As you wish

Chapter 5

It had been three days now and Sammy's curse was really taking it's toll on me. Feed me, Dean. Wash me, Dean. Read me 'Goldilocks and the three bears' for the millionth time, Dean. I was going to lose my mind. Now don't get me wrong, I love babies and caring for them is like second nature to me. After all, I've had to act like a parent/brother to Sammy my whole life. Still, I missed Sam, the real Sam. The sasquatch book-worm who would steal all the hot-water during his shower and annoy the hell out of me. That was the Sam I missed the most and honestly, little brother's were supposed to be pains in the backside anyway, right?

To top it all off, I hadn't seen Cas since two days ago at the diner and I was starting to get worried. Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm allowed to be worried, he's my friend. Seriously though, had I really pissed him off that much, yesterday? Maybe I should apologise.

Wait. What? Hell no!

I have nothing to apologise for. I'm the one who should be pissed off right now. Cas was the one who was interrogating me with riddles and storming off like a moody teenager. If he wanted to hide in his angel bedroom and sulk, then that was fine by me.

Grabbing my phone and tossing a glance over my shoulder at Sammy who was transfixed on the TV, I call Bobby.

"Who's this?"


"Hey, Dean. Is ya brother, alright? Don't tell me I've got somethin' else to worry 'bout now."

"Yeah, yeah...he's fine. Well, if by fine you mean he's thrilled by the sight of the friggin' teletubbies, then yeah. Not to mention Cas has gone AWOL."

"Suck it up, Dean and stop mopin' around."

"Gee thanks for the support."

"Well, complainin' ain't gonna do ya any favors. Besides, I might'a found us a cure."


"Yup. There's a spell that seems to crop up a lot in the pagan texts. Light three candles and place them inside a circle. Then, gather up some rosemary, mandrake and a lock of Sam's hair and place it in a chalice or bowl in the centre. Chant 'Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cura.' three times then light it up."

"And you think that'll work?"

"Y'know I can't guarantee it, son. But it's our best shot."

I sigh, dragging the back of my hand across my forehead. I really don't want to mess the situation up anymore than I already have. What else could I do though? The spell was all we had. "Alright. Thanks, Bobby."

"Don't mention it, kid. Now go 'n get your brother back on his feet." he adds gruffly.

"Literally." I mutter, but Bobby's already hung up the phone.

"Sammy, I'm gonna grab some stuff outta the Impala, 'kay? Just...stay here and don't cause any trouble." I tell him, slowly and clearly, as if he had a clue about what I was going on about. Then, I step outside the motel room backwards, my eyes still transfixed on the baby whose sight was now glued on the small TV screen. When I turn around though, I almost jump out of my skin as I find Cas just standing there, right in my face which makes me lose my balance. Thankfully, Cas reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me back upright.

What happens next though is friggin' crazy. No, it's damn right insane. Cas doesn't just catch me, he pulls me real close so our noses are almost touching. I inhale sharply. Then, gripping my collar, Cas closes the small gap between us, pressing his surprisingly soft lips clashing against mine. My body tenses in shock but it soon relaxes in response. Then much to my surprise, I kiss him back hungrily, feeling his tongue run lightly across my teeth. Woah, what the hell? Where did he learn that?! Then almost instantaneously, my mind catches up with my body and I finally realise what is happening and I push him away roughly. My face flushes furiously and I don't dare to make eye contact. "Dude, what the hell was that?" I snap, my heart beating painfully against my chest from the exhilaration. I was not going to admit that it was the best damn kiss I'd ever had.

"I read your mind. You have wanted this for a while."

"I'm not gay, Cas." I spit back, swallowing nervously.

"Technically I'm neither male or female. I'm an angelic entity."

"I don't care about that bullshit. Your vessel or whatever is a dude."

"Would you prefer it if I temporarily changed vessels?"

"Dammit, Cas! No!"

"But you kissed me back."

" I didn't." I stammer, feeling my face grow hot.

"Why does it matter? I like you Dean and I know you like me back."

"You're confused."

"I can assure you I'm not."

" you Cas but as a friend."

"Maybe I should come back when you feel like facing your true feelings."

"You don't know anythin' 'bout me."

"But I want to."

"Just don't, Cas. I can't deal with this right now."

"As you wish." he mumbles, his tone strangely softer than usual. I could have sworn there was also a twinge of sadness hidden under that bullet-proof facade of his. Then, as if he was never there, he disappeared, leaving me alone, guilty and confused...not to mention humiliated. Thank God Sam wasn't there to see me like this. Slamming my fist down on the roof of the Impala in frustration, I proceed to pop open the hood of the car and glance over the hunting equipment inside. Right, first things first, candles...candles...candles...Aha! I take out three candles and a sacrificial chalice. Next, I tuck some rosemary, chalk and mandrake in my jacket's pocket. There. Now I could finally sort out this mess. "Thanks baby." I totally didn't say that out loud.

I sigh with relief as I spot my nightmare of a brother in the same spot, albeit trying to walk over to me but failing miserably. He just kept falling over and picking himself up again. "Ten points to Gryffindor for effort, Sammy." I grin, placing the ritual items on the floor and scooping him up in my arms.

"Now, you're gonna have'ta sit still while I cut some of your...beautiful hair off." I explain, grabbing a pair of scissors from the bathroom then placing Sam on the bed. Kneeling to his height, I take out the scissors, ready to cause mayhem on his precious mop of hair. "Right, just sit still for me - Ow! Son of a bitch!" I yelp, feeling his small baby teeth chomping down on my wrist. "You little..."

Sam just glares at me in return. Are babies even supposed to glare? I think I can understand why Cas was so scared of him now. Cas. Nope, not going to think about him now. No way. No.

"This is for the damn witches ritual...I just need a teeny tiny amount, alright kiddo?"


"Well, that's just tough luck." I respond, carefully and ever so slowly approaching the ticking time bomb.

"Noooooooooo!" he shrieks, baby tantrum in full swing.

"Cool it, Skywalker. This is for your benefit." I explain, then with speed and skill I manage to cut a lock off his girly hair.

He just stares at me, mouth agape, eyes wide while I do my little victory dance. Sam can't believe his family, his own brother would do something so spiteful.

"Who's batman? I'm batman." I grin, holding up the lock of hair with pride.

Now time for the ritual. Kneeling down on the floor, I lift up the rug, drawing a circle out of white chalk. "Looks more like a seabear circle..." I mutter under my breath. Oh God, now I was quoting Spongebob? Damn kids' TV. This baby Sammy thing had to stop, it was ruining me.

Next, I grabbed the three candles and took out some matches, swiftly lighting each one. Then, I picked off pieces of rosemary and mandrake, chucking them in to the chalice before adding Sam's hair. "Here goes nothing..." I say, chewing my lower lip nervously.

"Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cura...Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cura...Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cura..."

Chucking in a final match, the concoction bursts in to monstrous blood-red flames. Freaky. I turn around to face Sammy, who was just looking at me with a confused expression on his face. "Are you kidding me? It didn't work?" I yell, kicking the chalice over with my foot, oblivious to the transformation that was happening behind me. "Don't worry Sammy, I'll figure somethin' else out." I sigh.

"Figure what out, Dean?" a small voice speaks up, making me spin around in shock.

What had he done to deserve this? Well, this is just peachy.

A/N: Thank you so much for the previous reviews and favorites, it means so much to me. I really hope you've enjoyed this chapter. (Yay Destiel finally!) And I hope the cliffhanger wasn't too mean