Author's Note: Okay, so, I think I'm going to be focused on this story until I get to the end of it (which should be coming soon). I don't want to get distracted by two stories at once, which I've learned is a bad idea for a disorganized person like myself, so OfK will be updated once this is completed... or maybe before... or at the same time... I need to stick to the outline, goodness gracious.
Disclaimer (Dark Side of the Moon): I don't own Hetalia, boyfriendTM, sunflowers, sacks of potatoes, nations, or anything else. All of those belong to their respective owners. Hetalia to Himapapa, boyfriendTM to boyfriendTM owners, and so on.
Russia looked across the meeting room when he heard a familiar voice. He smiled, waving Japan over to sit next to him. "Hello, little sunflower." His face turned such a funny shade of pink at the name, Ivan mused. "How are you doing today?"
"Ah, so far everything is peaceful," Kiku replied, well aware about how much the other liked teasing him with nicknames. He chose not to comment on them anymore. "How was your flight? I heard there was some bad weather in Moscow this weekend. It didn't delay your plane, did it?"
"Da. It was delayed." He sighed quietly, glancing around before smiling. "I am glad it wasn't canceled. General Winter is very aware of how I'd feel about missing tomorrow."
"Oh? So you wouldn't regret missing the meeting?"
"As long as I'm here for tomorrow it should be fine." Ivan moved to stand. "In fact…"
"Eh? What are you-?"
The Russian nation hauled him over his shoulder as if he were carrying a sack of potatoes. "I am just letting certain people know not to mess with us." He sent a stone cold glare England's way.
"By… lifting me?"
"Da. You do not generally enjoy touch, yet when I do it you don't even squirm. Is a good thing, I think. This way everyone sees that." He started to walk, ignoring the slight complaints from his boyfriend. "It has been a month."
"Not yet," Japan corrected him, finally managing to get back on the ground. "We still have another day. I… do look forward to lunch tomorrow, though."
"Aw, there's the cute face."
"Never mind."
Russia grinned. "Do you wish to tell the others?"
"Ah, perhaps not now. I don't think the world can handle that at the moment." Kiku looked down at his papers once they got back to their seats. "We… could tell Yao-san, I suppose. Perhaps your sisters as well?"
The Slavic man thought for a bit. "That is fine." His grin widened when he realized something. "Does this mean I get to put a little flag on you?"
"We're dating, not merging nations, Vanya-chan."
"I'm not saying I'd do it right now…" he mumbled, pouting softly.
Japan stared at him for a moment. It wasn't often anyone got to see Russia pouting. It was actually kind of… cute. He sighed, shaking his head. "What else would you use a 'little flag' for?" Kiku asked, arching a brow at the other. He paused, progressing from normal peach to cherry blossom pink. "Y-You…!"
Ivan only laughed. "It's up to you. You know I won't pull an English pig on you."
He frowned slightly, focusing on his paperwork. "I know."
Russia inwardly flinched. Oh dear… "Sorry." The word was foreign on his tongue.
Japan's composure snapped at the word, and he openly stared at the other. It was also unusual to hear him apologize, he realized. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. Kiku gave a tired smile, then reached to squeeze the other's hand for half a second. "It's fine. I'm not really mad about it." He was more embarrassed at the suggestion than anything else. He pulled his hand back, blinking when the Russian just grabbed his arm. "Ivan-chan?"
Ivan smiled at him quietly. "Let's go for drinks after this, da?"
"Ah, fine, but you know my vodka tolerance isn't as good as yours."
"I know. I just want to spend more time with you today."
Japan chuckled. "All right, but I've already made plans for lunch."
Russia arched a brow, having a bad feeling about that. "With whom?" he asked, letting go of his arm. He sent a weary look Arthur's way, meeting green eyes for a moment before the other broke the stare.
"With Germany-san and Italia-kun."
"Oh." He felt relief wash over him. It wasn't that he didn't trust Japan. Oh no- it was that he didn't trust England. Or Greece. Or Turkey. But especially not England after being so open in his pursuit. Ivan nodded in approval, despite being well aware the other didn't ask him. "Have fun."
"Are you still upset about England-san kis-?"
"Da. I would be stupid not to be upset about it," he grumbled softly, mood darkening at the thought. "Could we tell piggy so he doesn't get any weird ideas?"
"Ah… I suppose so…"
"Perhaps little piggy will go home after hearing the news."
"Russia-chan," Kiku warned, grabbing a pen as Germany moved to the microphone. "He is still my friend."
The tall man gave a sigh. "Da. I know."
After a long moment of silence, Japan glanced at him. "Should I tell him, or…?"
"We will tell him together. That way he'll believe us."
"Before drinks tonight?"
He sighed. "Sure."
Once the meeting was over for the day, the couple made a beeline to where England was sitting. Of course, the bushy-browed man was very pleased to see his friend walk over, but that happiness turned into a sour feeling when he noticed Russia practically gluing himself to the other's side. Ivan looked smug, and that was never a good thing for him. "Bollocks," he cursed under his breath, sending a glare back at Russia.
"O-oh, nothing." He smiled tightly at Kiku, glad the other didn't push him on his comment. "May I ask why you two are… here?" Arthur gestured to them, waiting for an explanation.
"Arthur-san, you've been a very good friend to me, so we just wanted to let you know that we're officially in a relationship."
"Da. A good one."
England blinked. "I'm sorry, but, what?"
Russia's smug look came back. "Little sunflower here is with me. I will take good care of him, da?"
The sandy blond man gave a slow shake of the head. "No. You won't take good care of him." He looked to Kiku, almost pleading, "He's pressuring you, isn't he? It certainly wouldn't be the first time he's-"
"Ivan-chan has not forced me into anything. He merely asked for a date like you did. His just… turned out better, I suppose."
"You've got to be bloody kidding me."
"Why would we lie about this?" Japan questioned. He arched a brow when he felt Ivan step closer to him, sending an askance glance.
"I suppose we could always show him," Ivan purred happily.
Kiku flushed a dark red, recognizing the mischief in his boyfriend's tone. "What're you proposing, exactly?" he mumbled.
"A kiss."
"Wh-What?" Both of the Asian nations turned to look at the European. England seemed to be close to angry tears. "Fuck off, Russia. Get away from him!"
"What, Kiku? What? I'm not just going to sit back and let him dangle you like a treat in front of a hungry cat."
Russia tilted his head. "What do you mean? I see no cats here." Only little pigs, he wanted to add, but refrained for Kiku's sake.
"Shut up!"
"Ma-Matte, kudasai! Wait, both of you…" he sighed. "I'm not trying to make you upset or let him make you angry. I'm trying to let you know so you can move on. Isn't it better to have some closure for a broken heart?"
England blinked and then turned a dark red, suddenly on the defensive. "What? D-don't think so highly of y-yourself. I'm not so heartbroken over a- a crush or anything. I'm just upset my charms weren't enough to get you first!"
"Tsk, tsundere…"
"Hm?" Russia hummed, unfamiliar with the word.
"It's nothing. Let's go, Ivan-chan," he whispered back. "England-san needs time to lick his wounds and recover."
Russia stole a glance at the blond island nation before nodding. "All right." As amusing as this was to him, he didn't want Kiku to be upset from England's display. He moved to grab his hand. "Drinks?"
England's ears perked up at the final comments, which were spoken at a normal decibel level. "Drinks?"
"Ah, yes. Ivan-chan and I were planning on going to a bar tonight."
Ivan frowned at the interruption. And he almost had Kiku out of the room too…
"I know a good bar. The Drunken Crow. It's a few blocks east of the hotel." A strange look crossed his face. "You two aren't sleeping together, are you?"
Ivan's expression brightened. "Oh, good idea. See, we shouldn't have gotten the two beds." He clasped his hand on Japan's shoulder and guided him out before anything else could happen.
HAHAHAhAhaa. Okay, I need to actually stop. I've been laughing way too much at that ending. Speaking of which, the story will be ending in one to two chapters (if I can actually stick to an outline).
~Dark Side of the Moon