Hey! So, this is an idea I came up with. Probably has been done before, but I didn't even bother to research. I have another one I'll probably write tomorrow titled "Al the Cat." You can probably guess what that one is about... Tterit suggested continuing this one, but we'll just see what happens in a few days. If even one other person says I should, then I will. :3

On with the story!

He had no idea how it happened, but he woke up shorter.

A LOT shorter.

What the heck?! I wasn't sleeping on the floor before! he wondered while giving a self-examination. Let's just say his realization of having golden hair- no, FUR- and paws did more than shock him. He tried to run to the bathroom to look in the mirror, but couldn't go anywhere with his auto-mail leg. It was still as big and human-like as before while he had transformed into some animal. He yowled in pain from the weight of the metal that he could no longer handle on such a small frame. It must have been heard from somewhere else in the house, considering he's always had such a loud mouth, and Al burst open the door.

Al's POV:

I had been sleeping soundly in the other bedroom when I heard something that sounded like a cat in a lot of pain come from the other side of Ed's door. I had first been thinking How did a cat get in here?, then I thought with horror Is Brother hitting it?! as I raced down the hall and threw the door open. I first looked towards the bed, but he wasn't there. My eyes wandered around a bit till I looked straight down at my feet. There was a cat with golden hair and eyes, which reminded me a lot of Brother's, and they drifted to an auto-mail leg right next to it, which was definitely his. Then I realized they were connected together, and the poor kitty was trying to escape from it. I poked the cat to get its attention, and boy did I startle it. Its head jumped back a little too, probably because my head was so close.

"Ed? Where are you? How did this cat get in here?" I had pulled back my body from the crouching position I had been in to yell towards the rest of the house.

The cat somehow responded to my calls and seemed to meow back an answer, probably not realizing I couldn't understand it. It's ears were kinda pulled back, and it sounded angry. It even seemed to be cussing. Of course, I got amazed and confused, but figured that, first things first, I gotta get that leg off the poor thing. I ran to Winry's work room and stole a wrench and a few other tools quietly to not wake her up, and returned to Ed's room. Hoping I had seen Winry do it enough times for me to do it correctly, I got the auto-mail off the cat.

It immediately scrambled up and tried to walk away from me, but stumbled a few times, probably because it didn't have a hing leg. It went towards the bathroom, and yelled at me to open the door. I figured I might as well, because there's not much damage it can do in there. The door creaked a little, and the animal stepped in, then jumped up to the toilet (with the lid on it), then the counter. It paused for a moment before turning to the mirror. It gave a look of pure shock as it stared at its reflection, and almost seemed to pass out from it. I've heard stories of pets and their reactions to mirrors, but this might top it. Then it looked at me through the mirror as I stepped in too, and it seemed to shock it even more. It kept looking at itself then turning back to look at me, and I just had no idea what it was thinking, or what I was supposed to do. Then after a moment, I saw the cat's eyes produce tears, and it let the water fall down its face onto the counter. What is going on?!

Ed's POV:

Well, what did you expect me to do?! I have been turned into perhaps the vilest creature on Earth! A CAT. Of course Al didn't know it was me, and I needed to prove it to him.

I eventually jumped down from the counter, landing perfectly, but then faltering as I tried to walk, since I wasn't used to not having a leg. As I walked slowly, I thought about what I could use to write something. A pen, probably not... Ketchup? How am I going to convince Al to squirt a bunch out for me to paint with? I suddenly remembered that Al still has chalk in his bag, which he had to use before he remembered meeting Truth, allowing him to no longer have to draw alchemical circles, but had just never bothered to throw it out. I limped quickly to his room, and jumped onto various things, using them as stairs till I got onto his desk. Luckily, it was left open, so I rummaged through, mainly head-diving and all of that to push things out of the way, cuz I can't use my hands anymore. I finally found it and grabbed it with my jaw. Oh gross, this thing is disgusting! I hope I don't swallow any chalk dust. I dropped back down to the ground, and went to the nearest place with cement floor, which was the back patio. (Drawing with chalk on polished floors is harder, right?) I'm kinda surprised he hasn't tried to pick me up at some point. I guess it's obvious I'm not much of a people-person. Wait, people-cat. I used the ground and my paws to reposition the stick of chalk in my mouth so I had a firm grip, and started drawing lines around a foot long each, writing out in capital letters my important message.


3rd POV:

Al had already been convinced by this, because everything else that had happened up to this moment could be used as proof of this statement being true.

"That's really you, Brother?"

The cat nodded solemnly, and the human could tell they both had mixed feelings about this situation. With a heavy sigh, the younger sibling reached down and picked up the older, much smaller sibling. It was obvious the cat was extremely uncomfortable with this, but knew struggling wasn't going to help him. Wondering what emotion would shine through first, the pet waited for the other to speak.

"You are so cute, Ed!" the brother exclaimed, hugging the fluff-ball tightly, petting its head. Of course he's excited about this, the kitty huffed. It's Al. The human grabbed Ed again and held him out to look at its face. Of course, it looked annoyed. This made him chuckle and smile wider as he hugged the feline again. I can see how cats tend to not want to be held. Al strolled over to a chair and put Ed onto his lap and started stroking his back.

"Imagine everyone's faces when they find out, Brother! Haha, the former Fullmetal Alchemist turned into one of his least favorite things. Oh, the irony."

He continued to talk out loud to his relative, although it was more like he was talking to himself in this one-sided conversation. Ed continued to slowly get more and more pissed off at his positive brother. He planned to escape from the lap and just go to his room to be alone, but eventually he started to relax from the petting and was falling asleep. He even started to purr, not knowing how, but allowing it to happen nonetheless. ...Never mind.

So yeah. I know I probably won't get many reviews for this, especially since I started writing 2 days ago... So even one person (I'm not talking about you Tterit!) reviews I will cry tears of joy. I'm pretty sure new one-shots are gonna pop up a lot during Winter Break. Well, enjoy it while it lasts! They'll come a lot less often when school starts again. Oh, and I really want ideas and/or prompts! This is all I want for Christmas... I will only do a lot of stuff with cats until that happens! Happy Holidays and K bai!