Summary: It was supposed to be a usual Sunday for Oreki Houtarou when the phone rang. He then knew that his peaceful day would be not so peaceful afterall. (What? It's the best I could give without spoiling anything.)

I am in one hell of a situation right now.

Three words: Fitting room. Chitanda. Me. (Wait. That was four words).

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'll say it more directly. I am in a fitting room with the ever so lovely (and deadly) Chitanda Eru.

I'm sure you're dying to know how I got into this situation. I am too.

It was a nice Sunday morning. No school. No classics club. No pair of purple eyes to mind. It was a perfect day for an energy saving person such as yours truly. I was about to take my needed (actually, wanted is the right term but, meh) nap when the phone rang. Who would call at such an early hour? Then I remembered, what is early for me is late for another (it is now 8am for reference). After the third ring, I picked up the phone and was surprised at myself for not being surprised as to who's at the other end of the line.

"Good morning Oreki-san. Did I call at an inconvenient time?" was what the person at the other end of the line said.

Yes. I was about to take my nap. That was what I've wanted to say. Instead, I said "No. It's fine."

"Thank goodness." Was her reply.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I don't want the conversation to take any longer.

"Uhm actually, Oreki-san, are you free today? I have a favor to ask of you" A favor huh? Crap. I know where this is going. Time to abort!

"Actually, I don't think I am. My day is already booked. Yeah. Booked"

"Eh?!" Don't give me that reaction. It kinda hurts. "You are? What would you be doing today? I'm curious as to what you would be doing on a Sunday besides your usual energy saving activities! Would you be taking a walk? Would you be meeting somebody? Would you be going to the library?"

"Uhhh I'll be watching TV, reading the newspaper, taking a nap… Would that do?"

"Oreki-san! I'm serious!" But I am serious. You have hurt me milady!

"Fine fine. I am free. What would you need me for?" My reply in a defeated tone.

"Well, if it's not a bother, could you accompany me to the mall? There are some things I'd like to look at."

"Why would you want me to do that with you? Shouldn't you ask Ibara?"

"O-Oreki-san! Mayaka-san said that she'll be out of town for today. Have you forgotten?" Yep. I totally forgot. No. Not really. It's just that it is still early. Brain's still half asleep. Besides, it isn't something that I should remember.

"Can't this wait?"I knew that it was a moot question. Whenever it comes to her, nothing's gonna be kept in waiting. What she wants, she want it now.

"I really want to look into it now. Oreki-san, please. It's kinda embarrassing to ask this of you too." Then why ask me? There is Satoshi, Fuyumi Irisu, Jumoonji, etc.

"Fine. *sigh* What time would we meet up? And where?" was my reply. In the end, I just can't say no to this girl. It's a mystery that even I, Kamiyama High's Greatest Detective (courtesy of Satoshi) cannot solve.

"Would 10 am be fine?" Nope!

"Yeah." I lied.

"Then 10 am it is! Let's meet at the train station. Thank you very much Oreki-san! I'll repay you with something later!". Well that is something new. I don't usually get rewarded when I do things for you.


I then put the phone back to its place, checked the clock (it's 8:08am), contemplated on whether to start preparing or take a nap, and then decided to take a 30 minute nap.

9:55 am. Five minutes early. No sign of Chitanda Eru. Five minutes have passed, still no sign of her. How rude. I should have known. She's always late. 10:05 am, and there she is. Is she doing this on purpose?

"I'm sorry for being late Oreki-san. Have you been waiting long?" She was saying while gasping for air.

"Not really" Yes way. I was five mintues early.

"Well, shall we go?"

It was then that I've noticed how nicely dressed Chitanda is. She wore a knee-length white skirt, a pink tanktop, topped by a white blazer, finished off with a nice ponytail. She really stood out. I stared at her for at least a minute (involuntary).

"Oreki-san?" Whoops. I looked like an idiot.

"Hm? Sorry 'bout that. It's just that you look nice" Did I really say that?

"Eh?" Crimson dots have formed on her cheeks. She's blushing. Why would she blush? Come to think of it, I am blushing too. Now, why would I blush?!

"Nevermind. Let's go" I growled.

"Y-Yes! Let's! To the mall!" and off we go. Chitanda leaded the way, of course, for I am only here to accompany her, yes.

We're suddenly at the dress section of the mall. I never would have guessed it. I thought that she had wanted to look at some antiques, books, stationaries, and what not. But here we are… dresses. Well, she is a girl afterall. I now curse Ibara for not being here. I C—Wait, what was that? Just now I saw (more like felt) a shadow behind me. I was about to check on it when a soft voice called unto me.

"Oreki-san" Chitanda has gone out of the fitting room donning a new dress. "How do I look?"

How does she look? It's like her beauty has been multiplied by a hundred times. No, not a hundred, a thousand times! (I am exaggerating). She donned a one-piece white dress with slightly above knee-length ruffled skirt, and a lace strap. Add a pair of wings and you have here the physical representation of an angel, ready to soothe your hearts.

"Heavenly good" did I say that out loud again?

"Oreki-san?" Looks like I didn't. "Are you okay?"

Well, time to end this fantasy "It's good". I added a nod. It's bland but I think it's enough to send the message.

"Really? Then I think I'll get this one" Finally. This lady has been in the fitting room for more or less 15 minutes. She went back into the fitting room. She then changed into the clothes she was wearing earlier. When she has gone out of the fitting room, she jumped, then pulled me in with her in the fitting room. What. The. Hell.

So here I am, in the fitting room with the ever so lovely (yet deadly… don't forget deadly) Chitanda Eru. Thank God it's not as cramped as I thought it would be. There is still some between me and Chitana. Although, I still don't know why she dragged me here so I'm gonna ask her just that.

"Why did you do that?!" I screamed. No really. Why would she do that?

"Ah?! Eh?! S-sorry Oreki-san. It was just, I saw Fuyumi-san and then I became nervous. And then-" You saw who now? Fuyumi-san? Irisu Fuyumi? . Wait. Why would you be startled by the sight of her? "I am very sorry Oreki-san."

Awkward silence.

"Ahhmm, Oreki-san. If I may, I would want to let you know that I am curious." I am curious too. Curious as to why you have put me into this misery. I gave her my usual glare. She did not budge.

"I'm curious as to why I have been startled by the chance of having Fuyumi-san seeing just us two together here in the mall". Her face was slowly turning to red. She then cupped her face as if to hide her embarrassment. "Nevermind Oreki-san. I think I have already figured it out".

I felt my face burning up too. I think what I had in mind is the same as her conclusion. This is getting really awkward. I think it's time now to get out of this situation. I know for a fact that I don't to stay in this set-up any longer. "Oy Chitanda. When are we gonna get out of this fitting room?"

"Oh! Right. In a moment. I think Fuyumi-san will be leaving soon."

After what seems to be eternity (it only took a minute), we finally stepped out of the fitting room. I stepped out first, survey the scene for nearby patrons (they might misunderstand). After making sure that the coast clear, I then ushered Chitanda to step out.

And then there was that feeling again. The feeling of being watched. I can't act suspicious in front of Chitanda though. It might fire up her curiosity engine. I must make this stealthy as possible. The lengths I go for this girl… sometimes, I just ask the state of my sanity.

That was a good meal. That was a good homemade meal. That was a good homemade meal made by the hands of the ever wonderful Chitanda Eru. It was a simple meal, but it was good.

"Thanks for the meal" was my comment. It's as sincere as I could get.

"It's okay Oreki-san. You helped me today." was her reply. Is this meal the reward she was talking about earlier? Why did I remember that? Was I hoping for something more? Why am I asking these questions?

Bah! I might as well eat this out. I unconsciously chomped the meal with more vigor. I must have looked very stupid but that was not a matter I've considered important during that time.

"Oreki-san. Slowly. You might choke" she giggled. Okay. What was unimportant then became important. I stopped my vicious chomping. I really did look stupid. This was confirmed when Chitanda modest giggle transformed into a soft laugh.

We've finished our meal. Time to go home, I think.

"So, is there anything else you want to look at?" Crap. What was I thinking?

"Actually, there is. But, I… I am quite embarrassed to ask this of you." Red dots can be seen on her cheeks. What is this something that made her blush?

"Hm. Fine. Let's go home." I don't want to deal with this. It's almost 2pm. I'd have to recharge sooner or later. It's already been a long day for me. What with the fitting room non-sense, these two stalkers who still think I haven't noticed, and this girl… this girl beside me. As I was about to walk, Chitanda Eru grabbed my hand. She then said:

"W-Wait Oreki-san. I still want to look into that." Her voice was slowly softening. She then pointed a finger over a certain building that is not so far away from where we sitting.

"No." was my immediate reply.

"But Oreki-san, I really am curious about that place!". The nerve of this girl!

"No!" That's the final straw. I am now mad. "YOU TWO THERE! SHOW YOURSELVES! I KNOW YOU WERE TRAILING US THE WHOLE TIME". I've used more energy than I've wanted. The lady Chitanda who's sitting beside me was obviously startled and confused.

Two familiar figures then emerged from the shadows (actually from the bushes, but heck, I want to be dramatic). That unmistakable spikey brown hair... that petite figure endowed with pink eyes. Yep. Fukube Satoshi and Ibara Mayaka (I thought she was out of town?) were our stalkers. "Explain yourselves." I've finally calmed down.

"Ah. Eh. Well I would really want to explain things to you but I have the sudden urge to run, so, toodles!". Satoshi then grabbed Ibara by the hand then they both run as fast as they can. Hmph. See you in the club room tomorrow.

"O-Oreki-san? Aren't you going to chase them?" Chitanda asked hesitantly.

"I'd rather not. It will use too much energy. Besides, I don't have to chase them when I have you here to explain this mumbo jumbo." Irritation was obvious in my tone.

"Are you mad at me Oreki-san?" asked Chitanda. Tears were forming in her eyes. Sigh. What did I do now?

"I was. I'm not now though." I reassured here. I then pat her head as an act of comfort.

"It's just that, after Mayaka-san and Fukube-san became a couple, I became curious as to what a date would feel like. I then asked what couples usually do when they're on a date. They've also said that I should try it on you so that it won't be that akward. I'm sorry Oreki-san! I feel really dirty right now." There there. It wasn't your fault. Well actually is your fault. You've asked the most terrible couple with regards to your query. I am so gonna give them a piece of my mind tomorrow.

"It's fine. You didn't do anything wrong. Besides, you could've asked me directly instead of relying on those two."

"Eh? Really Oreki-san?"

"Mm. We still have the rest of the day" I then gave her a sincere smile. What happened next though was totally unexpected. After I smiled at her, she beamed a grateful smile too. I then instinctively turn my head away from her gaze, then when I wasn't looking, Chitanda pressed her lips on my cheek. It was brief but the feeling lasted more than the moment.

"That's you reward for going out with me."