Hey, guys! Sorry about the long wait, but I have a life too! I just don't do much with it. Anyways, here's the first chapter!


Hamato Donatello sighed happily as he listened to the sweet sound of silence. Leo wasn't watching that silly new show of his, Raph wasn't killing the training dummy or arguing with the previously blue-masked turtle, and Mikey…


No matter what's going on, there's always at least a bit of noise coming from the youngest turtle unless A: he wasn't there(highly unlikely, though; he had seen the orange-masked turtle on the way to his lab just three minutes ago); or B: he was planning to prank or annoy one of the others.

And since he heard no angry yells from the rest of his family, that only meant-


Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"What?" the brains of the four asked in an annoyed tone, staring at his younger brother.

"…I'm bored."

Donnie nearly face-faulted at that. "Well, why don't you go bother Leo or Raph?"

"Leo's meditating with Splinter, and Raph said that if I bothered him, he'd rip me from my shell and do things that would make Shred-head shake in his boots."

A tick mark appeared on the older brother's head. "How is he even going to do that…"

"What's that?" Mikey's question quickly made his head turn, only to see that he was messing with that strange device he had taken on one of the turtles' Kraang hunts.

His eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed the machine from his brother and held it up high so he couldn't reach it. "Mikey, I don't even know what this thing could do! For all we know, it could kill us!"

"Oh, come on! What's the worst that could happen?!" his brother countered back, reaching up in vain to try and grab the device. "I hate you so much right now."

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm so ta-" he was cut off when Mikey swept his feet, causing him to tumble down, before jumping on him in another attempt for the device.


Don's eyes widened at the sound. "Mikey, what did you do?!" he exclaimed as the machine started to give off a white light.

"Me?! I didn't do anything! You must've done something!"

The two would've argued further, had the machine not completely bathed them in the white light.



"Did you hear something?" Leo asked as he opened his eyes.

Splinter opened his eyes as well before sighing. "Leonardo…I sense that one of your brothers did something very, very stupid."

Leo paused for a moment before shrugging. "Must be Mikey." With that, he closed his eyes again.

Splinter stared at the door for a while longer before sighing again. He hoped that the spiritual disturbance he felt was just one of the Raphael's wrathful soul taking its anger out on something.


Don opened his eyes groggily, staring at himself, much to his surprise. He didn't have a mirror in here as far as he knew. At the same time, his reflection opened his eyes as well, giving him the first sign that something was very wrong.

Last time he checked, his eyes were not blue.

Tell me we didn't…

They stared at each other in silence, Don noticing another flaw in the fact that his supposed "reflection" appeared to be taller than him, but it was when he spoke that he realized exactly what was wrong.


That was not his voice.


We did.

The two stared at each the for exactly three seconds in shock before doing the only thing they could thing of.



April sighed as she stretched, hoping for a good night's rest. She paused for a second, listening closely, before shrugging and laying down on her bed. But she could've sworn she heard screaming coming from the sewers…


Well, what do y'all think so far? Review, and happy holidays!