A/N Well this is it. The end of this story. I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

I don't own Glee. Whatevs.


Kurt stood on the stage, tissue in hand, as he wept tears of joy. This was it, the last thing he would ever do in High School. He had now graduated alongside his friends. As the audience clapped for the ending of their ceremony he reached up to his mortar board and flung it into the air, his friends beside him doing the same. Today, this moment, was the start of an entirely new adventure and he couldn't have been happier. He looked out at the crowd and spotted his father and Carole waving, looking so proud at their two sons achievement. He couldn't deny that senior year had been hard. It had been the hardest year of his life, but he had gotten through it and now he was bound for bigger and better things.

Smiling to himself he made his way off the stage and over to his family. They were going to drive to the airport where he was off to his new life and his new home. He would have stayed to wave Rachel off to her new life that she wasn't even aware she was going to yet, but he thought it was a bit pointless considering she was going to exactly the same place he was going to. That and he had a plane to catch. He didn't want a huge commotion for him, he could leave that to Rachel. She loved that type of attention anyhow. He only wanted to see one person, and that person was calling him home.

"Are you ready buddy?" His father asked him, squeezing his shoulder tightly, pretending that tears were not stinging the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah dad, Blaine will be at the airport to greet me and I'll call you when I've gotten there safe and sound."

Burt pulled him into a binding hug that he returned rapidly, tears streaming down his face. He was going to miss his father dreadfully but he needed to make a new life for himself. He wasn't a child any longer. "Good, and make sure to tell Blaine to call me too. If he's going to be my son in law he better get used to calling his old man from time to time."

"Dad, come on, he calls at least twice a week and you talk to him more than me! Sometimes I think you love him even more than I do." Carole chuckled lightly as Burt mumbled, sticking his hands in his jeans and starting to lead them all out to the car.

"Kurt wait!" Spinning round, he spotted his loaf of a brother bounding towards him. "Don't I get a goodbye?" He picked Kurt up tightly in an embrace, making Kurt squeak aloud.

"Finn put me down!" Kurt bellowed at his brother, kicking his dangling feet until Finn reluctantly put him down. "I'm sorry. But no goodbyes, only au revoir, ok?"

"Er, sure dude. Or whatever to you too." Kurt rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips as he folded his arms over his chest and looked up fondly at his step brother.

"It means till we meet again in French." He sighed dramatically, but Finn nodded as if he understood, which was all he could hope for. Finn didn't really get French. His theory was that if they could speak English, why bother with French? Kurt had gotten tired of arguing about that subject with his brother. It was pointless anyway. Patting his brother once on the chest he turned to climb in the back seat of the car that his father was driving him in to get to the airport.

Blaine had wished that he could have gone to Kurt's graduation but it had simply been impossible to do so. His final exam had been on that same day, much to his dismay. But at least Kurt will be here for mine I guess. And I'll get to see him in about forty minutes. He was racing through the streets of lower Manhattan in order to get himself a cab. Why they had chosen this particular point to be unavailable was anyone's guess, but panic had started to set into the pit of Blaine's stomach. All he wanted was to get to JFK airport so he could greet Kurt when he arrived. He didn't think that his wish was too much to ask for really. After all Kurt was the love of his life and he was moving down here permanently. For the past week and a half Blaine had been surrounded by his own and Kurt's boxes that had started being shipped over, in what was to be their new apartment. Together. Just the two of them. The excitement had been building up inside of him for so long and now it was finally here. Kurt's moving to live with him. Today. He would see him today and they would get to spend the rest of their lives together. He simply could not wait a moment longer. He saw what appeared to be an empty cab coming his way and he hailed it down vigorously.

"JFK please." He rushed out breathlessly, slumping into the back seat and sighing in relief.

"Sure thing kid." The driver sped out, heading towards the airport and Blaine's one true love.

Looking around as the crowds buzzed past him, Kurt felt a bundle of nerves. Here he was in the airport. In New York. But he couldn't spot Blaine anywhere and there were so many people all over the place. He swore he was going to get lost as he followed the crowds of people filing through towards what he hoped was the front of the airport terminal.

"Kurt! Over here!" He heard the familiar shout of his boyfriend and whipped around, pushing through the throngs of people to get to the boy, who was jumping up and down like a crazy person, waving his hands in the air so Kurt could spot him.

"Blaine!" He cried as he reached him, throwing himself at the smaller boy and hugging him fiercely. "God it's so busy in here, I didn't think I'd ever find you."

"Aww, don't worry honey, I'll always find you." Kurt smiled widely until Blaine leaned across and kissed him deeply. Breaking their kiss, Blaine took his hand and led him through towards the baggage area in order to claim Kurt's two sizeable suitcases. Once they had managed to acquire them without any major hiccups, Blaine led them both out towards the taxi rinks to pick up a cab home.

"So you ready to start your new adventure?" Blaine asked, turning and beaming broadly at his lover.

"With you? Always." Kurt replied, taking in a deep breath as he gazed lovingly at his dark haired boyfriend. He was home at last.