I always like to put OC's in stories, and this isn't an exception. I don't really know where this is going, but I know it is going somewhere great!
London, England, 2014; a scary place to be when you are alone. Especially when you are sixteen. There are things that happen that should never be done. Murder is one example and is the reason why I am alone.
My name is Marionette Nightingale. I used to have a family. A rich family that worked hard for what we had. We were the proud owners of the Nightingale Co.; one of the best toy manufactures of the world. We made anything you could think of, but our most popular invention was our marionettes. They weren't like any regular marionette, though. They were "magical" to the eyes of those who looked at the dolls. They had a look that made you fall in love with them. Only the Nightingale Co. could make something as spectacular s these dolls, and that is where I got my name.
Returning to the present, my family is dead. They died almost seven months ago. Nevertheless, I just now got back to London. The people who killed my parents and my siblings took me away. They tortured me and almost killed me, until the day someone saved me. He was wearing a long, black dress-like outfit. The man wore a black hat that looked like something out of Alice in Wonderland. His hair was long and grey and he spoke to me only to say that I needed to return to London. That was nearly two months ago. It has taken me the rest of that time to get here.
I've only been here a few days, and I don't have any money so it isn't a walk in the park. I have been trying to find the guy who saved me, though I don't even know if he lives in London. I haven't eaten since I got here, and I barely ate before. I sleep where I can, and hope that I'm safe, but I can only wonder how much longer I can live like this.
I walk around as if I don't know where I am. Even though it has only been seven months since I was last here, everything has changed. There are so many illegal things going on like trafficking and drug deals. My parents never used to let me go out on my own, and now I understand why. Moreover, there are people following me. They have been since yesterday so I deicide to walk into the first door I see. I quickly open it and slip in. I look around and realize that I walked into a pub, what fun…
I walk over to a window and look out. The guys that were following me are standing around the front of the building waiting for me to show myself. I sit down in a chair and hold my head in my hands. What do I do? If I leave they get me, and if I stay here they will, at some point, come in and get me. Do I take the chance to hide or run?
"How old are you?" someone asks me. I quickly sit up. A man with black hair, red eyes, and a black suit is standing in front of me. "How old are you?" the man repeats.
"Uh, I-I'm si-" I pause. If I tell him I'm sixteen he'll just kick me out, so I have to lie. "I'm twenty-two," I say. The man looks at me then takes a seat across from me. Maybe I just got myself into a very big problem.
"Even I can tell you are not twenty-two. You are sixteen, am I not correct?" he asks in a mocking tone.
I look at the table. "Yes, you're right," I say slowly.
"Then what are you doing here?" he asks.
"Hiding," I say. I glance out the window and he follows with his eyes. "They've been following me since yesterday, and I don't know who they are."
I look back to him and notice he is smiling. "Would you like some help getting rid of them?"
I stare at him blankly. "What do you mean?" I ask.
The man chuckles and looks at the men outside. "I could help you get rid of them, if you'd like me to."
"But you don't even know me. Why would you help me…" I can't help but wonder if he wants something from me. My mind swirls with thoughts of things that I could get myself in to if I agree to let him help me. I quickly stand up and run out of the pub. Of course they immediately see me and follow as I run down the street.
I run whichever way I can to try and lose them, but every time I think they are gone, more are waiting for me at another turn. I run down an ally and find myself at a dead end. I hear them getting closer to me and I start to cry. I don't want to go back because they'll kill me for sure. And I'm not ready to die until I make them all pay for killing my family. But I don't know what to do now.
"There you are. You're trapped now, Marionette," one of the men says. I turn around and see all of them standing at least fifty feet away from me, and there are at least twenty or more of them. All of a sudden I feel something drop on my head. I look up to the sky and notice it is starting to rain. I look back to the men and sigh.
"Heh, I never thought I would die so soon. Not in a million years would I have ever thought I'd die at sixteen," I say to myself.
"We never said we were going to kill you, sweetheart. No, we're gonna have some fun before we do that," another man says.
My body freezes. I don't want to go through that hell again. But I don't have any options left. I'd rather die than be caught, but they don't care. I back up into the wall as they get closer to me. I feel the rain falling on me, and I watch as it falls on them. This is the end for me, and I can't do anything to avenge my family's death.
I close my eyes and listen to the rain as it falls on the cobblestone walls and ground since I wont hear it anymore. Out of nowhere I hear the men scream. I open my eyes to find all of them dead. My feet slip and I fall on the wet ground. The man from earlier, the one in the pub, is standing in the middle of the men. His eyes are different from before, almost a swirling purple, but it's raining so much I can't be sure. He looks at me and walks towards me. I am frozen stiff out of fear and aw of the man.
He bows and holds his hand out to me. I take it and he helps me up. "Are you alright?" he asks gently.
"What are you?" I ask, ignoring his question.
He smiles. "Are you sure you want to know?"
"Yes," I say unconsciously.
"I am a demon," the man says.
I laugh. "Right, I believe that. Cute, but seriously, are you some kind of military spy or something?" I ask.
"No, I am just a demon," he repeats.
I look at him. "You're serious," I say. "But, why did you help me then?"
"I noticed you were all alone. You look as though you haven't eaten in several days, if not longer. I can tell you've been through hell," he says as he reaches for my hand. He pulls it up to his mouth and kisses it.
I quickly pull it away and back up into the wall again. "Listen, I'm grateful to you for saving me, but I didn't ask you to so you can't make me do whatever it is you want me," I say.
He looks into my eyes with a sad look. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I'm not here because of that, I promise. You seem as though you need someone to help you."
"What do you mean help me?" I ask. I relax a little since he doesn't seem like he is going to hurt me. But what does he want with me?
"You don't have anywhere to stay and no one to help you, am I right?"
"Isn't that obvious?" I ask irritably.
"My question for you is this, then. Would you like me to be your butler on your quest for revenge?" he asks.
"Wait, how did you know about that?" I ask.
"I am a demon, I know several things. But if you say yes, you need to know that you can never go to heaven and that once revenge has been grasped, I will take your soul."
I think for a moment. This is making a deal with the devil, but if I don't take this chance, there is no guarantee that I'll live to see tomorrow. I look to the sky for a moment and watch the rain fall. Either this is the last rain or one of the many I will see. I look at the demon and take a breath.
"How about this," I begin. "No revenge for you to help me with, but be my friend for as long as I want, and when that time is over you can have my soul. But you have to do whatever I say and you have to protect me as I hunt down my family's killers and my kidnappers. Deal?" I say as I stick my hand out and wait for a reply.
"Think about this very carefully, now. Once this is done, there can be no turning back," he says cautiously.
"Listen, you followed me because you wanted my soul and I'm not ready to die. I don't know what is so special about me or what you know, but don't make mistakes and let chances slip away. And I don't care what consequences come to me in the end by making a deal with a demon. I doubt it could be worse than what I've already gone through." I say, my hand still extended.
"Then the contract is sealed, Marionette," he says with a cruel smile.
He takes my hand and a blinding light appears. I let go and stumble over my feet since I can't see. Someone catches me, though. I open my eyes and realize that it's just him. He lets me go and I shake my head. I look at him and remember that I don't even know his name.
"Oh, what's your name?" I ask.
"Whatever you would like it to be. I am yours now, so it is your choice," he says calmly.
"Oh, what joy," I say nonchalantly. A name, a name. Think of a name… That's when I remember a name I overheard one of the men that held me captive say that is perfect. "I have the perfect name for you," I say joyfully as I jump up and down. I clap my hands and twirl around once, then grab both of his hands and smile. "Your name is Sebastian Michaelis! Do you like it?"
A smile plays across his face. "It's perfect, my lady." He bows and I hit him on his head.
"No," I say. "You're my friend, not my butler or something."
Sebastian looks at me evilly at first, then smiles and stands up. "I'm sorry. I forgot."
I giggle. "Don't be sorry. You've done nothing wrong…" I think for a moment. He is a demon. Can I really say that he's done nothing wrong?
"Hold still," Sebastian says as he pulls a brilliant purple ribbon out of his pocket and wraps it around my neck. Then he ties it off in a bow.
"What's the ribbon for?" I ask.
"I will explain later," he says. "First let me get you out of this rain."
Sebastian takes my hand and leads me away from the ally and dead bodies. We walk down the rainy streets of London for what seem like forever, but this time I have a friend by my side, even if he is a demon.
"Hey, Sebastian, where are we going?" I ask.
"Home," Sebastian says.
"But I don't have a home," I say. I look down at my clothes and see how dirty and ragged they are. Not to mention wet. "And I'm too dirty to go to an inn."
Sebastian stops in front of a building and smiles. "Well then, my dear friend, we will just have to get you some clothes," he says as he opens the door. We walk in and I see a million different kinds of clothes in so many different colors.
"Wow, this is amazing!" I squeal.
"Pick out whatever you want," Sebastian says.
"But, I don't have any money," I say. I start to tear up. But Sebastian pats me on my head and smiles.
"Don't worry about that. Just pick out something."
I smile. I rush off into the clothes and start looking. I pull one out and put it back, find something else and ask Sebastian if he likes it and end up putting it back. It takes me forever to find the perfect outfit, but I finally find it. It is a pink jacket-type shirt that comes down to my ribcage with a pair of jeans and sneakers. And we even found this cute little British ball cap that works with my clothes.
As I put my hat on in the dressing room, I look at myself in the mirror. It's been a long time since I last looked at my reflection. My brown hair is to the middle of my back, my eyes are brown, my skin is pale, and my body is a little bony, less than I was expecting. I look at the ribbon around my neck and think about taking it off, but it's too pretty to take off. I walk out of the dressing room and Sebastian is waiting for me. I twirl around and smile.
"That looks perfect," Sebastian says.
"Yay!" I jump up in the air and squeal again. "This is so exciting!"
Sebastian grabs my hand and stops me from jumping anymore. "Calm down. If you get too excited you won't have anymore energy before we get home."
I look at him. "Sebastian, I don't have a home," I say, becoming depressed.
"Let's go," Sebastian says. He leads me out of the store and opens the door to a car that is parked just outside. I look at him and he smiles. I shrug my shoulders and get into the car. Sebastian gets in beside me, shuts the door, and the car starts to move. I look at the window and watch the world go by. Life is so exciting now, and has changed so quickly. I have a friend, and apparently a home, now. Maybe things will get better now that I'm not alone anymore.
"Sebastian, how old are you?" I ask. I continue looking out the window while I wait for him to say something.
"How old do you think I am?" he retaliates.
I turn and look him up and down. I think about how old he could be. "Are you in your twenties?" I ask.
Sebastian laughs. "Sure," he says.
"Hey, not 'sure'. Yes or no," I demand.
"Yes," he says.
"Ok, so are you… twenty…..one?" I ask.
"Yes," Sebastian says. He pats my head and smiles. I hug him and he tenses up, but then he hugs me back.
"Thanks for being my friend," I say, "even if it's a contract."
Sebastian doesn't say anything for a moment, as if he isn't sure what to say. "What happened to your family?" he asks.
I sigh and let him go. I look back to my window again and begin my story. "It was my sixteenth birthday and my family was having a party for me. It was just my parents, my two brothers and my sister, but it was better than what I have now. Now I don't have any of them. We were all laughing and having a fun time when someone knocked on our door. My father went to answer it. Then we heard him scream run followed by a gun shot. We all tried to run and hide, but there were too many of us to hide. Since I was the youngest, they decided to hide me in the hidden door that was just in the hall after the first staircase. I could see out, but no one could see in. I was then forced to watch them die. The men searched the whole house for me that evening, and they never found me. When they left I fell asleep in there. But I soon woke to smoke and fire. I had no choice but to leave. The minute I busted through the front doors they caught me and took me away."
I turn to look at him and notice that he, too, is looking out the window. "Not what you were expecting?" I ask him
Sebastian looks at me out of the corner of his eye and then back to the moving world. "No, that isn't it. I just don't know what to say."
"Well, I'm sure you've seen worse," I say.
"You'd be surprised what I have seen," Sebastian replies.
"Heeeyyy, where are we going?" I ask.
"You'll see, Marionette," he says.
"How do you know my name? I never told you it," I say.
Sebastian takes a deep breath and looks at me. "I already told you that I know things."
"So then why did you ask me about my family?" I ask.
"I don't know everything," Sebastian says stressfully.
"You know I can go on forever, right?" I ask teasingly.
"Oh really?" he asks me with one eyebrow raised. "How long do you think forever is?"
"I'm only sixteen. I don't know everything," I say with a smile.
"You learn quickly."
"If you say so, Sebastian."
"You know, I've been anything from a mercenary to a butler, but I've never been a friend to anyone before," he says, changing the subject.
I thought he said he was twenty-one. "There's always a first for everything," I say. My neck itches out of nowhere so I scratch it. I feel the ribbon around my neck and remember that Sebastian said he would tell me what it was for later. It's later. "Hey, what's the ribbon for?"
"I guess I should tell you." Sebastian takes a deep breath and leans up against the door with his arm and props his chin on his hand. "Demons mark their prey with a seal, I suppose is what you might call it. The more visible the seal, the more powerful the contract between the two. Yours is on the side of your neck," he says.
"What? I wanna see," I say as I pull the ribbon off and try to see it.
"Maybe you would like a mirror," he says as he hands me one.
"Oh, yeah…" I say. I feel so embarrassed now so I take the mirror quickly. As I look at my neck, I see the seal he was talking about. It is a purple circle with a star in the middle. "Huh, so I have to keep it covered up then."
"Yes, that would be the smartest thing," Sebastian says sweetly.
I hand him back the mirror and notice that he is wearing black gloves, which he wasn't wearing before. "When d'you put gloves on?" I ask.
"When we secured the contract," he says.
Sebastian chuckles softly. He does a lot of that and I don't know what's so funny. He takes his left glove off and shows me his hand. The back of his hand has the same seal as my neck. "We both have one, and it's better if we keep them hidden. We don't want everyone to know that you sold your soul to a demon."
"Oh, OK!" I say cheerfully.
Sebastian puts his glove back on and takes the ribbon out of my hand. He wraps it around my neck like earlier. He leans back in his seat and looks to the window. I stare at him to see how long it will take for him to become annoyed, but it isn't working so I decide to poke him. It still isn't working. I finally just cross my arms and look out my window. All of a sudden I hear him laugh. I turn and glare at him.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" I ask grouchily. He looks at me and tries to stop laughing, but he can't. "Why are you laughing?" I yell.
Sebastian clears his throat and smiles. "I'm not easy to annoy, so I thought it was funny when you tried," he says breathlessly.
My face turns red and I look out the window. "Whatever," I say.
Sebastian continues to laugh softly for a few minutes, and then everything gets quiet. I try to figure out where we are going, but it has been so long that I don't even know anymore. We turn down a country road and I start to remember my family. How we used to play on Sunday afternoons and all the balls we used to go to, even though I couldn't dance to save my life… I miss them so much, but I'm not alone anymore, and with Sebastian's help I will make those people pay for what they did.
"Marionette, we are home," I hear Sebastian say faintly.
I snap out of my daydream and look at him. Sebastian gets out of the car on his side and walks around to open my door. Since he isn't my butler, I jump out before he can open it. I turn to look at my new home and my body freezes. The car leaves and Sebastian walks over to me. I look at him, but only for a brief moment.
"Do you know where you are?" Sebastian asks sweetly, if a demon can do so.
My eyes start to tear up again as I take it all in. "This is my home. But how… how is it here? It burned down seven months ago and that isn't enough time to build a house as big as this," I say as my tear filled eyes begin to overflow and race across my face.
Sebastian wraps his arms around me and I cry into his chest. "If I couldn't do this for you, then what kind of friend would I be?" he says. I don't say anything; I'm far too happy. I can't have my family back, but at least I have a home that is mine and a friend by my side.
Thanks for reading! Please review! I am still working on the next chapter because I've fallen to quite a tricky spot. But with the help of Bassy, maybe i can get it done!