A/N's will be at the bottom.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.
Naruto walked side by side with Kakashi. His body ached. He was tired and his limbs felt heavy. And for some reason he couldn't get this ominous feeling out of his stomach. He felt uneasy. Something had happened.
As they reached the Hokage tower weary eyes rose and saw chief toad Gamabunta as well as a few others. Blue eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he put up a friendly smile. What else was there honestly to do?
"Yo! Gamakichi what are you doing here?" Naruto questioned waving his hand. Gamakichi sitting atop his father's head looked sheepish.
"Hey Naruto!" The amphibian called out in greeting. "And actually…" Gamabunta wacked his son swiftly. "It is not your place to share. Let boss and Tsunade-sama take care of it." After that the pair of toads were silent and Naruto regarded it as odd. They were usually very open.
"Kakashi-sensei what's this all about exactly? I'm still kinda confused…"
Kakashi looked back, his lone eye staring at Naruto only briefly before flickering away. The aging man shook his head slowly and Naruto could feel his anxiety rising. He knitted his eyebrows willing the dark emotions away. "Hokage-sama will explain everything. Just hurry up."
Still tense, Naruto just nodded his head. He knew that he would get nothing from the man if he chose to be tight lipped. That was just the kind of person Kakashi was. Shoving his hands into his pockets Naruto walked on with his long time sensei.
"Soon," The blonde thought. "Soon enough I'll have my answers."
When the duo had finally made the trek to the top of the tower Kakashi paused. A moment of hesitation flashed and Naruto watched the jonin grab the doorknob before quietly opening it. His fingers wrapped tightly around the cool metal as if it was painful.
Stepping into the Hokage's office an air of uncertainty settled around him. Unconsciously the blonde stiffened his posture. His jaw was set firm and Naruto bit his lip to try and hide the concern he felt deep inside.
His sensei stepped off to the side as the whiskered genin observed the room. Shizune, Tsunade, Sakura, Sai, two toads, and now Kakashi stood in the room noiselessly. Yet out of all of them it was only the small green toad that would look at him. Everyone else he found refused to meet his curious gaze.
Still Naruto held himself together with head held high. Whatever it was he could take it. Whatever they were hiding from him it would not change anything. Blue eyes held a steady gaze and for the first time in his life Naruto felt older.
He could feel the years of his time as a ninja weigh on him. The pressure he carried on his shoulders breaking his will; cracking as Naruto stood rooted to the earth.
The green toad finally broke the silence, "He is Jiraiya-boy's student?" His beady eyes bored into Naruto. The blonde in question scoffed at the blatant disregard of his presence.
"Yes…" Tsunade said finally looking up. "This is Naruto Uzumaki." Her brown eyes held a sadness Naruto noted. It was a sadness that he had not seen in a long time, at least not since he brought the woman back to the village.
He may be dense sometimes, but he prided himself in not being blind.
"I'm not sure where to begin." The green toad began again seeming tentative. "But let's see…" The young man knew that the aging toad was not afraid to be honest with him. And with that Naruto could regard the toad with the smallest traces of both his ire and respect.
"I suppose the most important thing is…" The blonde felt the weight return to his stomach while the heaviness of his burdens fell on his shoulders. "Jiraiya-boy has died in battle." And then everything fell apart. Naruto forgot how to breathe.
He watched with still eyes as a conversation took place around him. The toads now named Ma and Pa spoke so easily about his sensei's death. How the man called Pein crushed his throat. How even still his sensei burned a message on to the toad's very back.
He glanced around. He watched how everyone so easily accepted this. How they so easily forgot about his sensei, their dismissal of his death. It was infuriating.
Naruto finally took a step forward, eyebrows creasing in confusion. And then he took a step back, uncertain of himself. A man flashed before his eyes. A smile was shown through an image. Booming laughter rang through his ears like a melody. All of it was a distant memory.
"This can't be happening. He can't be…" He could feel his nails dig into his skin. He felt the smallest traces of blood seeping from his hands in his pockets. He felt Sakura come up to him and grab him. He quickly shoved her off with his shoulder striding forward.
Finding his voice Naruto spoke, "Wha- what are you talking about?" Confusion flitted through his voice. Anger seared through his mind. And despair and fear hid in his heart. Naruto did what he knew best. He bottled it up.
"I know this is sudden." The toad went on and Naruto clenched his jaw shut. Angered at the toads disregard, but Naruto forgot about him. He forgot about everyone else in the room except his Hokage.
He looked up and met her eyes. "Did you… let him go granny?" Blue eyes watched brown eyes close in resignation. Naruto felt a snarl rise at the back of his throat. She didn't even have to tell him her answer. He already knew.
"That's right." She said calmly. Fury ripped at his heart. He couldn't stop his anger even if he wanted to.
"Why would you allow such a reckless stunt?!" Naruto swung his arms out. She said nothing. "You knew Ero-sennin better than anybody! How could you send him to such a dangerous place alone?"
Naruto took in a ragged breath as Tsunade lowered her head. Some part of him realized that she was hurting to. He wasn't the only one in pain. He wasn't the only one who missed Jiraiya.
"That's not good enough though." He thought bitterly. "Being sorry won't bring him back!" The boy restrained himself from walking up to her. From telling her what he really thought. Instead he turned on his heels. He turned away and walked towards the door.
"If Ero-sennin had been the Fifth Hokage…" His voice was deathly quiet. The door knob was cold on his skin. Twisting it he pushed it open. "He wouldn't have let you take such risks." He shut his eyes in frustration.
Flashback End
Naruto stared at the steaming ramen cup. Top peeled back, the noodles were still hot and fresh. The hours had ticked away since the meeting and the pain still stung fresh in his heart. He couldn't eat. He found he wasn't even hungry.
Not knowing what to do, he abruptly stood up. The blonde threw on a fitted black shirt – forgoing his usual jumpsuit – and walked out into the night with only the stars as his guide and his memories to accompany him. His Konoha headband and ramen lay forgotten on the table.
The streets had long since been empty and Naruto walked alone. The cool night air brushed against his flushed skin. He didn't know how to describe how he felt. He didn't know how to say it. He just knew it hurt. It was a pain worse than anything he had ever felt. The memories, they all just hurt.
"I will now teach you… the summoning jutsu!" Jiraiya said with a grin. Raising his finger the man pointed it at a young Naruto. The boy could only frown at the evil glint in the Sannin's eyes.
So when Jiraiya threw him over the edge of a cliff it was at that point he knew the old man was crazy. Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs cursing the sannin. Focusing all his energy he tried to recall what Jiraiya had taught him. "This is it!" He said biting his thumb.
Forming the hand seals Jiraiya had shown him Naruto focused all of his chakra into one force, "Summoning Jutsu!" A giant smoke enveloped the boy as he fell on to something slimy. Looking down he saw the huge face of Gamabunta.
A smile passed over his face breaking out into a grin. "Yatta!" His shout echoed through the ravine and at the top Jiraiya stood looking down proudly.
How was he supposed to go on? How was he supposed to continue training? He needed Jiraiya! He couldn't do this without him. Naruto couldn't do it without his sensei. Why had he left him all alone?
"Tch." Naruto grunted with eyes glued to the ground. "You were such a foolish old man."
"Huh?" Naruto exclaimed. "Why? Why do I have to go with you on a research trip!?" Jiraiya laughed at his blonde student. He had forgotten how naïve boys could be.
"It's not just a research trip. There's a woman I want to research and I must find her."
Jumping on the balls of his feet Naruto accepted the answer for what it was. Yet something still burned at the back of his mind.
"Say…why did you choose me?" Naruto asked genuinely. Jiraiya smiled and walked ahead of the boy he was beginning to think of as a grandson.
"Long ago… I taught the Fourth Hokage." Jiraiya turned and stared at Naruto over his shoulder. "And you have an uncanny resemblance to him." He said with a crooked grin.
The young genin stared at his sensei in shock.
Naruto's feet slowed to a stop. He looked around and found that his feet had carried him to the training grounds he and Jiraiya sparred at. The blonde looked at the empty clearing in contempt. There were countless hours spent training here. Countless hours he spent working his ass off to complete a jutsu or eating lunch with his sensei.
Shutting his eyes in frustration he ran. Naruto had always prided himself in standing his ground and fighting. Prided himself in how he never gave up. But now he wasn't so sure. So he ran and he didn't look back.
He couldn't look back. Because if he looked back Naruto thought he would never be able to leave. He would never be able to move on.
Why did things like this happen? Why did people in this world hurt? People always died. Naruto had known that. So then why did he only realize now how much it really hurt?
Was this how Sasuke felt? Was this how Kakashi felt? Tsunade? The countless ninja who lost their loved ones every day?
"I don't waste any time." Jiraiya said in seriousness. Naruto looked up in surprise. "Huh?" The duo walked together leaving the Konoha gates behind. Naruto didn't really know what the old man had planned for the next three years. He didn't know what to expect.
"During the journey, you will have my undivided attention."
"Me?" Naruto questioned. No one had ever really cared about him. He had always had to fend for himself. Even when he was with Iruka and Kakashi it had always ended up with Naruto alone.
"It's time to make you strong… to train you!" Jiraiya broke out into a feral grin. Naruto flushed and then grinned with him. Laughing the pair walked farther and farther from the village. Maybe… just maybe Jiraiya would be different.
Naruto finally stopped running when a bright light reached his eyes. In the dark of the night a 24-hour convenience store lit up the dark. Bright and irritating the blonde was about to move on when something caught his eye. Stiffening momentarily he already felt his feet moving towards the door.
He needed something and he only had one thing in mind.
"Thanks" The blonde said lamely nodding. Paying the allotted amount of money Naruto quickly left the store only walking a couple of feet until he saw a bench. Feet ambling slowly he walked over and took a seat. A small headlight above it showed the tiniest of lights.
Grabbing his bag Naruto took out a package of popsicles. Popping it open he discarded the wrapper. The small blue treat had two popsicle sticks protruding from it. Naruto held it unmoving. He didn't know why he bought the small item. He still wasn't hungry.
He could remember. He could see Jiraiya splitting the snack between themselves. He could see the man handing Naruto the tasty treat. Why?
"Why?" Naruto said softly. "I don't understand." His voice wavered, but he held steady. Tears gathered at the corner of his eyes yet he refused to let them fall. He was strong now. Naruto no longer cried anymore. He had promised himself.
Naruto let his tired eyes travel to the skies. The stars glowed brightly. Little yellow dots fleeting across the sky in patterns that he would never understand. Did they have friends? Could stars talk to each other? Did they feel pain?
Naruto's eyes looked back to his hand as a wet liquid seeped on to his skin. It was melting. Cold and sticky the popsicle dripped on to the ground. It was such a waste. Footsteps echoed in the silence of the night. Naruto glanced and saw a figure walking towards him in the shadows.
It only took a moment for him to realize who it was, "Anko…" If he recalled she was the chunin proctor all those years ago. He didn't interact with her much, he only knew her by passing. Settling back into his own thoughts he ignored her. After all they held no relation. She was just another face in the crowd of many.
Anko had taken a stroll that night not for the first time. She hadn't been able to sleep. Tossing and turning she had finally given up seeing the clock strike eleven. She figured going out for a walk would be better than staring at the ceiling all night.
It hadn't helped that something had dragged her out of the house. A feeling that gnawed at her, told her that she was meant to be somewhere. She had then just decided to let her feet carry her. When the post light came into view she saw a bench underneath of it. Someone was sitting in the shadows.
It had only taken her a second to realize who it was. Naruto Uzumaki. It had been a while since she had last seen the kid. Sure she heard about him all the time now, but that was simply because the kid was making a name for himself. Whether he knew that or not wasn't really her problem.
She had seen his blue eyes glance at her. And she had been unpleasantly surprised. They were weary. Not like they had once been. She still remembered all those years ago at the chunin exams how wide-eyed and full of life he had been.
"Where has that boy gone?" She wondered. She knew that innocence was bound to be destroyed eventually, that was just such of the ninja world. Even so, the look of sorrow just didn't belong on the young man's face.
Realization dawned on her once she neared the blonde. Jiraiya's passing. The man had after all been his sensei. It had been big news when Tsunade had told the village. A Sannin's death was no small thing by any means.
She was coming closer to the boy. Just a couple more feet and she would completely pass him. She would forget him. She probably wouldn't even remember passing him tonight.
The feeling came back though, a weight settling in her chest. The sorrow, the loneliness, the emptiness she had seen in the boy was all too familiar to her. They had made home in Anko herself as a child. She had carried the burden on her shoulders all on her own wishing for someone to help her.
No one had ever come to help her.
Her feet stopped. Still facing the darkness, Anko halted her body and felt the cool breeze whip across her skin. Turning her head to the side she looked at the young blonde sulking. She was going to regret this. She just knew it.
"Hmm what's a little shit like you doing out here at this time?" She asked nonchalantly staring at Naruto.
Surprised at the voice the blonde looked up to meet the hazel eyes of Anko. He hadn't expected her to stop. Quickly getting over the shock he dismissed her. She was just a nuisance. She would leave easy enough. "Go away." He whispered softly on to the winds.
Anko cocked her head. "Hmm… this wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that Old Geezer going off and dying would it?" The tokebetsu jonin knew her choice of words weren't the most nicely put, but she got the reaction she wanted out of it. After all Anko was never really the comforting type.
Anger. That was the first thing that he felt. She had no right. She had no right to slander his sensei in such a dismissive way. "Don't you dare try and insult him. Don't you dare." Naruto said looking up under the shadow of his hair. His words laced with veiled threats.
Anko turned and face him. Hazel eyes narrowed and her was smile mocking. "Why? He's dead. Ain't good for much now anyway," She put her hand on her hip. "And as far as I can see he didn't leave much of a legacy did he?"
By this point Naruto had dropped the melting popsicle and stood up. His eyes flared dangerously. "I mean look at you. His student is a pussy, a no good ninja who can't even pull himself together when someone dies."
Naruto was shaking. His body trembled with uncontained fury. He couldn't find his voice. Even if he did he wasn't sure what he would say. Was she wrong? Naruto wasn't sure.
"Like teacher like student I always say. It was probably better that the geezer died." She said tempting. She coiled her muscles, prepared them to move at a moment's notice. Maybe this wasn't the best plan she's ever had, but at least she was doing something. That had to count for something right?
Naruto lunged at her. His hands went clawing for her throat.
"She can't do that. She can't say those things and not go unpunished." Naruto thought angrily. Not about his sensei. Not about the man he admired more than anybody.
Before he knew it she had disappeared before his eyes. Feeling the cold kunai pressed at his neck he felt her press up against him like she had so many years ago. A cut on his cheek bled slightly. Naruto reigned in his anger and stilled. He could feel her breath against his neck.
She leaned over slightly and whispered gently in his ear, "See if you can catch me little fox." Disappearing once again into the night Naruto followed right behind. Anger lighting his eyes as he traced her chakra. Buildings and signs flashed by him in blurs and the wind whipped against his face. The eerie silence of the night felt good against his ears.
What am I doing? He wondered as he ran after the jonin. He honestly didn't know. But for the first time that day he felt as if he was doing something right. The anger and sorrow that fueled his chest was given a purpose. He had something he could hurt. He didn't have to just walk aimlessly anymore in his memories.
"Faster little fox!" He heard her call out. "You're going to have to run faster than that!" Naruto – fueled with a hate he had thought he had long since given up – pumped chakra into his feet. And after almost twenty minutes of just running Naruto watched as Anko finally came to a stop.
Her back was turned to him and her trench coat whistled in the breeze. The blonde looked around and realized they were at a training ground. The forest surrounded them like a ring and the shadows lurking their audience. The village was forgotten in the background. Blue eyes watched carefully as the older woman turned around.
She looked at him from across the field with narrowed eyes. Her face set into a grim mask. "Well?" She asked. "Show me if you're actually worth something fox." She challenged. And that was all it took. Naruto looked at her with wild eyes. All of the pent up emotion he had been holding back coming to the forefront.
If she wanted to be his punching bag then so be it. Taking out a kunai Naruto charged forward. Anko moving quickly took out her own as Naruto twisted into the air coming at her from above. Their kunai met and the metal screeched into the silence.
Anko grunted. The pressure wrought by Naruto was unbelievable. He was strong, much stronger than she originally anticipated. Nonetheless the jonin smirked. "You're gonna have to do better than that boy."
Naruto's eyes flashed red and he spoke in a dark voice, "Behind you." Glancing behind her eyes widened at the sight of another Naruto. Leg outstretched the clone sent a flying kick straight into her abdomen. Knocking the air out of her the jonin went flying backwards crashing into a tree.
Naruto, relentless, chased after her. He didn't know why he was so angry. He didn't know why he couldn't tell people how sad he was. How much he was really hurting. Instead he had to resort to violence. This was the only way he could get his feelings across.
Recovering quickly, Anko grabbed senbon out of her jacket and tossed them at the blonde. Knocking them away he charged a rasengan in his hand. Screaming out a war cry he plunged it into her helpless body.
"Rasengan!" He screamed. The jutsu twisted and ripped at the jonin and Naruto watched mirthlessly. When the chakra was finally spent he watched the Anko he attacked be replaced by a log.
"Tch." He grunted.
Anko flew at him from above. Arm outstretched as she focused her chakra. Spiraling from her sleeve twin snakes erupted. Naruto quickly not having time to move lifted his forearms to block. He hissed in pain as the snakes bit into him.
Anko was quick and the moment her feet hit the ground she slid at Naruto. Sweeping his feet out from under him Naruto fell to the ground. His back landing with a thud he rolled away as Anko's foot came crashing where his head previously lay.
He hopped back up to his feet. Dropping into his taijutsu stance Naruto focused. Anko came at him almost flowing. Her arms and legs extensions of a weapon her grace would not be easy to handle. Her left fist came for a striking blow. He caught it deftly. Twisting it he flipped her against him.
Bodies pressed against one another he heard her ragged breath that matched his own. Still her words rang clear in his head and his hate still burned in his chest unlike any pain he had ever known.
Heaving with all his strength he flung her body into the air. Quickly he launched three kunai after her. She easily blocked all of them twisting and curling in the air. Going through hand seals Naruto gathered chakra in his throat.
"Fuuton: Goukuuhou!" Cursing Anko braced herself as the large gale wind came flying at her. Folding her arms across her face she felt the searing cuts of the wind slashing her flesh.
Her feet hit the ground and she hopped backwards. Flying through her own seals she landed upright. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" Anko felt her lungs burn. She still wasn't use to the fire affinity. Naruto eyes widened when he saw the giant fireball quickly coming at him. He didn't have the time to dodge it.
Forming the ram sign he pumped out as much chakra as he could. "Kage Bunshin Jutsu!"
Spamming clones they all braced themselves. Even with a barricade of clones Naruto felt the sear of the burning heat. He could smell the rotting flesh of his clones as they were literally flared alive.
Realizing his wall wouldn't hold forever he retreated back as fast as he could. Finally safe at a distance he glanced at his forearms. The flesh was literally peeling off. The pain was unimaginable, but it compared nothing to the hate he felt in his heart.
When the training ground cleared Naruto and Anko stood across from each other. Both of their faces were impassive and cool. "Ready to give up yet pussy?" She called out to him.
Naruto charged forward. "Fuck you!" Entering into a flurry of fists and kicks Naruto realized she was faster than him. He knew though that he was stronger than her plus she was running low on chakra. She just didn't have the reserves that he did.
Naruto fell into a pattern as his mind cleared. Block. Punch. Kick. Block. Block. Duck left. Roll right. They had fallen into a rhythm together. He stared at her hazel eyes through the sweat that dripped down his face. Her hazel eyes watched him patiently and he realized for the first time that she understood him. And by some crazy notion he also understood her.
He wanted to be angry with her. He wanted to beat her down into nothing, but he couldn't. Because she understood and it hurt him that someone could understand him so well without words. He didn't have to explain himself to her. She just took it.
He felt a pain flash across his cheek. He had been sloppy. He should have dodged that easily. Naruto looked at the kunai and saw the dipped edge. His eyes narrowed when he felt his body become slower. And to make it worse it was a paralysis potion.
Still Naruto fought on. The anger coursing through his body unsated.
Anko breathed heavily. Her body was tired and she was bleeding from a dozen different cuts. She honestly didn't know how much longer she would hold out. She had never imagined that the boy could have so much raw strength. She was curious as to how strong he was when he was fighting with a clear head.
Even so she didn't have much time left. She was left to use more unconventional methods. Taking out one of her dipped kunai when she slashed his cheek she knew she had taken victory. The poison would slowly paralyze his nervous system until the point where he could no longer move.
She watched calculating as the boy slowed. His taijutsu becoming a child's game compared to her own. Was it cheating? Yeah, but they were ninja. Cheating and murdering was what they did for a living. When Naruto threw an outstretched arm she grabbed it firmly and pinned him to the ground.
The boy collapsed easily and she placed the tip of her kunai at the edge of his neck. Anko placed her knee on his back to make sure the kid wouldn't be getting back up again anytime soon.
"That's game." She said whispering. Naruto mumbled and Anko barely caught what he said. "Not quite." Anko recoiled when the boy beneath her poofed into smoke. And when she felt the sharp snatch of her arm she knew it was over.
Her body twisted painfully as Naruto threw her to face him. Blue eyes all but dead she stared at him as he held her at knife point. His kunai lightly pressed against her skin drawing blood. Neither said anything as they stared at each other.
The only thing audible was the ragged breathing as each sucked in the air for breath. As she stared into Naruto's blue eyes she saw the raw emotion that he had tried so hard to hide earlier. She saw the full extent of sorrow and anger that plagued the boy.
Silently Anko wondered how long they had been out here. It seemed like an eternity and she knew the both of them looked worse for wear. She had cuts littering her body and was sure she had a nasty concussion as her head throbbed uncontrollably. She noticed Naruto was bruised and battered with his arms almost completely burned to the bone.
What they had just done had been no spar. That had been a battle. Had anyone else seen they probably would have been reported to Tsunade. They had attacked each other with the intent to kill. The only hope they had carried was somehow that the other was strong enough not to die.
And they hadn't. "Not yet at least" She noted looking at the kunai pressed firmly to her neck.
"Naruto Uzumaki." She said calmly, her hazel eyes apathetic. She watched as the young man stiffened and pressed the kunai harder against her neck. "You are the student and the legacy of Jiraiya of the Sannin. Don't you ever forget that." She finished resolutely.
It was like a switch. She watched the anger leave the blonde. The kunai falling from his hands, Anko watched as the boy who was always smiling fall apart right in front of her.
The kunai clattered against the ground. And Naruto felt his body tremble. "Why?" He croaked staring at a man who was not really there. Broad grin and white hair tied into a loose ponytail. Naruto could still remember his booming laugh and his lecherous grin.
"Why!" Naruto shouted the pain overwhelming his chest. "Why did you leave me alone?" All the fight left his body and Naruto fell to the ground on his knees. The tears came freely and for the first time in years Naruto sobbed. In the darkness of the night and in the pain of despair Naruto cried.
Crying out Naruto called for his sensei. "You were supposed to watch over me!" Naruto shut his eyes in fear. Clenching his fist he pounded the ground. "I wanted you to watch me, I wanted you to train me… an-and I'm so sorry old man!"
Naruto looked up to the sky and screamed. He screamed as loud as he could because he could feel everything falling away. Was this what it felt like to lose someone important to you?
Anko watched the boy. She watched as he tore himself apart from the inside out. He reminded her so much of her when she was younger. He was so angry and he didn't even realize it. Sinking to the ground she grabbed the blonde.
Pulling him into her arms she held the crying blonde. No one needed to see him like this. He didn't have to show this side to anyone but her because she understood. He felt her bury his face into her shoulder as he clutched her like a lifeline.
"I need him. He can't leave. I-I always messed up in front of him ya know?" She felt him fist the cloth of her trench coat. "I just wanted him to be proud of me."
Anko rocked them both on the ground. Holding the boy in her arms she felt responsible for him. Quietly she whispered softly into his ear. "It's okay. It's okay little fox. Let it all out." Naruto shook in her arms unable to control himself any longer.
"He loved you Naruto. And he was so proud of you." She said softly. "That was all the geezer would talk about when he was with everyone." She said laughing. "You were like a grandson to him. You are his legacy and you carry his will." Anko didn't really understand why this felt so right. Why it felt so right with his arms around her and she holding him.
For a while they just stayed like that and Anko looked up at the stars. The bright lights in the sky soothed her own worries. She listened as Naruto quieted in her arms.
"How?" He asked hoarsely. "How can I keep doing this? I can't lose people and go on… it hurts. It hurts too much." Removing his head from her shoulder she could see his eyes again. Red and puffy the remaining tears still streamed down his face. "I hate Pein. I hate him so much."
He sounded so childlike to Anko and unconsciously she smiled. Small and light it lit up her face even in the darkness. "It's hard kid. I ain't going to lie to you. This pain will never stop, but you know what we have to do?" She asked.
Naruto slowly removed himself from her and shook his head. Anko frowned slightly at the lack of warmth, but answered anyway, "We keep on keeping on."
She watched as Naruto's eyes lifted up to the sky. "That doesn't make very much sense."
Just staring at the young man in front of her she shook her head and chuckled, "No it doesn't does it?" She felt bad not being able to give better advice, but Naruto interrupted her.
"But I get it. I understand if even just a little." His gaze transferred over to her. Naruto looked almost older to Anko. Even if it was just in the smallest of light she could make out the man he would one day become. She wondered if this is what Lord Jiraiya had always seen in him.
"I'll keep on training. I'll work hard and never give up because that's my ninja way. That is the will of fire that my sensei left me." Conviction solidified in his blue eyes. "And there'll be times where things get tough again, where I feel like just stopping…"
Naruto stood up and offered an outstretched hand to Anko. Smiling devilishly she grabbed it. "But I have to keep on keeping on." Naruto finished with a small chuckle gazing at Anko. He was still sad and a part of him was still angry. But for now he was okay. He knew how to deal with it because that was the life of a ninja.
Anko laughed and as Naruto watched he gave the woman a small smile. He didn't fully understand why he felt so connected to this woman, but it felt right. He felt a kindred spirit with her and the blonde for some reason trusted her explicitly.
Lifting her hands above her head Anko stretched. "Fuck! I'm tired. I'll give you props kid; you're not as weak as I thought you were." Naruto scoffed refusing to rise to the bait. Anko dusted herself off and then began to walk away.
Turning around she gave once last glance to the blonde, "You're gonna do some big things little fox, so try not to fuck up okay?" With one last smile the wily woman disappeared and Naruto was left alone quietly grinning.
He didn't know how she did it. It was like going from one high to another. At one moment he can barely control how angry and sad he was and now he was smiling after a woman he barely knew. Naruto shoved his hands in his pockets and yawned.
He was tired. His body ached and his mind was raw. Sitting back down he didn't think it was a half-bad idea to just sit and meditate for a while. Jiraiya's lecherous face popped into his head and Naruto smiled. He would miss the person he considered a father.
Looking at the stars he felt his eyes flutter to a close. "But I'll make you proud Ero-sennin. Believe it…"
One Week Later
Naruto forced his eyes open as Kakashi carried him. His body felt like a bag of weights and he couldn't seem to focus. Kakashi kept saying words to him, but Naruto barely heard. Even still a small smile tugged at his lips.
"You've gotten heavy." Kakashi commented. A dry laugh erupted from Naruto's mouth and the jonin smiled. His student really had grown. Walking back to the village Kakashi could only wonder where the little boy he knew three years ago had gone.
"Hmmm..." Naruto hummed. The jonin sped up as they neared the edge of the forest. In his final fight against Pein Naruto had pulled through. He had pulled through when no one else thought he could. Naruto had done the impossible.
The village was in sight or at least what was left of it. When the cheering hit his ears Kakashi grinned under his mask. His student really did deserve it after all.
Naruto looked up surprised. "What?" He said confused.
"Welcome back!"
"We knew you could do it!"
A sea of people amassed before the duo's eyes and Naruto could only gape. They erupted into cheer and shouts.
"They've all been waiting your return." Kakashi said to his student proudly. Letting the boy climb off his back the jonin watched as Naruto stumbled up to the mass. Running up to the blonde he was bombarded with praise and questions alike.
And Kakashi couldn't help but laugh at the look on his student's face.
"What was the enemy like?"
"You're so cool!"
"Are you hurt?"
Naruto was shocked and scrambled in embarrassment. "Hey, hey don't push!" The blonde yelled sheepishly, but the smile on his face showed he didn't mind. "Come on now!" Laughing he ran away and towards the group of his friends waiting for him.
"Naruto!" Everyone clapped him on the back and congratulating him. Sakura hugged him, and Hinata was smiling happily. Kiba and Chouji were grinning ear to ear while Shino and Shikamaru just smirked. The rest of the Rookie Nine were close behind them.
Eyes traveling the sea of people he saw one person at the very back of the crowd that caught his attention.
"Anko…" He stared at her as their eyes met. Everything else faded out of existence and it seemed like it was just the two of them. She smiled at him, her eyes lighting up her face and Naruto reached out to her only to be pulled away.
"Hey!" He shouted out at the offenders, but his blue eyes never left Anko's hazel. "Come on now guys!" Anko still smiling shook her head laughing. Turning on her heels she began to leave. There was no real reason to be there any longer. One thought did cross her mind as she walked away.
"I knew you could do it gaki."
"Anko!" Naruto called out. He watched her as she faded from his sight. "Anko!"
"I never even got to say thank you…"
A/N: Updated as of March 6, 2014
I just went back and corrected a few mistakes so I didn't change too much. For those that are reading this though let me know what you thought of the story. I am always up for reviews, critiques and advice. I sincerely hoped you enjoyed it.
Iron Legends13