Me: Good evening. Since Slugterra is over, I have decided to interview the cast of slugterra. Our first guests are going to be the Shane Gang.

-Cheering and clapping from random crowd-

-Eli Shane walks in followed by Trixie, Kord and Pronto. Random fangirls scream Eli's name and some of them faint.-

Me: Welcome! Please take your seats.

-The gang sits down. -

Eli: Thank you Nicole. It's an honour.

Me: Pleasure is all mine. Let's get down to business then.

Kord nods: Sure.

Me: How do you feel now that Blakk is in the Deep Caverns?

Pronto (jumps up): Good riddance is what I say!

Trixie: I am glad he is no longer a threat. Those ghouls and the Darkbane were a serious problem.

Eli: Yeah. I hope he doesn't come back.

Kord (shivers): I don't plan on fighting those guys again.

Me (nodding): Trixie, how do you feel about being the only girl in the group?

Trixie: Well, it's ok...I guess.

Kord (looks at Trixie): She's ok with it.

Me (grinning evilly): Good. Eli, who is your love interest?

Eli (blushes): Uhmm next question please?

(Kord and Pronto look at each other. Trixie looks down.)

Me: What about you Trixie?

(the redhead blushes)

Me: Okaay! Moving on... Pronto, what do you contribute to your gang?

Pronto (growls): How dare you ask the Magnificent Pronto that? I am important! Very important!

Me: Yeah! Yeah!

Pronto (loading blaster with flaturhorinkus): EAT MY STANK!

Me: Security!

-Random guard wearing Blakk Industries uniform appears and snatches blaster from Pronto.-

Pronto: Hey!

Eli (paranoid): What is that guy doing here? You work for Blakk, don't you?

Me: Cool down. I am not going to kill you! If I wanted to, I would have done that years ago.

Kord (whispering): Does anyone smell a trap?

Pronto (looking guilty): That wasn't me!

-Burpy laughs. My phone rings and the ringtone is the Slugterra theme song.-

Me: Excuse me.

(gang members try to listen to the conversation)

Me:Hello?...Yes... Bring them in Vinyl.

-After a few minutes, Blakk and Twist enter, led by a 12 year old girl. Random crowd gasps.-

Me(rubbing my hands together like an evil mastermind): Ladies and gentlemen, Doctor Thaddius Blakk and his apprentice, Twist.

-No one claps, except Vinyl and me. The Shane gang stands up, looking a bit shocked.-

Blakk (frowns and then loads his Harbinger Firestorm): The Shane Gang! What is the meaning of this?

Kord: Twist!

Me: Relax! It's just an interview. (to the girl) Thank you Vinyl.

Twist (groans): Who cares?

Me: Just take a seat, will you?

-Blakk and Twist go to take their seats but the Shane gang aims their blasters at them, except for Pronto.-

Twist: Eli Shane, always a pain.

Me: Guys. No blasters! SECURITY!

-Random guards appear and grab all of their blasters.-

Me: Guys, you can sort out your little feud later. Settle down.

-Blakk and Twist scowl at the Shane Gang. The gang glares at them.-

Me: There's a lot of tension in this room. Okay, let's get straight to the questions. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting.

Pronto: I told you this was a trap!

Kord: No, you didn't! I did!

Twist (glares at the molenoid): Now you are making me wish it was a trap.

Me: Okay then. Twist, you did not feature in the last episode. Where were you?

Twist (relaxes): Well, Blakk had ordered me not to join the slugbattle.

Me: What was the reason Doctor Blakk?

Blakk (folds hands): Well, he was some sort of..insurance policy. In fact, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him.

Eli (sighs heavily): Twist, I thought we were family!

Twist (scowls at Eli): As if you know the meaning of the word.

Me: How did you bring Blakk back Twist?

-Everyone looks at Twist-

Twist: Don't look at me! I am not going to tell you. It's a secret.

-Blakk smiles satisfied-

Me: Oh well. While we are still on the topic of secrets, Eli, please tell us some of the "so-called" (air-quotes) Shanes' secrets.

-There is an excited murmuring in the random crowd. Trixie gasps. Twist and Blakk smirk.-

Kord: Eli, don't.

Eli (smirks): If I did, then they would no longer be secrets, would they?

Twist (groans): Just tell us already!

-There is a burst of black and green light and a dark skinned girl appears.-

Blakk: You! I thought the gentleman finished you!

Danna Por: Missed me? Anyway, I want to hear about the Shanes' secrets.

She ignores Blakk's glare and sits besides Eli. Trixie frowns.-

Blakk (getting impatient): Well, are you going to tell us or not?!

Eli: That's none of your business.

Kord (whispers): Burn...

Danna: Yes! tell us! I still want a share of that treasure, you know.

Pronto (glancing around): Treasure! Where is it?

Trixie (glares at Pronto): Zip it!

-Pronto looks crestfallen-

Eli: I am not going to tell you so forget it Blakk!

Blakk (glares at Eli): If you do, I will tell you where your father is.

-Random crowd gasps and the Shane Gang looks at Eli-

Twist (shouts): Finally! I can get my revenge.

Eli (looking sad): What's what I have to do to find my father then..

Trixie: Eli, no!

Kord (scratches his neck): I know you want to find your father but it's not a risk I would want you to take. You've got to consider Blakk might not tell you the truth.

Eli (nods): Yeah, you might be right.

Blakk (snarls): Your loss!

Pronto (looking around): Pronto is feeling thirsty, where is my mudshake?

Me: What mudshake?

Pronto (getting emotional): What kind of a person interviews people without giving them any food?

Kord: Cool down, dude.

Me (sighs and calls someone): Vinyl! Where are the drinks?

Vinyl (shrugs shoulders): Couldn't get them in time. Anyway, I used most of the money to convince Blakk's guards to work for us.

Me: Oh well..

-Pronto runs around the room, looking for his mudshake.-

Everyone: PRONTO!

Twist (irritated): Is he always like this?

-Mr Saturday walks in with a new blaster, identical to the last one.-

Me: Mr Saturday! Glad you could join us!

Mr Saturday (laughs): I thought someone needed help.

-His blaster spins and a red light hits the paranoid molenoid. Pronto stops running and his tongue hangs out.-

Mr Saturday (laughs): Instant zombifying solution!

Eli: Not funny dude!

Me (shaking head): GUARDS!

-Random guard appears, avoids a zombifying blast from Mr Saturday and grabs the blaster-

Blakk (frowns): What is he doing here?!

Mr Saturday: I wanted to make the stupid molenoid to suffer because he destroyed my blaster.

Kord: Eli, can you fix Pronto?

Eli (glares at me): I don't have a blaster!

Vinyl (throws blaster at Eli) :There you go!

Twist (standing up): Not fair!

-Blakk and Twist look unsettled and analyses Eli's every move. The Shane slugs a Boon Doc and the molenoid returns to normal-

Pronto (stretches): Pronto must stop having midnight snacks! They give me the weirdest of dreams.

Twist (smacks Pronto): Get real!

-Vinyl takes advantage of the situation and grabs Eli's blaster. Blakk and Twist smirk-

Eli: Hey! Bring it back!

Vinyl: Not happening. (disappears)

Trixie and Danna: How did she do that?

Me: Sir, please leave.

Mr Saturday: I will only leave if you give me a SMOOTHIE!

Trixie (face-palms): Seriously?! What is wrong with this guy?

-Vinyl appears from nowhere and gives him a smoothie.-

Me: Oh I just remembered something. Sir, are you a Darkbane?

-Random crowd glares at him. Mr Saturday chokes on his smoothie.-

Mr Saturday (freezes): Me? Why do you think so?

Trixie (nods): Come to think of it, I think he is. Look at his eyes.

Twist: yeah.. tell us.

Mr Saturday (looks around): I am part Darkbane.

Danna: What?

-Mr Saturday sprints out of the room.-

Eli (standing up to chase him): We have to send him where he belongs.

Me: You can always catch him later, besides you don't have a blaster.

-Eli groans and Burpy chirps angrily-

Twist: Yeah yeah! Cry me a river! Next question?

Me (checking the time): Time is up. Thank you for watching and ...

Danna (interrupts): Hey! You haven't asked me any questions!

Me: You weren't invited.

Danna (frowns): That doesn't matter.

Me (sighs): Ok next time then.

Doctor Blakk (giggles evilly): If there IS actually a... next time!

Danna mutters something.

Vinyl: Whatever! Join us next time on Slug Tv..

Me: ...for more information and hopefully, drama...


Was bored and thought of this. It's supposed to be a one-shot but if you want more, mention it in the reviews.

Vinyl belongs to the talented author Vinyl Rose. Check out her awesome stories if you can...

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
