Hello welcome to my first multi-chaptered story! I have another one but its a one-shot and not tied to this story at all! so lets get on with the show!


Dean and Castiel, two different who boys didn't know each other well and are the complete opposite of each other, are in for an adventure. See I'm not happy with the way things are. Castiel Novak the wide-eyed boy in love with reading, tv shows, and never leaves his computer alone only to go to the bathroom, get food, and school. Castiel has "no life outside the internet" as Gabriel has so kindly put it. Always on tumblr blogging and making friends from other parts of the world. Sure Castiel has friends at school but not all of them get the whole internet thing. Sam Winchester,Becky Rosen,Meg Masters, and Garth Fitzgerald the IV would sit around the lunch table and basically made sure he was stuck in his bedroom all day although Sam would stay at Castiel's house and blog all night or Netflix shows they had watched already. The group of friends would go out and chat and laugh and Castiel would enjoy himself he really did but no matter what he would always sigh with content at being back home with his laptop (Usually having to get through Gabriel and Dean's latest pranks).

Dean Winchester on the other hand was the popular boy at school. All the girls (and the occasional boy) would giggle and hoped to be the next girl on Dean's list. Gabriel and Dean were every teacher's nightmare duo (Sam and Castiel on the other hand were every teachers dream). Dean was a good student he just slacked off a lot and Gabriel was no help on the homework front either its a mystery how they became juniors on track but hey miracles do happen. Gabriel Novak was the prankster of the two although Dean did enjoy taking part in the pranks he wasn'wasn't the master mind behind them. Rumors have it that if you piss off Dean you better watch your back because Gabriel will have your sweet ass sooner or later and you better hope sooner. Now if you were Castiel and Sam well Dean and Gabriel would test out the pranks on you and both would say "its a bit of brotherly fun". Now what happens when Castiel and Dean meet properly instead of just hey and hows it going? How will Sam and Gabriel react or are they to involved in something else to notice? Lets just say: Mischief Managed