Chapter 10: Right Behind

"Damnit! Can't you be gentler, Bakagami?!" Aomine yelled as he swatted the hand away from his abdomen.

"Why can't you stop being a wuss instead?!" Kagami groaned out and leaned back on his rear, crossing his arms, "Geez. Take the friggen' wound like a man,"

"Oh, I'd love to see you take this instead,"

"Bring it, Ahomine!"

"Oh I wi-"

Suddenly, both of the Aces were cut off by a harsh jab to the side, courtesy of Kise and Kuroko. Just as they were about to complain, Kuroko cut them off.

"Please refrain from saying things like that, Kagami-kun."

Kagami looked puzzled, "Huh? Don't we always argue?"

"He means about the injury-ssu..." Kise murmured, eyes down-casted, "I... Don't want to see anyone injured... That includes you, Aominecchi..."

Aomine grumbled and turned his head away from the blond. His face was heating up, and he didn't want any of them to notice. Especially Kise. The guy is slowly lossing his bright, cheery self, and he didn't want to be the cause of it because of a stupid wound.

"I'll be fine. As if I'd go down on a wound like this." Aomine said with his usual confidence as he sat up. He winced a bit when he felt blood trickle from it again.

"A-Aominecchi! It's not even patched up yet!" Kise grabbed his shoulders steadily, looking panicked.

"Kise-kun... I think you should bandage the wound instead. Kagami-kun hardly knows the term 'being gentle'."

"Kuroko!" Kagami retorted with an annoyed tone but handed Kise the torn cloth instead.

Kise nodded slowly and casted a look at Aomine, who just shrugged in affirmation. The blond swallowed the lump on his throat and moved over behind Aomine just a he sat up straight. Slowly, he wrapped the cloth around the tanned male's abdomen, careful not to apply wrong pressure, before making another turn. Aomine grumbled, shifting a bit, but didn't complain. The blond's fingertips were light and feathery, but he could still feel the calouses he gets when holding the basketball for hours long of practice. Aomine wouldn't admit it though- he likes the blond's touches. Even when it was just putting his elbow on the tanned male's shoulders (which were a habit of Kise even on Kuroko). They were proof of friendship, respect, trust, admiration... And something else Aomine couldn't think of.

Kagami and Kuroko watched them. Kuroko had noted that Aomine was indeed tense, his shoulders were stiff and his eyes were darting to everywhere in the darkness. Still, the shadow found himself smiling.

"O-okay... I think it's enough..." Kise murmured as he securely tied the cloth together. Aomine stretched his back, looking slightly pleased than before.

Kagami huffed and stood up, followed by Kuroko, "Let's move."

"Tch, who made you the boss?" Aomine snapped back.

"You're already following him, Aominecchi," Kise stated innocently, seeing Aomine already walking towards Kagami.

"Damnit, Kise!"

Kagami gave a smirk and then brought out his flashlight. He flicked it on and noticed the slightly dim light it was emitting.

"I think we've only got two flashlights left..." Kuroko said, bringing out his own, "Although Kagami-kun's is already low on battery..."

"Shit. We've still got three pages left..." Kagami groaned, "Let's make this quick then..."

Aomine was already walking off as Kagami was stating those words, Kise right behind him. Instead of complaining, the Seirin duo caught up and Kagami took the lead again with his dim torch.

Suddenly, they heard it. The extra footstep that cracked against the grassy land. Kagami faltered, but Kuroko had pushed against him, giving his light a straight look.

'Don't look...' Were the silent words the shadow casted at him.

Aomine must've sensed it too, and also sensed the tension hung up on Kise- It's the Slender sickness again. Or probably just being tense- fearful- doubtful- words that didn't suit the model at all. The tanned male reached out behind him, grabbing hold of the model's chilly hands in his own and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

They continued to walk in tight silence, a strong wave of alertness around them. The footsteps followed, but it was farther from before, as Aomine had noted. He didn't need to look. His instincts were acting stronger now and he knows Kagami's are too.

He couldn't quite understand it, but he knows everyone was thinking of the same thing. The moment his expression hardened, they broke out into a frenzied run. Trees zoomed past them in the darkness and it was quite a miracle that they weren't running into them. Aomine couldn't care. He pulled Kise forward and turned, sprinting against their stalker and slamming his elbow straight on his face.


Touo's Ace smirked as their pursuer fell back against the ground, holding the cracked mask against his face, the familiar orange jacket recognizable against the dim night.

"That's for stabbing me, you little shit!" He huffed out.

The masked figure snarled, slowly getting up to his feet. Aomine took a stance, ready for whatever comes, but he sure wasn't ready to have the being zoom past him. Next thing he knows, a strangled scream tore through the night and Kuroko was shoved roughly against a tree, his neck in a tight grip.

"You motherfucker!" Kagami howled and charged towards the man, fist immediately colliding with flesh. He managed to push him off, but Kuroko lost consciousness already, leaning limply against the tree trunk.

Kagami roared again and charged, this time with a back-up Aomine from behind. Fists were raised, kicks were connected, but the masked being wasn't fighting back. The broken mask was still on his face, a large gash right from the bottom right through the middle. And through that small crack, they could see a pale complexion and a grim smile.

Just when Aomine was about to deliver a quick kick to the abdomen, Masky dodged, even swiftly evading Kagami's fist and pouncing on the unconsious teal-haired teen.

"Damnit, Kuroko!"

A flash of yellow caught them off-guard as Kise blocked the masked man, falling against the ground in the process. A snarl emerged from Masky, punching Kise on the face and shoving him out of the way. Kise was persistent though, so he lunged right back, tackling him against a tree.

"Kise!" Aomine called out, just in time for him to duck and the tanned male delivered a kick. Another scream came from Masky.

Kagami crawled in from the sidelines and dragged both Kuroko and Kise out of harm's way, hiding behind a rather large tree trunk. Now that he noticed it, the surrounding trees were cut half. Their top was missing, and they were lined up in two rows. It was eerie, and even eerier when he catches a glimpse of a note tacked on one of the trunks. He cursed and ran to get it. Just as he was turning back to Kuroko and Kise, he hears a strong ringing in his ears.

Aomine and Kise heard it too, crumpling to their knees.

Shit, shit, shit...

Was all Kagami could think of as he turns his head a bit to see the familiar suited being.

Slenderman was close behind.



So sorry for reaaaaally long none update...

Kindoff... Busy...



Whadya think?

