Pairing: Light Prowl and Bee, nothing bad, no adult content. No fluff either, just hints at it.

Series: 'Transformers: Animated!'


It was a normal day at the Autobot base. Prowl was in his tree meditating, Bumblebee was playing his game, and Bulkhead was painting. Optimus was on monitor duty, as usual, watching for any strange news reports or alerts from Captain Fanzone about anything relatively suspicious. Prowl had fallen asleep meditating again, but everyone was oblivious to it. Everyone except Bumblebee, who just beat his game for about the thousandth time. Or more like Optimus turned it off, because he said it was too loud for his liking. Poor Bee was one level 4998. He had been playing for two weeks straight, and Optimus decided enough was enough. Just two more levels, and he REALLY would have beaten the game, getting the cool cutscene and prize-code at the end. This really ticked Bumblebee off, so he decided to go check up on Prowl, and maybe annoy him a little bit. Bumblebee, knowing Prowl had went into stasis while meditating again, decided to have a little fun. He quietly sneaked into Prowl's room, and shut the door behind him, so no-one would know that he was in Prowl's room. Using his rubber-padded pedes, he sneaked at a slowish pace, (to Bumblebee it was slow), and crept across the room. He gripped the tree using his digits to dig into the tree bark. Then he wrapped his legs around the tree and used them to slowly creep up the tree to the branch Prowl was on. 'Man, he sure is high' thought Bee as he made his somewhat painful, and scratchy journey up the tree. Prowl was nearly at the top of the tree, or at least as high a bot his size and weight could go. Being familiar with his antics, and knowing what Bumblebee was capable of doing to him when he was on the ground, he found, what appeared to be, a safe haven high above it. But apparently this just amused the little yellow bug, for he just chuckled as he climbed, sparking his urge to prank the poor mech now not too far above him. 'Just a few more...' Bee thought as he continued to scoot further and further up the tree. By now, he was just over two-and-a-half stories up in the rather large tree, the trunk getting thinner and easier to climb. Bee was a mere two branches away from Prowl, when, BANG! Bumblebee jumped, frightened, gasping when he realized he had let go from his hold of the tree he was latched onto. The tiny branch he was holding onto for dear life snapped from the weight being held underneath it, and Bumblebee fell and hit the ground with a disturbingly loud CLANK! and he went into emergency stasis lock with a nasty dent on the back of his helm, along with a shattered windshield, several energon-seeping cuts from the branches, and a nearly disconnected arm, it only being held onto him with a few small wires, and it was sparking like crazy. Prowl was extremely lucky compared to this, getting woken up from his deep-for-Prowl recharge, and nearly meeting the same fate, if not for his ninja skills. Catching himself on a nearby branch, landing on his pedes so graceful it looked like it was intended. So far he was unaware of the little VW bug that landed beneath him... until he looked down.


"Oh, frag!" Shouted Ratchet as some highly unstable isotope he was working on fell from his grasp, falling straight to the floor with a loud BANG!. Lucky for him, he had jumped to the side before he got blown sky-high, and it had just busted a few test tubes and put a big black mark on the floor, something he had decided to get out later. He heard a tiny clank from a few rooms down, and deciding it must have been nothing, he came out of his hiding place to look at the spot where the chemical had hit the ground, hoping for at least SOMETHING to salvage. Having no such luck, and with an angry tone, he cursed, "Why the frag can't this Pit-spawned experiment show anything conclusive?! I do everything correctly, but this stupid piece of slag liquid refuses to yeild results!" His anger suddenly diminished when he spotted what had just come through the medbay's door. "No..."


Now how's THAT for a first chapter? It may be a little bad, but trust me, way more talking and such will be up in the next chapter. This is my first ever fic. I wrote, so please be gentle with the comments. Also note that all I have is the 'Notepad' and I don't have a beta, so some things may not be accurately spelled. Also note that this story is old, and back then this was my very first story, so the beginning is a bit rough. It gets better, don't worry. I promise. Ideas welcomed for later chapters. So long, farewell, until we meet again!~