Authors Note:

Hello fellow fanfiction readers! This is my first story so be nice please. Also, since I don't intend to be arrested today: I don't own Harry potter, J.K. Rowling does.

Chapter 1: The Bite

On an ordinary street in an ordinary part of London there was an ordinary house with a perfectly normal family. Oh wait! This family did have one teeny, tiny thing that makes them different, their nephew. Who, much to their displeasure, was a wizard. This very special little boy was even different in the wizarding world, for he was the only living person to survive the killing curse. In the wizarding world he was known by many names but first and foremost was Harry Potter; The-Boy-Who-Lived.

In this house with his relatives there was no love for Harry Potter. He was treated as a slave; one might even compare his treatment to that of an animal.

This particular afternoon he was set to work in the garden, trying to make it perfect so that he could escape the beating he was sure to receive if it was anyway else. Even if he tried his best every single time his aunt would always find something wrong with it. It was almost impossible to please his relatives. When his Aunt Petunia came out at near dark to check on his work he was covered in dirt and exhausted.

"Freak! What have you done this time you dirty little scoundrel!" she called "How did you mess up my beautiful garden this time!"

"N-n-nothing Aunt Petunia." He quietly replied, flinching as he did so.

Her scrutinizing eyes scanned over the garden looking for some little flaw to criticize. "look right here, this dirt is on the stones! Do you want the neighbors to think we're as dirty as your drunken parents! Tomorrow you'll do it again but this time you'll do it right!" her eyes lit up with a glint of cruelty and she said with a slow draw, "Since you still haven't gotten it right, you can get ready for tomorrow by sleeping out here."

With that she slammed the door shut on poor Harry. Now its never a good idea to leave a little 9-year-old on their own outside because they might wander off. After getting over the shock, this was exactly what Harry did; he climbed right over the Dursleys' little picket fence and into the street.

He thought 'Well if I'm not getting any food from her i'll have to find something in the trash or something'. So as Harry scavenged the sun went down and the moon came up. The big round full moon provided plenty of light for Harry to find a trash can.

Harry heard screams of pain and whimpers that slowly turned from human to canine. He shuddered at the inhuman noises and thought that it was an owner and their dog getting attacked by a wild animal. So he went towards the noise to help them when everything in his body screamed for him to go the other way.

He came across one of the little sections of woods in Surrey and found a track to get to the center of it. As he followed the trail he saw another set of footprints that looked like the person that left them there was staggering. In the little plot of land he found a cabin. This cabin had a foreboding sense to it but even as his body strained to get away his heart pushed him onward.

He carefully pushed open the door and saw a mess of a room with claw marks and gouges marking up everything.

He called out, "Anyone there"

No answer, he tried again "Does anyone n-need any help." he stuttered out.

Then he saw another room that looked padlocked, but like any curious nine-year-old he tried to push it open and, to his surprise, it slowly creaked open.

Out of the darkness he heard a growl. A deep guttural sound that made the hairs on his arm stand up. He saw two amber pinpoints in the corner of the room that came slowly closer and turned into the eyes of a hulking wolf with deep black fur. The wolf suddenly lunged.

He screamed but no one could hear him because of the silencing ward that had been put up around the room. His magic pushed the wolf off of him but not before the wolf had taken a nip at his arm.

He ran out of there as fast as his short legs could carry him and thankfully the wards kept the wolf in the room.

The adrenaline only took Harry to the edge of the woods and then he collapsed. Unknown to him there was a war of dark curses in him.

On one side there was a Horcrux that Vodemort had put in him, the werewolf virus he was just infected with, and both a magic reducing curse and a tracking charm put there by Albus Dumbledore.

The Horcrux and the virus first fought against the curse and charm since it was the weakest of the three. Once the magic reducer was gone Harry's magic was free to fight the two curses. The Horcrux lost first and was destroyed. After that Harry's magic and the lycanthropy battled each other into exhaustion. The weakened version of the curse latched onto his magic in a desperate attempt at survival. His magic was too weak to fight it off, and so that's how Harry Potter became even more different than before.