Title : Endgame

Rating: K+

Pairing: Levi/Sasha B. Or: SmallPotato! couple. Or, you know.

Disclaimer: Shingeki no Kyojin belongs solely to Hajime Isayama. All creative rights go to the other. Aide from that, I dream up brownies, not Titans.

A/N: My smallpotato obsession is really growing on me. Looking closely, Levi and Sasha are two wholly different personalities, then there's the whole age question and the height and the eating and-honestly, any girl who can take out a Titan with only a bow and arrow is right up there with humanity's strongest. Besides, they'd keep perfect house.

She cooks. He cleans.

On second thought, that's going to fill a whole chapter.

It starts, indefinitely, with the story of a man who has an obscenely impenetrable poker face and a girl who just can't quite contain herself around sustenance. That is to say, they don't know if it's a bad thing, criminal or wrong both morally and socially-

-but hey, its about them. Screw the boundaries.

Love is like that. The possibilities are endless, bounding before them in a fantastically proportioned mass of pulsing hue,like a swish of red silk fluttering across the night sky, twisting itself into a myriad of textures and shapes to lure, enchant, attract-


Its incomprehensible. Its all-encompassing. Its damned fantastic, is what it is.



Maybe now Ackerman might stop making devil's eyes at him everytime he goes near Eren.

A/N: I really would welcome any suggestions or prompts related to this couple or any other for that matter. It all goes into the soup! PM me ;)