Hello those of you still reading this story despite the last chapter.
It is I, SKG
And I'm here to drop the last chapter of this story, (for real people, I'm not changing my mind about this, okay!?)
But don't worry this is gonna be a long chapter.
Also, uncensored cursing

Chuckie's POV:

Tommy left about 2 weeks ago. We were all a bit broken up about it. Dil took it pretty hard, but thanks to Kat, I think he will manage. Lil blames herself for Tommy doing this, in a way I think she may be right. I can't be sure though, I only heard bits about that story. And I had Susie to keep me from being sad.

But Kimi, Kimi was absolutely shattered by this. I don't think I have ever seen my sister so... Soulless. She had bawled her eyes out for the first few days, barely ate and barely slept. After the fourth day, she finally left her room to shower and change her sheets, then went right back into her room. After about a week she finally stopped staying in her room. Mainly thanks to coaxing from our parents and me. She went to school, did her homework, but I noticed two things off the bat. The first was that he kind, bubbly, bold attitude was gone entirely. The second was that she rarely talked. I think I have heard her say all of 8 words in the last week. It is hard to see her like this. I was going to try talking to her again.

Now a days, she gets up, goes to school, and goes to her room. I had enough of it.

I knocked on her door.
"Kimi? It's Me. Can I talk to you?" I asked nicely.

Kimi opened the door, her expression blank.

She let me into her room. The place was a mess, it was obvious that I shouldn't talk about the mess, but it smelled like death in here.

I sat at her desk chair as she laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm guessing your still hung up about... You know." I say softly.

"No.. I'm just irritable because it stubbed my toe?" Kimi said sarcastically with venom. It was sad that I was actually happy that she was talking in more than a few words.

"You need to let it go Kimi, I know it is hard. But if you keep up what you are doing, you will destroy yourself." I say with concern.

Kimi didn't say a word in response.
So much for speaking.

I actually can't believe I was actually going to say this.

"I know that I didn't want you and Tommy dating at first. And in all honesty, I still don't. But if it is one thing I know. Is that the speech tommy gave you, was horse shit. If I know him, he probably did that song and dance for your sake. I don't know exactly why though. But I can probably assume it has something to do with him wanting you to find happiness and that he is afraid he will keep letting you down, probably because of whatever happened at that dance. Tommy always blames himself when things go bad, even if most of the time it isn't his fault. That is just what he is. He can't bear it when someone he cares for gets hurt by actions he has done, accidentally or not. You should know this since you were just as close to him as I was." I explain in a calm voice.

Kimi sat up and looked at me. She was a mix of emotions. She was angry that Tommy did that, sad that she didn't realize it sooner, happy that he didn't hate her, and a bunch of other feelings I couldn't read.

"So you have three choices. You could just forget about everything I said and mope. You could listen to tommy and forget about him. Or..." I said with a small smile as I approached the last option.

"Or?" Kimi asked curiously.

I got up from the desk chair and walked to the door.
"You already know what the third option is." I say with a smile as I left the room.

(About a few days after Chuckie's talk with Kimi)

Tommy's POV:

I was walking to my next class. I had finally mastered my schedule, and my classes kept me busy. I was really learning about how I could improve on being a director. Everything I saw was now as a cinematographer looking for his next shot. Aside from not having the gang with me. I made friends quickly, it was almost exactly like being back at regular school. A few Girls kept throwing themselves at me. I turned them down. After the most recent rejection my new roommate and buddy, Tyson was staring at me.

"What?" I ask as I sat at the edge of the school fountain eating my sandwich. It was lunch break, and during our lunch hour, we Can eat anywhere on campus. This was my favorite spot.

"You just turn down Rebecca Regina. That girl is like a 10/10! Are you blind, stupid, gay, or just asexual?" Tyson said in his usual blunt manor.

Tyson was around my height, he had black hair with blue tips spiked in the front. He was a bit stocky in build. He was a nice guy, but when it came to girls, I would say he was worse than Phil.

"I just wasn't interested..." I say as I take a bite of my sandwich.

"I swear dude, if you don't say yes to a girl soon, people will start to suspect things. And soon enough, you will only have that camcorder you always carry with you as your girlfriend." Tyson said as he took a bite of his apple.

A habit I developed was always keeping The video camera Kimi gave me. I just always have it on me now. The school provides us with other cameras and other materials but I just can't use any other camera. It had become my obsession in a way. It was my link to Kimi. Not that I would ever tell anyone that.

"Yea... I guess." I sigh slightly.

"What is so great about this thing anyway?" Tyson said as he went for the camera.

I quickly hit his hands away.
"Don't Touch my camera!" I say a lot angrier and more vile then I meant to.

I could see how scared Tyson was by my sudden outburst.

I quickly fix myself.
"I'm sorry, it's just... This camera means a lot to me." I say slightly saddened.

Tyson put his hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright bro, I get it. That thing means a lot to you. I won't push the button anymore."

"Thanks Ty, I am glad you understand." I say relieved I didn't scare him to bad.

Suddenly my buddy shushed me.

"My smoking babe senses are tingling." He said as he stood up.

I looked to see him staring at the front gate, there was someone standing there. I couldn't really make out who it was.

"I will be back tommy boy, I think I just found tonight's entertainment." He said with a smirk before running off.
I couldn't help but laugh, Tyson was really something. I swear him and Phil would be best friends in a split second if they ever met.

I slowly followed behind. Knowing him, he was probably going to get himself a slap.

Tyson's POV:
I managed to make it over to the girl. And I must say, Damn my hot girl sense is picking up. This girl was easily a 10/10, hell I think she might have broke that scale! She had long silky black hair, she was wearing a simple pink blouse and tight black jeans and sneakers. She wasn't wearing any make up except for maybe a touch of lipgloss, she was a natural Asian beauty, damn! I quickly approached as Classily as I could.

"Hey there, you look lost. Do you perhaps need help?" I asked sincerely. Chicks dig the nice guy act, but if I over due it, I'm friend zoned for good, so moderation was the key.

"Oh, your a student here? I am actually looking for someone." The girl said with a smile.

Oh damn, I think I was falling for this girl.

"Oh, if it is mr. Right, then you found him." I say with confidence.

The girl rolls her eyes and laughs, things were working out. You have to make her laugh first.

"Well, actually his name is ..." The girl was about to say before I got C-blocked by Tommy.

"Tyson! Wait up." Tommy said as he quickly caught up.

"Damn it Tommy I..." I say before stopping myself. Tommy was frozen.
Like he saw a ghost. Did he know this girl?

"Kimi?" Tommy said in a barely audible whisper.

The girl smiled at him.
"Were you expecting the Easter bunny?" She said with light sarcasm.

Tommy took a step back and was ready to bolt. But the girl caught his arm. It was as of this moment that I had become a spectator of the two them and their little drama.

"Oh no you don't." She said as she pulled his wrist.

"Kimi... Let go!" Tommy said with little resistance in his voice.

"Not until you can honestly say to me that you meant everything you said three weeks ago." Kimi said with conviction.

Tommy looked like he was about to but stopped himself.

"I thought so. Tommy, why did you leave me like that if you didn't mean it?" Kimi said with a frown.

Tommy sighed.
"Because I know you deserve better. I am just a guy who will keep failing and letting you down and hurting you. I didn't want to do that to you. So I left, as much as it hurt me to, I knew it would hurt much more if I didn't go. You deserve to find happiness." Tommy said with a wavering smile.

Kimi's frown changed into a smile.
"But Tommy, I already found happiness." She said as she moved close to him and kissed him.

I was moved by her words, Tommy was one lucky son of a bitch.

After the Kiss, Tommy tried to speak.
"But Kimi..."

"No buts, you think that I can find a love without pain? That isn't love. Love is going through the good and the bad times and caring about the other deeply and we have that in spades! I love You tommy pickles, and I know for sure that You love me to.

Tommy looked at her as tears started to form in his eyes.

I never wished more than anything that I brought my camera with me.

Because this moment was worth being in a film. The two kept talking. And I slowly slid away. I know when I'm a third wheel. I wonder if Rebecca is on the rebound. Maybe if I was lucky I would find a love like there's. I actually kind of wanted it.

And that is that.
No more cliffhangers, no more inane plot twists. Just mother fucking fluff.
That is what the doctor ordered.

I just want to thank you guys for sticking with this story and reviewing.
And making this story the most reviewed AGU fanfic on the sight.
Thank you guys.
Tell me what you thought of this story that was 2 months in the making!
So I guess that's that.
Goodbye and thanks for the views

SKG out!