As soon as I opened my eyes and felt the sweaty bed sheets sticking to my skin, I knew that it was gonna be one hell of a Georgia afternoon. Sweat creased my brow and soaked my already filthy hair. It was high time for a shower, I suppose.

I dressed in simple black short shorts and a white tank top, lacing up my combat boots before exiting my tiny tent. It was quiet, with a just a few people mucking about the camp. It was late in the day, maybe around one or two. I couldn't be certain, of course. Most of our usual inhabitants were gone on a run with Glenn to the city for some much needed supplies, so that would explain the unusual silence that hung in the humid air.

Glenn had come barging into my tent some time ago, briefly rousing me to ask if I'd join him and his tag alongs. I'd mumbled something like "get the fuck outta my tent," so I was left behind. Truth be told, I'm not one for runs. I don't like to be remind of the ghouls that now roam the earth. Up here... it's almost like I can pretend that I'm on some big camping trip with my friends. It's almost easy to forget the gnashing teeth and rotting flesh.

"Yo Dale," I called up to the older man who was sat atop the RV with a rifle in his lap. "Where's everybody else?"

He looks down at me, adjusting his fisherman's hat. "Lori went off into the woods a bit ago, Shane too. Amy and Carl are somewhere around here."

I narrowed my eyes, knowing that he very purposely left out the very attractive redneck that I was infatuated with.

"And Daryl?"

Dale gave me a knowing smile, chuckling lightly to himself. "Hunting, I believe." I sighed mock dreamily. "That's it Dale, I love him." He laughed and I grinned, obviously joking. "We're meant to be."

"Yeah, okay Beck. Let's see how Daryl feels about that."

I snorted loudly, "how could he refuse all of this sex appeal? It's unthinkable, Dale." I joked, sweating like a pig at this point.

Dale laughed at my playful jest, and I just stood there for a moment. I wasn't sure of what to do. I didn't exactly have a designated job or anything, I just kinda... flowed. I hunted, on occasion, but I'd hate to run into Daryl in the woods. Something tells me he wouldn't be too keen on me sabotaging his hunt.

"Ya got somethin' you need done, Dale? I'm bored." I asked, rocking back on my heels. Dale seemed to think for a moment, before giving me a tiny smile. "Would you like to join me on watch? I'm sure I could muster up a tale or two to keep you occupied."

I grinned widely, before clambering up he side of the RV and sitting in the shade of Dale's umbrella. To me, Dale always seemed kinda like the wise old man of the forest. Ain't no way I'm missing any story he's got to tell.

So that's how I spent my afternoon, sitting on top of that old RV, listening to Dale talk about anything and everything.

For some reason, it seemed that I got along surprisingly well with everyone. But I especially hit it off with Dale. He was like the Grandfather I never had. Of course, there were those in camp that I didn't particularly like, but as it turns out, I'm fantastic at hiding my emotions. I was well liked, and I guess that kind of made up for my uselessness, in a way.

After a while, I noticed Shane and Lori make their way back in, looking very satisfied with themselves. You'd have to be blind not to see what's going on between those two. I knew very vaguely of Lori and Shane's past.

Lori was married to an officer who got shot and died just before this whole apocalypse thing. Shane was his partner. I thought it was kind of wrong, to be honest, but who am I to judge? I'm the one lusting after Daryl Dixon, for Christs sake.

It's not exactly a secret that Daryl's sort of an angry guy, okay? He mostly keeps to himself, rarely speaking to anyone besides his brother, Merle. And when he does, he never really has a kind word to say.

But there was just something about him, something that made me want to dig deeper and uncover something that maybe no one has seen before. It wasn't just because I was pretty much running out of options in the dude department,no, for some reason I just felt that there was more to Daryl Dixon than meets the eye.

I wanted to love him, but more than that, I wanted to fuck him.

I haven't been laid in months, cut me some slack here.

I knew I had to do something, and soon, because if I just let all sexual frustration continue to build, then surely, I'd explode.

It was either him, or Glenn. And right now, Glenn was the easier option.

[center] $$$[/center]

Hours later, just before sunset, the people who went into the city returned, with, surprise surprise, Lori's husband. Y'know, the one we all thought was dead. It was a tear jerking reunion, I'll give it that. I was never really one for family, myself. Still, I'm not ashamed to admit that I did shed a tear or two for Lori and her newly reunited family. It's gonna get pretty interesting real soon, I bet, with Shane on the back burner and all. Should be fun.

Later, after dinner, we all sat around a low bonfire, listening to Rick's riveting tale. The only two who where absent were Merle and Daryl. Well, I guess I forgot to mention this, but they left Merle handcuffed to the roof of a department store. I can't say that I was upset, but wow, that sucked.

Daryl still didn't know, seeing as he was off gallivanting' in the woods. I feared his reaction, as did everyone else in the camp. but he wouldn't be back till morning, at least, so no one really mentioned it for a while.

I sat next to Glenn, who was completely absorbed in the former officer's story. He was so cute sometimes.

Glenn and I had a past, I guess you could say. We grew up in the same neighborhood and went to high school together. We've been good friends ever since our teens, and this whole "end of days" thing has strengthened our relationship, I guess. If i had a best friend, he would be it.

Dale brought up the subject of Merle, and briefly we discussed Daryl's reaction. One thing was for certain, Daryl would not be happy.

We continued to sit around the fire for some time, swapping our apocalypse stories, until only the embers lit the dark night.

As we rose and bid each other good night, I gently grasped Glenn's hand and pulled him in the direction of my tent. I'm surprised he didn't protest, actually.

Once we were well away from any prying eyes, I let him go and turned to face him. In the dark, I could just barley make out his confused expression, but I thought nothing of it. Surely, Glenn was just as sexually frustrated as I was, right? Yeah, I mean he had to be. It's been months since the outbreak, and the only other girl around here that was remotely fuckable was Amy, and she was annoying as hell.

Just as he opened his mouth, I leaned forward and crushed my lips to his. Immediately, he responded, gripping onto my hips tightly and tugging me closer. I grinned into the kiss, tangling my fingers in his short black hair. When we pulled back, breathing hard, we just kind of looked at each other in the darkness for a moment, assessing the situation.

When he didn't speak, I took the initiative, leaning in close to the side of his face.

"Just fuck me, Glenn." I murmured, my breath ghosting over the shell of his ear. I could hear his breath catch in his throat and then suddenly, I was pulled into the nearest tent, which happened to be mine, thankfully.

My cot was too small to fit the both of us comfortably, so Glenn simply pulled us down onto the hard ground, hovering over my body for a moment. "This is just sex?" he whispered, his lips nearly brushing mine. "Just sex," I confirmed, before smashing our mouths together in a harsh kiss. Oh god, I had missed this.

A cool fire began to work it's way through my veins as Glenn's hands gently caressed my aching skin. I needed more. I guided his hand up to my still covered breast, desperate for his touch.

He moved his hot mouth to my neck, gently sucking on the skin there, nipping lightly with his teeth. I mewled underneath him, marveling at his ability to find my weak spot so quickly. We broke apart, tearing our clothes off and tossing them in all directions.

It was quite dark, but from what I could see, Glenn was pretty well built for an awkward Asian guy.

Soon, all thoughts were banished as he entered me in one swift motion. I gasped, bucking my hips against his. He moved slowly inside of me, earning a deep moan from low in my throat. That rumor you hear about Asians being undersized? yeah, it's totally not true.


The sun rose, and with it, so did I. Yeah, for once I was up early. And by the smell of things, I desperately needed a bath. I rose from my spot on the floor next to a very sated and sleeping Glenn, pulling on some random clothes as I did so. I grabbed a pair of clean ones, my toiletries bag, and a towel. Quietly, I stepped out into the muggy morning air, finding no one awake but Dale, who was acting as lookout. I sent him a wave and went on my merry way.

There was a pond a couple hundred yards out into the woods, and I intended to bathe there. Walkers never came this far up, but just in case, I brought my trusty axe along. This rusty old thing had gotten me through some very tough times not so long ago, and I treasured it.

My footsteps crunched loudly throughout the virtually silent forest, making for a very eerie setting. I briefly wondered if Daryl was still out here, all sweaty and shirtless...

I quickly dismissed the thought. No need to get myself all hot and bothered.

I came upon the pond I was looking for and quickly stripped. I held the dirty fabrics in my hand as I plunged into the water, soaking them as well. As long as I'm out here, I may as well do a little laundry too.

Quickly, I washed my hair, shaved my legs and underarms, and scrubbed my skin clean until it was raw. I rubbed soap over the wet clothes and scrubbed them as well.

I clambered out of the mucky water, finally clean. It was a foreign feeling, being devoid of the grime that seemed to perpetually coat my skin. But it was nice, I'll admit.

I dried and dressed, gathering my things and making my way back to camp.

It was still quiet, and suddenly I was freaking beat. I never got up this early, and I did have kind of a late night last night. Boy, was I feeling it. I threw my crap in the corner of my tent, trying my hardest not to wake the Asian who occupied my floor. I took off my shoes, bra,and shorts, climbing back underneath the blanket we had pulled down sometime during the night. I laid my head on Glenn's chest, sighing out a breath.

It felt nice to cuddle like this. It's been a while, as I'm sure you can tell.

I soon fell into a peaceful sleep, with Glenn as my pillow. And when I awoke, it was to the sounds of angry shouting.

Talk about a rude awakening.