DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or Hellsing.

Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing lay in her bed, aged and weary. By her bed stood Alucard and Seras, with Alucard silently watching while Seras spoke to Integra.
Alucard stepped forward, patting Seras on the shoulder as he leaned over Integra.
"Alucard. Hellsing has only one possible heritor. He lives in Surrey, Little Whinging, his name is Harry James Potter. We kept a close eye on our distant relatives, and he is the only one remaining. His father, James Potter, was connected to us very distantly."

As Integra started to shy away from Alucard, he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"There is no need to feel saddened, master. I will find the boy. You can rest knowing that. Your family legacy will continue. I can and will do this for you."
Integra faced Alucard once more.
"It is hard to believe you have not aged a day since I first met you, Alucard. Nor has Seras, but you are far older than she. I almost envy you at this point."

Alucard fell to his knees beside her, instantly looking sad.
"Do not envy me, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. To my eyes, age has made you truly beautiful, a picture of the true beauty of humanity. You are more beautiful and full of life than I have ever been, or ever will be. Farewell, my beloved master. Integra Hellsing."

Seras felt tears fill her eyes as Integra's remaining eye went blank, her life finally over. Alucard closed her eyes, smiling sadly as he regarded his master. "I hope we meet again, my master."

Harry James Potter hit the floor of his cupboard hard, looking over his bleeding nose at his tormentor and cousin, Dudley Dursley. Dudley then hit Harry once more, breaking his glasses for the thirtieth time. As Dudley was about to attack again, Aunt Petunia's voice sounded from the kitchen, calmly calling Dudley. Dudley walked into the kitchen, wiping Harry's blood off his fist.

Harry wiped his nose, and started to stand. He looked up to see Dudley standing over him once more, fists clenched, having obviously only spoken to Petunia for a second. Suddenly, a hand appeared from nowhere, gripping Dudley's wrist and pulling the delinquent off balance. Dudley screamed, and Uncle Vernon charged in. Vernon was horrified to see an arm wearing a red sleeve and a white glove simply sticking out of the wall and holding Dudley.

Everyone started as Alucard stepped out from the wall, baring his fangs in a smirk. He threw Dudley against the wall, and turned to smirk at Vernon, who had just readied a rifle that he kept in the house. Alucard started to advance, ignoring the bullets Vernon put into him. Deciding that this monstrous creature was here because of his "freak" nephew, Vernon turned the rifle towards Harry, who had pushed himself into his cupboard to try to hide. Seeing his new master in danger, Alucard reached Harry in an instant, tossing Harry behind himself and springing into action. The entire Dursley family had suffered a bloody death within moments.

Harry stood up from his bed, heading out into the mansion. Beside his door stood Seras, the girl he had come to regard as a sister. He sometimes found it hard to believe she was almost a hundred years old.
"Any news, Seras?"
"Yes, sir. A letter arrived for you today, addressed to one Harry James Potter Hellsing. It has a strange insignia on it. A coat of arms with a badger, a lion, a snake and an eagle."

Harry opened the letter she handed to him, finding a message that told him he had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Harry turned to regard Seras.
"Is this a prank?"

Alucard's deep voice suddenly rang out behind Harry, causing him to jump.
"Oh, it's no prank, master. Hogwarts is very real. Your father was a wizard, but he was murdered by another wizard named Voldemort. I myself have eaten several dangerous wizards in my time, so I know exactly what Hogwarts is."

Harry casually tossed the letter on the nearby table. "I wish you wouldn't appear behind me all the time, Alucard."
Alucard smiled, leaning down into a nearby chair. "Are you going to go to this school, master?"
Harry shrugged. "Why would I? I have responsibilities as the head of the Hellsing family. I can't go running off to learn how to do magic tricks."
Alucard smirked. "You could go. If there was a problem, I could come and get you. Myself and Seras can easily handle things here. It's not as if we have any enemies who could pose any real threat. The Iscariot's Hienkel Wulf is a hostile one, but she's an insect."

Harry prepared to light a cigar, when Alucard smirked. "Now what have we said about you smoking? You're only eleven years old. At least wait until you're fifteen."
Harry rolled his eyes, dropping the cigar and the lighter.
"Alright, fine. I'll go to this school, and I'll leave the cigars at home. I just hope they teach me something useful, rather than pulling rabbits out of hats."