Short chapter but it has so much heavy, feel good content that it deserved to stand alone, nom sayin'? Also I didn't proof this one as much as I should've. Sorry in advance.

Review please, I love hearing from you all! I know it isn't as fun as reading but it makes my day! Thank you to all those who have reviewed thus far/continue to review!

After walking around for a bit, White found a familiar room. One she had seen long before her final battle. It brought nostalgia sweeping over her, as this place was one of the places that aided her in
understanding N. She figured this was where she would find him because she wanted to go to that room herself.

"You're a monster," said a voice, curled up in the corner near a stack of pillows.

"You sound like Ghetsis," she said, as she tried to climb over the toys that were strewn across the floor.

"You could've saved Victini, you really could've. Some guards told me you were watching the whole thing. How could you just sit there? I thought you were different, I thought you understood! I thought maybe someone finally understood Pokemon as well as I did? But clearly I was wrong," he had red eyes and a tremor in his voice. White knew this one stung deep.

"I am a hero, not a saint. I had to make a decision, and Arceus did that hurt. Then, I realized that what I did was going to save everyone more than just saving Victini. I am still upset with what I had to do and I won't forgive myself anytime soon. For now though, let's both put the past in the past," White's throat nearly gave out due to the knot forming in it but it wasn't her turn to cry.

"You aren't worth it. You were never worth that Pokemon's suffering!" He didn't seem downcast at this point, purely mad at her.

"I know," White said as she turned away to leave N in peace. It wounded her more than he would know.

"White..." he said as she was walking away. He couldn't just leave her with a comment like that.

"I..." She stopped in her tracks. "I..." He didn't know how to say it so instead, "I hate you too."

She slammed the door.

He felt sick, like the world had just punched him. He never liked to lie and didn't make a habit of it but this lie made him physically ill.

'Why did you say that?' Asked his Zoroark that had heard the conversation from across the room.

"Because I do," N was still in denial.

'You have never been great with dishonesty. Besides, you don't hate her but you do hate the unknown. What is so unpredictable about this girl?'

"It isn't her, it is my own unpredictability around her. The books Anthea provided explained these emotions perfectly yet when applied, they are much less clear. She told me a while ago that it was time to mature a bit and to mature I would need to study what I hadn't experienced in my childhood. I was exposed head-on when traveling to promote Pokemon liberation yet this girl caught my attention out of all the interesting people in Unova."

'This is because of her understanding of Pokemon, was it not?' Zoroark was trying his best to understand.

"No, well yes. But, that was merely how I first began to know her. I was intrigued by her knowledge on Pokemon but also something else. I didn't... How do you say?" N scratched his head, he was lost in thought.

"I didn't 'feel' for other humans. What I felt for her was a lot like how I felt for Pokemon but differed in that I wanted her. I wanted to be with her, hear what she had to say, and what she was going to do. I became so close to her."

'How so?' Zoroark was going to let N sort out his feelings with as little assistance as possible.

"At first it was by chance, bumping into her and such. I savored it, then eventually craved it too much to just let it happen. I found her and talked, even laughed with her. One day I knew I would have to tell her I was King, and I did..." He seemed troubled as Zoroark beckoned the story out of him.

"That was, after she kissed me. She was infuriated of course. Nonetheless, it stuck with me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Sadly, after that I had to focus on defeating her. The problem was, I was loosing faith in my own cause. I... suppose that faith is gone by now."

'My lord...' Zoroark was astonished by his confession.

"I had hoped to pick things up where we left off after I lost. I didn't mind the idea of her being my queen. In fact, I had wished upon it and it was granted for a day but then Ghetsis began to exact his plan and..." N was done.

'My lord, why did you say you hated her?'

"Because, I don't," he smiled and slumped into the stack of pillows.

"You could even say I love her," he whispered and buried his face in a soft pillow.