
"Kids are convinced" Rick commented as he and Daryl stood in the front yard, keeping watch as the children tracked down the hoof prints in the yard.

"That was the point of wearing the damn suit." Daryl said gruffly, sipping the bitter coffee.

"Hoof prints were a nice touch. How'd you do them?" He asked very quietly.

"Charcoal and water. Glenn wanted to use paint, but I didn't need to have the evidence on my hands."

"Mika said she heard Santa's bag slide off the roof." Rick smirked.

"Ah. No. That was Glenn. I told him he didn't need to walk around on the roof. Dumbass didn't listen." He snorted.
"Y'all owe me though. I've got blisters from those damn boots and crabs from that suit." He groused, then pressed his hand to his eye as Rick snickered.

"You were right though-" Rick Commented. "They would have recognized your shoes."

"Every damn one'a'em was awake when I came through, save for Judith and Beth."

"You expect anything different?" Rick asked after a moment.

"Naaaaah. Not really. Nosy twerps." he scratched the back of his head, then sighed. "Shoulda been Hershel's job, dude looked like Burl Ives anyhow."

"Well. He's not here. So it was yours. Not that you seemed to mind seeing as the Adults weren't supposed to get gifts." Rick licked his chapped lips.

"If the Adults weren't suposed to get gifts, then how come I got a bike?" He asked, raising a brow as Judith squeaked with joy at a falling snowflake, tiny hands flailing.

"Glenn found it a few weeks back. Seemed like it'd suit you. Tyreese said Triumphs were a good brand."

"Merle's bike was a Triumph." He looked over at his bike in the drive. (Carol had insisted on him breaking it in.) (And riding along)
"All I've ever ridden were triumphs, All of 'em Merle's old Bikes."

"I am sorry about Merle's bike.''

"Naaah." Daryl commented. "Don't be. I hated that thing anyway. It'll be nice to ride something with out Nazi paraphernalia and those damn monkey hangers." He snorted.
"Looked down one day and saw my arms jiggling." He raised his arms if riding the old bike. "I was like. Damn. There goes my cool factor." He chuckled looking at Lizzie as she read over the card he'd given her.

"They still think you're pretty cool." Rick told him as a football was broken out.
Here, in their little temporary haven, they were set far enough back that it was rare for Walkers to come knocking.
Tyreese looked in his element, and even Bob looked happy to play.

The two were silent for a moment.

"Nice touch. With that ring." Rick commented. Daryl smirked at his cup as he took a sip.

"You gonna piss on her?" Rick asked with a scoffing laugh, his fingers scratching at his beard.

Daryl chuckled. "Nah. I figure the ring's marking my territory enough."


"What does your card say?" Michonne asked quietly, sitting down next to Lizzie on the stoop.

"You believe in dead people walking around and yet you don't believe in Santa Claus?" She read. "But its in different handwriting than the presents.

"It's all a lie." Michonne said simply. "Do you honestly think a boy could wrap so prettily? Nah. I guess Mrs. Claus had something to do with it. This must really be from Santa." She pointed to the card.

"Must be." She nodded, touching the necklace around her neck.

"It's alright to believe." Michonne said, wrapping an arm around the girl. "It's what keeps us... happy."
Lizzie nodding a bit as she caught Daryl's eyes across the yard.
She couldn't help but smile at the grinch of a man.



Welp! that's it lovlies!
I hope you've enjoyed this little Christmas thing.
May your day's be blessed and happy.
Christ's blessings,