Inspiration - Prologue font{ font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; }

Title: Inspiration

Rating: PG

Summary: When Scott's secret crush on Kitty starts to fade away, he realizes that all along, he's had true feelings for Rogue. Vote: Kitty or Rogue? My first Evo fic.

Author's Note: Hello... this is my first X-Men: Evolution fanfic. Whee! Go me! Please don't flame... Anyways, in case you somehow skipped the summary, Scott secretly likes Kitty (I know! What a wacky idea!). But then he finally figures out that the girl he really likes is Rogue. I know, I know, it sounds like a Scott/Rogue right from the beginning, but if you guys really want it, I could make it a Scott/Kitty and keep a strong Scott/Rogue friendship alive. Why Scott/Kitty? CAUSE I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE BEFORE! Poor Scott! All I see are these stupid Remy/Rogue (ech! Mr. Bowl-head!), Pietro/Kitty (double ech!), or Pietro/Rogue (triple ech!) fics... C'mon! WE NEED MORE SCOTT/ROGUE! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TRY A SCOTT/KITTY FOR ONCE?! So that was my two-cents' worth. (P.S. It'll look better if you click that "minus" thing on the font bar on FanFiction. It's on the right-hand side, sort of under the ad.)

Author's Rant: AHHH! Did everyone see the Season opener?! IT WAS GREAT! Maybe a little boring, but GREAT! Great effects, great storyline, and EVERYTHING WAS EXCELLENT! Man, I can't wait for all the other new episodes! And... since I watch so closely at Scott's part in ANY episode... have you noticed that when Scott was about to smack Mystique in the beginning (before the police cop peoples came), Kitty stopped him by holding his arm?! Okay, so it's nothing special, but it's the closest thing to Scott/Kitty! Okay, I'll stop ranting and stuff... If my 'notes' bother you, THEN DON'T READ 'EM! ::blinks, and smiles sweetly:: Thank you for your cooperation!

Special Note to fiReyLighT: I did it! (This is Vanessa.) A Scott/Kitty! But if the reviewers have their way, it could turn out to be a Scott/Rogue (which, frankly, I don't mind anyway).

Disclaimer: Hel-lo! Who ever said I own X-Men: Evolution? If I did, I'd be RICH AND HAPPY! But I don't. ::sniff:: All characters and other stuffies belong to Marvel (meanies...).

Feedback: Is always welcome! Press the little review button at the bottom of the page on the left-hand side, or you can personally e-mail me at [email protected]. Praises and money accepted. ^_^

Archiving: Go ahead. Just e-mail me with your URL (site address) so I know you took it. PLEASE DO THIS FIRST BEFORE PUTTING THIS LAME (haha) FIC ON YOUR SITE.




By Shades of Red

October 1, 2002


I don't know why, really. It's unspeakable, and even unthinkable. And I'm sure no one knows about it. Except for maybe Jean, since she's a telepath, but... I think that if she found out she'd be completely disgusted with me, you know? Nobody can know. It's a secret that I will take with me to the grave. Because if she ever found out that I've liked her the whole time... I know I'd get a big sock to the head by her boyfriend.

See, everyone thinks I like Jean. Which is true. She was my first crush, after all. How can I stop liking her? She was the only one who really understood me... or maybe she was just the first. I get this feeling that she likes me too... but I always see her with Duncan, probably trying to make me jealous. And it works, too...

Lately, Rogue and I have been hanging out more often. She's... I can't really explain it. She's so alone and negative, but once you really get to know her, she's great. We confide in each other a lot, something that I'd like to do with Jean, and even her...

So, who is this 'her,' you ask? I dare not say or tell a soul, because if I did... well, like I've said before: her boyfriend would come and beat me up. Not that I'm afraid of her boyfriend or anything... we just don't get along. I've tried to protect her from him, like a big brother should. And I'm sure that's all she thinks of me as: a big brother.

Maybe it's because I treat her like a little sister. I really don't know... How do you treat someone that you're crazy about, but that person loves someone else? I've tried so hard to hide it. That's why I'm positive that no one knows I even think of her as more than just a friend.



I turned around, looking to see her. So young, so innocent... Her beauty captivates me every time I see her. I smiled genuinely.

Her bright eyes shone at me. "Could you give me a ride home after track practice? You're staying, aren't you?"

Ah, the one thing we have in common: track. I'm taking it this year, and I was surprised to see she tried out, too. Of course, girls' and boys' track are two different teams, but most of the time we practice together. Luckily, our coaches are Mr. and Mrs. Kay (duh... they're married), so they both like to have their teams practice together. Today, we obviously had practice.

"Can't your boyfriend drive you home?" I said teasingly.

"Scott... you know he never stays after school. Besides, you always give me a ride home after practice. You're staying anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem... Come on... I can always count on you." Her eyes pleaded with me.

I broke out into a grin. "Alright, you got me. I guess I can drive you home."

"Great! Thanks, Scott!" She gave me a little hug, which I appreciated greatly. We never get to touch like this, especially with her boyfriend around. Did I mention he's a little over-protective? But hey, who am I to start pointing fingers? After all... I am a bit over-protective myself... aren't I? And besides, if I were him, I'd be way over-protective of this angel, too.


Author's Note: Hmm... I know it was a bit corny, but bare with me, I'm not too good at this stuff... I know it sounds like Scott is really obsessed with Kitty here, but I'll try not to make it sound like that in later chapters. Have any suggestions, comments, or questions? Then please review! I love 'em!

Next Chapter: Kitty assumes Scott likes Rogue before Scott has a chance to say anything. And what does Rogue want to ask Scott?