Prologue – Plans Are Made
Disclaimer – All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the creator. The director/author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.
Author Note – I have read a few stories where Kagome and the others come to America, well this one is slightly different. In this one Bella heads to Japan. :D hope you enjoy it. Now onward!
Personal Thoughts
"Other's Speaking"
(Forks, Washington – 9:00 PM – Swan Residence)
"Edward..." Bella tried but was thralled again as Edward pulled up in front of her house.
Edward shook his head as he got out of the car and zoomed around to Bella's side. "No." He snapped as he opened the door. "I will not change you until you agree to marry me. I wont damn you to this life."
"But..." Bella tried once again but was stopped.
"Just think on it love." He kissed her forehead. "The next week is going to be sunny so the family and I are heading away." Edward told her softly as he helped her out of the truck. "You have my number in case anything happens and Alice will be watching as usual."
"Edward, will you please listen to me?" Bella tried once again hoping it would work. "I know you don't want to change me, but you know how I feel about marriage." She shook her head, grabbing her bag and shutting the door. "Marriage isn't permanent enough for me. Being with you for eternity, as a vampire, is."
Edward sighed as he leaned his colder forehead against her warmer one. "Just think about it. I love you." He whispered then was off.
Bella growled as she stalked to the front door of the house. Thankfully Charlie would be over at Billy's still and wouldn't be home til later. She couldn't believe that Edward didn't understand why she didn't want to do the marriage thing. Marriages end all the time but being a vampire, and being with your mate as a vampire, is completely different. She often wondered if he even wanted her to be with him for eternity because she had spoken to Alice and Esme about matings and they told her about how if one mate dies, then the other feels it until they die as well. Mentally shaking her head, Bella wondered what god she pissed off to place her in this hell. She opened the front door and stepped inside.
All the lights were off, which meant no one was home yet. Sighing a breathe of relief, Bella headed up to her room where she shut her bedroom window. Since the Cullens were going out of town, she didn't need to leave it open at night. Bella hurried and placed her back pack down then headed back down stairs to grab something to eat. She also wanted to check to see if her pen pal had decided to write her back. Bella had to admit that this girl, Kagome, was rather odd in how she spoke, yet then again, they had been talking for about two years now. They started talking during a school pen pal program came to Texas, where she was living with Renee at the time. Bella was shocked when she found that her pen pal was from Tokyo, Japan. In fact she was thrilled to learn that Kagome Hiragurashi lived on an old shrine.
She's always wanting me to visit. Bella sighed as she walked into the kitchen and went directly to the table.
Bella picked up the mail that Charlie had brought in this morning and started thumbing through it. Her eyes widen in surprise when she found a letter from Kagome had indeed arrived. She could see her name written in find Japanese. Bella had learned through her letters how to read the hand written language of the ancient culture. Practically skipping over to the knife drawer, Bella hurried and opened the envelope. She knew that what ever was in the letter would make her day a little bit brighter. Bella had heard that Kagome had been sick an awful lot lately but she wouldn't give up until Kagome told her what was going on. That's when Bella decided if Kagome had something she didn't want anyone to know about, then she would share her secret with Kagome.
It had been a little over two weeks since Bella had written Kagome the letter, explaining how her world turned upside down since she moved to Forks, Washington. Now was the time of truth. Would Kagome believe her or think her loony? Bella shook her head knowing that Kagome wasn't like that. If anything she would believe her because of some of the odd things Kagome has said at some times. Taking a deep breathe, Bella slid out the letter. She didn't even open it all the way when a picture fell to the ground. Bella frowned as she knelt down and picked it up. She didn't see the front of it yet but as soon as she turned the photo over, Bella froze at what she saw. She couldn't believe it that right there in front of her were DEMONS!
"Come on Bella." She chastised herself as she took a seat at the kitchen table. "You believe in vampires but not demons." Bella shook her head. "Get a grip. Just listen to what she has to say. I mean," Bella looked at the photo again. "The one with dog ears is kinda cute."
Shaking her head, Bella set the photo down and picked up the letter. It was written in the beautiful Japanese.
First I would like to say, Yes, you were correct about the fact I have a secret. Just like you have the one about vampires. Although mine is rather different then yours. Mine all started when I turned 15. My brother and I were heading to school when we had to find our cat, Buyo. As it turns out, the dumb cat was in the well house that was on the shrine property. Since Souta was frightened to go down, I went only to be pulled in the well and from what I can manage to figure out, 500 years into the past.
Sighs...sorry about that. :D You must know how hard it is to deal with something that no one else can know. I don't know if I should even tell you but for some reason I trust that you wont say anything. I mean, if your stories about vampires are real then you would know what could happen if the humans found out about them or Demons.
I also included a picture of the group I travel with. There are some that aren't in there but that's because if they knew I took their photo they would freak. LOL The guy in the purple robes is Miroku. He's the local hentai and monk, if you can believe it. The girl is Sango. She's a demon slayer and like my sister, other then you. -Winks- The cat on her shoulder is a demon cat called Kirara. She transforms into a bigger state that looks like a saber-tooth tiger. The odd looking little boy is Shippou. He's a full fox demon. He came along not long after Inuyasha, the guy with the dog ears, and I started our journey.
Well, Inuyasha is yelling about getting ready so I'll write more later. Don't mind the green, its just demon guts. Sorry. :D
Your Friend,
Hiragurashi Kagome.
Bella set the letter down and blinked a couple of times. She then picked up the picture and looked it back over. Indeed there was an odd dressed male and female but the 'odd looking little boy' catch her attention. Instead of legs and feet like a human, they looked like a fox, sort of. Shaking her head, Bella decided she needed to think about this. She also knew that she would never tell Kagome's secret, not even to the Cullens. For once Bella was thrilled that Edward wasn't able to read her mind. If he could, there were times he would blush even if he was a vampire. Bella pushed those thoughts away as she got up and slid the letter and picture into her back pocket then started to make some dinner.
Since she didn't know if Charlie would be home in time for supper or if he would be staying over at Billy's, she decided to make something rather easy. Browning her hamburger meat, Bella started mixing the ingredients together to make some spaghetti. She knew that Charlie liked her's even though he wasn't fond of it to begin with. Bella liked to cut her noodles up instead of leaving them long. To her they looked like worms and she would never eat worms. Yuck! Humming, Bella hurried with her dinner since her stomach was protesting about not being fed. That was another thing that took Edward for a loop. He kept forgetting that she had to eat. When the door opened, Bella was brought back to the present. She looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 11.
Damn, where did the time go? Bella thought as she finished dinner.
"Bells?" Charlie called from the living room.
"In here, Charlie!" She called back as she finished plating her food. "I made dinner."
Charlie came through the kitchen door with a smile on his face. "Smells good kiddo." He sat down at the table. "Guess I forgot to eat at Billy's."
"What did you two do?" Bella asked as she handed him her plate then fixed herself another. "I thought you went over and watched a game." She cut her eyes over at him as she finished her plate.
Charlie smirked as he shook his head. "We did but I don't think chips and beer were considered food." He shrugged as he started to eat. "Guess I was wrong."
"No, you weren't wrong." Bella chuckled as she sat down in front of him. "I got a letter from Kagome today." She had told her dad about her pen pal from when she was in Texas and he thought it was a great idea for her to keep in touch.
"Really?" His eyes widen slightly as he chewed the bite in his mouth. "How's she doin'?" Charlie swallowed then took a drink of the glass of water that Bella had.
Bella shrugged as she took a bite herself. "Good." She nodded wondering what would happen if she was able to go to see Kagome. "She's been wanting me to visit but with things so expensive."
"Why don't you?" Charlie said as he finished his meal. "I know Phil can afford it. Renee would love to see you again and always wanted to go to Japan." He shrugged as he wiped his mouth. "Guess that's one reason she didn't want to stick around, I couldn't afford to send her to all the places she wants to visit." He smiled sadly.
Bella frowned as she shook her head. "Renee loves you but she's a free spirit. I was completely shocked when she said she was marrying Phil." She sighed as she leaned back in her chair. "I don't know. I have to think about it."
And not come to a decision until the last minute. Bella added silently. Or I could ask Jake?
"What ever you decide, kiddo." Charlie stood ruffling her head as he took his plate to the sink. "Leave the dishes til the morning. I'll put the food away that way you can head to bed."
Bella nodded finishing her food then taking her plate to the sink. "Thanks Charlie." She kissed his cheek and headed out the door. "I might just go see Jake tomorrow. Edward and his family are going out of town."
"Sounds great." Charlie smiled at the thought of his baby girl getting away from the Cullen boy, not there was anything wrong with the kid. "Jakes been askin' about you a lot lately anyway."
Bella could hear the hopeful tone in Charlie's voice as she headed upstairs. Sighing, she headed into her room and crashed on the bed. She was extremely tired and wanted nothing more then to fall asleep. With dealing with Edward, then Charlie and finding out about Demons. All Bella wanted to do was sleep it off. That was the one thing she would miss as a vampire, being able to sleep when you felt down and just needed time away from reality.
(Hiragurashi Shrine – Main House, Kagome's Bed Room – 8:00 AM)
"You...WHAT?" Inuyasha felt his eye twitch as he heard what Kagome had just told him.
Kagome smiled as she kept packing her bag. "I told you already Inuyasha." She sighed as she stopped what she was doing to see that he was still rather pissed about the turn of events. "I have a pen pal in America and she told me a secret that could cost her, her life. Not to mention that most people wouldn't believe in vampires. Since she did that, I sent a picture of you and the others back to her along with a small explanation."
"Feh." Inuyasha snorted as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't believe in these vampires." His eyes narrowed. "How do you know she wont blab about me and the others? You always kept telling me to keep out of sight yet you spilled your guts to someone all the way across the ocean."
Kagome sighed as she went over and picked up a picture that Bella had sent her. "If you don't believe me about her, this is her picture." She handed it to Inuyasha. "From what I can tell, you can see a bite mark on her right wrist if you look close enough."
Inuyasha grumbled as he took the thing called a picture and looked at it. He had to admit that the girl in the picture had a difference about her that appealed to his Inu side. She had dark hair but instead of black, it was a reddish brown. Her eyes were also the most purest chocolate color he had ever seen. His beast purred in want as he stared at the picture and suddenly he realized he was getting hard just by looking at her picture.
"Keh." Inuyasha blushed as he thrusted the picture back to Kagome. "She's pretty enough." He turned to stare out the window to the well house. "Why'd ya tell her anyway?"
Kagome frowned as she finished packing. "I really don't know." She sighed slipping the bag over her shoulder. "Let's see I think I have everything." She started to mentally check off her list as she scanned her room. "Of course, I wasn't going to tell her until I received a letter about how she ended up meeting vampires. Yup, I have everything." She smiled nodding.
"Finally." He snorted as he stood and headed out the door. "Well I just hope it doesn't bite you in the ass. Or me for that matter." Inuyasha's ears were twitching as he headed down stairs with Kagome right behind him.
"Inuyasha..." Kagome sighed as she followed after him. "Bella isn't that bad." She shook her head. "In fact she's rather smart."
"Feh." Inuyasha said as he stopped just before the kitchen. "You're mom's making ramen." His eyes widen as he darted into the kitchen.
Kagome chuckled as she followed. She knew how much he loved ramen. Shaking her head, Kagome set her pack down and went into the kitchen to see how much longer they will be delayed. As soon as she entered, Inuyasha was sitting at the table with a big bowl in front of him, inhaling what was in it. Kagome couldn't help but chuckle as she sat down and took another small bowl and started to eat herself. No she didn't care for ramen in the morning but it was Inuyasha's favorite. Suki sat down in front of the two of them with a serious look on her face.
"Inuyasha." She started as she saw the hanyou stiffen. "I would like it if you would bring Kagome back in one week. Seven sun cycles."
Inuyasha swallowed his ramen. "Why?" He eyed Suki then turned them to Kagome. "What's so..." Then it clicked. "Feh."
"Thank you Inuyasha." Suki smiled as she stood and kissed him between the ears. "Now why don't you go clean up a little and I'll put this in something Kagome can take with her."
Inuyasha didn't need to be told twice as he took off into the down stairs bathroom. Kagome sighed as she shook her head cutting her eyes to her mother. "That was wrong."
Suki faked innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She smirked as she filled a small container that would hold the ramen for Inuyasha. "All I did was make sure he knew that you need to be home on your birthday."
"I know." Kagome chuckled as she shook her head standing. "Well let me place this in the back pack then we'll be off. Please don't go to over board."
Her eyes pleaded with her mother. Suki sighed and nodded. "Alright." She crossed her heart with her fingers. "Nothing over board. But what ever I get you for your birthday you will like."
"Hai." Kagome kissed her mother then rushed to hurry after Inuyasha, who was already waiting for her outside.
Suki waited til her daughter and friend were gone before she headed to the phone. She had called Charlie Swan not to long ago about helping with having Bella being able to come over for Kagome's birthday. She didn't know why she felt the need to do this but ever since the night before last when she prayed at the God Tree, she couldn't get the thought out of her mind. Sighing, Suki punched the international number then waited til she needed to dial Charlie's number in Forks, Washington. She prayed that it wasn't to late. The phone rang about three times before a male answered.
"Hello? Swan Residence." The male said through the phone.
"Chief Swan, this is Hiragurashi Suki." Suki said hoping he would understand who she was. "I am Kagome's mother."
There was a slip moment of silence. "Oh Mrs. Hiragurashi, I didn't expect to hear from you. Is everything ok?" Suki was glad that Charlie sounded like a nice man. "From what I understand Kagome and Bella are good friends."
"Hai -er- yes they are." Suki said forgetting that she needed to speak English. "The reason I was calling is because Kagome's 18th birthday is coming up and I wish for her to be here to celebrate. If it is alright with you. I called her mother, Renee, but she told me Bella now lived with you and gave me your number."
Charlie chuckled on the other end. "Sounds like Renee. Yeah, Bella lives here and she's also been thinking about going to see Kagome but she's worried about the money. While we're not bad off, we're not rich either."
"I understand." Suki nodded then started to think about the few coins that Kagome had brought home with her from the feudal era. "If I had the money to pay for the ticket, would you be willing to allow Bella to come and visit. She would be perfectly welcomed."
Charlie thought for a few minutes. "Sure but I would like it to be a surprise." He said as he thought it over. "She has a boyfriend that is rather clingy for my taste and he doesn't seem to respect her privacy a lot. If she knew, then it would be known that he would also want to go."
Suki frowned not liking what she was hearing. Kagome had left her letter out on her desk one day while she had been cleaning and she caught glimpses of the words vampire and blood then folded it up and put it away in her desk. She knew Kagome liked her privacy. Suddenly she realized that this must be the reason. Bella needed to get away for some reason and that was why when she prayed, she couldn't get the girl's name out of her head. The God Tree was telling her to do something.
"Then it will be a surprise for Kagome, too." Suki agreed with a devious grin on her face.
Author Note – So what do you think? Good? Bad? Ok? I was hoping to try something a little different then the others were the demons head to America, I want to write one where Bella goes into the past. Yes I have seen a few but from what I could read, this isn't anywhere near where the others are. I just hope that you enjoy it as much as you have my other works. :D Til next time keep reading and reviewing...