Sarah-two weeks later
I woke up to the sound of my daughters voice requesting that i wake up.
"Bad dream?" i asked trying to ignore the feeling that i was going to puke. She nodded and climbed into bed with us. Mariana woke up suddenly next to me as Aliza slipped in between us. She snuggled up against me and i swallowed the puke in my throat.
Noticing this Mariana said, "What? Mama gets all the love and i get none" Aliza moved off of me and onto her mom. I sighed a little of relief. She fell asleep on her and Mariana turned her attention to me.
"You ok, babe?" she asked and I shook my head, no. I regretted it immediately since it made me feel worse. She put her hand on my forehead and then gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Morning sickness sucks, doesn't it?" she asked and i buried my head against her free shoulder. I remember how bad Mariana was with it and now i know what it's like. She rubbed my shoulder and I eventually fell back to sleep.
I have been packing up my stuff for almost two weeks now and now i only have some clothes, my laptop and some books to pack. It's amazing how easy it is to start moving out without people noticing. I walked downstairs with my duffle bag and called Josh.
"On my way" he said and i took the time to look around the house. I hate this place, but a small crazy part of me is going to miss this hellhole. Maybe even miss my parents, but hey they will find me soon and i will probably be dragged against my will back here.
They don't really care if i live here or not, but they don't want people to figure out that the oh so perfect Roberts family youngest ran away. It would ruin they're lovely image in peoples minds. They will become the parents of a runaway.
He arrived and i jumped into his car not even looking back at the house that i grew up in.
Sarah- a couple of hours later
When i woke up i was tangled up around both Mariana and Aliza. Poor Mariana has both me and our daughter sleeping on her and therefore she couldn't sleep herself.
"Hey you're awake?" she said and i moved off of her.
"Yeah sorry" i said and she smiled.
"Feel any better?" she asked in a whisper since Aliza is still asleep.
"Yeah… thank you" i said.
"Of course you used to let me sleep on you when i wasn't feeling good. Time to return the favor" she said kissing my cheek.
"Your phone went off a couple of times while you were sleeping" she said and i reached over and grabbed it.
Jess: Hey have you heard from Sierra
Jess: Sarah I need to know if you heard from her. We don't know where she is
What? Did she run away.
I looked over at Mariana shocked. I also have three missed calls.
"Why didn't you pick up?" i asked her and she looked taken aback by the serious tone in my voice.
"I had two people laying on me" she reasoned.
"You should have woken me?"
"Sorry… i assumed it was just notifications. Is everything alright?" she asked as i started to call Jess back.
"Sierra is missing" i said and she returned my worried look. Aliza woke up to the sounds of our voices.
"It's about time you answered. We found her now" she said and i sighed of relief.
"Where?" i asked.
"Her boyfriends house. She has already completely moved herself out and is claiming she's living with him now" she said and i rubbed my temples.
"Can't really blame her" i said tiredly.
"Yeah really. I would have done the same if it wasn't for Sierra" she said and i knew she would have moved out at fifteen if she could. The whole 'I'm running away and i'm taking Sierra with me' instadent, yeah i haven't forgotten that.
"Same, she's old enough. If they have a place let her move out" i reasoned.
"Try discussing that with them."
"Aww they're golden child doesn't want to be with them anymore" she laughed.
"No, Tyler is there golden boy" she said and i laughed. He's such a momma's boy. He got in touch with me when he was eighteen. Even though he didn't necessarily completely accept my 'way of life' he was at least trying. I lost contact with him five years ago when he got some big job and moved all the way in New York City.
"Yeah really. Oh well they're just going to create drama for the sake of creating it." i said. After all Sierra is eighteen and legally they can't tell her what to do. Besides she only has what about six more months until she moves away for college.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when my mom talked.
"You're not old enough to move out"
"I'm eighteen, mom." i said annoyed.
"There's no way a daughter of mine is moving in with her boyfriend when you haven't even been together that long" she said and i rolled my eyes.
"What are you going to do? Kick me out" i said and couldn't help smiling at how we all know i'm winning.
"No and don't talk to me like that" she yelled.
"Me and Josh have been together two years. We love each other so why shouldn't we move in together" i argued and she rolled her eyes.'
"You are not old enough and i don't know if i trust this Josh boy" she said and a perfect option to say something to help win came up.
"I'm surprised by that mom. I thought you would approve of him after all he has a penis" i said and she looked like she could slap me she was so pissed. Josh turned a little red at the face at the comment and i smiled at him.
"Sierra Isabella Roberts you stop it with the attitude this second" she yelled.
"Isn't that what got you to kick Sarah out? She fell for another girl. Well i guess what i need to do is date a girl than" i said and i'm serious about doing it. All i would need to do was kiss my best friend Megan and i don't see why Josh would have any objections. There's no harm in a kiss that is mutually understanded as a way to get me out of there.
"Shut up" my mom yelled.
"Let her move out, Cindy" my dad said and i smiled at him. He isn't too bad. He tries at least.
"Robert!" she yelled turning her stare around to him. I had to resist the urge to warn dad not to look her in the eyes or he will turn to stone but i couldn't stop myself from chuckling at it.
"She's eighteen, her and her boyfriend have been together for two years. Let her move out" He said the last sentence slowly as if she needed the simple concept to be explained slowly to her and I bit my lip to keep myself from bursting into laughter.
"Fine do whatever the hell you want" she shouted and left slamming the door behind her.
"Thank you" i said and he smiled.
"Of course just keep in touch ok? I know i wasn't the best dad but i tried my best" he said and i nodded.
"Yeah I'll call you. I love you dad" i said hugging him. I haven't done that in years.
"I love you, too" he said and then followed his bitter wife outside.
"Man that was tense, you ok" he asked sitting next to me.
"Great"i said kissing him.
"Would you of really dated a girl to get kicked out?" he asked and i laughed. Josh is the type of person to pick up on the stupidest things in a serious eventful conversation.
"Really thats what you got from that" i said and he shrugged.
I shook my head,"...and yes i would have fake dated Megan, no worries" i said.
"Wow thats dedication" he said and i just rolled my eyes.
"You're a dork" i said kissing him glad i can live with him instead of my parents.
Mariana-six months later
Today we are having a family get together and both Me and Sarahs family will be out. I got the car ready to go as Sarah brushed Aliza's hair. She chose to wear her favorite dress and she looked so cute in it.
"Who's going to be there mommy?" she asked Sarah as i was grabbing some food from the kitchen we made for today.
"Well you're grammys, you're auntie Callie, Jessie and Sierra, unkles Jesus, Brandon and Jude, and all your cousins and a couple of other people" she said.
"Why don't your parents ever come?" she said innocently and i turned around to see how she reacted.
"Oh honey they couldn't make it. They were busy" she explained like she's been doing a lot lately after Alizas realization that she hasn't met her mommy's mommy and daddy.
"They are busy a lot aren't they" she said sadly.
"Yeah they are princess. Now we have to go." she said and i walked over to help her up. She put her hand over her seven month pregnant belly.
"When is my baby brother going to be here" Aliza asked impatiently. I think she thinks he's going to be like one of her dolls but either way she's just as excited as the rest of us.
"Oh sweetie a couple more months left" i said and she frowned.
"I can't wait" she said and Sarah laughed.
"You and me both kiddo. Lets go" she said taking Alizas hand.
Aliza and her cousins ran around the building playing tag or just running. Brandon came and sat down next to me and Sarah.
"Hey stranger." he said and i smiled.
"Brandon" i said hugging him. I haven't seen him since last christmas and it's October.
"So I have heard a lot about you since last christmas" he said and i laughed.
"Well thats what you get for moving halfway across the country and not coming out for holidays" i said.
"I can't help that i got a great job opportunity in Virginia. Anyways i know i said this to you two over the phone but congratulations." he said and i smiled.
"You're due date is December, 3rd, right?" he asked and Sarah nodded.
"Yeah it is, i can't wait" she said and I know she is counting down the days. First i know she would do it and second she occasionally tells me how many or tells herself as a way of reminding herself it won't go on forever. One of the two. She's getting uncomfortable, impatient and moody. She tries her best not to but occasionally she takes it out on Aliza, she doesn't bother trying not to take it out on me, which now that i think of it might also be a reason why Aliza is excited for the baby to come.
Brandon dismissed himself from the conversation to go and talk to Jesus and I turned around to Sarah.
"You ok, baby?" i asked watching as she shifted her body in an attempt to get comfortable.
"Yeah just uncomfortable." she complained.
"I know, love. Look at Aliza" i said and she looked over concerned. What she saw was Aliza and her cousins running around with those long bubble wands having the time of their lives.
"Yeah" she said looking back at me.
"In a couple of years we will have another kid running around like that, than it will all be worth it" i reminded her and she smiled. She kissed me and i heard a chorus of ewes from our younger audience and even a couple of awws, mostly sarcastic, from our older.
"Oh shut up" Sarah said before kissing me again.
Flashback-Marianas senior year of high school
I rolled over in bed and looked at Sarah. She was sound asleep and i shook her awake.
"Hmm… don't want to wake up" she moaned opening her eyes slightly for a brief second and then closed them.
"Please wake up" i begged and she rolled over squinting her eyes at me again.
"Why?" she asked annoyed.
"Because i'm awake" i said and she sighed.
"Why do i have to be awake then?" she asked making it obvious she is not appreciating my midnight wake up.
"Because i'm lonely" i said and she rolled her eyes.
"Don't make a habit of this" she groaned and sat up with me. "I will be forced to hurt you"
"You would never" i said confidently as i laid my head against her shoulder.
"Don't doubt me" she said still half asleep."Why are you even awake?"
"Sorry, just stressed about this project and whether i'm going to be accepted and my mind won't stop" i said and she sighed.
"I'm sure you'll get accepted." she said and i still frowned.
"I just don't want to get older. Before i know it i will be your age and can drink legally! Than soon after that well be married and having kids…" she gave me a weird look and then burst into laughter.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"This is really what you're thinking about it…" she paused and looked at the time. "...3:22… you're harsh you woke me up at three" i shrugged.
"You're suppose to comment about the fact that i was talking about marriage and kids…"
"Why i can see it happening… as long as you are the one that has the kids" she said and i play slapped her.
"Oh no honey there is no way i'm having both of our kids" she rolled her eyes.
"Oh well see. Now if you wake me up in the middle of the night to talk about our future again we won't have one" she joked turning around and falling to sleep.
I smiled at the memory. It's amazing how even though it wasn't exactly how we expected it to happen we still some how managed to get the future we wanted.
I'm sorry if this is a terrible ending, i don't know how i feel about it myself, but this is all i could come up with. Endings can be so hard sometimes. Oh well let me know what you think. I have a couple of stories i have started for after i ended this one. So look out for them soon.