Chapter 12

"Thank you."

Angela gave a slight smile as she had her hand pumped up and down in gratitude. She cast a glance at Cat who was shrugging her shoulders as she went to go drop her bag off in the hallway. She looked at Dorian and cleared her throat, "Um you're welcome."

The peals of laughter erupted when Dorian grabbed her in a bear hug and squeezed her across the middle. She made a slight face when he repeated his thanks and she almost had a heart attack when she heard the sobs. She didn't have to look to see that Sam and Dean were both laughing at the whole thing and knew that they were going to have words to say.

Trying to salvage some sense of dignity to all parties, she gingerly patted Dorian and said, "Okay. All's good. Dorian."

Dorian released her and said, "Right." He had sobered up so quickly that it was almost comical. He turned and disappeared into the house leaving everyone in the foyer.

"I thought you were better at hugs Angie," Dean teased.

Angela turned to glare at Dean, "You haven't been in the pretzel hold yet. It's pretty… stimulating." She raised her brow suggestively before looking at Sam briefly and turning around.

Dean glanced over at Sam who swallowed a bit uncomfortably and tried to school his features into one that was being serious. Something was up. He whispered, "You know something I don't?"

Sam tried to ignore his brother but he knew that Dean would pester him. He just went with it until he couldn't and said, "Dude, you don't want to know."

That had Dean curious. He glanced at Angela and could tell that now wasn't the time to pester her about it. Still his curiosity was piqued and he wanted to know what his brother knew about the maneuver. He looked at his brother and made a motion that he was going to want some answers later on and the look on his brother's face told him that it was going to be good.

At that moment Dorian came back carrying a box. It was a simple wooden box of some dark wood and carved in the lid was something in Arabic. He held it out to Angela, "Your payment as requested."

Angela took the box with a gentle smile and put a hand on top of the lid and traced the carvings. She looked at Dorian and said, "Thank you."

"Laurie said that she wanted to give it back to you." Dorian shrugged his shoulders and ran a hand through his hair. "She always liked to pay her debts even if it was an ongoing one. I didn't understand it then but I'm guessing this is it." He gestured at the box.

Angela looked at the box and patted it, "Oh this is more like a tease. It was how we got the chase on. She'd start one and it ended. Then I would start… It was like a game to us." She sighed and hugged the box to her chest. "What she meant was the score in saving each other's lives. She saved mine and I saved hers. I am sorry that I couldn't do anything about the accident."

"Accidents happen right? You were pretty good at starting them." Dorian couldn't help but smile at that. He motioned towards his temple and towards Angela, "I know about you. Laurie was a good storyteller and the dossier on you is an interesting read."

Angela knew that this was going to be a sore point but it had to be said, "So what does the order's council say about…"

"They had a hard time believing that R&S division was doing those kinds of experiments and I had a hard time too but…" Dorian looked in the direction of his daughter who was putting her stuff away and looked back at Angela. "I can't believe they would do that to Cat."

Angela looked at Dorian. She had refrained from mentioning too many details to Dorian when they returned the girl home. She did give a full report to the Illuminati and that had been trying and the reason for the delay in getting back to the librarian. It had been a teeth gritting moment since she wasn't overly thrilled talking to them but they had been cordial and she afforded the same courtesy to them. She replied, "George was guilty of loyalty to you librarians and too well. He lost sight of what your credo is about."

"Do you always give a pep talk?" Dorian gave a slight smile and sighed. His expression became serious and he added, "You have done a lot for me and my family. Laurie was right about you."

Angela gave a slight smile at that. She was well aware how she and Laurie viewed each other. She had an idea of what she would have told her husband. She glanced at Cat who was taking back her laptop from Sam and tried to hide the smirk. The girl was in high school and she contrived to find any excuse for Sam to help her. Seemed the frozen laptop trick was working. With Dean it just pissed him off. She looked back at Dorian and said, "That was the past. The best thing is to move forward."

"You don't have to sugar coat it. We're librarians. I've seen the signs," Dorian said. He then made a slight face and then added in a whisper, "Laurie found one before she died. She figured messing around with it would lead her to you." He handed her a slip of paper. "You might be able to make sense of her notations."

"I might. With her it was a game." Angela gave a shrug. "Stay safe Dorian. Just try not to be too obvious in your observations and really stay away from taverns and bars." She grinned as she turned to leave.

"I will. I'm still an apprentice but I think I might like fieldwork. Maybe we'll see each other again."

"Keep dreaming," Angela replied with a good natured smile. She was joined by Sam and Dean and they headed back out to the car. Cat stood with her dad until he left them alone. She paused and looked at the girl. "So you'll be okay?"

Cat nodded as she stood in her t-shirt and jeans. "Yeah I'll be good. It'll be boring back in school but at least I've got college to look forward to."

"You know that you are your mom's daughter," Angela replied as she looked the girl in the eye. "With that comes consequences."

"I know," Cat replied as she slipped her hands into her back jean pockets. "You know Mom said you were one of those bossy types. She said it made her want to do her best game." She looked at Angela and nodded, "But I think you're cool. Maybe stupid at times but cool."

"Oh thank you," Angela accepted with mock dignity. "You're not so bad yourself. You'll be fine."

"I know it," Cat grinned. She made a slight sound and added, "I'm just jealous. You get to go on a road trip with Sam."

"He's too old."

"I know and not interested in anything except maybe you." Cat was taking a guess since she had interacted with Sam quite a bit.

"Now you're crossing lines into nonsense. A piece of advice: Don't presume. If you want to be good at something you should know all you can before you do the job and even then you may need to improvise. Info is always a good thing in most cases."

"I get it," Cat said with a slight roll of her eyes.

"Maybe that's why they named you Catalina," Angela replied with a smile. "Take care, kid." She then turned to join the Winchesters, holding the box.

It didn't take long for Dean to start asking about what was in the box. He started once they were on the highway, "So you're gonna tell us what's in the box?"

"No," Angela replied as she made herself comfortable on the backseat with Sasha sprawled on her. "Remember the pretzel maneuver. Sam could tell you that it's not a good thing."

Sam made a throat clearing sound, "She's right Dean."

Dean looked at his brother suspiciously and then in the rearview mirror. He took in Angela's sprawled form on the backseat. "You're bluffing about that Angie. There is no such thing."

"You have no idea," she replied like it was nothing as she settled to read. "So don't pester me about the box anymore."

It was really not the best thing to say since it was basically telling Dean to continue being a pest. Angela gave a small smile as she settled in. Sure enough Dean kept it up. He spread it over intervals and tried different ways of approaching it. It had Sam looking at his brother in shock at the persistence and Dean had the nerve to say that he bugged her. He settled in and let Dean at it since it seemed to amuse Angela for the drive.

It wasn't until they booked into an out of the way motel that Angela decided to have mercy on Dean. She said after a dinner of nuked burritos and whatever else could be nuked in a microwave that she had enough. Dean grinned his jackpot grin after hearing that and looked at Sam. He asked, "So what's in the box."

Angela narrowed her eyes in suspicion and then said, "Who said anything about that? I meant the pretzel maneuver."

"You are evil Angie," Dean pouted.

Angela smiled in return, "No I'm merely entertaining a request."

"What the hell is entertaining a request?"

"You were pestering Sam about the pretzel maneuver. I was going to show you. Guess you don't want to know."

Dean looked at Angela like she was being crazy, "Of course I want to more but I really want to know what it is about that box that you insisted be payment for the job."

"It was a job I took on and you didn't have to get involved," Angela pointed out.

"And we did. I suffered the humiliation of wearing stockings and girly ass shoes and was held in a dusty old prison. I want to know," Dean pointed out. He looked ridiculous getting indignant and insisting on seeing what was in the box.

Angela looked at Dean. She knew that he wanted to know and that was what he had been pestering her with. She had intended to show them anyway. She just liked messing with their patience though it seemed that Sam seemed to be getting better with it all the time. Dean was like one of those kids that didn't like to sit still.

Looking first at Sam, then Dean she said, "Okay."

Dean clapped his hands together while Angela went to get the box from her room. She was back fairly quickly and headed over to the table. She put it on the table and stroked her hand over it. She hadn't seen it in over twenty or thirty years. Laurie had stolen it and she had chased after her for it until a change of plans. They had agreed to pick up where they left off.

Knowing that they were waiting Angela said, "Look I'll let you see it but I do have to warn you, it might not be something you would like seeing."

"Don't keep us in suspense Angie. I risked dignity for this though I can't say much for Sasquatch here," Dean replied.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she replied after studying Dean thoughtfully.

It was a simple box. That meant the only thing to do was to lift the lid. Slowly her fingers found the edges and she slowly lifted it. She always had a flare for the dramatic and showmanship when she wanted to show it. She removed the lid of the box but held it over the box so it was difficult to see the contents. She then quickly removed the lid and out it aside. She looked to see the reaction on the boys' faces. Dean's was most comedic.

"Angie, what the hell?"

"A little late for you isn't it?"

Angela turned her head to look at Sam as he came to stand beside her as she stared at nothing in particular. She smiled and replied, "Just allowing a certain Winchester to cool off. I'll butter him up later with jelly doughnuts and coffee."

"That might work considering that your big surprise was a teddy bear," Sam replied with a smile. He had been vastly amused by the fact that the thing that Laurie had stolen from Angela was a teddy bear. It certainly had Dean wondering why the hell she would be concerned over a stuffed animal. Sam had to point out that at least it wasn't another pet she named.

Angela couldn't help but laugh with Sam as she gently squeezed the said bear. She found it vastly amusing that their reactions were so different. "It wasn't any teddy bear but one of the original ones created. Earlier twentieth century the teddy bear was made and named after Teddy Roosevelt. One of my more frivolous and sentimental times."

"And your friend Laurie stole it from you." Sam raised his brow at that like he couldn't believe this whole thing was done for a teddy bear. He really couldn't think of any job they did for less aside from it being their job.

"He was a gift. A noble beast," Angela countered with a slight pout. It was partially ruined by her enjoyment at the banter.

"A gift?"

Angela looked at Sam. She wondered how he would react if she told him who really gave it to her. She knew Dean would think she was crazy and ask her a reassurance question every two seconds. She replied, "A friend gave him to me in an attempt to cheer me up from a case that just ended badly. It was partially a joke and partially sentiment."

Sam looked at her holding the bear. She squeezed it as if remembering when she received it. "Fond memory?"

"It was," Angela replied nodded as she hugged the bear.

"So why did Laurie steal it?"

"It was a thing we did," Angela replied. When Sam looked at her in confusion she explained, "I meant it when I said that I chased her and it was only after she would do something like trying to steal an esoteric painting from the Louvre. I chased and caught her, made her give it back and sometimes I would do something to get her attention. Almost like when Dean starts a prank war."

"So it was nothing more than a prank war but… bigger," Sam clarified.

"Everything stolen was returned at some point. A chase could take weeks, months and even years but eventually I got it back. When she assassinated someone, I pretended to chase her. The ones she ended up getting deserved it."

"That sounds callous even for you," Sam pointed out.

"Well the one that I ended up providing an escape plan for was the day Hitler died," Angela replied. She looked at Sam and added, "History thinks he committed suicide and we made it that way. Just one time when justice was served. I got Laurie out and we went our merry way until the next time when she rescued me in Columbia and stole this from me." She indicated the bear. "When I rescued her, she got the slip on me and I couldn't get it back. In the end it was more like a promise that she would be back. Much like everything else that tends to bite my ass." She looked forward and just held the bear.

Sam studied her for a moment as she became thoughtful. Personally he thought that it wasn't that bad to do all the work for a bear. It was something between friends… if he could call it that… and he rather liked it that she had some things that were sentimental in value to her. It showed more of the person she was apart from her generous nature. Finally he said, "So another thing off the list?"

"The Illuminati thing? To be honest, after they gave up on me before now, I never gave it a thought. It wasn't really a big picture thing and that was always my focus then."

"And now?"

"Still thinking of it but I think the little things are important too."

Sam frowned slightly in confusion but his voice was soft when he replied, "Like what?"

"Where things are headed with the people I like hanging around with. Concern that maybe trouble may come." Angela knew that she was treading unstable ground since she was touching close to what Sam had been doing. She knew he wasn't stupid and would figure out what she was getting at. "Concern that things bother people I care about."

"You're talking about Ruby. Do you really want to get into that?"

"I could argue and tell you that you might be wrong but I'm hardly one to say that since I've used demons to get information, I tortured them and more or less bullied Ruby into helping me which she only did because it was a chance to pick up where we left off and was a treat since I hear it on voicemail every other day." Angela looked at Sam as she held her bear. Her fingers rubbed against the smooth stone that was tied around the neck.

"You would say handle with care."

"I do. You know there is a reason for that."

"I know but…"

Angela felt her lip twitch slightly in a smile, "I'm not going to boss you Sam. You know I don't do that unless it involves daily chores. I emphasize it because I know I'm not one to get on the high horse and can only speak from experience. Everyone has choices to make. The main thing is whether or not you can make the choice and still be able to live with it even if it haunts you. Some choices you have to look deep and while a seemingly good thing it can lead down a place you may not like."

"I know I can do this."

Angela knew what he meant and replied, "I know you can. Even Dean can and maybe it's because I see things that others can't. There is a saying that no path is more dangerous than the one that is treaded with your eyes shut. Of course there is the other saying which I am fond of which is to look for the critical moment and leap for it is only when you fall that you learn if you can fly."

Sam studied her. He was certain she knew what was going on but she wasn't calling him out on it. He found it bothersome that she wouldn't and completely forgot she had been the same way when Dean decided to make the deal to trade his soul for his life. He thought about his next question and finally asked, "And how has that exactly worked out for you? The whole falling, flying and… you know." He gestured a bit to help.

"Like life it is a work in progress. I just hope that when the question is asked I can give the best advice I can," she replied.

Sam would have asked more but didn't. Instead he became thoughtful about it. Absently he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek and wished her good night and headed back to his and Dean's room. He had some things to think over and he didn't want to say anything he would regret.

Angela had been surprised at the kiss he gave her. Dean she expected especially when he wanted to show some emotion without it being constituted as a chick flick moment. Also she was the spontaneous one with that show of affection. It had her wondering if the world was coming to an end especially the whole thing with the ring. It had her sitting out there long after Sam left and she absently rubbed the stone around the bear's neck.

"Never thought that you were a sentimental type."

"Never got a chance to find out since all you wanted to do was kill me." Angela turned to look at Ruby. Her eyes narrowed at the demon. "All you do is bitch and moan."

"Is that any way to treat someone who saved your ass twice?" Ruby sneered at Angela.

"Convenience was what it was," Angela replied as she stood to look at the demon. "Doesn't mean that we're suddenly friends."

"God forbid," Ruby spat back. "I'd die of annoyance."

"And I would enjoy doing it," Angela countered.

Ruby paused a moment. She heard the conviction in Angela's voice. There was something different from the previous conversations not including the ones made to make her do a double take. She then gave a smile and said, "But you won't."

"That is where you are wrong, Ruby," Angela replied. Her tone was soft but her stance was firm. It made the bear she was holding look like an out of place prop or something. "I meant what I said when this thing ends here and now." She took a couple of steps towards Ruby to affirm her position and her intentions.

Ruby eyed Angela suspiciously. She gave a slight shake of her head, "No. No, you wouldn't dare. You wouldn't dare go behind Sam's back."

"I am not going behind his back. This is between you and me and what you are doing to him is just another reason," Angela corrected. She set the bear down on the planter she had been sitting on. It would be fine there for now. "I know about the demon blood Ruby. And it is going to end… now."

"Oh now you're finally saying something about it? What you finally decided to get involved?" Ruby mocked Angela as she started circling with her. Her eyes never left Angela's. "You never cared before."

"I always cared. You should know me by now," Angela countered as she circled with Ruby. "Now that I know where it is going, I am going to put a stop to it."

"You're going to risk alienating Sam by breaking our truce? Are you that stupid?"

"Just being the general I am." Angela studied Ruby. It was clear that the demon had no idea that she was going to suddenly 'grow a spine'. "As I said it is between the two of us and you just dragged Sam into it. So this whole thing with the demon blood stops now."

"So you're willing to let the world burn by stopping Sam from ganking Lilith? Risk 6 billion for one? He's the only one that can do…"

"No he's not," Angela interrupted. "There are others and other means. Yours is the most destructive. So I say again it ends."

"You are stupid and I'm not going to stop," Ruby countered, "Sam is almost ready to go against Lilith and I'm not going to let you stop me now."

"Then you leave me no choice," Angela replied. She adjusted her stance and held her hands up. "I hereby declare our armistice null and void."

Ruby glared at her, "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"Oh I do," Angela countered. A slow grin appeared on her face as she watched Ruby get into position. I know the running into the pole excuse won't cut it in the morning. She looked at the demon and when Ruby charged she gave a war cry and charged.

A/N: Looks like Angie got her payment back from Laurie through Dorian and she had fun at Dean's expense. A much needed nighttime conversation between her and Sam end with surprises and she finally does something about Ruby. Stay tuned for 3.21 The Calm before the Storm...