A/N: This is the first chapter of part four and is also the first chapter that crosses with the spin off story of Narcissa Malfoy POV called Escape. Please check it out. This is also part 1 of a the "Lockdown Challenge" set by OTKCP. part 2 will be the crossover chapter in Escape. I dont know Harry Potter! Blessed be J.K Rowling.


Chapter Twenty-Five - Thursday August 5th


Five days later

It was still dark in the bedroom, Harry Potter opened one heavy eye and spotted his partner in the moonlight. He listened to the room and noticed their daughter wasn't making a peep. Draco Malfoy had been sleepless, fretting about what his mother had done to him.

"Babe…" Harry whispered "this is eating you up" Draco sighed. "Maybe it would help if you confronted her?" He suggested still in a whisper, trying not to wake baby Rosie.

Draco turned to look at him, tears in his eyes. "I just feel so betrayed" he whispered back with a sniff. Harry reached out and pulled him into his embrace. The blonde rested his head on the other man's chest and let tears soak into his t-shirt.

"Okay…" Draco sobbed some more and the couple drifted back to sleep.

Molly Weasley eagerly agreed to take care of Rosie as usual. So the couple could make their way to the wizarding prison. The island fortress was dark and unforgiving, at least the soul sucking Dementors were no longer used.

Harry gasped as they walked through the magical wards surrounding Azkaban, which prickled on the skin. Once through the wards they consented to all the necessary checks.

"Which prisoner?" The matter-of-fact man inquired, one of his thinly plucked eyebrows raised.

"Narcissa Malfoy….my mother" Draco cringed as he answered honestly.

"Ah yes." The tall and skinny administrative assistant nodded handing the order to one of the two uniformed guards in the room with them. Then he made a motion to the second man. He stepped forward and led them through a locked gate and down a corridor filled with doors.

The glass doors opened onto small rectangular visiting rooms. Each room had a table that divided the room in the middle with two chairs on the sides closest to them and just one on the far side, clearly meant for the prisoner. On the far wall of each room was a corresponding door that led to the prison cells.

Once they reached the room to which they had been assigned, the guard unlocked the door and ushered them in. "When you've finished, just knock on the door and a guard will open it for you" he explained. The boys nodded and went inside the empty room, the door clicked locked behind them.

Draco let out a big sigh, trying to shake his nerves. Harry squeezed his shoulder and the pair took their seats while they waited. The blonde pulled his robes tighter around his tight, twenty week belly. She was going to notice for sure. He sighed again. Harry was fighting the urge to embrace him, this wasn't the right time.

Just then the door on the other side opened and Narcissa Malfoy stood tall and very thin. She wore a loose fitting shabby garment and knee high socks. Her once long fair hair, looked dull and limb. Her high cheekbones looked even more pronounced on her gaunt face. Her face lit up when she saw Draco then quickly turned to disgust when she noticed Harry.

"Why is he here?!" She demanded. Draco could have cried. It wasn't just the hormones of the pregnancy but everything that she had put him through. It was all the elitist pureblood programming that he had to work through, so he could live in this post second wizarding war world. Lastly it was the pain he felt that she cared more about who he had come with, than that he had come at all.

"Mother. He is here to support me" Draco snapped with angry in his voice. He had to be angry or he would cry for sure. She finally looked at him again and took her seat, the guard shut the door and stood in the corner of the room.

"You've come to see me…" he looked at him hopefully. She ignored Harry and reached her hands across the table. The guard cleared his throat and she pulled her hands back with a glance over her shoulder.

When her gaze returned to her son, she noticed the distinctive curve of his belly and gasped, looking up at his face. Draco knew she had figured out why they were here. "My son…" her face broke with a huge smile. Like her greatest wish had come true. "But who…." She started to ask then her face dropped when she glanced back at Harry.

"With HARRY FUCKING POTTER!" She exploded with rage standing up. The guard leaped into action, grabbing her by the wrist and twisting it behind her back, her upper body slammed onto the table, the boys yelped and jumped out of their chairs, moving back.

Narcissa immediately calmed down. "I'll be calm, please!" She begged. It was clear, she wanted this opportunity to see her son. The guard looked at Draco, he would take her away if he wanted. "Please…" she begged again.

Her son nodded and the guard released her. She took a moment to compose herself, then returned to the table with a blank face. The mask. Draco knew this all too well, she was pissed, but she couldn't hurt him anymore. "Please come...sit" she said calmly to Draco, continuing to ignore Harry. Draco crept forward but Harry chose to stand in the corner as if he was his boyfriend's guard.

"I always meant to tell you...when you were old enough" she pleaded with him, when she saw the betrayed look in her son's pale face.

"But you were too busy, kissing the feet of that…" he fumed "...monster" he spat the last word at her.

"I did what I had to do to survive!" She said defensively. "...the way we were raised" she said painfully as an afterthought. "I wanted you to be happy…" she pointed at his belly.

"Our babies are none of your concern!" Draco snapped back at her. "This is about how you could justify physically altering your unborn.. ." But Narcissa cut him off.

"Babies? As in more than one?" She asked suddenly, completely disregarding what he was saying. A look came across Draco's face that told her he hadn't intended to tell her. "Interesting, the Jinx isn't designed to function more than once.

"I know, Mother " Draco growled "Aloysius...told us"

"That bastard" she swore shaking her head.

"Well we needed answers!" He banged a hand on the table.

"I have grand-babies" she giggled, looking slightly deranged, much like her sister, Bellatrix. Harry shuddered at the thought. He was fighting not to interfere. He knew this was between Draco and his mother. "Can I see them!?" She suddenly became serious. Draco sucked air in through his teeth as if he had been stabbed. That was the last thing he would allow.

It was clear to the boys that this was not going anywhere. Draco stood and looked at Harry. He nodded back and turned to knock on the door. Narcissa panicked.

"Noo! Please! Don't leave!" She pleaded pitifully. Draco shook his head and Harry knocked firmly. "No! Please! Please! Let me see them! Let me see my grandchildren!" She wailed but her guard had already opened their door and was taking hold of her. She just kept pleading "let me see them! Let me see them!"

Draco bit his tongue, he could say no more to that woman, she was beyond his forgiveness. Finally when she was dragged from the room. Their glass door could be opened. Draco practically ran from the small room. He flew down the hall to the gate and held the bars despairing. He was clearly panicking.

Harry and the guard quickly caught up with him Draco was shaking with emotion. The guard swiftly unlocked the gate and Draco bolted for the exit. Harry had to stop at the reception to sign out and retrieve their wands from the lock up. The guard explained what happened and they allowed Harry to sign for his partner.

Once the formalities were over Harry hurried outside to find him. He found him on all fours on the hard rocky ground breathing haphazardly over a pool of what looked like to be his breakfast.

"Draco?" Harry called over the crashing ocean waves. The boy just threw his head back and wailed with grief and rage. Harry watched as he cried out at the stormy grey skies again and again. The display broke Harry's heart. It was time for them to leave this place.

A/N: Whoa that was intense. Sat down to write one paragraph for bed then bam it had been an hour and I finished the chapter! Please review!