Love Affair With Misery - Part 20

Sun, sun and more glorious sun. Sparkling blue waters, rich and spectacular in pureness and raw beauty, crystal clear and something out of a dream, accompanied by golden white sand, silkily soft beneath feet, millions of gorgeous grains, all individual and glistening in the rays of the fireball that was the radiant sun, giving the beaches of Barbados a new spring of life. Palm trees galore decorated the elegant beaches, along with various other trees growing other exotic and tropical fruits.

It was so fresh, clean and searingly warm, but the heat was pleasant, the complete opposite to the dreary days of coldness and rain that the polluted suburbs of Glasgow provided. The temperature didn't drop below twenty seven degrees Celsius in the heart of summer. There was no thick and dense cloud of impurities, vehicles and fuelled factories were scarce; they had other methods of transport and their climate supplied different opportunities of work without introducing the use of man made chemicals and toxins.

Nikki and Vix had spent a week so far waking up to such pleasant weather, days of relaxing on the tourist crowded beaches, sipping summery combinations of cocktails, enjoying a dip in the tepid salty waters, flowing in rhythm with the subtle waves, all while obtaining natural tans.

Today was a particularly special day for the engaged women; their engagement was about to be upgraded to a proper marriage. By sunset, they would be wife and wife. It was the perfect wedding Vix had fantasised of, and Nikki was blissful about it too, her only wish had been that it wasn't a huge wedding where she had to wear a white dress - she had experienced the whole white wedding affair during her first marriage and once was plenty enough.

It was simply the two of them, and the two witnesses that they would gain off the beach at the time. Just them, and no one else to interfere. A ceremony on the beach under the blazing sun was the impeccable style that they desired to marry under.

Nikki waited for Vix's arrival on the beach, stood under the shelter of a mango tree, relishing the serene breeze in her path. She'd chosen a simple cream suit with a purple blouse, purple being their joint decision of colour, ever so light and floaty, created from a cool material so it was appropriate for the warm climate. The brunette had been parted from Vix for the night, her fiancé claimed that they had to be traditional, and it would be bad luck to see each other on the morning of their wedding.

Vix was on time, subsequently to caving into her craving to see Nikki despite them only being separated over night. Her wedding dress sported her curvaceous figure flatteringly, landing so it just covered her feet in length; oceans of cream silk with the designated shade of purple beads delicately embroided. She had done her own hair and make-up; her caramel locks swirled with various highlights and lowlights, adding a vivid and lush sensation, was curled softly, then pulled into a low side ponytail with a fancy clip at the back. Her make-up was just the same as her daily routine; a tiny squirt of foundation balanced her contours, cheeks bronzed and then concealed with blusher, skin toned eye shadows and her finest black mascara coated her luscious lashes, and she'd chosen a subtle red lipstick.

"Wow," Nikki beamed with a petite gasp, "You look beautiful." She entwined her hand with Vix's, pecking her cheek.

Vix smiled exquisitely, blushing faintly, "You scrub up well." She adored how much of an effort Nikki had made; her hair unusually tamed and more make-up than usual had been applied.

Nikki rolled her eyes, "Are you ready?"

Vix nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be." She grinned as together they ambled down the sandy path to where they would become wife and wife.

It was so blissful to exchange their wedding vows in such a striking location. "I Nicola Boston take the Victoria Spark to by my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love and cherish her through sickness and health." Nikki repeated the words, gently slipping the ring onto Vix's hand.

After Vix had said her's, they exchanged their first passionate kiss as wife and wife. With their hands linked and cherishing smiles displayed proudly, they walked off towards the beach, enjoying what was officially the best days of their lives. This was the start of their new life together, and they were stronger than ever and prepared for whatever challenges approached them next, knowing they would tackle them together.

They were both positive that they were going to have a thrilling photo album to remember this truly gorgeous day; flawless photos taken in the beautiful location of the beach.

Nikki gently scooped a giggling Vix into her arms, "I love you, Mrs Boston." She inclined forward and captured her glossy lips.

Vix returned the kiss, "I love you too, Mrs Boston. Mrs Boston - that's going to take some getting used to!"

"It's perfect." Nikki grinned as she carried her towards the sea.

"What are you doing?" Vix couldn't help but laugh as she clung to her wife.

Nikki put Vix down, steadying her whilst she regained her balance, "Come on," she held her hand out to her partner for life.

Vix clasped Nikki's hand zealously, "What about our clothes?"

Nikki shrugged, "You only live once," she lead Vix into the tranquil, turquoise waters, exactly where she wanted the final snap for their wedding album.

A/N: So that's the final chapter. Sorry that the wedding part is rubbish but I've only attended like two weddings in my life and they were five or six years ago and I haven't a clue.

Thank you to everyone that has read and reviewed throughout this story, it means a lot. I've left it so I could continue it at a later date but I've currently run out of decent ideas. :-)

~Mini Peacelet~