Hey, this is Oso. I know it's been forever since I last updated. But rest assured I have returned lol. Life got in the way but here we have the next chapter in my story.

As always reviews are welcome, please keep tasteful. Any and all criticism is welcome as well. Any questions or ideas PM me and I'll PM back.

Chapter 8

Save a dance for me

Fleur had read and reread each of Harry's letters at least twice. She couldn't quite place the attraction she had to him, or where it started. All she really knew was that she wanted to be with him. The small fact that he was barely affected by her natural allure was a bonus. Not many men could resist it at all, not unless they were occlumency practitioners. The only time he seemed to even notice was when she was kissing him. The thought of his lips on hers made the young witch blush, even if the kiss was never really returned.

"Fleur? Mama is looking for you." Gabrielle said as she looked up into the tree her older sister was currently sitting in.

"Tell her I'll be right in." Fleur said, her mother had been talking to her more and more often about what she planned to do at the end of the summer. She still hadn't made any progress on her decision. She could go to England to work for Gringotts which would bring her closer to Harry. But he was also still in school, and with another girl. It would be chasing a dream she doubted would come true.

She could stay in France, go to work for the Ministry here, and be closer to her family. That would be the logical thing to do, that is what her mother wants her to do. She was torn, between her heart and her mind. An illusion and reality. Some days she wished she had never put her name into the Goblet of Fire. But with the prestige of simply being chosen, doors that would not have been available otherwise were now thrown open for her. And yet what she wanted was out of her reach.

Growing increasingly frustrated with her own thoughts, she made her way inside to talk with her mother. Maybe she would be able to help her come to some sort of conclusion. "Yes Mama, you wanted to speak with me?" Fleur asked, as she approached her mother in the living room.

"You have received a letter, from a certain young man." Apolline said, a knowing smile playing across her face. "His owl seems to be making herself at home, no doubt waiting for your response, again."

Fleur blushed lightly, it was true that Hedwig had been coming around a lot over the summer holidays. She and Harry had been writing back and forth very frequently. The beautiful owl was getting a large amount of exercise, and she seemed to love the attention that Gabrielle and Her mother gave her. She also never failed to lift Fleurs spirits, and bring a glowing smile to her face. One her mother took every opportunity to tease her about.

"Hello, Hedwig. It is nice to see you again." Fleur said removing the letter from the owl and stroking her feathers lovingly. Opening the letter, she couldn't help but smile at the sloppy but familiar handwriting. Reading through it her smile grew brighter and brighter until she finished. "Mama, I have wonderful news. Harry is inviting us all to his home before school begins for a celebration party."

Gabrielle who had just walked into the room practically bounded into her mother's arms. "Please Mama, can we go?" The youngest girl was positively glowing with hope and excitement.

"I shall speak to your father." Apolline said, smiling from the near palpable excitement her daughters were filling the room with. "What day is it to be held?"

Fleur and Gabrielle could have floated away from the happiness they had felt. they were going to see Harry again.


Harry wasn't quite sure how he should feel. He had not been expecting the prefects badge to be coming to him, he couldn't lie about that. The fact that it had gone to Ron though, that was rather surprising.

He would have expected anyone besides Ron. Dean and Seamus hadn't been in nearly as much trouble, and Neville was basically the ideal student, if not the brightest. But he and Ron would literally have been the last two students he would have picked. Harry because of his newly acquired condition, and Ron because he was simply lazy. Not to mention they both had broken at least five times as many school rules as the rest of their year mates combined.

He couldn't really fathom what McGonagall was thinking. Hermione of course was a given, but Ron? Putting the question to the back if his mind for now, Harry decided just to be happy for the both of them and question the sanity of his Head of house later.

The party would be an overall good time so long as nothing horrible happened. He even got permission to invite Cho, Neville and Fleur. He had been seeing much more of Cho than he thought he would. At least once or twice a week since his dinner with her family.

The next morning had been rather awkward. But her Father was over all appreciative that they remained on top of the covers through the night. Harry apologizing profusely while insisting on making breakfast helped smooth it over rather well. He and Cho had talked some more after breakfast, and though things were better, she still clung to him as though he would disappear.

Hermione and her family were also frequent guests at Grimmauld Place. After having the wards constructed and then thoroughly tested, compliments of Professor Snape, the Grangers began getting to know Harry and his God Father a lot better. They would often spend dinner together several times a week. This brought endless smiles to both Harry and Hermione, and more and more frowns from Ron.

And here they were, the morning before the party was to happen, in a rather odd mood. Fred and George taking the air out of Ron's somewhat inflated ego, and teasing Hermione endlessly. All the while Remus and Sirius told stories of their own time at Hogwarts. Ginny was busy helping Molly prepare the food for the party.

All in all, Harry was just hoping for nothing to go too terribly wrong.


Neville was never good at making friends. With his shy and somewhat awkward personality, he was often disregarded or slightly shunned. That was until the second task of the Tri-Wizard tournament. With one helpful tip that he just happened to read about not a week before, he was able to become a part of a group of friends.

In the beginning his hope had not been high in regards to being a permanent member, but he would enjoy it as long as it lasted. And last it did. He had expected his new found friendship to dissolve once his usefulness was worn out. However, Harry and Hermione had only deepened their bonds with him.

For the first time in his life, Neville felt as though he had the kind of friends that his grandmother had so often wanted for him. Friends that liked him just the way he was. And this new light in his life was slowly growing to reveal the parts of Neville that had been unseen until now.

Little by little his grades were raising in all of his classes. Being around a studious bookworm like Hermione had that effect. Even his potions scores had raised noticeably. Spending more time around Harry had really improved his nerves and self esteem. His friend had it worse than anyone in Potions, and he refused to let the greasy bat get to him. Neville drew courage from this, and while he was still afraid of the Potions Master, he was getting better at pushing that fear to the side.

And then the Final task happened, and his best friend had been turned into a werewolf. Abandoning Harry never so much as crossed his mind, and Neville was determined to stick around, come hell or high water, or a full moon.

In just a few minutes he would be heading to Grimmauld place for the celebration party he had been invited too. He had already been there many times over the summer to visit with Harry and the Weasley's. He and Ginny were actually getting along quite well. After their awkward but pleasant Yule Ball date, they had barely exchanged more than a few pleasantries. Now they spoke nearly every day.

"Neville," The sharp voice of his grandmother rang out through the halls, "Let's be on our way now. Albums just gave me the go ahead."

"Coming," Neville said hurriedly, "just grabbing my wand."

Augusta Longbottom gave her grandson a scrutinizing look. She had witnessed a great change in him since his return from Hogwarts. And she could honestly say she was very much pleased with it. She completely approved of both Harry and Hermione, having met them both several times over the summer, and even to an extent the devil twins of Arthur and Molly's litter. She just hoped it would last a long time and this war wouldn't rip asunder yet another friendship. Only time would tell.


Jealousy, at the moment, was all Ronald Weasley could feel. The party celebrating his and Hermione's appointment as prefects was already all about Harry. Once everyone began to show up, suddenly Ron didn't seem to exist. Cho, Hermione, Fleur, Neville and everyone else seemed to just gravitate in Harry's direction. With little more than a passing "Congratulations." thrown at Ron.

Never mind that he had probably been brooding the moment Fleur had given Harry a kiss on the cheek and not him. This was HIS party. He had earned it. NOT Harry effing Potter. 'He didn't earn the badge, all he did was get turned into a bloody werewolf!' Ron thought savagely, ears and face turning red, catching his mother's attention.

"Ron, come over here for a bit." Molly asked in a voice that left no room for argument. He huffed and went to join his mother in an out of the way corner. "Ronald Weasley," she began fiercely, "I will not tolerate you brooding in a corner after all the trouble we went through to throw this little party for you and Hermione. Not to mention the the trouble everyone has taken to come here, and Dumbledore ensuring their safety. Now go out there and be polite to our guests and your friends!"

Ron wanted nothing more than to argue that it wasn't his party anymore, but Harry's. However the look in his mother's eyes promised pain and yelling that a howler would envy. Smartly he kept his mouth shut, turned and walked grudgingly towards his friends.


Cho felt the tension descend on them like a heavy fog as soon as Ron walked up to the group. Ears bright red and face stuck in a grimace. She knew this wouldn't end well the moment Hermione opened her mouth.

"Ron, where have you been?" Hermione asked, bright grin on her face.

"Finally remembered me, have you?" Ron spat out venomously. Cho felt her heart ache just a little for the look on Hermione's face. The smile vanished as a look of hurt took its place. Almost immediately that hurt turned to indignation. Thankfully, before her temper took over, Neville intervened.

"We've all noticed Ron, this is a party for you both after all." Neville said evenly.

Ron turned immediately on the one he felt was trying to replace him. "No one asked you Longbottom. Who invited you, anyways?" He said scathingly. Now Neville really did look hurt.

"I did." Hermione said sternly

"And I did." Harry said with some heat in his voice. And that was all it took to push Ron over the edge.

"And who the hell are you Potter to invite anyone to my party!" Ron said fuming. "Oh I forgot, this is your party!"

Harry looked stricken, and angry looks were blossoming on the faces of everyone present, still Ron pressed on, "What are we celebrating this time? You becoming a MONSTER! Or is it a reunion for your harem!" Ron shouted, bringing the rest of the party to a resounding halt.

Cho could no longer hold in her indignation, she slapped Ron squarely across the face. "How dare you? How dare you say that to Harry? He's supposed to be your best friend!"

Ron held his cheek, which was quickly swelling in the shape of Cho's hand. He practically snarled in her direction, "What the bloody hell did you slap me for you bi-" he was abruptly silenced by a fist to his face that sent him straight to the ground. Lights burst into his vision as the room began swimming.

"Just stay there for a while, would you little brother." Fred said shaking his fist a little.

"And be thankful that it wasn't Harry who hit you." George said kneeling beside Ron's head. He pointed at Harry, whose eyes had turned black, and was being held in place by a struggling Remus and Sirius.

"Harry! Control yourself! Do you want us to stun you?!" Remus said still struggling.

"It's ok, just calm down. I'm here." Cho said, blocking Ron from Harry's view and caressing his cheek. Her effect was immediate, almost instantly Harry began to relax, eyes returning to their normal emerald. With a sigh, Harry patted Remus and Sirius on the hands. Letting them know he was back in control.

"Thanks guys." Harry said, shame filling his voice. Before turning to Cho and kissing her gently on the cheek, making her blush, "Thank you, Cho."

"Of course Harry, you're welcome." Cho said shyly.

"Ron," Harry said darkly, meeting Ron's eyes and causing the other boy to shudder in fear, "you and I are no longer friends." He turned away, taking Cho by the hand and walking away.

Ron looked around, as though expecting anyone to come to his aid. When none did and instead Fleur, Hermione and Neville followed Harry out, his anger surfaced once more, only to be immediately shut out by Arthur lifting him to his feet by his shoulder. "Ronald, go to your room. I don't want to see you again tonight. Am I understood?" He said in a dangerous tone.

Ron, cowed by his father's anger, nodded his head and made his way quietly to his room.


Ginny was torn, she wanted to go knock some sense into her idiot of an older brother and yet she wanted to go see if Harry as ok. Harry had instantly silenced anyone saying that he should have gotten the badge instead, and said that he fully supported the decision to make Ron a prefect.

And the prat had gone and broken what was left of an already brittle friendship. Deep down she knew that Harry wouldn't just up and abandon the Weasley's, and her by relation. But it was still a scary thought, and one she was not so easily shaking off.

"Don't worry little sister. This will all blow over in time." George said as he walked up beside her. "I've never seen Harry so angry before."

"Too right you are brother of mine, but I think we've all learned two valuable lessons tonight."

When Ginny looked confused the twins decided to enlighten her.

"One, Ickle ronnikins is a right prat." Fred said disgustedly

"And two, never," George began

"Ever," Fred said right after

"Insult Cho!" The twins finished together. Ginny couldn't help but laugh at their antics. They always had a way of making her feel better.


"Are you ok, Harry?" Cho said squeezing his hand comfortingly.

"I almost lost control back there, Cho." Harry said in a low, shame filled voice, "Someone could have seriously been hurt."

"I don't think you would have hurt any of us, Harry." Hermione asked as he sat down on his other side.

"Whats makes you think that?" Harry said skeptically

"Remus and Sirius held you back yes, but if you had really wanted to attack, you could have tossed them across the room. You didn't so much as grab them." Hermione said matter of fact.

"Not to mention you didn't even twitch when I touched you." Cho said soothingly, "Anger is definitely a trigger for your partial transformations, but I think only those actually threatening you or one of us are in any danger."

"It is very much like my own transformation." Fleur said as she sat next to Cho, "Yes, we lose some of ourself when it happens, but we are not totally out of control. Not like a true werewolf during the full moon."

"Exactly, I think with some practice you could even learn to control it completely." Hermione said, "That is what Greyback was known for, always being partially transformed."

"I would never want to be compared to that lunatic." Harry said in disgust.

"And no one would ever compare you two, Harry." Cho began, instantly calming her boyfriend. "He was a monster, but his control over the wolf was incredible. There has never been anyone else like him, not until you."

"Greyback was the whole reason that so many of our kind joined Voldemort in the last war." Remus said as he and Sirius walked over to where they were sitting. "Fear. He terrified even the most brutal werewolf. Imagine the good you could do in the werewolf community. And what it would do to the Death Eaters to have a partially transformed Harry Potter with a wand in his hand."

"I'd bloody piss myself if I were them." Sirius said with an exaggerated shiver of fear.

"And you did Padfoot, or have you forgotten?" Remus said smirking as Sirius blushed lightly in embarrassment

"Not true!" Sirius defended, "Harry was completely transformed. Huge difference."

"I guess that's true, point made," Remus said smiling broadly. "Puddlefoot." he added his last quip, and effectively ridding the group of the tension that surrounded it when they all started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah. laugh it up." Sirius said feigning irritation. "Get back over there and enjoy your party." He shushed the laughing teens away and plopped down in their vacated seats.

"Think he'll be ok?" Remus asked concerned

"Oh yeah, with those little lady's looking out for him he'll be just fine." Sirius responded honestly.

The night progressed without further incident, unless you count a drunken Tonks attempting to pull Remus into a rather passionate kiss that she wouldn't remember and he wouldn't forget.


September 1st came all too quickly for Harry's liking. He was very happy to be going back to Hogwarts, but he would also miss being at his new home. Living with Sirius and Remus had been the best summer of his life. Even better than his time spent with the Weasley's. And while both would be joining him at Hogwarts, it still wouldn't be the same.

He was however thrilled to be spending most of his free time with his girlfriend, and she seemed to be equally as thrilled about it, if the intense snogging he was receiving was any indication. Not one minute after the train had pulled out of the station, did she pull him into an empty compartment and start kissing him for all she was worth. Not that he wasn't being just as enthusiastic.

"I missed you, Harry." Cho said breathlessly as they pulled apart.

"I missed you too, Cho." Harry said and kissed her on the forehead. "Now let's go join our friends."

It took them several minutes to find where the others were, but once they did they entered the compartment to knowing looks. Harry took his normal seat beside Hermione, as Cho sat on his other side. Neville, looking confused, was talking to a young girl Harry didn't recognize who was sitting beside Ginny.

"Well, I'm off for now. I have to go meet the Head Boy and Girl." Hermione said excitedly, "I'll see you all soon."

"See you." Harry said as she closed the compartment door. "So Neville, who's your new friend?"

"This is Luna Lovegood." Cho said, "She's in Ravenclaw with me."

"I actually only just met her." Neville said somewhat awkwardly.

"Luna and I have been friends since we were little." Ginny said.

"It's nice to meet you Harry Potter." Luna said dreamily, "It's nice to see you again Cho." she said smiling at the older witch.

"Luna was just telling me about her Father's magazine." Neville said holding it out to Harry, who took it and skimmed through it quickly.

"Looks interesting enough. The Quibbler. interesting indeed." Harry said, actually interested.

Luna absolutely beamed at him as she took the magazine back. "If you want, I'm sure daddy would love to give you a subscription, free of charge. maybe even an interview."

"The substriction I'll take, though I would rather pay for it." Harry said as he looked at the strange girl, "I'll pass on the interview though, for now."

Completely unphased, the young Ravenclaw smiled brightly, "I'll write to him just as soon as we get to Hogwarts."

The train ride went by with little else happening. Marietta stopped in for a chat, and then left again. Malfoy and his usual cronies stopped by but continued on without a fuss when they saw all the people in the compartment. It was overall a very nice and relatively quiet trip. Harry hoped that the rest of the year would be just as quiet. But he knew Hogwarts had a way of being anything but quiet.