You may be wondering to yourself, how big is the universe and is there are other dimensions…
Okay so maybe not everyone may be wondering that but some people begin to wonder if there really is other universes and what they made hold for our many discoveries we want to find and put to rest on their reality.
But some people may want to have those secrets to themselves and use those secrets for evil and domination…
And I'm going to tell you what these secrets hold and why I may be telling you this stuff.
Here's my story…
Intro: Don't stop, don't stop! We're in luck now!
Don't stop, there's so much to be found!
We can find paradise,
All we have to do is go! Go! Free your soul. (the seven chaos emeralds are scattered around the universe while Eggman flies his egg-carrier and nearly destroys a city to find ab emerald until a sudden force enters the ship to reveal many Nicktoons heroes to fight his armada)
Mysteries abound made of a deep energy (energy).
Foes all around, But I will go fearless and free. (the various worlds of the heroes are shown with them relaxing until the egg-armada attacks)
I'll give you strength, You give me love. That's how we'll live. (that's how we'll live)
Courage won't fade. If you're with me, my enemies can never win.
We will fight for love and glory. We will live to tell the story.
There is nothing we can't live through - Nothing ever dies; we will rise again. (the scene closes in on an old castle and the scene goes in and Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Riven and Helia make themselves presentable and each gives a thumbs up while another scene shows various Nicktoons villains in a large room for their evil plans)
Don't stop, don't stop! We're in luck now!
Don't stop, keep your spirit proud.
And ride upon the wind
All we have to do is go! (the egg-carrier flies overhead a city while thousands of Badniks walk to the front platform of the ship, each one commanded by Metal Sonic and new villain, Metal Bloom, Sonic and Bloom are at one end of the ship while MS and MB prepare to attack)
Don't stop, don't stop! We're in luck now!
Don't stop, there's so much to be found.
We can find paradise.
All we have to do is go! Go! Free your soul.
Dragon Soul! (the Nicktoons face off against the army of Badniks and villains and begin to fight them)
Nicktoons Unite Z! Episode 1: Magixian tricks.
(I do not own the characters or the song, all rights go to Nickelodeon, Sega and Dragon ball Z Kai)
"Tails! Watch out!" Sonic the hedgehog yelled to his best buddy Tails as the two and Knuckles the echidna battle Dr. Eggman for the chaos emeralds.
"Don't worry Sonic!" Tails replied "I'm fine!" the young fox had flown out of the way where the evil doctor was shooting his weapon at his arch-enemies, Knuckles jumped up from his spot and tried to kick the doctor in the back but Metal Sonic came out of nowhere and slashed the echidna in the arm, Knuckles went sliding into a tree and didn't wake up.
"Face it Sonic!" Eggman said "my weapon has finally made you surrender? Has it?" there was no answer, Eggman, Metal Sonic and Tails were the only one there in the battlefield while Knuckles started to stir "Sonic?"
"Right here egg-head!" Sonic said as he spin dashed his enemy in the back, Eggman went flying into the top of a tree while Metal Sonic began to attack but Knuckles woke up and hit the robot in the face while showing clear signs there was a scar on his face from the robot.
"That's for the scar, freak!" he said with rage, Metal Sonic turned to the robot and began to fight him in arm to arm combat, Sonic went back to charging at Eggman while Tails searched the Egg-Mobile that had the chaos emeralds Eggman stole.
"Come out and fight Eggman!" Sonic shouted, the tree began to rustle and Eggman came out with his weapon pointed at the hedgehog.
"Eat blaster you filthy hedgehog!" Eggman said as he pulled the trigger and began to shoot but Sonic kept running out of the way "DIE ALREADY!"
"No way Eggman!" Sonic said as he kept running, Tails kept going through the Egg-Mobile until he finally found the seven chaos emeralds!
"Sonic! Catch!" Tails shouted as he threw Sonic the emeralds, Sonic jumped up in the air and caught them, the emeralds began to circle around him.
"No! It can't be!" Eggman said as he dropped his weapon and fell down to the tree on his back, getting back up and running to his mobile "Metal Sonic! Run!" Metal Sonic was currently in a head-lock from Knuckles until he manage to escape and fly to Egg-Mobile until…
"Now I'll show you!" Sonic said as he transformed into Super Sonic! The now-golden hedgehog rammed himself into the back of the Egg-Mobile as it was about to fly off until Sonic knocked the two villains out and into the air.
"I HATE THE HEDGEHOG!" Eggman yelled through the air, Sonic transformed back to normal Sonic and jumped down onto the ground.
"So long Robuttnik!" Sonic said as he brushed his hands together "that takes care of that!"
"Great work Sonic!" Tails said as he and Knuckles walked towards the blue hedgehog "that was pretty awesome!"
"Eh, I could've handle that better" Knuckles said, the two looked at their friend and rolled their eyes "with this hand and this hand, I could've punched his lights out!" he said as he put his two hands into a fighting stance and pretend to be knocking Eggman out cold.
"Sure you would" Sonic said "anyway, I'm glad we got the emeralds back".
"Sonic!" a girl's voice called out, Sonic face-palmed himself and groaned.
"Kill me" Sonic said as he put Knuckles hands around his neck "the fight isn't over yet, Amy's here".
"With pleasure" Knuckles said as he began to strangle the hedgehog until Amy used her Piko Piko hammer to knock him into a tree.
"Hi Sonic!" Amy said as she greeted her love interest, Sonic's face grew bright red and he rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"Hey Ames" Sonic said "how you doing?"
"Okay" Amy said "just coming over for a visit with you after your battle".
"That's nice" Sonic said, Cream and Cheese suddenly came up from behind Amy and waved.
"Hello Mr. Sonic!" Cream said.
"Chao Chao!" Cheese said as he waved.
"Hey Cream and Cheese" Sonic said "great to see you two here, what's new?"
"Me and cheese are going to visit our grandmother next week!" Cream said "we're very excited to go!"
"That good" Sonic said as he turned to Amy "did anyone else follow you, Ames?"
"Only me" a voice called from a tree, Rouge the bat came flying out of it while Shadow jumped down.
"Hey shads!" Sonic said, Shadow only nodded.
"What's going on?" Knuckles asked as he woke up to see Amy, Cream and Cheese, Shadow and Rouge with Sonic and Tails.
"Hey Knuckies" Rouge said as she waved and winked to the red echidna, Knuckles moaned and death glared her.
"Mind your own business bat girl!" Knuckle said.
"Oh come on now Knuckles!" Rouge said as she walked to the echidna "you know you can't resist me, so just admit it!"
"That will be the day Shadow smiles!" Knuckles said "and that will never happened!"
"He's right you know" Shadow said as he gave a smirk, Rouge looked at him and then back at Knuckles while the dark hedgehog chuckled and Knuckles growled "go ahead Knuckles, admit you 'love' her!" Knuckles blushed and just turned his back and groaned.
"Go ahead Knuckles!" Sonic said as he and Tails chuckled and began to chant-
"Knuckles and Rouge! Sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" the two chanted as they locked their arms together and spun a little and laughed, Knuckles just growled and attacked the two but giving them both noggies!
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Knuckles said as he noogied them, Sonic and Tails laughed and pleaded him to stop but he didn't.
"Are you just going to noogie them all day?" Amy asked him.
"Yes I am!" Knuckles said as he continued, Amy rolled her eyes.
"So Shadow, what have you been doing lately?" Amy asked the dark hedgehog.
"Been to earth to do a few missions, took Maria with me to a carnival yesterday" Shadow asked, it had almost been three weeks since the events of Maria Robotnik had been found alive and turned into a hedgehog "Omega is at G.U.N. right now to discuss some important matters on his paycheck and motor oil".
"Didn't he discuss his oil issues last week?" Tails asked "and the week before that? And the week before that? And all those weeks before?"
"Yeah, but he still thinks there's something wrong with the oil they give him" Shadow replied "even though they give him the absolute value without any diesel".
"On a more important term" Amy said as she turned to Sonic "did you guys get the emeralds back?"
"Right here!" Sonic said as he got the emeralds from his back and gave them to Knuckles "wasn't easy getting these things though, Eggman's new weapon nearly blew my head off!"
"I'm sure it was hard" a voice said from out of nowhere, everyone suddenly freaked out from who was the voice.
"Who's there? Who are you?!" Amy shouted as she held out her hammer.
"It's me!" a portal suddenly opened from in front of the heroes and Silver the hedgehog and Blaze the cat jumped out of it "hey guys! What's up?"
"Just battle Eggman" Sonic said "me, Knuckles and Tails did actually".
"Anything else we missed?" Silver asked.
"Only the way me, Tails and Knuckles kicked Eggman's butt!" Sonic said as he kicked the air "I was like this! And Knuckles was that! And Tails flew to distract Eggman and Metal Sonic and…" while Sonic did random moves in the air to describe the battle, Shadow walked away from the group and headed back to the ARK without anyone noticing.
"Can you tell the details later?" Knuckles asked Sonic "I have to get back to Angel Island and watch the Master Emerald before bat girl here goes off and steals it!"
"Oh come Knuckles! I would rather go after a more valuable gem than your old M.E.!" Rouge said.
"Old!? What do you mean old!?" Knuckles yelled at her and their arguing began, Amy covered Cream's ears and Sonic covered Tails ears due to all the foul language the echidna and bat were using at each other while Silver and Blaze nervously looked at the fighting Mobians, Shadow could hear the two yell at each other and it was driving him crazy! The dark hedgehog covered his ears just to get rid of the yelling but it was no use to when they're fighting could be heard all across the planet Mobius! His mind was starting to go from 'calm' to 'rage'! He started his rocket shoes and ran towards the group with the angriest face yet!
"SHUT UP!" Shadow yelled at the two, their argument ended immediately and everyone turned to see him with surprised looked on their faces "ever since the day I met all of you, it's been nothing but one stupid thing after another with Sonic and his speed! Tails with his know-it-all stuff! Knuckles and his moronic attacks! Amy and her stupid obsessed with the faker, give it up Amy! Cream is okay, I guess, Silver and Blaze messing with my personal business and Rouge and her desire for the stupid master emerald!"
"Are you okay shads?" Sonic asked nervously.
"SHUT UP FAKER! I HATE IT WHEN YOU CALL ME THAT!" Shadow screamed at the top of his lungs, Sonic backed away a little "you know what? I wish you all would leave me alone!"
"Shadow no!" Rouge said as Shadow grabbed his green emerald, a golden hedgehog was running towards Shadow with all her speed as soon as she heard all the anger Shadow had made, she could instantly recognize it when she heard his yelling all the way up to the ARK.
"Shadow stop!" the hedgehog said but it was too late, Shadow held his emerald high in the air and…
"Chaos…Control!" he shouted as a bright light surrounded everyone and everything around the group, including Eggman's base 300 meters always.
"No!" everyone shouted before the light engulfed everything around them and dies down soon, Shadow stood still until he made sure everyone was gone, they were gone but along with a few hundred trees, Eggman's base and a lake.
"Finally! Alone!" Shadow said as he went back to the ARK, unaware that Maria was teleport to another dimension, in fact, everyone was heading to a dimension that they were sent to!
"Help us! Sooooniiiicccc!" Tails shouted as he went through a portal while everyone went through their own.
"Hang on everyone!" Sonic said but it was too late, he went through a portal and began to fall down to earth "oh no! Not again!" he said as he plummeted to the ground, the blue blur tried to spin dash onto a tree but the increasing speed of him going down was making it hard to "just…Got…To make…It!" he suddenly felt a strong pain on his back, he knew he was too late. His eyes kept opening and closing until they closed for what seemed like hours.
"Guys! Over here!" someone shouted as a group formed around the creature, one person picked up Sonic and carried him.
"Why no Amy, you look beautiful in that dress" Sonic said as he slept and sucked his thumb "yes I would love to go with you and Mrs. Peyton List to Hollywood this weekend" he felt his body being shook by something that felt like a way to wake him up but he threw his hand back and waved it in the air to draw the thing away "just five more minutes Tails".
"Well I'm no one named Tails" a girls voice said, Sonic turned his head to see a 18 year old girl smiling at him "but I do like your dream about Hollywood" Sonic instantly bolted up in the bed and nearly scream with the girl screaming with him.
"Who are you!? Where am I?!" Sonic screamed until the girl slapped him in the face "Ow! What the heck was that for!? Were you crazy!?"
"I was just trying to shut you up!" the girl said, Sonic rubbed his cheek for a minute and death glared the girl.
"Well it worked" Sonic replied "where am I? And who are you?"
"First, I'm Bloom" Bloom said as she shook Sonic's hand "and you are?" Sonic got up on his feet and did an air twirl before giving her a thumbs up.
"I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog!" Sonic said "and to answer my second question, where am I?"
"You're in Magix" Bloom asked.
"Magix? What's Magix?" Sonic asked.
"It's a world with magic!" Bloom said as she got up from her chair "I assume you're from here?"
"Nope" Sonic simply said "I'm from the planet Mobius".
"Mobius? Isn't that where talking animals live?" Bloom asked.
"Oh you went there?" Sonic asked.
"No, but Sky knows something about the planet" Bloom said as she went for the door "maybe he has an answer to get you home?"
"Sky? Who's Sky?" Sonic asked as he followed Bloom.
"And you care to explain to me how you got here?" Sky asked the blue blur as he, Bloom and Sonic sat near a tree.
"First, a little about how this all happened" Sonic said "me, Tails and Knuckles were-"
"Wait, who's Tails and Knuckles?" Bloom asked.
"Tails is a two-tailed fox who is an absolute genius! And Knuckles is just a grumpy echidna always watching his Master Emerald" Sonic said "anyway, we were fighting Dr. Eggman from-"
"And who's Eggman?" Sky asked.
"He's a really fat guy who's constantly trying to conquer the universe!" Sonic said "but he never succeeds, due to me and my friends battling him and winning from the chaos emeralds-"
"And last question, what are the chaos emeralds?" Bloom asked.
"They're ancient emeralds that were found by the echidnas but they're guarded by Knuckles" Sonic said "anyway, we won and Amy, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Silver and Blaze came over, but Knuckles and Rouge got into a fight as usual".
"As usual?" Bloom asked.
"Long story with their relationship" Sonic said "that's when Shadow blew his breaking point and chaos controlled us all to different dimensions, starting with me here!"
"Looks like we better get you home" Sky said as he got up "first, we need Timmy and Techna to build a portal to go to those other dimensions you mention".
"Only one problem" Bloom said "we have no idea where those other dimensions are! It could be anyone of them!"
"Exactly how many dimensions are there?" Sonic asked.
"Almost 300,000,000,000" Bloom answered, Sonic's eyes widened.
"They could be anywhere!" Sonic said when suddenly, his communicator on his wrist went off.
"Sonic!" a boy's voice called on it, Sonic instantly recognized that voice and turned his communicator on.
"Tails! Right here buddy!" Sonic answered as Tails face appeared, the young Kitsune was in a large laboratory "where are you? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine" Tails replied "I'm right now helping a little problem with-"
"GIR! NO!" Another boy's voice yelled, there was a large explosion in the background and instant squealing began.
"What was that?" Sonic asked.
"It was nothing" Tails said "Sonic, listen! I can't access to any technology until me and Zim can build a portal".
"Zim? Who's Zim?" Bloom asked as she came up to Sonic and looked at Tails, the Kitsune suddenly screamed.
"Who's that?!" Tails asked.
"Just a friend" Sonic said "but on a more important term, who is Zim?"
"A friend of mine" Tails said "but right now, I need you to remain where you are".
"Why?" Sonic asked.
"Just remain where you are" Tails said "once me and Zim can build a portal, I'll pick you up and the three of us can find the others!"
"But Tails"
"Sonic, please trust me on this" Tails said as he gave Sonic his puppy dog eyes, Sonic tried hard to say 'no' but Tails was his own brother so he finally gave in.
"Okay fine" Sonic said.
"Great! I'll meet you there!" Tails said as he grabbed a pen and notepad "just tell me the dimension you're in".
"Magix" Sonic said, Tails quickly wrote it down put the notepad in his pocket.
"Okay, we'll meet you there" Tails said.
"Tails-thing! Are you going to help or not?!" 'Zim' yelled at the Kitsune.
"Okay, keep your pants on!" Tails yelled back "call you back Sonic" the transmission ended and Sonic turned off his communicator before walking away.
"Sonic?" Bloom asked.
"Get your friends to build that portal" Sonic said.
"But Tails said-"
"I don't care what he said! I'm going to get to that world first and help him!" Sonic said "I don't want him to be near that Zim person!"
"Don't worry" Sky said "Tails wants you also to be save, so the best choice is to stay here".
"Sky has a point, Sonic" Bloom said "Tails would want you to stay here and be safe", the blue blur nodded his head.
"Okay, so where do I stay?" Sonic asked them, the two looked at each other while Bloom gave Sky the puppy dog eyes.
"Okay fine, he can stay with you and your friends" Sky said.
"Yes! Thank you! Come on Sonic!" Bloom said as she grabbed Sonic's hand and dragged him back to her school.
"Darcy! Can you hand me a soda?" Icy asked Darcy from across their room in Cloud Tower, the witch nodded and threw her a soda, Icy instantly caught it and began to drink it.
"So how do you three think we get those water stars now?" Stormy asked the two.
"Why go after the water stars?" Icy asked "we're just going to fail like last time!"
"And if we found a way to get those stars, those Winx girls would just stop us!" Darcy said "forget it, there is no way we can-"
"What was that?!" Darcy screamed as she ducked down to protect herself, the other two witches covered themselves with their hands in front of themselves, their door began to pound and was suddenly knocked down.
"Hello there!" a man said as he walked in, he appeared to be a large roundish man with a large mustache, a red jacket with buckles, black pants, shoes with lots of laces and goggles.
"Who are you?" Icy asked as she got up from her seat and crossed her arms.
"My name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik" the man said "but you can call me Dr. Eggman" the three girls began to snicker at his remark until a sudden force grabbed them all by the neck and pinned them to the wall, the three looked to see a robot bipedal hedgehog with red eyes choking them "Metal Sonic, alive".
"Yes master" Metal Sonic said as he released the girls, the three began to gasp for air while Eggman grabbed a soda and sat down on Icy's chair.
"What do you want?" Icy asked Eggman in threatening tone.
"First let me explain" Eggman said "I was in my Egg carrier as it flew around Magix due to a chaos control accident with a certain enemy, but then I overheard you all talk about Water Stars".
"You point?" Icy asked.
"Why settle for something boring while you could help me find the chaos emeralds" Eggman said.
"Go on" Icy said as she and the other witches got interested.
"The chaos emerald shall grant you ultimate power and destruction to your enemies" Eggman said "as well as mine, Sonic!"
"It's a deal!" Icy said as she shook Eggman's hand "when do we find them?"
"As soon as we find Sonic!" Eggman said and began to laugh wickedly "laugh with me!" soon all four began to laugh wickedly while Metal Sonic face palmed himself.
"This plan is going to fail" he said to himself.
"Hey guys!" Bloom said as she and Sonic walked towards six girls at a water fountain, each one of them waved at their friend and the blue blur himself while Sonic winked at them.
"Hello ladies" Sonic said "how would you like to meet the blue blur?"
"Nice try hedgie" one of the girls said "but we're all already taken".
"Sonic, these are my friends Stella, Aisha, Roxy, Techna, Flora and Musa" Bloom said.
"Nice to meet you all!" Sonic said "I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog!" Sonic gave a thumbs up to the girls.
"Nice to meet you Sonic" Flora said to him "so what brings you here to Alfea?"
"Not much" Sonic said "my friend Shadow chaos controlled me and my friends to different dimensions and I need to find them all!"
"Well, you found the right team!" Stella said.
"Glad I did" Sonic said "but first we need to-"
A large explosion thundered through the air and everyone that was around the school began to run for cover while Sonic and the girls looked up to see a large airship flying through the air.
"Eggman!" Sonic shouted as he ran with his super-sonic speed and jumped up the pillars and roofs of the college to get up to the ship until a force as fast as him knocked him down to the ground.
"Sonic!" Bloom gasped, Sonic looked up to see Metal Sonic hovering above him.
"Hello my copy" Metal Sonic said "I see that you met some new friends, too bad I have to destroy them".
"Not on my watch!" Sonic said as he spin dashed the robot, the girls watched as Sonic and Metal Sonic battle each other "a little help would really be appreciated!"
"Sorry!" Bloom said as she and her friends turned into something Sonic would never expect to see! They had turned into fairies and began to charge at Metal Sonic until the witches attacked them.
"Hello Winx" Icy said "we see that you all have already met Metal Sonic, allow us to introduce you all to our other associate and boss".
"Dr. Eggman!" Darcy said as the Egg-Mobile came in front of the girls with an evil grin on his face.
"You were right Sonic" Bloom said "he is REALLY fat!"
"Now now now, that's not very nice Mrs. Peters" Eggman said to her "Metal Sonic, help the witches dispose of these creatures" Metal Sonic was busy choking Sonic until he nodded and let the hedgehog go and flew to the girls. He seemed to look at them for a moment until his eyes blinked.
"Winx Club life forms data, has been copied" Metal Sonic said, his right arm suddenly blasted a shot of powerful sunlight and vines to throw the seven against the wall "prepare to annihilated!"
"Not so fast!" Sky said as he grabbed the robot by the head and began to head lock it, the other specialists were busy fighting the witches while Timmy helped Sonic back on his legs.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Fine" Sonic replied as he tried to stay up "but they're going to need some more help" he curled himself up and began to spin dash the Egg-Mobile.
"Gah! You filthy little hedgehog!" Eggman yelled at him, Sonic then spin kicked the Egg-Mobile and it was thrown against the Egg-Carrier where it exploded and Eggman fell on the ground.
"So long Egg-Butt!" Sonic said as he grabbed Eggman by the collar of his jacket, spun him around and threw him into the window of the Egg-Carrier.
"I hate that hedgehog!" he yelled "Icy! Darcy! Stormy! Metal Sonic! Retreat!" the witches groaned and flew through the opening at the bottom of the Egg-Carrier while Metal Sonic released himself from Sky and flew into the airship but he turned to Sky and death glared him.
"This isn't over" he said as he flew into the ship, the egg-carrier started to fly away while Sonic brushed his arms off and laughed.
"Why are you laughing? Metal Sonic said this wasn't over yet! Why can you laugh at a time like this?!" Techna asked him as she shook Sonic, he released himself from her grip and tried to regain his conscious.
"Don't worry! As soon as Eggman and his army show up again" Sonic began as pounded his fists together "I'll be ready!"
"There is no way you can stand up to his army!" Riven said "you're going to need help" Sonic glanced at him for a minute until he looked down at the ground and sighed.
"Then we're going to need to find my friends" Sonic said, looking back up and walking into Alfea, the girls and specialists looked at each other for a minute until Stella broke the silence.
"So, what do we do?"
"Here's the plan, we wait for Tails to build a portal to come here and get Sonic" Bloom said "then I'll go with them and help find the others".
"You're not going alone" Sky said "we're all coming with you!" Bloom smiled at him and nodded.
"I just have one question" Brandon said "who the heck is Tails?"
"You three have failed!" Eggman yelled at the witches as he sat at his desk "give me a reason to not be robotized! And it better be good!" the old doctor laid back in his chair while the three witches tried to think of a good explanation "I'm waiting!"
"Okay we have it!" Icy said "you need us to help you find the chaos emeralds and defeat Sonic right? Well you can't do it alone unless you have us!" Eggman rubbed his chin for a moment while death glaring the witches and thinking about Icy's suggestion but his anger was increasing due to the failed battle.
"You have a point" Eggman said as he got up and walked towards them "but we need more than just you three".
"W-What do you mean?" Darcy asked, a little scared.
"We need more villains!" Eggman said as he walked to the wheel of his ship, he pressed down on a few buttons and a laser shot into the distance when a portal suddenly opened in front of the ship "next stop, Retroville!" the old doctor laughed evilly as the ship went into the portal, the portal closed and everything grew calm…
Until a sudden force nearly knocked down all the trees because it was so fast! Sonic was going as fast as his legs could run, the blue blur was busy exploring Magix while Bloom, Stella and Aisha watched him with his intense speed, needless to say for them, they could barely believe their eyes as he ran!
"I didn't even know you could run like that!" Stella said Sonic as whizzed past her, he came to holt and stood before her.
"Why else am I called Sonic?" Sonic asked.
"I thought it was because you had great pride in your name" Aisha said.
"Nope, it's because I'm the fastest thing alive!" Sonic said.
"The fastest thing alive?" Bloom asked him as she crossed her arms "that's pretty hard to believe".
"Says you" Sonic said as he chuckled.
"Hey, you hungry?" Stella asked him.
"Are you kidding? I feel like I could eat a thousand chili dogs!" Sonic said.
"I didn't even know he could eat that many chili dogs!" Musa said as she and Flora sat next to Sonic while he sat in between, he had almost 100 chili dogs and he was already up to chili dog 72!
"It's a curse" Sonic said as he finished the chili dog and began to eat another "a delicious curse!" he was wolfing the chili dog down in a rude manner but the girls didn't having a guest in the school.
"So more on your adventures" Roxy said to him "you really saved Mobius from something called the death egg?"
"Yep! Not to mention I saved the world from the ancient chaos, the space colony ARK Biolizard, Metal overlord, a black hole, the black arms, Iblis, Solaris, Dark Gaia, the nocturnus clan, the time eater and the deadly six!" Sonic said "but I couldn't have done it without all my Mobian friends!"
"You and your friends saved your world and Mobius from all that?" Flora asked him.
"Yep, but it wasn't easy though" Sonic said "well, the black arms were destroyed by Shadow, he deserves the credit for that!"
"Who's Shadow?" Stella asked.
"The ultimate life-form" Sonic said as he grabbed another chili dog "he's another hedgehog, but he's always gloomy and dark whenever he's around".
"Anything else about him?" Bloom asked "he sounds really interesting".
"Sure, he'll tell you everything there is about him!" Sonic said "but first, can I have some more?" he held up his plate to reveal it was empty.
"Again? That's your second plate!" Bloom said until she got up and grabbed the plate "okay, one more serving" while she walked away, Sonic turned his head to a window and stared at the night sky.
"Please be okay Tails" Sonic said to himself, unaware that Tails was in big trouble right now.
Episode 2 coming soon…