Title: Of Angels and Sinners
Chapter Eight: Angels Were Given Wings to Fly
Author: snarkysweetness
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Aurora, Killian, Violet, & Baby Graham; Aurora/Killian
Summary: Aurora gets that happily ever after, after all.
Warnings: Killian tries to get it but he's not gonna. Also, papa and bird feels.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Notes: HERE IS THE END! I hope you enjoy, my loves. Now let's all sit back and laugh while Victoria cries over papa and lark.

Aurora hung the last ornament on the tree and inspected her work with a smile. She turned to find Killian pressed belly down on the floor, watching as Violet cooed in her sleep through her playpen. Beside her, baby Graham, named for his departed uncle, sat up chewing on a block.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure he doesn't put the moves on her."

Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry, Killian, unless he grows up to be a guitar playing bartender, she probably won't let him into her pants."

"Heh," he chuckled, "that's how I got you-wait a minute." He shot her a glare and she smirked.

"What? Afraid of karma, love? Don't worry, if it exists she'll just run away with some pirate."

Killian scowled and sat up. He reached into the pen and gave Graham a small pat on the head.

"I guess you're all right, kid. But, remember, she belongs to me."

Aurora sighed in annoyance but before she could become too cross with him Killian grasped her by the waist and pulled her into his lap as he took a seat on the couch. He nuzzled her neck for a moment before giving her a short kiss.

"What do you say tonight you come to bed in nothing but those knee socks you're wearing and we make her a little sister," he whispered before moving his lips down her neck and toward the small bit of exposed cleavage above her shirt. Aurora smirked and bit back a moan.

"How about we do all of that minus the whole baby thing? Let's enjoy this one before we become the von Trapp family, okay?"

"But I told you, I want a whole nest filled with baby birds, 'Rora," he whined.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him firmly on the mouth.

"Soon. I want to make sure it's what you want and not just because you're bored or trying to outdo your friends."

"But they all get new ones, 'Rora, I want one too," he teased and she playfully smacked him. "I mean it; I love her so much and I just want a dozen more, just like her."

Aurora chuckled.

"That's a bit much…Killian! There are children in the room!"

Good lord, once they'd gotten resettled in their lives he hadn't been able to keep his hands off of her. Once she'd given birth he'd nearly had a heart attack when Victor told him no sex for a whole six weeks. She'd never seen him get so many songs written. She needed to withhold sex more often. Without sailing, running the bar with Jefferson and music was all he had outside of his family. She'd suggested he sail anyway, but he insisted that 'paddling about the marina' wasn't the same as exploring the 'vast, deadly sea and all of the realms'. They were still trying to find out how to get back home, if there was even a home to go back to, and he held onto the hope that someday he'd be able to take his girls on his ship and show them the world.

Aurora was perfectly fine with their life here, but she let him hold on to his dreams.

"But papa's horny," he whispered.

"Papa's always horny," she reminded him.

"That's all because of you, sparrow," he replied with a grin.

Aurora smirked against his lips as he leaned in for another kiss. A small cry interrupted their mini-make-out session. Aurora hopped off of his lap and lifted their tiny wonder from the pen as Killian gave in and picked up Phillip and Mulan's 'little scamp' as he liked to call him.

She cradled their treasure against her chest with a smile. She'd endured a lot of darkness in her life but this tiny little ray of sunshine made it all worth it. Aurora had never loved anything or anyone so much in her entire life and she had Killian to thank for her.

"I love you." Aurora glanced up to find him already watching them with a goofy smile on his lips.

"See those two girls, Graham, my boy? Those are the two most beautiful treasures in all the land. Angels they are, with golden wings crafted from love. Mere mortals like us aren't worthy of such creatures but they don't know that. That's the secret to life, my boy. Never let them know you know how little you deserve them. Just treasure them and love them so much they never realize it."

"You're an idiot."

"And you love me for it."

"I do, so I guess that makes me an idiot too."

"Nah, love, just too angelic to care."

She smiled. This wasn't they life any of them was meant to have. Their princess should have been raised in their palace, grown to become queen, and roamed the countryside, free to explore any realm she chose to. Their youngest daughters could go on to become pirate queens, marry princes, or become warriors. It didn't matter, as long as they were happy. Being stuck in this world, unable to leave Storybrooke was definitely a curse, but thanks to Emma, they'd all somehow managed to find happiness within it. She had Killian and Violet, Emma had her boys and her parents, Belle was trying to have a life with Jefferson and Grace, and all of her other friends were together and in love and happy and all of the children being born now that time was moving forward again were healthy. It wasn't what they wanted their life to be but to Aurora it was more than enough.

"We can never leave, you know," Aurora whispered as Killian stared at his ship with longing.

"I know, but I miss the sea."

She took hold of his arm and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"I know. Come," she whispered, taking his hand and leading him towards the beach. "Someone's waiting."

"Papa! Come on! I want to fly!" Violet cried as she tried to get her kite in the air. Killian smiled and pressed his lips to Aurora's temple before chasing after their tiny little lark. He got it into the air and she ran after it happily, squealing in delight as it moved through the breeze.

Aurora followed with a small smile and wrapped her arms around her middle.

"Killian?" She called; thinking now was the perfect time.

"Yes, sparrow?"

He turned to her and for a moment all she could see was that romantic boy in the bar who would watch her lovingly from across the room, too noble to make a move.

She blushed and ducked her head for a moment.

"Let's add a finch to our nest."

"Are you trying to tell me something," he asked hopefully.

"Maybe I am," she replied with a cheeky grin.

Killian handed the reigns over to their princess before rushing towards her and lifting her into his arms. He kissed her in a way that was usually reserved for their bedroom and she was far too happy to care. She hugged him tightly while Violet made disgusted noises and told them to stop because she wanted all of their attention on her and for once, Aurora ignored her. She would need to get used to sharing anyway.

"I love you, angel," Killian whispered as he set her down.

"I love you too, darling."