Alright. I think I have finally thought of a story that could work out perfect. Holy shit am I excited for this. You all know how Naruto was treated as a kid right? What if Danzo had gotten his hands on Naruto and experimented with him to make him the ultimate weapon that he wanted since Naruto's birth. Danzo, being the man he is, would probably have had done anything to accomplish his goal I believe. Anything. So his scientists discover how to make a philosopher stone from centuries ago from a place called Amestris, wipe out the Uchiha Clan, and inject the stone into Naruto, resulting in the creation of a Homunculus. Which Homunculus you ask? Wrath. Wrath because Naruto, I imagine, has always been a little angry about how he was ignored throughout his life. Also, Itachi did not eliminate the Uchiha clan, but for good reason (that I will not be talking about just yet). Root did all the dirty work. Another difference will be Wrath. The wrath in my story (Naruto) is different than Fuhrer King Bradley. Bradley had a philosopher stone with one soul while Naruto has hundreds of Uchiha, so it's going to be a bit more difficult to finish him off.
Forgive me if it appears like I took anyone's ideas. I literally thought of this story while I was taking a shit, and I just want to put the idea down before I forget.
Thoughts- Italics
Thank you
Edit as of 6/14/2014- Ok. Now, I know it's been a long time… but better late than never right? Anyways, instead of making a whole new chapter, im focusing my time on editing my first one. I had made a ton of mistakes, plot wise and grammar wise. For example, I made it so Naruto would be going to the hospital in the next chapter because he was weak from the transformation, but the philosopher stone would have healed him. I also made Naruto act too differently than he should have when he found out that he was no longer human… so I decided to change some things. I didn't have much time to write the fic during my school year, but now it is summer break, so I'll try to get chapters down frequently… don't get your hopes up though. I think of good ideas, but I have trouble focusing long enough to write…im losing focus now as I speak… Monk is on. God do I love that show. Probably more than Naruto in fact. Not Fma though. Fma is pretty great.
Also, im making the Uchiha massacre happen during everybody's last year as genin, just because it makes things easier to flow and whatnot.
It was approximately two in the morning, and one of Konaha's most important events in history has just taken place. The Uchiha clan has just been exterminated by Root. Step one of tonight's objective of creating the ultimate weapon was complete, and Root only needed the nine tails jinchuuriki to finish the job.
Naruto, who was having a rather nice dream about being on a date with his Sakura-chan at Ichiraku's, woke up startled to find masked men staring at him in the dark.
"…I swear I wasn't the one who-." Naruto began but was stopped when an ANBU wearing a lizard mask quickly picked up Naruto and placed him on his shoulder.
"PUT ME DOWN LIZARD MAN! IM FIRING YOU WHEN I BECOM HOKAGE! YOU BASTARD! I DIDN'T DO IT!" Naruto yelled as he began to salm his fists on the back of the ANBU.
Lizard man sighed.
"Naruto Uzumaki. You have been summoned by Konaha Council man Danzo." The ANBU calmly spoke, which caused Naruto to calm down in return.
" Eh? Who's this Dango guy? Does this mean the council has noticed how awesome I am? They must be handing over the Hokage Hat." Naruto asked Lizard man with glee.
Naruto frowned
"Whatever lizard man. What do you know anyways."
The journey from Naurto's house to Root headquarters was long, partially because it was a long ways away and partially because the jinchuuriki was a loud mouth, but they made it.
Once the ANBU Root squad had made it to their HQ, they were welcomed by Danzo himself and a team of Konaha's most promising scientists.
"Ahhhh. Naruto-san. Im glad you could make it." Danzo stated, placing a mask on immediately. Things would probably go much smoother if the brat thought he was trustworthy.
Naruto pointed an accusing finger at Danzo.
"ARE YOU THIS DANGO GUY? WHY DID YOU SEND NINJA AFTER ME HUH?" Naruto shouted, not thinking about what the consequences could be.
A scientist face palmed in the background.
"…Naruto, you are interested in becoming Hokage one day correct?" Danzo asked the Jinchuuriki. He would never allow the brat to become Hokage, because that was his soon to be throne, but a little manipulation never hurt.
Naruto pointed his thumb to his chest.
Naruto wasn't sure what happened, but he soon found himself strapped to a bed and was surrounded by scientists and Danzo in a hospital room.
"How did you do that so quick old man?" Naruto questioned
Danzo ignored him, instead choosing to turn to what appeared to be the head scientist.
" Is the stone complete?" Danzo asked the man
" Yes Danzo-sama. It is complete." The scientist said with a evil smirk
Danzo nodded and a second scientist marched up to Naruto with a metal tray. In the middle of the tray was a syringe with a mysterious red liquid inside. As soon as Naruto saw it, his eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.
"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I HATE NEEDLES! YOU BETTER-" Naruto shouted before being interrupted.
Danzo flicked Naruto on his forehead.
"I thought you said you wanted to be Hokage?" Danzo asked as calmly as ever
Danzo grinned in spite of himself.
"What if I told you I could give you the power of a Kage?
"Huh?" Naruto asked dumbly, his interest already peaked to the maximum with the mention of power of a kage
"Things are working as planned" thought Danzo. "The syringe contains a wondrous substance that we have named the Philosopher Stone. If we inject you with it, your power will increase tenfold. You will become a powerful weapon. You will become… a god. If you accept it, your chances of becoming Hokage will sky rocket. How does that sound Naruto Uzumaki?"
Naruto was speechless. He had just been offered what he wanted most, a chance of becoming Hokage. He was the weakest student at the academy and always lost during sparring sessions. He couldn't even complete a simple Bunshin Jutsu. With this opportunity, he could gain everybody's respect by becoming Hokage, and maybe impress even Sakura.
Danzo nodded
The scientist with the syringe leaned in and popped the needle in a vain. Naruto gasped and a large flash of crimson light appeared.
The pain was unreal for the body of a twelve year old. It was terrifying. In fact, it was enough to make Naruto openly cry for the first time since he was eight. No, not only cry, but scream.
Upon hearing Naruto's earsplitting shouts and his trembling form, the head scientist leaned towards Danzo.
"Danzo-sama, do you really believe this child can survive the injection? The body will most likely reject the philosopher stone. If the Hokage finds that we are involved in the death of the Jinchuuriki, we will be eliminated for high treason." The Scientist asked with obvious fear.
Danzo sighed. He hated spineless fools like this scientist.
" The brat has a better chance at surviving this than anyone. I chose the jinchuuriki for a reason. The kyuubi should heal him as Naruto absorbs the stone."
The scientist nodded. It was logical after all.
It took multiple more moments, but finally, Naruto stopped his screaming and rapid shuddering and opened his eyes.
Danzo let loose a grin when he saw the Ouroboros tattoo on Naruto's left eye. Things were better than anticipated.
" WHAT THE HELL YOU BASTARD. YOU DIDN'T SAY IT WOULD HURT." Naruto shouted, not in the best of moods.
Danzo put a hand to his chin, choosing to ignore the blond once again. "Hmmm, it seems you've taken the form of wrath." Danzo started. " I assumed you would have taken the role of Greed to be honest. Always boasting about how you wanted respect and being the Hokage. I guess you were angrier than you let on. Interesting." Danzo said to nobody in particular.
Naruto, who still happened to be strapped to the bed, lay there in confusion. What? Wrath? Greed?
" What are you talking about?" Naruto asked, taking Danzo away from his thoughts. " All you said was I was going to get strong like a Hokage."
Danzo nodded to the blonde.
" In time. I've given you the potential."
Naruto didn't like what he heard. It made him a bit angry actually.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? You said I would be-"
"SILENCE" Danzo shouted. " I lied you brat. It is impossible to immediately be able to fight on par with a kage in a day's time. Impossible. So, instead, I gave you the next best thing. I gave you a philosopher stone. The stone has granted you a gift Naruto. It's given you the Ultimate Eye, a gift that only Wrath has." Danzo told the blonde as he undid Naruto's straps.
Naruto was confused again. He sat up and looked directly at the aged Shinobi.
" Ultimate eye? Like Sasuke-teme's clan?"
Danzo shook his head.
" Similar, but not the same. The Uchiha clan can see chakra flow, see genjutsu, notice subtle movements, and copy jutsu and techniques. Your ultimate eye gives you incredibly accurate vision and will allow you to predict any opponent's movements."
" whoa" Naruto muttered out. Too cool. " But what does it meant that im Wrath?"
"Hmmm. This will be difficult to explain." Danzo thought to himself. " Naruto, are you aware of the seven deadly sins?"
" Deadly Sins? Is that an attack?"
"No Naruto. The 7 deadly sins comprise of Wrath…you, Greed, Pride, lust, gluttony, envy, and sloth. The seven deadly sins are considered taboo for human kind. You are the incarnation of wrath Naruto. You are no longer human.
"What? No longer human?"
Danzo nodded. He did that a lot. " Yes. Your body takes form of a human, but you aren't technically one. You can die around 200 times before you…really die."
"You're bluffing"
With extreme efficiency, Danzo let a Kunai fall from his sleeve into his hand.
And then Naruto found that kunai stuffed in his Jugular.
Blood began to spurt out of his wound. In an attempt save himself, he pulled the kunai out of his throat and placed both of his hands on his wound, but it was too late. In seconds, his hands dropped along with his head. Naruto had died.
Moments later, a crimson light filled the room and much like the kyuubi would have, began to stitch his torn skin back together, and Naruto regained consciousness.
And he was furious.
"DAMN IT OLD MAN. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL ME!" the Jinchuuriki barked
Danzo raised a single hand next to his head in defense, almost in a comical way.
"It was the only true way for you to believe me."
Naruto didn't reply. He just rubbed the newly formed skin on his throat. It was a cool ability, but damn it hurt.
"So im pretty much immortal?"
"No Naruto, you aren't immortal. Like I said, you have around 200 lives before you will die forever." Danzo replied
"…Anything else I should know about? Any cool Jutsu?"
" Naruto…Wrath…you also lose the ability to use chakra." Danzo stated bluntly. No use in letting the brat find out himself. (This is much like how Homunculus cannot use alchemy)
Naruto's heart skipped a beat. No chakra? No badass jutsu? What was he to do? You need chakra to become a ninja right? Oh no. That bastard.
" b-but, I thought you need Chakra to become a shinobi? YOU JUST DIDN'T WANT ME TO BECOME A SHINOBI" Naruto shouted irritably
Danzo sighed once again. This child was an idiot.
"Don't be ridicules you moron. Why would I give you all this power if I didn't want you to become a Ninja? Besides, there are active Shinobi right now who cannot use chakra. There is even a genin one year older than you who cannot use chakra, and to my understanding, he is one of the most promising."
This caused Naruto/Wrath to calm a bit.
"Naruto, you are weak right now. You fail to listen in the academy, and you will be worthless on the battlefield. You are a danger to yourself and your teammates. Immediately, when you get out of the academy…if you ever get out of the academy, after your squads training session, you will meet me for more training."
Naruto didn't know what to say. It was true what Danzo said, but he didn't like it. It made him angry, but he chose not to say anything. The old man WAS offering to help him.
" Are you any good?"
"Of course you Brat. I am the commander of a Section of ANBU after all."
"ANBU? The assassination people?" Naruto thought to himself. This was pleasing.
Danzo spoke, which interrupted Naruto's thoughts for a change.
" I think we are about done for the night. Wrath, before I send you back to your apartment, I need you to tell me that you will not tell anyone of tonight's events. You are not to show anybody your eye or your regenerating abilities"
"WHY NOT?" Naruto shouted. Whats the point of having these powers if he couldn't show off?
"Because if you do, I'll have you exterminated."
" That's a good reason"
Danzo fished around his robes pocket until he grabbed one of his spare eye patches, in case his wrapping fell off. He threw it to the newly formed sin.
" You'll need to wear this if you're going to hide your eye. Im sure questions will be asked about your eye and your lack of chakra also. Just tell them you tried one of your god awful pranks with a seal you made your self. You're stupid enough to try that."
Naruto sweat dropped. He HAD tried that. It was successful too.
" Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
"Lizard, escort Naruto back to his home."
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Now, I know in the series that Fuhrer King Bradley was made from a philosopher stone with a wrathful soul, but in this story, I just made the personality of Naruto be what influenced him turning into wrath. He really is the same Naruto, but deep down he always has been upset with the village ignoring him. Also, the philosopher stone isn't what is going to make him strong like bust up building's wise. He'll have to train to get fast and strong and shit. He doesn't need chakra for this. Just look at Rock Lee.
Now, I was pleased to see reviews and im very thankful, but two caught my eye that regarded Naruto. I noticed that they were right. Naruto Is Naruto. So he won't be emo or anything like Sasuke, but if he gets too angry, he'll show his inner sin.
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.
I hope the new version is better.