Disclaimer: I do not claim to own anything from J.K's or Tolkien's Universes.

Chapter 21 – A Broken Company

Thorin and Hermione slid down into the throng of dwarves packed tightly together. Unfortunately they lost their footing when they landed and ended up toppling over. Wailing and muffled voices drew closer to the opening but were soon blocked out by the sound of a horn booming in the distance. The dwarves looked at one another surprised by the sounds of a small battle raging above their heads.

Hermione lay flat on her back feeling a sudden aching in the back of her head. It was then that she realised the indecent position the two of them had landed in. Thorin lay above her, baring his upper weight on his forearms as he hovered over her still shocked from the fall. His lower body however was pressed against her every curve. Hermione could feel his hot breathe brush against her cheek, goosebumps raised over her body, causing her to flush in embarrassment. She looked over his shoulder to avoid his intense gaze only to see an orc falling through the entrance hole. Out of instinct Hermione clenched her legs on either side of Thorin and flipped him so fast that he had no notion it was happening until he looked up to see Hermione straddling him at the same time he heard a loud thud to his right. Thorin had difficulty drawing his attention from the woman straddling him, but soon turned his head to come face to face with an orc. Hermione's hands were on his chest holding him down when he jerked away from the orc on instinct, he wondered at her strength for such a slight being, as he barely budged.

"What I would give to trade places with you right now uncle," Fili said looking suggestively at Hermione. Kili chuckling at the furious glare that Thorin was giving Fili. This snapped Hermione, who was staring at the dead orc, back to reality. She all but jumped off of Thorin, dragging him up with her by the front of his shirt, and then walked over to Bilbo who was staying at the back of the group, her head down with embarrassment. Bilbo offered her a small smile, thinking it was highly improper of Fili to say something like that.

Thorin pulled the arrow out of the orc for inspection, "Elves." He sneered tossing the arrow aside. Bilbo noticed Hermione stumble back a bit and looked at her with concern stepping closer, she put a hand on his shoulder and mouthed to him that she was fine. Only moments later he could feel her weight pressing down on his shoulder. He watched as Hermione reached her hand to the back of her head. Her eyes rolled back with the motion for a moment before revealing her now blood soaked hand. Bilbo & Hermione looked over to the orc, seeing a slightly bloodied rock laying just above its head.

"I can't see where the path leads. Do we follow it or not?" Dwalin shouted from a narrow opening at the back of the cavern.

"Hermione," Bilbo began as Hermione started to stumble back again, grabbing at her bag desperately.

"Follow it of course!" Bofur answered and pushed his brother along. A collective grunt of agreement echoed in the cavern, even Gandalf nodded. "I think that would be best." He muttered.

"Hermione?! Gandalf…" Bilbo called in distress drawing the entire company's attention, some even drew their weapons at the distressed shriek that came from the hobbit. Gandalf turned just in time to catch Hermione before she hit the ground, her bag open dropped to the floor. He slowly lowered her, withdrawing his hand from the back of her neck to discover it covered in blood.

"What happened?" Gandalf's voice was dripping with concern.

"I don't know, she just began to stumble backwards and then we saw the blood. She tried to get something from her bag but then she collapsed. I think she hit the back of her head on that rock over there… Will she be ok Gandalf?" Bilbo shot out in one breath flustered with worry. He looked to the others for conformation when Gandalf didn't answer but they were all just looking at Hermione while Gandalf placed some bandaging around her head with a pad to absorb the blood, which he acquired from Oin's basic medical supplies.

"There is nothing else I can do for her here. We have to move on and quickly." The urgency of his demand was clear in his voice, so without a word Thorin scooped Hermione up in his arms and marched into the hidden passage. Bilbo reached down to grab Hermione's beaded bag before scurrying after the company.

The path twisted and grew narrow but it was still wide enough for each dwarf to pass through, though Bombur and Thorin had to shuffle sideways on a few parts. Thorin not wanting to cause Hermione any more damage. He knew it was his fault she was hurt, he was the one who landed on her after all. He had to be strong and get her to safety where Gandalf could help her, but Thorin had a growing suspicion that Gandalf wouldn't be the one helping her.

The path curved out into the open along the side of the mountain. Bilbo looked down at the valley bellow with utter awe spread across his face. Hidden within cliffs stood an elvish city, stretching up along the mountain side, with a great waterfall bring fresh water into the centre of the iridescent city. The light of the sun made it appear as though the city was glowing.

"The Valley of Imladris." Gandalf said, coming up from behind Bilbo, "In the common tongue it is known by another name."

"Rivendell." Bilbo sighed. He had read many tales of its beauty, and spent hours in the woods of the Shire looking for the elves of Rivendell, but he never thought he would be lucky enough to see this mystical city in person.

"The Last Homely House east to the sea." Gandalf said while leaning on his staff. Thorin had caught up by now, unimpressed by their new surroundings but didn't stop for fear of Hermione's health. Hermione was light as a feather, as dwarves, although short in stature, make up for it in strength. He moved on ahead of everyone not wanting to be slowed down by dawdlers anymore.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy?" He walked up passed the wizard growling in frustration taking the lead as Hermione's face was paling by the minute.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." Gandalf tried to calm Thorin's thinking of Hermione's rapidly deteriorating state.

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." He shouted back at the wizard as he stomped down the stairs. Hermione groaned a little in reaction to the sharp movements causing Thorin to smoothen his pace.

"Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered and a fatal injury that needs tending to. If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me." He shouted down to Thorin as everyone continued to descend down these odious stairs.

Once they had made it down the mountainside and into the valley they crossed over a stone carved bridge and found themselves in an open pavilion that lay at just outside the city.


The company turned in the direction of the voice. They watched a male elf with long light brown hair descend the stairs to greet them. As he approached Gandalf, he bowed his head and held his hand out in a welcoming manner.

Gandalf repeated the action to the elf, "I must speak with Lord Elrond."

"My Lord Elrond is not here." He answered curtly.

"Where is he?" Gandalf asked.

Before the elf could answer, the sound of a horn filled the valley. It was the same as the horn they had heard before. All turned to see a large party on horseback riding towards them.

Immediately the dwarves readied for a fight. "Hold Ranks!" Thorin shouted and they packed together tightly, weapons out. Bilbo was pulled into the centre, next to Thorin who was holding Hermione close to him, arms rigid. Thorin felt agitation at not being able to draw his weapon, the creases in his forehead deepening making him look quite fierce. Bilbo could see the blood seeping through the bandaging and knew that wasn't a good sign. Bilbo attempted to get Thorin's attention to inform him but he was so focused on the elves surrounding them that he didn't notice the hobbit at all.

"Gandalf." The leader called to the wizard with a smile.

"Lord Elrond, Mellon-nin." Gandalf bowed to the Lord of Rivendell responding in the elvish tongue. Elrond responded in the same manner as he dismounted his horse. He paced over to the wizard and the two shared a friendly embrace.

Then Elrond turned and starred straight at Hermione, "She is badly injured," he began before saying something in elvish to the guards. Who then approached Thorin, arms stretched out for Hermione.

"Get back!" Thorin growled at the guards stepping back allowing Fili & Kili to stand in front of him protecting Hermione.

"I can heal her but she is running out of time, please let them take her to my healing ward." Elrond said calmly looking Thorin straight in the eyes.

"Thorin, Lord Elrond is right. She needs their help." Gandalf huffed impatiently. Reluctantly Thorin gently placed Hermione into one of the guard's arms. He watched them carry her away out of sight before turning his attention to the elf in front of him.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain." Elrond said.

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin's voice was cold with distrust, his hands rested on his battle axe.

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled Under the Mountain."

"He made no mention of you."

Elrond said something to Gandalf in elvish before disappearing in the same direction Hermione had been taken.

The elf that had originally greeted them had returned. He faced the company before addressing them cheekily in elvish.

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?!" Gloin growled lifting his weapon at Lindir the elf

"No Master Gloin." Gandalf shook his head and grinning openly, "He is offering you food."

The company all hesitated when the elf offered to show them to their rooms, all of them were looking in the direction the guards took Hermione. The whole company began to walk after Elrond but Gandalf stepped in front,

"Relax dear friends, she is in good hands. Trust me she will be in much better health when you see her tomorrow." Gandalf was faced with 14 pairs of glaring eyes. Most of the dwarves realised, after seeing her injured, that they had become quite fond of the witch. "She will need to rest. I will check on her first thing in the morning to see if she is up to having visitors." Gandalf left no room for argument in the tone of his voice.

The dwarves huddled together in a small group meeting before they followed the elf without complaint to their rooms. The rooms they had been 'assigned' were all adjoined to a medium-sized courtyard where the dwarves decided to set up camp instead of sleeping in the elf sized beds. They all went to wash up just before they received an invitation to dine with Lord Elrond, an offer they refused.

"We will dine with Lord Elrond when our company is whole again," Balin said firmly to the messenger who wasn't taking no for an answer, before he shut the door in the elf's face. Elrond had offered the company a place at his table, and housing for an undecided time period.

Dinner was uneventful and dreary that night. The dwarves were accustomed to meat-based meals so when they received their elvish supper which didn't consist of any meat their moods went from dreary to downright miserable. Bilbo quite enjoyed his meal it was a nice change from the weeks of gruel for dinner that he had endured but he wasn't able to fully enjoy the experiences as his mind kept drifting to Hermione. In fact all the dwarf's minds kept drifting to Hermione.

"Do you think she will be alright? She looked so pale, almost white even…" Ori whispered into the silence.

Ori looked to Oin when no-one answered, "She lost a lot of blood which is dangerous and it being from a head injury the risk is even greater." Oin answered Ori very slowly letting his words sink in.

Fili's body began to shake with worry. He hadn't truly realised the effect Hermione had on him until he saw her unconscious. The little witch had somehow weaved herself into his every thought. At times he had caught himself watching her as they journeyed. There was just something so alluring about her. She was strong willed and determined much like dwarven woman are, but her genteel beauty placed her above the dwarven woman that he had once considered beautiful. Fili always had to be 'Fili the next in line for the throne', not just Fili, but he felt like he could be himself around her as they joked and chatted with his brother to pass the time. His stomach felt heavy with despair, not wanting to even consider the consequences of her injury. Kili could see the distressed look upon his brother's face, he rested his hand on his brother's shoulder. Silence once again followed.

"Gandalf said he would check if Hermione wanted visitor first thing in the morning so we best get some sleep. That way we may visit her before breakfast." Dwalin stated while looking to his leader for conformation, but all he received was a slight nod.

Besides Bilbo who chose to sleep in a bed, everyone slept on the ground around the makeshift campfire, all except Thorin. He sat himself on the windowsill looking at the bright moon unable to sleep, his mind was troubled.