For: Left my heart in Paris

From: Jajibuba

Title: Twas the night before Christmas

A/N: This one is for Left my heart in Paris Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or any of the other things mentioned. The only thing I can lay claim too is to my short version of "Twas a night before Christmas."
(however bad it may be)

For the dog this video was my inspiration:

www . youtube watch?v=VCfljREpdw4

The Prompts for this story were: -a scarf

- a dog/puppy

- bourbon

Thank you again to MissJayne for organizing another Jibbsfest Secret Santa :)

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A knock on the front door startled one Leroy Jethro Gibbs. I mean of course it would startle him, who knocked on his door these days? He placed down his sander and went to grab his gun from the bench. As a federal agent one could never be too cautious.

He peered through the window next to the front door, seeing no-one he carefully opened it. As he stepped outside his foot connected with a cardboard box. Peering down he came face to face with a pair of liquid brown eyes connected to a small ball of fluff with long floppy ears peeking out of what appeared to be a red Christmas scarf stuffed into the box.

It gave a little yelp as it wriggled around, trying to escape the confinements of the scarf. Gibbs looked down his street. Who on earth would leave a puppy on his doorstep?

A letter was placed next to the puppy. Deciding to bring the puppy out of the December evening's chill before opening it; Gibbs grabbed the box containing the puppy and brought it inside placing it down in front of his fireplace.

Tearing open the letter, Gibbs squinted at the writing before finally giving in and going to get his glasses from the bedroom.

Dear Mr who lives in this house,

Every Christmas since I've lived here I've seen no tree, no lights, and most importantly, no one apart from you.

I don't think that healthy for anybody, especially for such a kind looking man like you. I found this little beagle puppy freezing on the side of the road last night. I knew I would never be able to look after it as I am moving away from D.C. but I just couldn't let it die.

That's when I thought of you.

I hope you accept this early Christmas gift and that it brings love and happiness into your home.

Merry Christmas,

Your neighbour

Placing the letter down on the coffee table, Gibbs looked at the puppy that had finally managed to free himself from the confinements of the scarf and was now crying as he tried to get out of the box.

Gibbs scooped him up into his arms cradling the puppy in his lap. Something pink and wet touched his hand and it took Gibbs a moment to realise the puppy was licking his hand.

Maybe it was time to let something back into his life. A puppy wouldn't take him to court and bleed his bank accounts dry and best of all, it couldn't lie.

Glancing at the clock Gibbs decided that Walmart would still be open and that he should go. His new housemate needed some supplies.

Over an hour later Gibbs returned, slightly worried about what trouble the puppy had caused. Sure it had been put in the box in the living room but there was no guarantee it hadn't escaped.

Gibbs opened the door and was greeted by the puppy who was lolling his tongue in exhaustion after attacking what appeared to be the remnants of a shoe at his feet. Gibbs gave the puppy one of his infamous head slaps (much gentler of course) then glared at the puppy which sent it retreating back to burrow itself in the scarf that sat in the overturned box.

Satisfied that justice had been served, Gibbs set to organise his newly acquired puppy supplies. Water and food bowls, food, bed, blanket, brush, puppy shampoo, toys, and an army print collar.

Now for one of the most important steps… a name. So being a little boy, the puppy of course had to have a boy name.

It took a long time but Gibbs finally decided on 'Cooper' after Gunnery Sargent John Cooper, a dear friend and comrade of his who was killed at war.

It seemed to suit the energetic little spunk that was now set on destroying his new stuffed lion.

After a few hours switching between sanding the boat, and stopping Cooper from chewing the boat, Gibbs decided that it was about time he went to bed. He and the team still had to do all the paperwork for the case they had closed today…or yesterday as the clock depicted.

With Cooper in one arm and the dog bed under the other, Gibbs marched to his bedroom. Gibbs placed Cooper in the dog bed on the floor adamant that the dog would not be sharing his bed.

Sleepless hours passed as Gibbs tried to block out Cooper's pitchy cries from the floor below, and as Gibbs glanced at the clock realising that he had less than an hour left to actually sleep, he gave in.

There in the early morning light was a tough as nails ex-marine fast asleep in his bed with a tiny beagle puppy curled up under his chin.

Jenny Shepard waited patiently as the elevator travelled up to the bullpen. She was looking forward to her now ritual morning conversation with Jethro as he was the first at work and she the second. They had been getting closer over these past few months and Jenny was reluctant to get her hopes up that maybe they could take the next step.

However she stifled the feelings of disappointment as she realized Jethro was not at his desk. She told herself not to worry. He and his team had no open case therefore he should deserve a bit of a sleep in. She trudged up the stairs to her office Jethro once again clouding her thoughts.

The morning passed relatively smoothly, the criminals seemed to be taking a break this Christmas Eve, and that was good as Jenny didn't want to call in unnecessary staff. They should spend the holidays with their family.

Jenny didn't get back down to the bullpen till she was leaving for her lunch break. She glanced over the railing and saw that Jethro was also grabbing his coat to leave for lunch.

They met in the elevator and it wasn't till the doors had closed that Jenny turned to face Jethro to give him a smile and maybe try to trick him into asking her out for lunch. What she saw though stole her breath.

Jethro looked, well, horrible. He had dark circles under his eyes and his skin was pale and almost translucent.

"Jethro! Are you all right!? You look horrible."

"Thanks for making me feel better Jen… **yawn** no I know. Just didn't get much sleep last night"

"You and that stupid boat of yours" Jenny smirked, sure that that was the reason.

Gibbs just glared at her.

"So…" Jenny ventured. "Are you going to ask me out for lunch or not?"

Jethro stepped out of the elevator into the car park before replying "I've actually got to go home and check on a couple of things but will you'll take a rain check?"

Jenny furrowed her brown in confusion but agreed and went out to the café on her own.

Gibbs walked into his house, the door securely locked due to his new house guest. He had placed his most prized possessions out of Cooper's reach. However he hoped that everything except the stuffed lion and other designated toys had survived the morning unscathed.

It was soon discovered that the matching shoe to the one Cooper had destroyed earlier was the only thing sacrificed.

After a quick lunch of last night's reheated takeout (not without slipping some to Cooper) Gibbs returned for another afternoon of paperwork. At least they would be home at a reasonable hour. That never bothered Gibbs before, but now that he had someone to come home to he would like to be home as early as possible.

Jenny finished her work early that night, well early for her anyway, and it being Christmas Eve she didn't really want to be alone. Perhaps Jethro would take that dinner rain check tonight.

Jenny was however left disappointed once again as she saw the bullpen was already empty. Well Jenny decided, she could let it be or take matters into her own hands.

An hour later Jenny pulled up outside Jethro's house dressed in a more casual manor with jeans and a forest green jumper. Armed with a bottle of bourbon and Chinese, she was feeling confident and happy.

She opened the door and wasn't surprised to be greeted by a house in Christmas denial. She could understand that the memories of Christmases with Shannon and Kelly would be haunting him and causing him pain. However she wanted to try and bring at least a little bit of happiness to his life, even if he never truly celebrated Christmas again.

Hearing someone come through the front door on Christmas Eve surprised both Gibbs and Cooper at the same time, as they were down in the basement with the boat. Gibbs almost immediately recognised the characteristic sound of Jenny's high heels; However Cooper had yet to learn the subtle way of identifying house guests.

Jenny couldn't believe what she was hearing as a small bark came up from the depths of the basement.

Cautiously she descended the stairs and her mouth dropped open at what she saw. There stood Jethro clad in and old NIS shirt and a pair of sweatpants with a light dusting of sawdust and a 5 o'clock shadow. Just standing there she would have thought he was the sexiest man alive. But what just multiplied his sexiness by a million was the tiny puppy cradled in his arms.

"Jen meet Cooper… Cooper meet Jenny."

But to be honest Jenny eyes had never truly rested on the dog. They were always on Jethro. She only had eyes for Jethro. That's when she decided 'screw it'.

She kissed him.

Twas the night before Christmas, where two partners lay
The perfect illustration, of love on this day.
Between them a dog, their non-human child
From where he watched, Santa just smiled.
For the true meaning of Christmas was discovered that day,
In the love and happiness two people, and a dog, could portray.
It really was the most beautiful sight.
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!