


A seventeen year-old teen with an average built looked up to his taller friend. He continued walking as he locked his gaze at the piercing-green eyes across his red-yellow eyes. He instructed the other to continue.

"Have you gotten the information?"

"About what, Shintarou?"

"This." The taller teen gave a piece of paper to the shorter. The teen with mismatched eyes scanned the paper he received. He raised his eyebrows.

"List of the freshman's beds organization?"

"They have already decided the placements."

"What do I have to care about?" The red haired teen rolled his eyes at the green haired. His eyes glanced fiercely as the man with glasses pointed at one name on the list.


"Who is that 'him'?" He asked without even looking at the list.

"Your bed-kouhai."

"What's with my bed-kouhai?"

"Why don't you look at the name I pointed?"

"Because it isn't necessary?"

"Just look."

The red-yellow eyes darted to the paper unwillingly, but instantly widened when he saw the name.

"So, my bed-kouhai is..."

"Yup. The child that gave you the rose."
