North Atlantic Ocean, 5th of June 1717

"There she is," Edward passed the spyglass to Adéwalé. "We'll board her and take what she has. We just have to be careful, tail her without drawing suspicion."

Adé had a pensive look upon his face, "Aye, Captain but there's a storm coming. We won't be able to weather both cannon fire and rouge waves. What do you intend to do?"

Chuckling, Edward patted his quartermaster on the back and spoke with pride, "You stay with the Jackdaw. We'll get close enough for me to board her alone."

"Alone?" Adé had an incredulous look upon his face, "Take some of the men with you, at least."

"No. I'll do this alone, Adé. We'll get close enough and drop anchor, I'll get there from where we are. Should the storm get heavy, get the Jackdaw to Havana. I'll meet you there with our riches in tow." Edward grinned at the man.

Taking the wheel, Edward motioned his crew starting sailing, yelling for full-sails. The rumours of this ship they were tailing, El Peligro, often surrounded vast amounts of reales and treasure that could fetch quite a price in any market. Edward grinned at the thought of it, he would be rich enough to go anywhere he please and live a life of utter pleasure. He was only moments away from it, from wealth and glory and all that remained to be done was his taking of the ship.

The Jackdaw tailed El Peligro from a distance before the larger man o' war came to a stop. They were moving something perhaps or maybe there was trouble aboard. Edward clenched his jaw, they had come too far to be spotted. They dropped anchor and Edward left the wheel. To avoid detection he would have to keep the Jackdaw at a distance and swim to where the ship was.

"Be ready for when I return."

With that, he dived into the sea, swiftly getting closer to the ship before it moved. Edward grabbed a section of the ship that was protruding, hoisting himself up as he scaled up the massive structure. Taking a look over the wooden railing he saw that it was somewhat empty with only a few men walking the vicinity. The bastards must have been below deck, guarding the one thing that made them renowned amongst every man. Edward climbed aboard, pulling his hood up as he leant against a large post. From where he was there were around twelve men - one captaining the ship and the others wandering. He whistled, drawing the attention of one of the men. The Spanish soldier walked over, sword in hand and a quizzical expression upon his face. He was not expecting a hand over his mouth and a blade running across his throat. Edward pulled the body down, keeping it behind the post he stood behind. The storm that was in the distance before had reached their current position. It had started to rain, making the blood of the soldier run along the wood.

Two of the patrolling men appeared in deep conversation as they looked out to the seas. One of the men grunted, "Hemos navegado demasiado de su curso." ("We sailed too far off course.")

"El capitán es un tonto. Estamos cerca de el Triángulo del Diablo, no vamos a sobrevivir a esto." ("The Captain is a fool. We are near the Devil's Triangle, we will not live through this.")

Without a sound, Edward manoeuvred quietly behind the men drawing his hidden blades. As one was about to speak, he raised his hands, the blades meeting the heads of the two soldiers for a brief moment. Edward yanked them out before the bodies dropped, the entrance to the lower deck must have been near. Edward smirked as he saw the entrance, not a single man guarded it. It was best he eliminate all those below deck before he took the ship, check for himself that this treasure all there.

As Edward lifted the hatch and quietly walking down the stairs, he was greeted by silence. There was no snoring, no drunken muttering, no men speaking. He stood behind some cargo, taking a peek from the side to see if there was any vigilant men stationed guarding what seemed to be a storage area. There was not a trace of life present. Edward moved out of the shadows, walking at an even pace to where he assumed the treasure was. He smirked, there was many a chest in this storage area. He kicked the top of the chest and to his surprise, it opened.

"Ha!" He exclaimed, kneeling to see what the chest held.

Edward's eyes widen in disdain, there was nothing in this chest but cloth. He rose, moving to another and opening it with ease. Again, there was nothing there. Scrambling, he moved the the next few chests - opening each of them and finding not gold and treasure but cloth and dirt. He backed away from the storage area, this must have been a decoy or perhaps the damned rumours were false! Edward cursed under his breath as the ship was jolted by some force. Ah, the ship was in the eye of the damned storm! Edward moved towards the stairs, struggling as the ship was pushed back and forth by the force of the storm.

He reached the deck, the few soldiers that were there were scrambling and screaming. It was then when Edward realised what was happening, they were in the middle of the storm - lightning striking the water and thunder rumbling. A cyclone was fortunately far enough for the ship to destroy it. The water, he had never seen anything like it, it was twisting at the centre pulling the ship into it's terrifying grasp. Edward spotted the Captain and managed to make his way towards him, the men aboard paying him no attention as they ran on the deck in fear and attempt to save themselves. He tackled the Captain, not caring that the man was responsible for where the ship was to go.

"Where's the riches!? The treasure!" He held the man by his coat and spoke through gritted teeth.

"No aquí." ("Not here") There was fear in his eyes, "G-Gone."

Edward released him with brute force, letting the mans head hit the deck as he took the wheel. He grunted as he tried to steer the ship out of whatever it current was in. This was no normal storm, this was not like any he had been in.

"Mátame señor matarme!" ("Kill me sir, kill me!"), The Captain yelled from behind, still cowering on the wet wood.

It was hopeless. Steering the ship was getting him nowhere. Edward left it, aggressively fighting against the wind as he leaned over the edge. Jumping was the only option, the ship would sink and these men would die but he had the chance to live if he swam. Edward took one look back before diving off the ship. He was underwater for a moment, surrounded by the emptiness of the sea. He lunged upwards, trying to get his head above the water so he could breathe.

Taking a deep breath as he reached the surface, Edward started to swim - his arms moving with such strength and force that he thought he could escape the abyss in which the ship was heading into. Alas, the current and blinding storm obscured everything around him. A rough wave hit him and he felt a pain in his head like never before. He struggled to keep his eyes open but before he knew it, he was out and spiralling into the hungry ocean.