartbreak that caused him. Thinking for a little that he might live… only to have it taken away."
"Disappeared?" Arthur questioned. Indeed, that sounded like the right thing to ask about. Arthur's eyebrows suddenly furrowed and he looked towards Matthew, "It seems we know what deal Alfred made finally."
Matthew blinked, looking at Arthur. Alfred... had made a deal with a devil to live? Well... he was young and Matthew didn't want Alfred to die, but he didn't want Alfred giving himself up to a demon either. Matthew had been sure Alfred had made a deal to protect them, it just seemed like the thing he would do.
"You know nothing." Ivan snorted.
"You don't even know what we're talking about, so hush up!"
Ivan didn't say anything, looking at Alfred, who was fast asleep even with the noise around him. Matthew froze a moment though, a sudden realization dawning on him. "Ivan..." They both looked at him, seeming surprised, but he had to go on, "Ivan called you Artie..."
"Yes, I remember." Arthur grumbled.
"E-Even Alfred's friends didn't say that. I-It was just a n-nickname that o-only Alfred used." There was a certain silence, Ivan's smile turning to a small smirk. "Y-You're the d-demon, aren't you?"
Arthur's head whipped around to face Ivan, who glared, "If you dare say one word of an exorcism I will send you to a different dimension. Do not test me. I am sure you know I have more power in this form, and I can guarantee you that this is not a bluff."
"What are you doing here?" Arthur gritted out.
"Taking care of Alfred, of course. What does it look like?"
"Don't give me that! You're the one who's been manipulating him for over a year!"
"Alfred has always known my intentions. The thing about sharing a body, you can sense the other's feeling and sincerity. We have just gotten to know each other is all."
"Get out now."
"No." Ivan said, "He does not want me to go either. He never did. You were so cruel to send me away. Poor Alfred was heartbroken. He couldn't even stand two months with you two after knowing me. Then again, he still remembered you torturing him. Still has nightmares about it." Ivan sighed, shaking his head and tisking. "I may be what you call demon, but I seem to take better care of Alfred then either of you ever have."
"If you think we're going to listen to a word you're going to say, you're wrong! You're kind twists words around to use them how you please!"
"You do not have to listen to me. I would be happy if you left honestly."
"We're not going to leave you alone with Alfred!"
"Visiting hours do not last forever. And I have the advantage of natural magic. Besides, we have been together for more than a year and I have not harmed him. I will not do so now."
"No... You're here to steal his soul, aren't you?"
"Steal?" Ivan frowned, looking at Arthur, "It is mine by right."
"We exorcised you! Any deal Alfred made before that would have been broken."
Ivan laughed, "You know so little about demons. A deal is not broken because a demon may move to a different realm, it is embedded into the soul of the human and the demon can usually still manipulate enough to complete it's side of the deal. I will admit, our deal was... unique. But the deal was never broken."
"He is an idiot child! He obviously didn't know what he was doing!"
"This reasoning again? It really pisses me off. Alfred is the first to ask for something so pure when he could have asked for anything, even for me to save his life from an early and painful death. I do not appreciate you insulting him."
"What did he ask for?" Matthew suddenly muttered.
Ivan glared, "I said this before. That is between the client and demon. That information is not extended to you."
"If you think I'm going to sit back and watch you take Alfred's soul with you into hell, then you are very sorely mistaken." Arthur growled, "I will make sure you are sent back to hell where you belong, and this time I'll make sure you stay there."
"You do not have that much power. Besides, Alfred's soul belongs to me, whether I am in hell or not. I have already explained this. Why is it your immediate solution is exorcism? I am doing no harm here."
"Don't lie! You're probably the one who's really killing him!"
Ivan tisked, rolling his eyes. "So little you know. I cannot kill the holder of a contract just because I am bored. I must wait until they die naturally. In fact, we are to prevent any unnatural deaths if we can. However. This is natural, I am not allowed to prevent it since it is not in the contract that I do so."
"Why do I bother?" Ivan muttered to himself. "The point is, I am not leaving. And anybody trying an exorcism anywhere near myself will find themselves in the Sahara desert."
Matthew remained quiet as Arthur glared at Ivan, wheels obviously turning to form a plan. Matthew didn't know what to do, he felt so helpless. He didn't know how to protect Alfred, whether he should. He knew he didn't trust Ivan at all, but could he help his brother without the demon hurting Alfred?
The door opened, a hospital worker coming in, by her tag and the outfit she was obviously a doctor. "Finally." Arthur sighed out. "I demand that this man be thrown out." Arthur said, gesturing towards Ivan, who raised an eyebrow at Arthur.
The doctor paused, probably not quite expecting to have to deal with this. "Sorry, who are you?"
"Arthur Kirkland, this is my younger brother."
"Alright, ah... And you want Ivan thrown out?"
The doctor knew Ivan's name, that couldn't be a good sign. "Yes. He isn't family and he doesn't belong here."
She looked over at Ivan, raising an eyebrow. "He knows me and Alfred are dating. He is very disapproving."
"I hardly think this is the time for-" The doctor started.
Arthur, however, interrupted, "Liar. You are a demon from hell!"
"Sent to corrupt your younger brother, yes I know. Can we not talk about this right now?" Ivan sighed out in an exasperated and tired way.
"Don't make it sound so casual!" Arthur growled.
"Look, I suggest you get over whatever it is. I am sorry but your brother is dying." The doctor said, sounding a bit exasperated herself.
There was a silence. So it was true, Alfred was dying. Matthew buried his head in his hand.
"What of?" Arthur demanded.
"Cancer, it started as a brain tumor but spred quickly to the rest of his body. He only has a couple months left, and that is at the absolute most. In reality, he probably won't last the month."
Matthew let out a quiet sob, tightening his grip around Alfred's hand a bit, tears pricking his eyes that fell quickly. "What... Surely, there's something... Surgery or... Chemotherapy?" Arthur suggested.
"No." The doctor said patiently, "There is no treatment for this. We can only hope to make him as comfortable as we can. Speaking of which Ivan, one of the hospice facilities that you wanted called back, they have an opening. Would you like us to move Alfred?"
"Ah... Can we wait a few hours? He just fell asleep and..."
"I understand." She nodded.
"That isn't his choice!" Arthur spoke up again.
"I am afraid with the high dosage of morphine and the brain tumor at such a late stage your brother is not allowed to make legal decisions."
"Then ask us, we're his family!"
"From provided records, it is clear that Ivan is living with Mr. Jones and Mr. Jones signed over rights for Ivan to make any medical decisions before the brain tumor fully affected him. He has just as much say as you do. More so, considering he has legal rights and has also paid the hospital bill."
"He what?" Arthur growled, turning to glare at Ivan, who made no reaction, just watching Alfred silently, as if nobody else was in the room at the moment.
"I suggest you be quiet, there are people recovering and resting here. If it is so much of an issue, please take it up in court, not here."
"Fine, I plan to." Arthur said, looking pointedly at Ivan. Arthur stalked out the door. Matthew hesitated, Arthur was his ride back... It was a long walk, but he didn't want to leave Alfred.
"Better go." Ivan said, still not looking up, but it was clear he was talking to Matthew. "Alfred will be moved to the Hospice along 3rd street today anyway. You can visit tomorrow. Do not tell Arthur, please. I think he has caused enough trouble. He can be angry with me, that is fine. But Alfred doesn't need that kind of stress right not."
Matthew nodded, though he didn't know if he was really going to tell Arthur or not. Ivan had a point, but lying to Arthur didn't seem right, especially about Alfred... Especially now. He released Alfred's hand slowly, standing up. "Visiting hours start at eight I believe." Ivan said, the doctor nodded in agreement so Matthew knew it wasn't a lie… probably.
He left, following after Arthur quickly, who was grumbling under his breath. Ivan was still dangerous. And he had said that he was going to take Alfred's soul too. This was really bad. "Brain tumor, that is the most ridiculous story ever! He's been completely fine, and even if he wasn't he would have told one of us. Did he ever say anything to you Matthew?"
"Ah… No." Matthew said as Arthur turned to look at him, making them both stop. Arthur nodded as if he had expected such an answer. But… Arthur did have a point. Alfred and him were close, the other would have said something.
"Yes, that is what I thought. The whole story is just hogwash. That demon put that disease in Alfred. A brain tumor at his age? He didn't have it last year either. He's just trying to get to us so we stay out of the way. We need to find a way to send him back to hell without any influence over Alfred!"
"Y-You think he made Alfred sick?"
"Of course! It's obvious! A brain tumor doesn't last over a year, and if Alfred had made a deal to get rid of it, it wouldn't come back. If we destroy the demon then Alfred will live."
"Destroy? C-Can you do that?"
"Of course. There is a special book about such things… I will be able to get my hands on it. We can also call in Yao, I'm sure he'll be glad to help." Arthur nodded.
Ivan sighed heavily, staring out the window. Rain was coming down heavily against the window in the dark. It had been almost two weeks, and he could tell that Arthur was planning something. It would be a close call. He wasn't going to leave until Alfred was gone completely and his soul secure with him. But Arthur was planning more than an exorcism this time.
Never underestimate an opponent, that was what he had learned. Arthur may be bad with magic, but even he could read a spell from a book. Liking his lips, he sat down beside Alfred, watching the blond writhing in pain. His morphine dose didn't help anymore. His mind had started slipping almost a month ago, but now it seemed like it was almost gone. Ivan rested his elbows on his knees, folding his hands together to rest his chin on, watching Alfred sadly.
Alfred stopped struggling past the pain, he had been shouting out incoherent thoughts that connected very distortedly to his childhood. What was the saying, life flashing before your eyes? That wasn't it. When one got old, their mind went back in time, reliving things slowly. Alfred stopped, panting and whimpering, crying out, but obviously not having the energy to move as much anymore.
Ivan closed his eyes, licking his lips. It hurt more than he thought it would, seeing Alfred like this. He wished he could soothe the other into death, but he didn't have that sort of magic. His was of destruction and death. He took a shuddering breath, listening to Alfred's pain. "Sister… I know it is strange for a demon to pray to an angel. But if anyone… You will listen." He muttered silently, not opening his eyes as he spoke aloud to somebody who might not even be listening. "If you could end this man's suffering I would be obliged."
He felt more than heard the front door of the facility open. "I am… I am honestly not asking because I have claims to his soul. I am sure you know I could die tonight, I can accept that, I have lived a long time." Ivan licked his lips again, hearing Alfred's cries increase. "He has suffered so much pain these past months, but it is worse now. I just ask that the pain ends. He does not deserve it. Please, Katyusha, if you are listening. He is a kind soul, he made a deal with me, yes, but he is a good soul, despite that. I am not asking you to forgive him, I know you do not have that power. I only ask that the pain be taken away."
Ivan took a breath, hanging his head and rubbing his head. He couldn't even comfort Alfred, seeing as at the moment the male didn't even recognize his presence and if he tried holding Alfred's hand, he would just whimper. "You love him." Ivan's head shot up, eyes opening. He didn't see anybody around. Perhaps it was his imagination, but he didn't honestly believe that.
He just hadn't been expecting a reply. "Yes." He whispered. There was silence. Ivan waited awhile, but nothing happened. There was no voice he hadn't heard in hundreds of years, and Alfred's pain didn't seem to decrease any. Well, he had asked for a lot, perhaps too much. Smiling, he leaned over and stroked Alfred's hair, it was the only soothing gesture he could do. This was going to be close. But waiting was all he could do for a moment, and that was what he did.
Matthew's head shot up and he froze. Something felt wrong. Tears ran down his face unwillingly and he just knew. Matthew ran past Arthur who shouted at him to wait and past front counter where unconscious people sat, running towards the room he had looked up after they entered the building. He stopped, panting in the doorway. The lights were off, but there was a machine that was hooked up to Alfred that monitored heart rate that just made a long, dead beeping sound.
He sobbed, walking forward, almost unwilling to believe it. But Alfred's eyes were open, staring blankly towards the side, mouth hanging open. His skin was a sick color and he was so much skinnier than the last time Matthew had seen him. There was no breath. He fell to his knees beside the bed. He reached for the others hand, almost in hopes of that being all it would take to wake the other.
The hand wasn't warm like he had expected, but it wasn't cold exactly. It was unmoving except how Matthew had moved it. It felt almost sickening to grab it, it was so limp. When he pulled back however, a strange cold seemed to linger where he had touched Alfred's hand. Matthew gripped the blankets beside Alfred's body, burying his head in the blue fabric, crying into the color that had once been Alfred's favorite color.
Shaking his head, he couldn't help but think that he should have known. He should have known the demon would make sure to take such a good thing from the world.
Ivan couldn't imagine his luck. He walked out of the hospital through the window, sleeping and new soul resting in the pocket of his coat. It had been so warm and bright to touch. He couldn't wait to bring it home with him. Looking back at the fading hospital Ivan knew that Arthur, Yao, and the others would have already made it past the room. He stopped when he saw Yao blocking his path. They stared at each other a moment. Yao certainly did have enough power to exercise him, that he knew for a fact seeing as it had happened twice before. But those were times when he wasn't in his true form. So things may play differently this time, but he had to remember to be careful of Alfred.
"I see your back."
"I was just leaving actually."
"Where to?" Yao asked suspiciously.
"Why hell of course." Ivan smiled sweetly.
"So this is your true form?" Ivan shrugged, giving a nod. It seemed the other was looking to make small talk, perhaps catch him off guard, but Ivan didn't know what Yao was actually planning. "You have that boy, Alfred right?"
"Correct. And I will fight to keep him."
"No, if you are leaving then go."
"Oh?" Ivan asked, raising an eyebrow. "You will not try saving his immortal soul from me?"
"The boy made his choice. I could care less. It means he won't be here to summon you again."
Ivan let out a giggle. "You came to get rid of my summoning book, didn't you?"
"As well as get rid of you."
"I always liked you Yao. I can see why now." Ivan chuckled, "You get what you want and take down anybody who is in your way. I hope to see you again."
"Next time we see each other I may just be able to kill you."
"We'll see."
"Tell me, what did the boy ask for?"
"Simply that I never leave his side. Of course I explained a contract would bind us anyway, he insisted that was what he wanted." Ivan shrugged, "So I granted it."
"I see." Yao muttered, obviously thinking it foolish.
"Perhaps it seems rediculous to you, but everybody has their deep desires." Alfred was simply one to ask for something pure, like a child wanting an imaginary friend. "Goodbye Yao." Ivan grinned before summoning up dark magic that dragged him quickly downward. He didn't feel much more for the smalltalk. He had a soul to corrupt and it would take some doing.