
This is a little something I wrote for Monstrous Promts on tumblr. The mod comes up with a suggestion, and the followers write/draw something inspired by it.

This text takes place right before MI.

Randall Boggs runs from his fans

"Gabby, darling! Smile!"

The dark brown monster`s face was completely covered by the giant camera, and her daughter was crying her eyes out.

Little Gabby was in the hands of mommy`s biggest idol, Randall Boggs, the second top-scarer at Monters, Incorporated; they had met him at the mall, and the mother-monster had somehow managed to talk him into taking a picture with Gabby.

"Will it be much longer..?"

The purple lizard tried to cradle the crying monster he was holding on to, but she obviously wasn`t too keen on that. Randall held her with all four of his arms, and had to use some actual strength in order not to drop her;

"…I`m not very good with kids..!"

"I just need her to smile for the picture..!" The mother made faces in her daughter`s direction, which she supplied with fart-noises. Randall rolled his eyes as he let out a huge sigh; this was so humiliating, other monsters were actually giggling as they walked by.

Just then, after taking a look at the passing monsters, Randall spotted someone familiar, someone he really didn`t want to see him in this situation; Sullivan and Wazowski were heading in his direction.

Sullivan was laughing and smiling, waving to the children who called out his name; the top-scarer was a very popular monster.

"Why isn`t anyone making him hold on to their crying, dirty brats for a god damn picture?" Randall thought to himself. Then he started panicking; he had to get out of there, he couldn`t let the two of them, particulary Wazowski, see him like this – the cretin would probably make fun of him for all eternity.

"Come on Gabby, give mommy a smile now..!"

"Ummm, lady..?" Randall whispered to the monster with the camera;

"I`m sorry, but…I kinda need to go now!"

"Please, just a little longer, she`s about to smile, I can tell..!"

The lizard looked down at the girl, who was still kicking, screaming and crying; then he lifted his gaze to look at Sullivan and Wazowski, who were moving closer by the second; then he placed the kid on the floor, camouflaged and ran into the crowd.

He crashed into others, tipped things over and even tripped and fell over at one point. But he didn`t care; the only thing on his mind was to get the hell away from the parent with the camera and her screaming daughter, no matter the cost.

He didn`t stop running until he reached the exit; he took a moment to catch his breath before leaving as he re-appeared. That was when he discovered that he didn`t have his bag.

He thought about where he could have misplaced it for a little while, but was interrupted by an all too familiar voice;

"There you are..!"

Randall cursed as he turned around and looked up at the face of one of the worst monsters he knew, James P. Sullivan. The big, hairy jerk was standing a couple of meters away from him, holding onto something;

"You forgot this!"

It was his bag. Randall accepted it without meeting the other`s gaze, mumbling athank you.

"Don`t thank me, I`m not the one who found it! This lady discovered it on the ground!"

Sullivan stepped aside and revealed the camera-mother with the screaming daughter, who was standing next to Mike. She was smiling with her entire face;

"You left in such a hurry, Mr. Boggs, but luckily I managed to find you again! And these two gentlemen helped me!"

"Great…" Randall muttered.

"And I can hardly believe my luck!" The female continued;

"I`m actually standing here with the two best scarers in Monstropolis; will you please,please take a picture with little Gabby and me? Maybe you will take the picture?" she added, looking at Mike.

And before Randall knew what was happening, he was standing between the mother and Sullivan, with screaming Gabby in his arms, looking at Mike, who yelled "smile".

Haha, that was it xD

I plan to write more "tumblr-fics", and they all will be published here. It's a good way for me to keep my stuff organized;)