Velvet Heart

"You're amazing," Téa remarked, one day, because it was what she was thinking, and she had seen enough in her life to know that you should never miss an opportunity to tell the people you care about exactly how you feel.

"Yeah," Mai replied, "I know."

"That's what I like best about you, your modesty."

The blonde duelist smiled. "I just call it like I see it."

And Téa couldn't help but smile back. "I'm trying to be serious here," she said. "I'm trying to have, you know, a heartfelt moment."

"I'm sorry, 'hun." Mai folded her arms, schooling her features, mock-sincere. "You go right ahead and tell me how amazing I am."

"Oh wow, I just..." Téa shook her head, still smiling. "I was thinking, that's all." She took a breath, the words rushing out. "About all the other friends I've had and how crazy things have gotten, ever since the Pharaoh went back to the Spirit World, because I heard that drama meant that you really cared about someone, and things weren't supposed to be easy because easy was boring and with you it's..."

Mai interrupted. "Never boring."

"No," Téa uttered, "it's not. But it's easy, too. I guess..."

She reflected a moment, choosing her words. "I guess I just never knew it could be like this."

And Mai didn't say anything, but she took Téa's hand, lifted it up, and closed her fingers around said hand.

She looked up, and her eyes were shining. "You're a good person, Téa." she said.

"Yeah," Téa replied, her heart swelling, feeling like it could just about explode, and before, she might have wondered how she got this sappy but now, she couldn't care less.

"You too," she answered.

(A/N: Inspiration came from the good wishes of the Yuletide season, and I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays~!)