A/N: Quite a few spoilers have been released lately about what's going to happen when Waterloo Road returns. And I've got quite a few ideas, so I'm going to merge them together with a few of my own ideas that are never going to happen. Please let me onow what you think. :)

The title is misleading at the moment but it will all become clear later on in the fiction. have a good Christmas, everyone.

~Mini Peacelet~

Love Affair With Misery - Part 1

A fresh term. Nikki was bubbling with anticipation, fully prepared for whatever challenges and situations awaited her. Subsequently to a refreshing break away from the ruthless students that attended Waterloo Road, she was obscurely contented and in high spirits to return to work. Nothing could demolish her thriving mood; joyful, blissful and passionate. At the end of term, she had obtained herself a new girlfriend at Simon and Sue's wedding reception; Vix Spark, Sue's older sister. She had forgotten what it had felt like to feel so generally happy, fortunate for the relationship that had developed. It was definitely love.

"I'll see you later," Nikki pressed her subtly glossed lips against Vix's red lipsticked ones.

Vix responded to the kiss, savouring the moment considering this was the last time she would feel the impulsive sensation of the brunette's lips against her own until tonight. Her hand stroked Nikki's silky cheek, ending the kiss shortly after and leaning back into the drivers seat, "I'll pick you up at half four. Have a good day,"

Nikki rolled her vivid orbs, "I'll try." she chuckled although she was almost certain nothing could destroy her fabulous mood, fingers releasing the car door and pushing it open, she stepped out onto the concrete playground, handbag in her grasp, "See you later." she closed the door sufficiently.

"Bye bye," Vix added a cheeky, flirty wave before accelerating away, out of the school premises and down the road to her coastal shop where she sold hand-made jewelery.

Nikki's pearly-white teeth were displayed from her infectious smile, Vix really had had a positive effect on her. For once, she was concentrating on herself and not someone else. She'd been long enough without proper happiness, perhaps her priorities were starting to change. She entered the school via the main entrance, out of the blustery breeze, and paced leisurely through the corridors, navigating her way to the staffroom.

She exchanged greetings with everyone who had arrived prior to her and was chilling before it was time for their classes, and met a couple of the new additions. She abandoned her handbag on one of the burgundy coloured chairs and proceeded to create a mug of coffee whilst engaging in conversation with a few of her fellow colleagues.

One individual in particular that appeared to have made an extra effort to socialize with Nikki was the newly hired P.E teacher, Hector Reid. The brunette wasn't entirely sure why it was herself that he had chosen to make conversation with but participated politely in replying. She had failed to notice that he was actually checking her out, a natural flirty edge to him.

Nikki examined the atmosphere outside through the large panels of glass held together by white plastic frames, observing the action happening as the teens formed floods of crowds, reunited in their friendship groups. She tugged at the sleeves of her biscuit coloured blazer, straightening the creases out. Then running her fingers subconsciously through her fringe.

Her attention was diverted elsewhere when she was disturbed by her classroom door flying open and chattering students flowing in ready for lessons. She collected her mug from the white painted window sill and made her way to behind her desk and perching on her swivel chair. She glanced at her watch; a few minutes to go before the bell and former registration.

Following registration, she lead straight into the lesson since the students of the PRU rarely had to change classroom, the teachers came to them instead. She was introducing the latest book that they would all be studying and listening to the moans and groans she gained in response.

The pupils were relieved when the fire bell started to ring; saved. It was a well welcome excuse to escape the classroom and the book that didn't interest any of them in the slightest. Plus it was more time to chat with their friends.

"Okay, make you're way to the assembly point outside, quietly." Nikki instructed cooly, watching as the teens filed out and following behind.

Nikki came and stood alongside George Windsor subsequently to calling her register and checking to see if it was safe to reenter the building, "Right the smoke seems to have cleared in the building."

"Literally or metaphorically?" George inquired, "All present and correct." he passed her a clipboard containing all the sheets of paper that he had collected from each teacher.

"Yeah," Nikki agreed before frowning slightly, "Apart from our mysterious newcomer; Gabriella Wark."

"Mm," George scanned the register to where Nikki was looking, then glancing up as an expensive car entered the school gates, rolling up to as near to the front doors as possible, "Something mysterious about her parents clearly."

Nikki's eyes were fixated to the classy, black Mercedes that had just pulled up, immaculately clean, glistening in the sun rays and with a personalised number plate. Her mouth had dropped slightly and she stifled a chuckle. What was such an upmarket car doing at one of the roughest comprehensive schools around?

"Why do some people feel the need to announce their importance." George rolled his eyes as the driver of the sleek car emerged; a man in a designer suit, removing his sun glasses and analyzing the school.

Nikki bit her tongue to contain her small laughter at George's remark.

"Are you sure we want to do this to her?" A woman had stepped out of the car from the passenger side, nervously watching her husband and screwing her nose up in disgust at the school.

"You wanted her to experience harsh reality, didn't you?" He raised his eye brow as he placed his sunglasses in his pocket and proceeded to open the back drivers skde door.

By now, the majority of the school were gawping at the obviously upmarket family, gossiping between themselves and gesturing, wondering what was going on.

Out stepped a beautiful teenaged girl, flicking her ocean of wavy blonde locks over her shoulder and examining everything around her, frankly adoring being the centre of attention. Her unique handbag was poised over one arm, make-up mirror in the other and she stood with an elegant posture, lips pouted.

"I've told you before, Gabriella. Lipstick off." Her father hissed.

Gabriella simply rolled her eyes, sighing. She strutted, with confidence, over to the closest good looking boy she could see, which happened to be Connor Mulgrew and collided her own lips against his. She then pirouetted round to face her father, "There. Off." she smirked, prancing inside with her parents.

"God, I hope I don't have her. She looks like a handful." George folded his arms.

"Me neither." Nikki chuckled, although she was suspicious of why such a wealthy family would want to send their daughter to a school like Waterloo Road; she clearly belonged in a high rank boarding school.