Author's Note: (Dark Side of the Moon) I am VERY surprised at the lack of RusPan (or as Light and I call it, "PanDa"), so I've decided to take matters into my own hands and write up some! This will be something I type in between stories, so updates will not necessarily be weekly.

Disclaimer: ME NO OWN! *Goes to the corner and starts to cry* WHHYYYY!?

China felt the familiar chills make their way down his spine. "Aiyah! Russia is watching me again." The Northern nation had been behaving even creepier than usual lately. He'd stalk the others, especially China, far more often than he used to. "I wonder why he's being so… weird lately."

Yao had a few theories about this; Russia could be ill, Russia finally lost it, he could've been feeling sad about something and stalking's his way of coping, or maybe, he's lonely… The more China thought about it, the more the last idea made sense. "I bet he's lonely… I bet if he had a friend he'd leave me alone! But who would be friends with Russia, aru?" China smiled; he knew exactly who he could trick into being friends with the wintery nation- "After all, he was in isolation for a long time once."

He felt a little bad that he'd do this to his own brother, but only a little. "If he was Russia's favorite stalking victim, he'd do the same."

With the beginnings of a plan forming in the back of his mind, Yao walked into his house and locked the door, windows, and anything else that had a lock. He couldn't let Ivan see what he was planning for the next meeting…

The next meeting came too soon for Kiku, also known as Japan. He didn't really enjoy the World Meetings- the nations didn't even do anything productive during them! Not to mention, he was a bit of an introvert as well. "At least I'm not a hikikomori anymore." He reminisced, "I had to be dragged out of my room back then!"

Groaning inwardly, Japan walked into the meeting room where he was greeted by- "China? He's usually one of the last ones to show up…"

"Hello Japan!" China greeted ecstatically, "How are you doing?"

Japan felt something off about this, but brushed it off. "I am doing fine. And how are you, China?"

China smiled even wider, if that was possible, "I am doing just excellent, aru." Kiku watched as Yao's face fell, "However, I need to talk to you about something…"

"So there is something wrong…" Kiku thought for a moment before he asked, "What do you need to talk about?"

"Oh… Well, can it wait until after the meeting's done? It'll take a while to explain, aru…" China smiled sheepishly. "Meet me behind the building after the meeting, alright?"

Japan barely had time to nod before China walked out of the room. "I wonder what's bothering him…" Kiku mused before heading to his usual seat.

"Part one complete of operation 'Friend for Russia'!" China congratulated himself as he left the meeting room, "Now… I just need to find Ivan and tell him that Kiku wants to talk with him afterwards…"

Unfortunately, the task was easier said than done. Even though he could now feel Russia watching him, China couldn't tell from where. After looking behind three potted plants and a random chair in the hallway, Yao had enough. "IVAN! Come out from hiding already, aru! RUSSIA!"

He almost screamed when the said country fell down from the ceiling saying, "You called?"

"Y-Yes. I did… Listen, Kiku wants to talk to you about becoming friends, but, since he's shy and a HUGE introvert, he won't admit that he wants to be your friend." China said, sincerely hoping that Russia would buy his lies. The look of interest on Ivan's face told him to continue, so Yao explained his plan to Russia, excluding the fact that Japan didn't technically want to be friends. "… So he'll be waiting for you behind the building after the meeting, alright?"

"Da. Tell him that I'll meet him there." Ivan answered, smiling his creepy little smile. "I cannot wait until he becomes one! Te-he~"

Yao could only stare as Russia entered the meeting room. "Did I just doom my own brother to a fate possibly worse than death?" He briefly asked himself, wondering if he should save his little brother from "becoming one" or not. Shrugging, China opened the doors to the meeting room, just as the meeting was about to start.

The meeting went just as terribly as the last. The only thing that was better about this one was the fact that, due to England's hangover, the meeting finished earlier so the nation could go home to get better. As the countries headed their own ways, Japan walked towards the hallway. "Now it's time to talk with Yao… I wonder what's wrong with him- as far as I know his economy is doing just fine…" Japan, still thinking, wandered his way around to the back of the building. "Maybe he wants me to do him a favor…"

Kiku thought he heard Yao's footsteps behind him. "So what do you want to talk about?" He asked, not even bothering to turn around.

"Hmm. I do not know." A childish voice replied, "How about we play a game?"

Japan tensed, "What is Russia-san doing here?" Before he could do anything, though, something hit him hard on the head and the world went black.

Russia smiled; his new friend was so cute when he was unconscious. "We can't play here, though- I have to return to Russia. I hope you don't mind staying at my place for a while. Just think of it as our first sleepover together as friends." He said calmly, picking up the smaller man and slinging him over his shoulder. "This is going to be fun!"

Ivan turned around and headed towards his car, before driving off to the airport that was currently host to his private jet. Little did he know that a certain invisible personification, who was looking for his pet polar bear, saw him kidnapping Kiku.

"Maple… I have to tell somebody about this!" Canada exclaimed, voice at a normal speaking level ( which is VERY loud for Canada) before running to get help. Too bad no one would notice him until it was too late.

Ahahahaha~ Hooray for Cliffies!

So… What'll happen next? Read and review to find out!

~Dark Side of the Moon