Hello my lovelies! So sorry this has taken so long. Classes started up again, so things have been a little crazy around here. Enjoy!

The prayer from Sam is clear as day: Come here. It's Dean. Hurry! I quickly search for Dean's side of the link, but it's eerily quiet, and something inside me lurches with panic. He wasn't planning on going on a hunt today, and all week he's seemed preoccupied, but I can't even imagine what's happened. I locate Sam quickly, landing in front of him. He's wearing a dark suit, but not the ill-fitting one he wears on cases, and there's a flower tucked into his pocket. When I look around, I see that we're in a forest, but Dean is nowhere to be found. "Sam? What happened?"

"Dean needs you," he says simply. "This way."

I frown, but follow him, anxious to find out what's wrong. He stops at the edge of the trees, nodding ahead. I look where he directs into a small clearing, finding Dean standing in the middle of it in a light grey suit. He doesn't look hurt or distressed, but his wings twitch nervously. Sam nods again, and I cautiously walk forward until I'm standing in front of him. He smiles, reaching out for my hand and squeezing it. "Dean? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he assures me quickly. "I just needed to talk to you." I glance back at his wings, and he chuckles. "It's hard to keep control of them when I'm nervous."

I stare at him for a moment, trying to understand. "Why are you nervous?" I ask finally. "What's going on?" Out of the corner of my eye I see Gabriel touch down lightly beside Sam, and then Hadriel, all three of them dressed similarly, and all of them smiling.

"Cas, do you remember when I asked you how angels agree to be mated?" I nod, still frowning. "Well, I know you said they don't really have a way, but the thing is…we do. And I figured I would show you…how humans say yes."

Slowly, he sinks down to one knee. I watch him curiously as he pulls a box out of his pocket. "Cas, I…you know how hard it is for me to talk about feelings. But I also know that you want to be sure I'm ready before you do this, because you care about me. I know how much you've sacrificed and done to make me comfortable. So I figured this way, you'd know I'm sure." He opens the box, and a sliver band gleams up at me. "I've been thinking about it a lot, and…Yes, Cas," he murmurs. "I'm ready. I love you. I want this." His wings fold back, in full agreement with this decision, and I watch as he slips the ring onto my finger.

He looks up nervously, waiting for my reaction, and I smile, gently pulling him up. "You're sure?" He nods. "Okay. Then I have something for you too." I reach into my pocket, pulling out a small box of my own and showing it to him. He reaches out, lightly running his finger over the small engraving of wings. "I've been…researching your traditions," I murmur.

He laughs, putting the ring on. "I love it, Cas." I grin, leaning in to kiss him softly, ignoring the cheers from the small audience.

"I'm glad. I hoped you would."

He smiles, kissing me again. "So?" he says when he pulls back. "Are we doing this or not?"

"Right now? Here?" I chuckle. "I may not be the best at romance, but I'm better than that. We've waited this long. We can wait until we get somewhere more suitable."

"More suitable?" he asks, raising his eyebrow.

I nod. "You're not the only one who can plan. We're going on vacation. Let's go."

I tug his hand in the direction of the bunker, but he stops. "Woah, wait a minute. Right now? We can't just up and leave. I have to at least…pack or something."

"Actually, you already packed," Sam grins.

Dean frowns at him. "Were all three of you in on this the entire time?"

Sam laughs. "Go have fun. We'll see you when you get back."

Dean chuckles, shaking his head. "Well then, I guess we can go right now." I nod, wrapping my arms around him and spreading my wings, pulling us both into the air. "Not going to poof?" he asks curiously.

"We could, but I remember how much you liked flying. Besides, we're in no rush."

He smiles, holding on tightly and watching the earth move underneath us, his wings spreading wide beneath mine, flapping occasionally in the wind. When we get close, I tell him to close his eyes, setting us down carefully in the sand. He falters at the soft footing, looking around with wide eyes at the beach and the large house. "Cas, this is…it's beautiful. Where are we?"

"An uncharted island in the tropics," I answer. He stares at me for a moment, and I flush. "I wanted us to have a place for ourselves."

He grins, hugging me tightly. "It's…awesome. Really. Can we go take a look around?" I nod, leading him into the house and showing him around. He grins at me. "It's really a shame that we're probably going to destroy this place before we're done."

"I have a feeling we will," I chuckle. "Don't worry, I'll put it back together for us."

"So what now?" he asks. "Do we…?"

I smile, pulling him down the hall and out the front door. "No. first, we go take a walk." He raises an eyebrow at me, puzzled, and I grin. "What? You always say you like long walks on the beach."

He laughs, following me down to the water's edge. We walk quietly for a little while until he sinks down into the sand. "Hey Cas? You said you've wanted this for a long time, right? How long?"

I consider it carefully. "Well, I suppose my grace has known since I pulled you out of hell. Maybe even before that, depending on if you believe in destiny or not. But it wasn't until I was human that I really understood what I felt and how much I need you. The worst event of my existence was exactly what I needed to make my life complete."

He nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, I know what you mean. So, this place is totally deserted, right?"

I nod. "No one around for miles, or on any of the surrounding islands. Just us."

He grins, leaning over to kiss me softly, carefully pulling off my coat. "Then I don't suppose anyone would mind if we got a little more comfortable."

I smile, pulling his shirt over his head as his fingers fumble with the buttons of mine, his lips teasing along my neck. As he straddles my waist. I sigh softly, leaning down to kiss his shoulder. "Dean…"

"I know, I know," he chuckles. "You're just a hopeless romantic, aren't you?"

"Well one of us should be," I grin, pulling him down against my chest. "Although you might be taking that title from me." He blushes lightly, closing his eyes as my fingers trail along his spine. "I liked it."

"Yeah?" he murmurs, kissing me softly.

"Just when I think I've figured you out, Dean Winchester, you always manage to surprise me." I pause, watching him for a moment. "You're really sure this is what you want?"

He rolls his eyes. "Cas, how many times do I have to tell you? I know what I'm doing. I've made my choice. Why do you keep asking?"

"It's just…it's a big choice," I explain. "You can't go back once it's done. I don't want you to regret your decision later. It would kill me to see you so unhappy."

His expression softens along with his voice. "Cas…I'm not going to be unhappy. The only thing I regret is not telling you sooner. I want this. I've always wanted this. I didn't want to admit it, but only because…I don't understand how someone like you would ever want to be bound to someone like me forever." I start to argue, but he kisses me again. "I know, for some strange reason, you do. So I'm ready."

I smile, watching him for a minute before flipping us over so that he lies beneath me. "I'm glad to hear you say that."

He sighs softly as I plant soft kisses along his neck, his fingers running lightly over my ribs, groaning when I grab his wrists and pin them over his head. "Cas…"

I laugh softly, kissing behind his ear. "We only get to do this once, Dean. I intend to enjoy it."

"You act like I'm some blushing virgin or something," he chuckles. "Like we've never done this before." I grin at him for a minute, and his smile falters. "Wait…is there something you know that I don't?"

I consider it for a moment. "I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised." I kiss him softly again, licking at his bottom lip and letting a little bit of grace pass through me. He gasps, pulling back a little to look at me.

"Have you been holding out on me? Sneaky bastard," he laughs.

"Like I said," I chuckle, "We should enjoy it."

I continue teasing him on the beach, his skin warm with the sun, until neither of us can take it anymore. "Cas!" he whines. I smile, watching him for a moment before nodding and pulling him up from the sand and into the house. He sighs softly as my lips find his neck, slowly backing him towards the bed. "W-Wait," he manages. "Is this what we're supposed to be doing? Isn't it…sacrilegious or something? Like doing it in a church?"

I chuckle softly, pulling back enough to look at him. "Dean, there is nothing more sacred than this," I murmur, my fingers lightly ghosting over his ribs. "You are a perfect reflection of my father's divine creation. The fact that you are willing to share yourself with me this way is nothing short of miraculous." I can feel the dark resistance to my words building up in him, thick with fear and hurt. I kiss him hard to halt its progress. "Dean Winchester, you are perfect, and beautiful, and…worthy. And if I have to worship every inch of you every day for the rest of eternity to make you understand, then that's exactly what I'll do."

Slowly, the heavy feeling dissipates, and he smiles, flushing. "I think I could deal with that," he murmurs, pulling me down to the bed with him for a gentler kiss.

I spend a long time watching him fall apart, marveling in the beauty of it, watching his eyes flutter closed as I push in, joining with him. "You are incredible, Dean," I murmur, lightly stroking my fingers through his feathers as he gasps. "I could not be happier to spend eternity with you." He moans as my lips find the side of his neck again, squeezing his eyes shut. He doesn't see me spread my wings above him, but he must feel it, and his own feathers beat erratically against the bed. "Look at me," I command softly. He obeys immediately, his eyes wide, lit by the Grace in his soul for just a moment. "I love you," I murmur as my wings come down over his. A feeling like lightning sparks through me, and I watch it reflect in his eyes, feeling him tense under and around me before everything becomes a blur of light and sound and feeling, my grace shifting and changing under my skin. I hear a voice cry out, but I can't decide if it's mine or Dean's. It feels like eternity before I open my eyes again, the surface of my skin still humming with energy and the light scent of burning in the air. It takes a minute to focus, but I can feel him trembling, though his eyes are closed and he doesn't seem to be breathing. For a moment I panic, thinking that perhaps I was wrong, that his body wasn't strong enough to endure bonding, but my Grace surges up to reassure me. It's different, still shifting and unsettled, but I can feel him there.

Lightly, I stroke his cheek, feeling him take a breath as his eyes flutter open, the spark of Grace in them stronger now. I watch him for a moment, worried, before he grins, pulling me down to kiss me softly. "Fuck Cas," he manages, laughing breathlessly. "You didn't tell me it was going to be like that."

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I ask hesitantly.

He shakes his head hard. "No, I'm fine. Better than fine. God, I love you." He closes his eyes again, his arms wrapped tight around me as he takes a breath. "So we're mated now?" he asks finally.

"Yes. You're mine, and I'm yours. Bonded forever."

He grins lazily. "I was always yours." He sighs happily, looking up at me. "I can feel you now."

I nod. "I can feel you too. It will settle a bit, I think, but we'll always be able to do that."

He smiles, glancing around the room and giving a low whistle. "When I said we were gonna destroy this place, I didn't mean it quite so literally." I follow his gaze, chuckling at the destruction we've caused. Even the edges of the curtains are singed, little wisps of smoke still coming up from the furniture. I set everything right, and he chuckles. "That's going to come in handy." I shift, and he gasps softly. When I look at him questioningly, he smiles. "You're still kind of…" he gestures, and I look down to where our hips are joined.

"Oh…sorry," I murmur, starting to move back.

His leg hooks around mine, keeping me in place. "Don't worry about it," he grins sheepishly. He pulls me down hard against his chest, and we stay quiet for a while. I close my eyes, listening to the steady beating of his heart. After a while, I press a soft kiss over his heart, and he groans.

"Don't worry," I chuckle. "I have an idea I think you'll like."

I gently pull him up, smiling as he presses close, following me outside. His eyes light up at the hot tub set into the porch, and he grins. "Can we?"

"Of course," I smile. "Why don't you get in? I'll go get us some drinks." Dean frowns, but nods, and I gently lift his chin, kissing him softly. "I'll be right back." When I return, wine glasses in hand, I set them down carefully before climbing in. Dean shifts over, pressing up against my side, and I smile, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into my chest. He frowns for a moment, taking a sip from his glass. "Something wrong?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Sorry if I'm a little…clingy."

I smile, pulling him into my lap. "You know I don't mind, Dean. It's natural, especially with a newly-formed bond. I want to have you close too. It translates this way because my Grace is…dominant, in a way. Your soul wants to be under my protection."

He nods, sighing softly. "It's going to take a while to get used to that."

"It just means that you don't have to do everything alone anymore," I remind him gently. "That's all. And it will calm soon. For now, let's enjoy our vacation."

"We can stay here?" he asks, suddenly excited.

I chuckle. "Of course we can, Dean. Did you think I created this place just for a few hours?"

He grins, pressing his cheek against my chest. "I love you, Cas."

"I love you too, Dean."

Well there you have it, folks. Please remember to review! It makes me happy :)

