The Third Path : Originally by Reid Phantom

Please note that I, Sorenalice, adopted this story from Reid Phantom and the first two chapters are written by Reid Phantom. Thank you.

This is only AU in the fact that Phantom Planet did not happen. Everything else before in canon stays the same. This is the prologue and is an excerpt from a fake book. More information will be given in later chapters.

I do not own Danny Phantom, If I did, Phantom Planet would not have happened and Danny would have told Valerie his secret sooner so that they could be together. Plus, this would have been season 4 (and we would have been way past this point already)

An excerpt from The Hidden Tome of Vezichari

When a human dies, there are three paths the freed soul can take. Most are sent straight to the After. However, some stay behind.

There are many reasons that could leave a soul tied to the earth. This tie is important though, because it dictates which of the other two paths the soul will take.

A soul that is tied to the human plane by dark magic or evil, or selfish reasonings will become a demon and is sent to the Ever. Demons often develop an obsession, usually involving something to do with their ries, and will do anything in order to satisfy their obsession. One should always be careful when dealing with demons. The majority of these creatures are as evil, selfish, and vain as their ties. Although there are some demons that have released their dark ties to become "good", they will continue to remain on this plane, as their souls have been blocked from the After. These Demons, referred to as Spirits, hide away in the far areas of the Ever, known as the Eternal Realms. Only spirits that are bound to an area within the human realm will remain outside of the Ever, but even these Spirits will remain hidden from humans. This is one of the reasons why many believe all demons are evil.

Demons are easy to spot amongst humans. They normally have skin tones of green, blue, or gray shades. They can also appear in the form of animals or living shadows and their eyes come in green or red. Their eyes glow with hellfire and some are surrounded by an aura that is an obvious tell of being not of this world.

The third path is the rarest. The souls that follow this path are held in the human realm by pure, selfless ties. They are often considered to have an obsession, like demons, only possessing a selfless obsession with protecting the innocent. They are often worshipped as deities in other lands because of this. These souls live amongst humans on the human plane to better protect humankind. Although they often set up specific territories that they guard furiously, they will allow others of their kind in with open arms and will travel outside their territory when they believe they are needed. During their first two years, the souls will develop abilities similar to that of a demon's basic abilities; which should be invisibility, intangibility, and plasma rays. The soul will also be less dense in its makeup, allowing it to fly. The next powers gained will be the Wail and a section of the soul's elemental power (such as developing river, sea, or ice if the soul's element is water). When the soul reaches maturity after the two years, it will once again become more dense and lose its ability to float, but its maturity will also bring new abilities (which are different for every soul), full control of their element, and a different means of flight.

Before maturity, these spirits resemble humans in skin tone and form, but only that far. Although they posses a glowing aura, it is not as obvious as a demon's and may even go unnoticed to the unfocused eye. Their hair may come in any shade imaginable, though most predominate is black or white. The creature's eyes are the most fascinating. They shine with the same glowing energy that appears for their plasma rays. When they gain an elemental power, their eyes will shift colors to follow their element: red for fire, blue for water, green for earth, or silver for air. The color of the soul's eyes are never the same color as their element, but instead often follow the color of their destined mate's element. Once the spirit reaches maturity, the aura is brought to its full glow and their true form is revealed. Wings of the same color as the soul'd hair will blossom from its back and grow to reach the tips of the soul'd hands.

These souls are often called saints, guardians, or angels.

Bet you can't guess where this is going XD

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