A/N: I realised I haven't replied to the guest reviewers how I usually do and I'm VERY sorry for that, first off thank you for such inspiring words they mean a lot to me. Just like how I love everyone who takes a moment to fave and/or review. In fact I love everyone who takes the time to read my work, it's truly endearing. Thank you! ~ On a different note, in response to Guest's review I'm putting up a poll about whether or not to put some Kico into the story. Please note that even if it is voted in, it will have little to no effect on the ending of the story, romance is not a main theme in this story. ~ If you want to have a say you can either vote or leave a comment in the review section. Sorry this took so long to post and THANK YOU to everyone reading and as always enjoy!
Chapter 8: Many Demons and one Devil.
Rico stared at his phone, and the texts it displayed. He could safely assume the second one was from Tux, but the first he had no clue as to who could have sent it. It wasn't one of his men of that he was sure, they wouldn't dare do something so reckless in fear of making him angry at them, they had learnt long ago what happened if they crossed him.
With a sigh he replied to the first text. Why, do you plan on interfering? Perhaps this would help him ID the sender. And deciding to get things over with he replied to Tux's text. Yes.
Barely a minute had passed before he got a reply.
That depends on you.
Rico growled low. Whoever this mysterious person maybe, they sure were cocky. He wondered if perhaps the person was an agent, it certainly seemed like it could be, the majority he knew would have done a ton a reckless things like this in hopes of aggravating their target into messing up and making it easy to get caught. So yes, they undoubtedly did plan on interfering, and by more than just a text. He would indeed have to be more careful.
His phone buzzed with another text.
Wanna meet?
At least Tux was straight to the point.
Name the time and place.
Rico smiled, Tux had just given him complete control over their situation, and if he wanted he could have his men lie in wait, they obviously knew enough about Tux to know how best to corner him. Of course cornering Tux even sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. Though if things really did turn dire he could simply handle it all himself; the law and bystanders be damned, yet would he actually be able to kill Private?
4pm Zoo Cafe.
See you then. ~ T.
For a moment he contemplated informing his men or at least Arthur that he was meeting Tux, and when and where this meeting was taking place. Yet he felt a strong urge not to involve them, like this was something he had to do alone.
He wondered briefly if it had anything to do with how he had reacted to seeing the others. To seeing ghosts. Rico had to admit; out of everyone from his other life seeing Private would be the hardest. Harder than Kowalski. Private was the young innocent, full of life and soul, member of their family, he was the one that made their pain bearable, that made their crappy lives worth something, without him they would have been two madmen and a paranoid leader.
Before he could completely lose himself in his thoughts Rico noticed Arthur walk in and drop onto the sofa with a sigh.
"You should leave him alone, Rico." The bitter tone in which Arthur spoke instantly grabbed his attention but he was also surprised by the youth using his name, and so openly, when anyone could walk in. He looked around and listened just to make sure no one else was, before giving Arthur an annoyed glare.
"Everyone's too busy looking for information on Tux. They'll be at it for most of the day." Rico sighed, and rolled his eyes. "You don't remember meeting him do you?"
Rico wondered if he should just say he didn't remember anything. He mentally sighed, he was not feeling up to being lectured, his head was still pounding and he honestly just wanted to sleep off the stress and unease of it all.
"The last time you met it didn't end well. You told us he can't be trusted and that you certainly don't trust him!" Arthur sighed running his hands over his face. "So why? Why are you trying to reach out to him? Why are you not out for his blood? This, this really isn't like you Rico." Scared and tired eyes looked at him.
Another sigh, Rico was starting to understand why Skipper sighed and growled so much, they helped deal with stress and tedious situations.
"Arthur, I REALLY don't want to talk about this right now."
"But he's a psychopath!" Arthur stressed. "He'll probably try to kill you!"
"Arthur!" The silence was heavy between them.
"I don't want to see you die!" Arthur cried. "He almost got you once! No one ever gets away a second time!"
Rico pulled Arthur into a hug. "I told you; I'm not going anywhere. But since this clearly means so much to you so tell me; what happened?"
"You and Tux made a deal; it ended badly. All anyone knows is that he could have been the reason you came to New York last time, this was all three months before your coma." Arthur shuddered.
Bright lights, car horns, people going about their evenings; the ambience of New York City was unmistakable. The air was colder here, summer was ending and yet here he felt alive. Not that any of it mattered right now. He was here to make a devil with a devil.
This wasn't normally his style, he didn't normally drop everything for something so risky, but the devil needed help and who was he to say no. All that was needed was the destruction of an overly annoying organisation and they would both be able to lead better lives.
The devil, or as he liked to be known; Mr. Tux, had opted to meet and discuss the problem. It was simple really, they would team up and take down an agent base, a division of which reported to the same corporation Tux had previously worked for.
He had been surprised to get such a phone call from a man he considered an ally, yet as Tux had put it; he was the best at causing total destruction. So they made a deal, work together and destroy the agency, and in return they would not only become permanent allies but there would be one less threat to worry about. It was a win, win situation really.
They would have been successful too, if only that damned Amarillo Kid hadn't gotten jealous, it was pathetic really. The Texan was possessive and he didn't take kindly to Tux having another friend. It wouldn't have bothered him as in the end he would be leaving his stay in the city was temporary which means his time with Tux was limited. Tux and Kid would have been back to their manic duo selves in no time, yet it seemed Kid lacked patience.
Everything had been set, the plan known by only three people. With the time, resources and serious amount of planning, that would have made a mad scientist proud, the mission was ready.
Three things happened that night. Kid betrayed them; the agents almost caught them; and Tux had a new name at the top of his kill list.
If there was one thing Rico has ever been thankful he good at its improvisation. He and Tux may have been forced to go their separate ways but he was intent on completing the mission, especially since there would never be a second chance.
The next day he caused chaos that would make headline for weeks, with a wild grin he had walked straight into the lion's den. Fortunately the explosives they had still planted were there, locked in storage, but still there. Needless to say there was a very large hole in the ground once he was done.
He had kept to the deal however, no civilians had been harmed, the gun fire caused upon his entrance had cleared the area and the explosion went off before help could arrive. All by simple chance yet it couldn't have been better timed or planned.
Tux had texted him his thanks a couple of days later and a warning to watch out for penguins. It made sense New York City was their main base of operations outside of Antarctica.
Rico smiled his stay in New York was coming to an end; he had done what he had come to do, and honestly he was relieved he been successful, yet as much as he loved being here he had business to attended back home. His phone pinged with a reminder to check in with his men, if only to remind them that he was still alive. He would be glad to be home at least for the fact that his status and whereabouts wouldn't be constantly questioned.
Shoving the last of his spare clothes in a bag Rico dropped onto the bed with a sigh, a couple of hours sleep then he would hit the road. His plans were dashed however as his phone rang, both curious and annoyed he answered it.
Get ready. They're coming.
Rico stared at his phone for a moment questioning the words spoken by a disguised voice until suddenly it clicked. Jumping to his feet Rico grabbed his bag and dashed for the door. If it hadn't been for years of training and dealing with similar life and death situations he would have been killed in that hotel hallway, luckily that was not the case. He had heard the footsteps coming towards his room and had quickly turned around and headed for the window, it was foolish and dangerous but he had always enjoyed a challenge.
He was out of the window and onto the ledge of the one below by the time they had broken the door open. Glad that he wasn't too high up Rico decided to simply jump the rest, no reason in wasting time scaling the side of a building if there's a faster way down.
His next and most troubling problem came with getting out of the area, he didn't have long to think however as his pursuers were suddenly upon him. Moving quickly through the gathered crowd that had stopped to stare at him, he attempted to lose the agents.
From their stark white appearances he guessed them to be members of the North Wind, which meant that losing them wouldn't be too hard even if they did plant a tracker, all he needed was distance. Cutting across streets, using sharp corners were all good until he noticed a man in a suit. It was a simple black suit and tie which would have appeared normal except there was another near identical man further along the street. His chances of escape had suddenly decreased drastically with the Penguins after him; they were far more relentless than the North Wind. Using sharp corners, crossing roads and large crowds would not help him much now but he would still try.
He had paused not a second too soon to decide which direction to take; only barely missing the would-be lethal shot. Snipers were not common Penguin or North Wind agents this meant Tux's former employers were also after him; it was surprising there were any of them still left from the New York branch, unless they had flown from England to avenge their own. Not that he really cared; it just meant that it was becoming seriously difficult to leave the city.
Just as he took cover from the sniper his phone buzzed.
Taken care of. Blue car on the right street. Be quick. ~ T.
Rico would have to remember to tell Tux his thanks later. It was moments like these he was pleased to be friends with the world's best sniper, it also meant he only had to worry about the North Wind and the Penguins, Tux would handle the others.
Racing down the street on his right he immediately spotted a blue car, the owner having got out and helped someone. Taking advantage Rico jumped in ignoring the outraged cries as he was able to speed off. He would definitely have to remember to ask Tux how he pulled this stunt off.
What came next could not have been predicated. Rico had sped off and lost his pursuers only to get caught in a major traffic accident. The initial crash had caused a chain reaction and there was nothing Rico could have done to avoid it.
Tux who had followed Rico was the first there to help him. He stayed with him while the emergency services came, thankful that his friend hadn't been caught in the centre of the chaos, and yet the amount of blood was concerning. He kept watch for any agents, yet the only odd thing he saw was a black car nearby.
He went with Rico to the hospital; surprisingly once there his or Rico details weren't required, not that he pressed the issue. He was forced to remain in the waiting room which proved most stressful. He was only further perplexed when some agents came in yet only to be quickly ushered out by hospital security.
His phone buzzed. Don't stress. He'll be fine, and you were never here. N.
Tux sighed at the text.
He'll want to meet you. He replied.
Eventually. Maybe.
Tux smiled; at least he knew there was a high chance of Rico surviving.
His men will come for him.
They will.
It was upsetting to think that Rico would be leaving, especially after what had just happened, but he supposed it only made it easier. Amarillo Kid may not have caused the accident but he was responsible for battalion of agents on their heels. Kid made this personal, and if there was one thing he hated, it was when shit got personal.
Yet it would have to wait however, his first priority was Rico's wellbeing, at least until his men arrived, then it was time to hunt.
Tux would never admit it but seeing Rico unconscious for those couple of weeks terrified him, it reminded him that everyone was mortal and no one is untouchable.
Rico yawned and stretched while somewhat surprised to see he had fallen asleep on the couch. He was vaguely aware he had been talking to Arthur, but mostly he was questioning the dream he'd just had.
It was oddly realistic but also very unfamiliar.