AN - I'm sorry I didn't post this yesterday, but my computer who being weird and I couldn't access my account. I do not own any of the Doctor Who characters. The only thing I own are the words coming out of Jenny's mouth. Hope you enjoy the conclusion of the adventure in The Library.

The scared group of 6 ran down hallway after hallway and just when it seemed like they were going to get out, the darkness blotted out the last bit of light in front of them. They came to a dead stop as Proper Dave's now infested spacesuit advanced on them saying, "Hey! Who turned out the lights?" Jenny sagged against her dad's chest, tears still coursing down her face as the 'Donna' node could still be faintly heard in the background saying, "Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved." She weakly pulled at her dad's arms, half wanting to be free, but at the same time she didn't want to leave his arms. The Doctor lightened his grip on her as he stared blankly as the swarm-infested suit got closer. He could hear River asked him what they were going to do, but he really had no idea at the moment; he was still reeling from the shock of seeing Donna's face on a node. Next to him, River thought quickly and pulled out the squareness gun again and fired it making a nice hole through the wall for them to escape. "This way! Quickly, move!" she said ushering everyone through the hole. They weaved through more corridors until the finally found a room that had a huge circle in the ceiling and was shining light into the center of the room. "Ok, we've got a clear spot." said River moving everyone to the circle of light. "In, in, in! Right in the center; in the middle of the light, quickly. Don't let your shadows cross. Doctor…"

"I'm doing it." he said as he gave Jenny's arm a soothing rub before he pulled out his sonic screwdriver. He began to scan the shadows around them. "Sunset's coming." commented River as she looked at the sky above. "We can't stay long. Have you found a live one?" she asked The Doctor.

"Maybe. It's getting harder to tell. What's wrong with you?" he said in frustration as his screwdriver started going wonky.

"Ok. We're going to need a chicken leg." said River. Who's got a chicken leg?" Other Dave gave a sigh and pulled out a chicken leg from his suit. He had been saving it for a snack later, but seeing as how there's might not be a later, the leg could be used for something else. "Thanks Dave." said River slightly out of breath. Anita watched the leg pass from Other Dave to River she noticed Jenny sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest. She scooted closer to the younger girl. "Hey. Are you alright?" she asked.

"She's gone. I can't believe she's gone." said Jenny, the tears finally stopping.

"Well, maybe she's not. You never know." said Anita.

"What do you mean?" asked Jenny.

"Maybe, that wasn't really her you saw on the node. Maybe it was someone who just looked a lot like her." consoled Anita.

"No, that's not possible, The Doctor said that…" said Jenny.

"Forget about what The Doctor said. He's not right all the time; he doesn't know everything that's out there in the Universe. If he did, then he would know how to escape from here, right?." said Anita. Jenny just nodded her head in casual agreement. "You know, my grandfather used to say, 'Never loose hope. Cause without it we are laying down without a fight and where's the fun in that.' Funny little saying, but it was one of his strongest beliefs. In fact, it was the last thing he said before he started ghosting." Jenny looked over at Anita and gave a small smile.

"It is a funny saying, but it works." said Jenny. Anita just smiled in return. "Thank you." continued Jenny after a moment of silence.

"Ok, ok. We've got a hot one." announced River as she quickly moved back from the shadow. "Watch your feet." she said sitting next to Jenny in a slightly protective way.

"They won't attack until there's enough of them. But they've got our scent now. They're coming." said The Doctor moving to another patch of darkness.

"Who is he?" whispered Other Dave to River. "You haven't even told us. You just expect us to trust him."

"He's The Doctor." River replied.

"And who is The Doctor?" asked Strackman.

"He's the most fantastical man you will ever meet in the whole universe." said Jenny holding her head up, proud to be The Doctor's daughter at this moment.

"And that is the only story you'll ever tell… if you survive him." continued River.

"You say he's your friend, but he doesn't even know who you are." said Anita.

"Listen, all you need to know is this… I'd trust that man to the end of the universe. And, actually, we've been." said River

"He doesn't act like he trusts you." continued Anita.

"Yeah. There's a tiny problem… he hasn't met me yet." With River got up and returned to The Doctor's side. "What the hell does that mean?" asked Other Dave.

"It means they were supposed to or are officially going to first meet later on in future; later on in their own private timelines, but, River is much farther along in her timeline than The Doctor is. So therefore, River knows The Doctor but The Doctor has no idea who River is." explained Jenny. The other three just looked at her. "Basic time travel logic." she simply said, but was still getting blank looks from the others. "Never mind." she said standing up and moving over to The Doctor and River. "No wonder you point and laugh at archaeologists dad. They're completely daft. Except for you River." said Jenny quickly adding the last part when River raised her eyebrow at her.

"No you're right love, especially about that lot. They wouldn't even be able to get the simplest of time travel logic." said River with a smirk. The Doctor only half listened to their conversation as his screwdriver began to go all wonky. He drew the attention of River and Jenny as he held the sonic device up to his ear. "What's wrong with it?" asked River.

"There's a signal coming from somewhere, interfering with it." he replied.

"Use the red settings." said River.

"It doesn't have a red setting." replied The Doctor looking back at her in confusion.

"Well, use the dampers." continued River.

"It doesn't have dampers." said The Doctor in bewilderment.

"It will do one day." said River holding out her sonic screwdriver. The Doctor stood up and looked River in the eye while he took the screwdriver from her. "So sometime in the future, I just give you my screwdriver." he said.

"Yeah." River replied.

"And why would I do that?" he asked.

"I didn't pluck it from your cold, dead hands if that's what you're worried about." she said.

"And I know that because…" he said.

"Listen to me… you've lost your friend. You're angry, I understand, but you need to be less emotional, Doctor, right now." said River in a strict voice.

"Less em… I'm not emotional." said The Doctor flabbergasted.

"There are six people in this room, still alive and one of them is your daughter, focus on that. Dear god, you're hard work young." she retorted.

"Young? Who are you!" yelled The Doctor.

"Shut it!" yelled Jenny causing both of them to look at her.

"She's right, look at the pair of you. We're all going to die right here, and you're just squabbling like an old married couple!" yelled Strackman. The Doctor looked at River, his mind suddenly racing with the possibility that she was actually his future wife. River saw that look and gave a sigh. "Doctor." she said softly. "One day, I'm going to be someone that you trust completely, but I can't wait for you to find that out. So I'm going to prove it to you and I'm sorry. I'm really, very sorry." With that River leaned in and whispered something into The Doctor's ear. Jenny's worry over what River was telling her dad rose even more when she saw a look of shock come over The Doctor's face. River pulled away and looked The Doctor in the eyes. "Are we good?" she asked, but she got no reply from him. "Doctor, are we good?" she tried again.

"Yeah." he said barely above a whisper. "Yeah, we're good."

"Good." finished River with a nod as she took back her sonic screwdriver and walked away.

"What did she say?" asked Jenny in worry, but all The Doctor did was shake his head no and lead her back into the circle of fading light. "Know what's interesting about my screwdriver?" he said suddenly changing the subject pacing around the outside of the light circle. "Very hard to interfere with; practically nothing's strong enough. Well, some hair dryers, but I'm working on that. So, there is a very strong signal coming from somewhere and it wasn't there before, so what's new? What's changed?" Everyone looked at each other and around the room scanning for anything new. "Come on! What's new? What's different?" shouted The Doctor when no one answered him.

"I don't know. Nothing. It's getting dark." said Other Dave.

"It's a screwdriver. It works in the dark." said The Doctor leveling a stare on Other Dave. "Moonrise." he suddenly said looking up at the sky. "Tell me about the moon. What's there?" he said looking over at Strackman.

"It's not real. It was built as part of The Library." he replied. "It's just a Dr. Moon." Jenny snapped her head toward Strackman when he said that. "But that's the same name as…" she whispered to herself.

"What's a Dr. Moon?" asked The Doctor.

"A virus checker. It supports and maintains the main computer at the core of the planet." continued Strackman.

"Well, it's still active." said The Doctor holding up the sonic screwdriver as it began to pulse steadily. "It's signaling. Someone, somewhere, in this library is alive and communicating with the moon or possibly alive and drying their hair." He put the device to his ear. "No, the signal is definitely coming from the moon." he said turning the device parallel with the floor and trying to get a better angle to hear what was wrong. "I'm blocking it, but it's trying to break through."

"Doctor." suddenly said River as she took a step back. Everyone turned to see what she was looking at. Jenny and The Doctor's faces lit up like a child on Christmas morning. "Donna!" they both yelled excitedly for there, in front of them, the sonic screwdriver was projecting a live image of one Donna Noble. The image lasted only a few seconds but it was enough to give The Doctor and Jenny a massive surge of hope; they were going to get out of here.

"Doctor, that was your friend. What was that?" asked River.

"Can you get her back?" said Jenny, restraining the urge to rip the screwdriver from her father's hands.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on." said The Doctor fiddling with the device. "I'm trying to find the wavelength. Argh! I'm being blocked!" he yelled in frustration.

"What do you mean your being blocked? Get her back." yelled Jenny.

"I'm trying." The Doctor yelled back.

"Well, try harder." said Jenny.

"This really isn't as easy as it looks you know." he retorted.

"Then give it to me and I'll give it a try." said Jenny reaching for the screwdriver, but The Doctor deflected the grab. "No. You are not allowed to use this." he said.

"What? You let River use it." argued Jenny.

"Yeah, well… that's a special circumstance." said The Doctor.

"Oh and getting Donna back isn't a special circumstance." retorted Jenny.

"Will both of you just stop it. God, both of you are tough when you're younger." interjected River.

"Professor." came Anita's wavering voice.

"Just a moment." called back River without taking her eyes off the time traveling father and daughter.

"It's important." said Anita again. "I have two shadows."