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Operation: Heavy Stone

Chapter One: Checklists and Intrigues

In the darkness a voice called out, "Wolfram Unit 14/2T1 activate." From the nothingness of oblivion came light. Not a light in a literal sense, but recognition, understanding, awareness. Lines of code appeared.

System activation initiated... System active! Now the real light appeared as did the sounds and the feeling of touch.

"So that's a Wolfram Heavy Combat Unit. Sure is big boss."

"You probably won't see another one for the rest of your life, Ted, being they're illegal and all."

Beginning cursory diagnostic. Scanning... No errors detected, Boot successful! Activating Sensory Auto Adjust. The light and noise dimmed to within acceptable parameters and the world came into sharp focus.

"How did the Doge get one, boss. Fully stocked and customized even. Polarizing tungsten crystalline alloy armor and endoskeleton, advanced molecular processors and threat assessment software, still state of the art. And to top it off, a 20 to 50 adaptable caliber rail gun, plasma thrower, and rotary gauss anti-personnel guns. It's not like he could steal a museum show piece without anyone noticing, much less a rusting mothballer, not that he can rust."

"It's not my job to ask where he gets his toys, Ted. All I care for is that it works. Broken tools tend to get you killed in our business."

Movement detected! Locate unidentified targets. The visual sensors transversed left until figures came into view.

"Boss I've been meaning to ask you, about the mission..."

"No you can't know the details, by space! If I didn't trust you as much as I do, I'd kill you, first mate or not!"

Unidentified targets acquired! Identify targets. The figures changed as the visual targeting system analyzed light from deep into infrared to high ultraviolet. The audio sensory system analyzed the pattern and intensity of the approaching voices, footfalls, heartbeats, and breaths. Olfactory sensors picked-up the chemical traces in the air. The results were carefully matched to the database.

"But boss, you know what the loonies will do to us if they catch us prowling around their space! I got kids after all."

"Ted you haven't seen those brats since the job we pulled on Vesta. And ain't likely to after your old lady found out what you did on Earth."

Targets identified! Human male, approximate age: 31, health condition: good. Human female, approximate age: 38, health condition: good. No weapons detected. No interference devices detected. Threat assessment: minimal 2. The male eyed the female with an expression.

"Ha! I told you that Elly could peep minds, she's part loony after all." The man told the woman with a grin that Unit 14/2T1's facial expression file indicated levity.

"Shame that didn't come up until she had you ironed. Pull up the pod's specs and get the computer ready for a full diagnostic, I'll handle the big guy. Lucky for you she's the forgiving type, not that she'd ever forget mind you."The woman replied with a tone Unit 14/2T1's audio recognition file registered as levity as well. She approached the console next to the combat unit and inserted a data card. New code appeared in the unit's cyber mind, taking control of its systems.

Diagnostic software recognized. System ready! Beginning systems check, sensory hardware connection.

"I'll work my back into her good graces, you know she loves me!" The man's tone was un fazed.

"Loves you granted, but only tolerates you so often. Watch the drop telemetry, we only get one chance." The woman's tone continued to suggest a good-natured sarcasm according to the files on hand.

"I know, I know boss, this isn't my first drop. I have been working for you for six years, or have you forgotten?" Irritation now registered in the man's voice. As the combat unit's processors continued systems checks, a sub-processor made the connection. Human female unit is designated Boss.

"I wish I could forget, your first drop especially! You cost me a quarter ton of platinum." Unit Boss' tone was unchanged.

Sensory hardware connection verified! System 100% operational. Beginning systems check, power generator distribution.

"And I paid you back, plus interest. In fact, if you could add up all my contributions made over the last six years it's no wonder you made me first mate. Without me you be running a seedy bed and breakfast out of this flying hulk rather than top notch pirates. " The man's voice lost irritation and regained levity.

"Ted how many times must I correct you! We are not pirates, we are mercenaries in general, and as of right now privateers for the Doge. Powering up the Lucius Plasma Cannon for diagnostics." Unit Boss' voice became defensive. The sub-processor made the next connection. Human male unit is designated Ted.

Power generator distribution effective. System 100% operational. Beginning systems check, Lucius Plasma Cannon. Diverting 12 mega-joules of power to Lucius Plasma Cannon.The magnetic coils began to hum slightly as power ran through the superconductive loops. A small wisp of charged gas was released into the field and began to heat up. The magnetic fields spun the gas faster and faster, heating up until it glowed. Just before the plasma reached critical energy, the magnetic fields slowed it down and reabsorb the energy. Lucius Plasma Cannon generation effective! System operational within recommended parameters!

"Yeah, yeah I know the whole 'we're different because a legit boss signs our paychecks' bit, but I know you believe that legal crap less than I do. Landing thrusters are green and mean." Unit Ted waved off the tense element in the woman's response, becoming distracted by his work.

"Whatever. Lucius Cannon is powered up, begin test sequence. Just get your numbers right, the Doge is counting on our delivery, and lunars will be only half the problem if we fail. You ever hear of Commissioner Cordon?" Unit Boss turned to look at her companion, the facial expression files indicated that the raised eyebrow displayed genuine inquiry.

"Wasn't he the head of the mining and transport agency between Ceres and Earth?" The tone of Unit Ted's reply was more or less than certain.

"Good you remember your history. Lucius Cannon checks out, powering it down, switching main power to the Herald Rail Gun. Beginning diagnostics. Yes, he was the head of that agency, that is until he ran afoul with the Doge. Now he is half way out to the Oort Cloud, but not before he suffered..."

Beginning systems check, Herald Rail Gun. Diverting 12 mega-joules of power to Herald Rail Gun.The first magnetic rail coils charged quickly and transferred power to the succeeding coils faster than a bullet. The process repeated again and again within a fraction of a second. Data from the gun's performance was recorded and compared to the diagnostic numbers matched. Herald Rail Gun coils synchronized! System operational within recommended parameters!

"Yeah boss, on second thought I don't want to know, what he went through or how you know all this. Let's end this conversation before I find myself in the Oort Cloud. Telemetry is good and the retro thrusters check out." Body language files suggested that Unit Ted waved his hands rapidly was in disgusted apprehension.

"I thought you might say that. Herald Rail Gun is green. Checking the servo joints. What are you going to do with your fee, buy Elly a Copernican diamond? That might appeal to her sense of ancestral nostalgia." The tone of the conversation returned to jesting.

Beginning systems check, servo motors. Begin with feet servos. Checking systems... The sound of servos whined ever so slightly as the motors sparked to life. Feet servos operational within recommended parameters! Switch to ankle servos. Checking systems... The pattern continued all the way up the android's massive bulk, ending with its head. As the servos continued whine softly during their tests the man and woman carried on their conversation.

"Ancestral nostalgia! If Elly knew I was risking my neck around Luna, she'd do me in herself. Pod coatings are good. Not that a Copernican isn't a bad gift in of itself, but I'm looking into the long-term. Something that will be more than show, more than you can hold in your hand." A cord of seriousness crept into is tone.

"The joint servos all check out. I am loading the final sequence of target data. And what, by the solar wind, could be that be?" Unit Boss sounded curious.

Target program requesting download. Command code identified and confirmed! Beginning download of target data and mission parameters.A final series of program code scrolled into view. Files regarding maps of locations and images of people flared into existence as the unit's processors scanned each one into memory.

"A new home for all of them." Unit Ted's answer was decisive.

"All of them? Every one?" Unit Boss was stunned.

"You're surprised! I have had two kids with her after all. She'd never leave her family for me. I guess I got to hitch myself to them all." Unit Ted's tone became rueful.

Target data and mission parameters download complete! Beginning download of Infiltration 9 software...

"But to tie yourself to the Loonie habitats of Vesta, might be bad for your rep. And if your rep suffers my business suffers!" Now Unit Boss sounded irritated.

"That's why I'm getting a new home for them elsewhere. They can take only so much harassment before the fists start flying. Don't worry boss, I'm not going to do anything drastic until I'm ready. Your business is safe with me, as is the pod's check list. I'm done." Unit Ted gave a sign of relief and signed off his console.

Infiltration 9 software download complete!The river of data slowed to a trickle.

"Good! Just about finished with the big boy's jack n hackware. So where is this new home? Eros, Hygiea, Pallas? Don't tell me you're thinking of Mars. Upload and scan complete he is ready to go. Putting his system on Stress Hibernate." Unit Boss finished typing a new code into the console and signed off. Systems shutdown code Stress Hibernate recognized! Initiating hibernation... "Well I was thinking..." Wolfram Unit 14/2T1 didn't hear the rest, because everything went black.